Cofari - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Barb's best defensive skill is also limited by form. In fact...ALL of the barb's skills are limited by form with the exception of 1 or 2. As for archers and barbs being OP verses clerics, that should be the case. Archers are kinda built to be cleric killers, but drop to other classes. Personally, in NW, I've watched a…
  • Ok, here is my advice: 1. Don't choose toons that are just for NW unless you are completely into PVP. The fact is NW is one part of the game so gearing solely for that isn't a good idea. 2. Choose toons that are on the same account who can share gear. I'd suggest going with 2 toons so you have some variety. Based on your…
  • Option 1 with the S3+10 weapon is the best. You have better def, a TON of more HP, and better damage output. In PVP it's highly unlikely that you'll triple spark, so 2.86 vs. 3.33 isn't that big of a deal. The massive difference in damage per hit of the S3 is going to more than make up for the slight drop in DPS vrs. the…
  • You are correct, the damage gap is the same, but the % of the gap reduces. Going from doing 10 damage to doing 20 damage is HUGE in the game when you're low level, a 50% difference between the high and low end. Going from 15,000 to 15,010 means there is no difference in the damage output. ...ok...let's do some math. Damage…
  • BTW low end damage drop of xbow vs bow is 9.7% reduction in damage (1300-1174)/1300 top end damage increase of xbow vs bow is 12.3% increase in damage (2737-2400)/2737 Even from a pure math perspective the loss in damage from low end hits from xbow vs. bow is less than the gain in damage of the same comparison. As for…
  • Sint, hate to say this, but you're either trolling or a moron. (actually I don't hate to say it) "Bow is the way to go because the only r9 option is a bow, you imbecile." Yeah, except that the thread was about sling vs bow vs xbow, meaning the OP was wondering about which was better for S3 Nirvy gear. Unless you're an…
  • I always laugh at people who say slings or xbows suck. This is very much a play style thing. Xbows have the highest single-hit damage output capability. Period. Slings have the highest attack rate. Period. Bows are in between. If you are a skill spammer in fights, Xbows will always out DD anything of same level/refine. If…
  • You don't have the way I say it as an option :( Rank 9 ==== Rank why the eff would you stop at the second cast when you spent millions on that one and it's pretty damn close to free to do third cast? ==== Rank finally a reason to clear that one damn quest in Warsong where you have to kill all the bosses.
  • It's pretty simple really: Farming + Merchanting the stuff that has the best returns. Before nirvy came out I used my barb to farm TT. Barbs got first pick back then so I always picked the items that were 1 mil+ and sold them. Back then, 1 mil was about 5 gold, so that's 5 gold per run. When nirvy came out I made my barb…
  • Probably the instance wasn't reset. Have someone invite you to squad and pass you lead. Same thing that happens in all instances.
  • I completely aggree, there is nothing left to do in this game. For example today all I did was: - * Ran FC with a bunch of randoms * Did Warsong metal a couple times and killed fire boss just for the fun of it * Ran a few Caster Nirvy runs on my wizzie * Ran a caster nirvy run on my sin using wizzie buff & apothecary just…
  • First, thank you all for the fun reading. As for some of the comments about us not attacking people like xWaRx (quoted above) and Drakon (like someone else said) take a look at the map. Drakon is on the other side of the map and we attacked xWaRx twice. As for last weekend, I will have to apologize, but I thought that…
  • Does anyone know where to buy the rank 6 chest piece? I had also heard there was rank 6 daggers. I can't find it in 1k.
  • Does anyone have infor on what the following is for 89 Trophy modes: What is the cape stats for the reward? Can you get a -interval cape? What is the level cut-off? Thanks all! :)
  • I have an idea for how to lower gold prices on each server. The idea may not have a massive impact until after Jolly Jones is done, but it should have an impact once the deman for gold stabalizes. The simple part of it is this: Everyone place bids in the auction house to buy gold for 120K. Gold prices are based upon what…