CatGirll - Sanctuary Arc User


  • thx for asking these things, i'm in the same situation right now xD
  • my cleric was lvl 14 when i deleted her because of her mana problem,i'm not telling you to do that but i just didn't have the patience for all that ****(so i started veno ^^) anough abt me, f u'r sisters problem is that she dies so often in a party then i have a simple idea that might work: fly mana recovery goes slower…
  • if you ment flodder for quest at pet skill manager, then u'r in for a rough ride to start, you don't have to look for flodder but for hay, its a pretty rare drop if u'r low lvl but i heared lvl 30 monsters drop it pretty much(i didn't check because my higher char is lvl 22 atm =/ )
  • aww, i really wanna dodo bear but i'm on other server b:cry do you have a char on sanctuary? i can pey but not tho full shop prices tho =/ there are guys asking 1.2mil for dodo bear!! thx for u'r time( btw my char's name is CatGirll,i'm online pretty much)
  • spawn time changes every time they spawn (they spawn 12 hours after they die, so if there's no1 to catch them they only die in abt 20 or something time that and then the time of next spawn has changed my 20 mins =/
  • i was wondering if anny1 could send me link to =) and btw, i have a ''snow hare'' and ''tabby plumdrop'' but i don't use them =/ (not enought pet bag space). i'm trying to catch dodo bear for 3 days now but every time there come like 10 veno's to catch it b:cry and i don't have enough money to buy one =/. if anny1 has a…
  • perfect site to find rare pets =)
  • i gotta tip for ''tabby plumdrop'' i'm gonna take a look and if its true, i'll post it here =)
  • its not in the list b:shocked but it must be rare! it was lvl 23 and it was between lvl 18 monsters it was way to strong to be a normal monster ( it had some sort of vampire skill(i lost health and she gained health)) i'm gonna w8 till it respawns again and I'll keep in touch with you guys wish me luck( again) xD
  • srry for all the messages but I just spotted a rare pet i never heard of b4 ( lvl 23) I wasn't high lvl enough so i asked guildmate tocatch it for me but she got it killed b:cry the place i was it was 493, 927 i'm on my way to auctioneer to see or its in the list wish me luck xD
  • I have a ''snow hare'' ( lvl 20) that I don't use so if anny1 is interested and if anny1 know the spawn place of ''cuddly pup'' or ''tabby plumdrop'' plz tell me btw, can we pm each other if we're in another server?