CharmingChu - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • My mystic hasn't had trouble with sins her level. With Level 10 Devil Summon it can stun them for 5Seconds. So... With -Chan gear you can effectively cast NV (devil will run in an stun) Spark, Rapid Growth, Absorb Soul and pop them while they're stunned. If they're stealthed you're just screwed but you would be either…
  • ^_^ don't lie in your thread and I wouldn't have to post. It's kinda funny, all I did was notify your faction leader. I didn't WC it or tell people or post on the forum. Lol, you came and outted yourself. I have a stack of teles, would you like me to really QQ?
  • I have a piece of paper I wedge the key down with. But come on, that's not fun o_O. Wedge a key down and walk off, come back to check mana and walk off again. That's not much of a game now is it? Taking a little time on a WB is more fun than just running dungeons over and over. But like I've said, it was his attitude that…
  • You are correct. But pets aren't subject to damage reduction. I was using a lvl 69 Eldergoth Sharpshooter and it took Azzazzin more time than you'd think to peel agro off of it... Until i started desummoning it. >_> It amused me to watch him die? An example is i started on that boss with the eldergoth before and got him to…
  • :D it's a lot more amusing than holding my finger on 1 button. I can't even stop to talk or herc is dead lol. And it's not 8 hours. He's a 3hr kill. Which isn't that bad to me cause i'll spend more time than that doing dungeons over and over and over farming.
  • Okay you have homework... Go to SH on your server, let him start doing his AoE stun. And try to manage to Rez your pet with Lvl 7 or 8 rez... idr. You're going to spend more time pet rezzing ( and failing ) than you will dps. xD why are you so heated over this? It's not even your server. And you obviously don't know what…
  • ROFL @ Get a Nix. Scorp can out do a Nix. Secondly, if you don't use a ranged pet, your pet is gonna get whacked in 1 shot. Nix can't tank that boss at lvl 80, I've seen that myself.
  • And really... I'm a veno with a hercules... The game is kinda boring to me... Lvl 79 I could solo Eden or walk through TT. Doing a WB was a challenge, yeah sure, it's not gonna whack me upside the head but I got to have fun with it. That's why we stayed til the end. Told your leader, cause you made your whole faction look…
  • :S So this means everyone needs to have 2 comps and dual client a 5aps Sin and a 90+ Cleric to make it in this game? xD And he WAS in PK mode on his sin, and we were gonna go PK mode for him but he switched back over to blue name lol.
  • I come from EQoA... Rules of engagement applied in that game and KSing was not tolerated. I'm slowly learning this game is a free for all. I wasn't mad about the KS per-say... It's the attitude he had... He just swoops in after 20mins "Hiya! Imma KS you" then at the end "I warned ya" and flied off... That urked me. So…
  • Ya know, I only read to page 2... I'm going to go back and read the rest of everyone's posts. I'm the leader of the squad he KS'd. Three of us were already there, had the boss set up. It was at 21.5m HP when he showed up... that's alot more than his 100k he mentioned right? We'd been at it for a lil over 20mins hence the…
  • I actually play PWI on a Macbook. I run it through parallels. It seems to work fine, the only issues I have seem to be related to the Macbook's poor ability to keep itself cool.