my lvl 8 (archer i think) was played like 2 years ago oh its chinnese i feel so stupid oh well thanks for your help
did he just asume the mod did not read the starting post?
simple fix dont fly
ok so whats the problem going rediculasly fast isint that considerd a good thing considering most people get annoyed that its going to slow
wow man that must suck bought a computer with no drivers oh well look up "dell inspiron 5160 laptop driver download" it may not be free but im shure you will find something
no rikku i have not i am going to give it one more try and then i will try useing my friends computer to download it onto my flash drive
ichigo_k does the k stand for kurosaki off of bleach (yes im sorry for posting off topic but question alredy anserd
are you like one of those monks that do nothing but meditate but instead of meaditating you play pwi instead
maybye they were jelous of your millions of gold and awsome items i wish i chould get millions of gold my install clint doesent evan do anything
well if he is anything like me he cant use ccontrol alt delete mine does nothing
i have tried turning on and off fire wall updateing directx and everything else on the instalation and patching problems
wow that is th stupidist thing i have ever heard no offence but really being banned for logging in thats just the dumbist thing ive ever heard
bump plz i relay need help
above message is correct but i wil ancer anyay awarness lvl=player lvl unless inhanced by a pot or skill(this is reserch i have not been able to play for like a year i no for a fact there are a skill not shure about pot but anyway) stealth lvl=player lvl unless inhanced by skill or pot (again reserch and not confirmed) if…
i have not played it scince my installer does not work but the reserch i have been doing says that it is slow untill lvl 34 when you get blood paint and then you become faster killer than barb or archer
so long run sin alright thanks alot as soon as i get the installer to work i will make and play one
sorry for secend bump i just need ancer if you need any more info i will be glad to provide
so at lets say lvl 10 ho could kill the most monsters in about 10 minites archer assasin barbarian venomancer
wow consider yourself lucky when i click on the installer thing nothing happens absolutly nothing ive redownloaded 12 times now (yes i am determined to play this game again i want to play the assasin)
bump plz help