Departed - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I'll always chose a book over a movie any day. Movies are limited by time and content regulations. certain rules have to be followed for movies and some things just aren't possible in movies. Books on the other hand are more like guided imagination sessions. the details are provided for you but you own thoughts flavor the…
  • I hit rather hard on my cleric but i'd rather debuff and heal the squad for 90% success rate for the things that i do rather then attempting to join in on DDing and more then likely getting people killed. (there are times that i do allow people to die for being stupid...) I went demon for the speed and extra power to boost…
  • Common chat is white text from other players in the same area as you. World chat is yellow text to the entire server regardless of player position.
  • the developers would need to create waypoints or path nodes to allow the player to navigate around objects. the current auto path feature is a quick and dirty version of what some of the other pwe games use. PWI's autopath is best used in fight mode at maximum altitude. you don't have to fly at max height but you never…
  • I've given up on BHs for the most part on both my main and my alt. Only time i do any of them is because my beautiful wife asks me to come along ^^ (i'll start doing them again when she catches up to me. but until then i'll be abstaining from BH.) not only the lack of knowledge but the total disregard of suggestions and…
  • Cleric AOE grinding has too many limitations and conditions to work effectively for long periods of time. the constant drain of MP from spam heal and purify makes it a moot effort. Combine skill Chi cost, cool down and the over all time it takes to kill a group of mobs. your wasting more MP keeping yourself alive waiting…