Chinami - Raging Tide Arc User


  • I always used an eldergroth marksmen or whatever they are, doing ranged attacks to kill him. Been a while since I've done him before. Don't know when a glacial can do it cause I've never tried with one, but the marksmen can do it somewhere in the late 40's if I remember right.
  • People are immature and look for any reason they can find to hate someone for being different. Watch when someone posts a thread saying they're high level and starting to get bored and hoping the company released more content. You can't believe the vicious insults a person asking for more content gets. In games that have…
  • Some of us like it, it's a fairly creative class with some fairly creative skill in an industry suffering horribly from lack of creativity. It's unique, a class that uses lots of parasites and beetles and stuff to produce magical effects rather than directly channeling magic. I like it, it's not something you see…
  • It has to do with altering something that exists to fit it to what the game needs. It's a word that doesn't translate well, nature is ok but not perfect, nor is wood, tree is close but still not perfect. It's traditionally translated wood but like I say there's just not a great way to translate it. The actual element has…
  • I'm by no means an expert on heavy armor builds but yulk you may want to look at the heavy guides. You can equip the latest gear but that's also what makes it horribly expensive, you get stat boosts on items to push you to where you need to go. You're correct in assuming with just the stats you get from leveling you won't…
  • This isn't good advice to give anyone because it's completely false. RPGs are still heavily dependent on math certain things are just simply inferior and don't work. For example go 5 vit every level and tell me it doens't fail. Simply put if something doesn't work you can't make it work. Now I'm not saying there's only one…
  • For general grinding psychic never gets hit. That's why mp regen is preferred, you save potions which means you spend less money on potions. Those stats have their uses, but for general solo grinding they're useless.
  • Often times non-healers are giving a slightly better heal than some equal heal on a healer because it's the only one they have which is in and of itself a limitation. Class balance revolves around the entire class, not a single skill. Wizard heal is nice, but as far as pure healing goes a lot can happen in the over 6…
  • They contribute by adding variety to the game. If every game stopped the moment every archtype was covered we'd have 4 classes(tank, melee dps, magic dps, and healer) and never anymore. After you have those 4 covered no matter what you add it's going to overlap into those areas. The problem is not that these classes don't…
  • I can't speak much about TW and pvp but for pve you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place. Even increased life mobs generally can't make it cause I just spark burst, they might land one or two hits if they're a ranged type mob. No normal mob my level can get an attack off if pulled from max range, even archers. For…
  • Pure mag is what I use(1str 9 mag every 2 levels) and it works great. Just work on apothecary skill and make mp regen pots, carry a regular pots as well and you're set. Any money spent on mp stuff is EASILLY made up for by drops(50k worth of potions gets me nearly 300k worth of drops depending on how much I sell on…