Well that's why I chose the PVE server, so I don't have to worry about getting ganked ever. I refuse to play any open PVP games because I despise PVP with ever fiber of my being. I have no time to waste getting ganked and sure as hell won't tolerate losing gear for it.
Plain and simple, I do not have money to spend on an online game, especially not lots of money. I could afford maybe $15 a month tops, if I'm lucky. If this game ever gets to the point where I have to go over that in order to play the game normally, the game will have one less player. Still, I think people are just trying…
Can't farm 500 pieces? Watch me. :D
I, for one, don't intend to spend money on these "charms". I'll be good enough to play without them. I'll find other ways to handle things.
While I think there is too much griping since all the items are optional . . . The stats about the financial status of people in the United States is grossly off. The GDP of this country may be $45,800, but that is a misleading number because 99% of the wealth in this country belongs to the top 1% of earners. We have…
Good to know, sounds like I won't have a problem because skill comes fairly well to me. Hell, I was one of the best money managers I knew in World of Warcraft (never needed money for anything until I hit Level 70 and started trying for my Epic Flying Mount), and I'm pretty good at working with what I have and getting…
Maybe I'm just a newbie, but . . . Isn't all the stuff you pay real money for optional stuff that you don't even need to have to see the primary game content? Or are there actual game content limitations with this gold and zen stuff? What is the actual rate of $ to zen to gold? I can't find it, though it may be because I'm…
I was wondering this as well, I need the ones for Dexterity.
Thanks all! This community is a lot nicer than the other's too. :)
Yep, I'm on Heaven's Tear. Always been more of a PVE kinda girl. (lindseylewis here, I just finally figured out how to use the avatars for the forum.)