Ehmber - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I don't care what anyone says, XP SP3 is the Titanic of service packs, no joke. I'll bet apples to oranges that if you were to reinstall XP and only download and install SP2, you'd be fine.
  • Do you experience this with any other internet based games or programs? If so, then it's something on your side, like your modem, router, isp, etc. If not, then it may be a setting. You can also check this by doing a traceroute from the command line. Start > run > cmd > tracert then hit enter At…
  • Okay, there's a couple of things that you can do in order to fix this. 1. Head over to Nvidia's site so that you can download and install the latest drivers for your card. That should (key word = should) fix the issue with you being under water and not seeing your hair. I had the same issue and that fixed it for me. 2. As…
  • Can you not just mail it to your other character? Or are we talking about the other character being on a different server? If not, why not try turning the pet into an egg again and just writing an in game email to your other character attaching the pet egg to it and sending. It'll take an hour to get there but it should…