Axxxel - Sanctuary Arc User


  • ive been playing since january 2009 and yes it was a long time ago lol i just have a crazy long term memory span XDb:thanks
  • ya know i think ive met you and saitada on server before lol believe it or not i think u helped me on my fb a long long time ago. it was either 19 or 39. wow small world. i think i met saitada while catshoping although we didnt talk ut yeah lol i remember too many things to be a normal personXD
  • whoa alot of good repies thanks a bunch guys. i can come out of hiding now lol
  • Please anyone correct me if im wrong but how would pwi staff really find a issue with someone altering their character with a software? its just for appearance right? i mean sure if they were hacking their stats that should be reported right away but appearance dosnt make them any better in game that you are (unless theyr…
  • I do have a suggestion about the lag. how bout instead of completly abolishing the cat shop how bout making a grand exchange? like a huge building where ppl can come and type in what they are looking for and could instantly find if someones selling it or not! and if u wanted to make the lag even less. forget the building…
  • well to be quite honest i managed to make 120m during my anni pack buying. but as i said mam those are just my thoughts. thank you for your thoughts as well
  • First of all i gotta say that thanks to the anni pack alone i have made 10 levels this week. second the economy of anything never seemed to bother me much cause ive always gotten more money as it went higher. so in my oppinion if your gonna change them then just lower the price on them in the cash shop. that might lower…