your right its the first attempt, however a chance purge proc DOES NOT COUNT as an attempt if it did not actually proc the purge. Logic op. Still waitin for bug fix.
bump /5char
sylen can you give us the full lay down similiar to this thread on the feasibility and as a result a scale of possibility from 1-10 on a server transfer stone? This would effectively solve the same issue and give pwi money in the process if said person wishing to transfer wanted to. I would assume the only major database…
i have a reasonable question, why don't the people who are actually in charge of pwi, like you know the people that can actually make stuff happen and call china (obviously higher than the gms) acutally use these forums? I mean product management 101 I would think that they would benefit greatly if thye actually read…
It doesn't matter if it is tedious, it is possible and its a route that pwi must soon explore they are losing people much faster than gaining (if even gaining at all). The biggest reason why is because the servers are not as active are as they use to people and people are getting bored. When those people leave, more even…
one has happened and it was a big one. There is ample proof that this can be done and honestly more are needed. The game whether pwi admits or not, (i mean just look at their news post and their desperate attemps to get more people to join back to the game lol) is dying. The biggest cause which they dont' realize is…
bump for justice and acknowledgement from a gm that this is being worked on. b:surrender
Sweetiebot please open 20 War Avatar Pack S Sweetiebot please open 20 War Avatar Pack S Sweetiebot please open 20 War Avatar Pack S Sweetiebot please open 60 War Avatar Pack A Sweetiebot please open 60 War Avatar Pack A Sweetiebot please open 60 War Avatar Pack A
equi cost on my server.... Sweetiebot open 20 War Avatar S Pack Sweetiebot open 60 War Avatar A Pack
when you as a magic class can't kill an endgame heavy armor class you might have to stop and consider dieties being an option, its honestly not that bad. If I ever really hit the grindstone and farm out full +12 and G13(is that right?) shards, then i'd probably go +28 def lv and +20 attack lv. With the new expansion i'd…
- A Real Coconut- - Advocating Realistic Cashflow - Always Repressing Consumers - A Reality Check - Also Really Cheeky
anyone have a readable and sensible translations of hte new primal skills for sb? The pastebin **** is like unreadable/makes little sense.
reading your post just gave me cancer please actually do research before you spew lies and non-sensical information. Pwi is still their cashcow, and their most played game after netherwinter. Also if you've ever been on a chinese server you'd know that this is literally the premier game in china its like the american…
when you say next week you mean tonight or in a week?
maybe it should affect stormies would be awesome
Hey blueimage, sparkie and surtr don't seem to like to answer important eta questions so i'll try you maybe. Are you guys aware and have an eta for the r9rr and G16 weapon molds fix along with the text fixes for the stormbringer bracers mold and the fact that all the new r9 3rd and 2nd cast rings have "GM" on them?
Surtr are you able to fix drop tables without china's help? The r9rr and 3rd cast nirvana weapons are all already in the encyclopedia database, so therefore in the game files already, however they are definately not dropping. It would be almost trivial it is so easy to fix that just copy and paste the files and edit the %…
hey Surtr, is the final boss in warsong (The Incarcerate) being fixed so that he correctly drops the new G16 and r9 weapon molds?
bump cause i hope you fix this stuff during tonight's skill releases!
i disagree with this because I for a fact have won the raffle twice since it started like 4-5 months ago. I won it one time about 2-3 months ago on my wizards, I put 20 in that time. And i won it 2 weeks ago on my stormy when i put 10 in. So yeah its very possible just be lucky?
great news. Can you do this in the future? As in tell us a week before for updates? Edit: with the sage/demon skills next week does that also include the morai, lv 79, and lv 100 skills?
Hey sparkie got an idea for you. Just like every other game in existance you guys should open up the test servers to a few very experienced pwi oldies to help and speed up the testing process on the beta servers. Every game i've ever played has done with and have alsways been effective. This is a way that the player base…
this is pathetic, honestly. Its been 2 and a half months and your company can't fix tws, the multitude of glitches and text errors, or even finish the rest of the expansion that china had finished 3 weeks after the initial release. we are almost 2 month behind our 3 month behind schedule and pwi has by now lost their…
So many wrong things.... 1. you can't use 100 crazy stone until lv 100 2. Weekly abba 1.6m also cannot be used under lv 100 3. Morai jades can't be "stacked" theres a max of 20 per day PER ACCOUNT 4. Morai is 95+ not 70 5. cube xp scales. 6. many orbs can't be used after reawakening check to make they can be.
Harshlands has at minimum 350 r9 3rd casts.... where is 30-40 comming from? Also r9 3rd cast alone means nothing. having full set of a/s cards and other end game gear is just as large of a factor as well. Thats why it could take 5 r9 3rd casts just to take out 1 other one.
if you are a truly completely free player, aka never spent a single cent then your case will abide 100% by the ToS, however if you ever EVER paid even a single cent even if it was 5 years ago you are a coustomer and therefore protected by the United States fair trade regulation. These are federal/state laws that make the…
This happens if you deal a very large amount of damage and he lives for anywhere between 5-10 seconds he will instantly regain his health, however if you can kill him in under 5 seconds he will instantly die without regening his health back to full. To do this you need the right squad comp and a couple people that can deal…
so hey sparkie got a bright idea for you, why don't you make a simple program that will check when the servers are down and alert you instantly... it really wouldn't be that hard, would take 10 minutes max to program something like that...
Its my bad i hit something for a couple 10s of mill and the server overloaded.
so uh..........................................