Karma is just Karma on HT (we've never been listed on pwi info for some reason, lol) our leader is BEASTisBOSS. o/
ROFLMAO Oh god, you're killing me. Listen here son, the result would've been the same without lag, and trust me we had plenty of dcs (I myself dced completely from Arc and couldn't even log into arc -I'd get a "login time out- kinda message for at least 30 minutes if not more) and my whole squad was dealing with 6k + ping.…
Usually the things one does "for fun" end up being the best pieces, and no artist wants to waste their work, specially if it's beautiful. The issue here is that PWE would own anything we post, be free to redistribute it and commercialize it. I was about to submit something very valuable to me, so I'm glad this came up.…
WHERE is the RegFix tool that used to be available on ? Now the link is broken, I wanted to make Arc on my desktop recognize the game, so it doesn't force me to download it again, and I can't, the integrated repair tool didn't fix it...sooo please make the…
LOL Known XD
Soooooooo can this ^^^^ guy get banned now? Blatant confession and all...
If I were the new CM, I'd grab my skirts (and my sanity), and run like hell after reading this thread XD Welcome to pwi, we ARE a very vocal, very demanding community so brace yourself!
*stares at the sexism on this thread* f:stare
The Admiral coat comes in pure white (my hubby got it) dunno about the other.
So, you're taking away the DQ points system, and you killed their in-game value...why don't you just openly admit that this game is pay to play already -.-
And here I thought you wanted to sell your own name...but I guess you're awere nobody would want it, that's why you go for people whose names could get sold since they're so much cooler than you b:chuckle
I posted here ages ago >.> So thought I'd add more fashion stuff that I have collected over time I got the Chiffon Dress in that color and found that the butterfly shoes I had sitting in my fash bag matched it pretty nice XD (I use the hair too although it doesn't look too good on my toon :<) I came up with the second…
what's this talk about breaking the veno instance? D:
12 hours? O.o your math is off >.> And hopefully this doesn't curse the thing and really make it 12 hours D:
OMG you could be anywhere >.> Scary b:shocked
Kya b:heart One of the rare occasions when I get home real early and server is down, may aswell spam this thread with you guys now b:chuckle
I think my character hates me already, I'm the worst owner she could've ended getting b:surrender
Half of the spamm here is from fellow guildies o.o O-hai fellow faction members b:cute Sweetiebot please analyze this thread :o
Oh, it's not your posts that have suddenly gone quiet...just the posts of other people who were quite active just a few days ago (your contribution is pretty low profile most of the time).
Oh I love crickets b:chuckle They're a sign of peace and silence b:cute
hmmm...let's talk of NW out of spite? :o
As stated by most of the previous posts, the people involved will probably get banned (specially persons A and B since proving that person C was the info giver would be hard, and besides the blame would still be on person B, for giving away their account info in the first place) Since the main device to prove an irregular…
Interestingly I got the same amount of tokens I always got (70), for the same amount of credit I always got (9kish), in a losing, your argument is invalid. The token distribution is fine (and obviously I'm not cash shopper...with 70 Also all this QQ after 1 (ONE) NW is childish, none of the…
I know people who used to get 400+ tokens I'm talking about +12 josd people Now they got 250ish tokens You know what? I freaking love it. You can cry all you want, but when people were able to get 400 tokens whike others had to be happy with 40, I'm sorry, but that just wasn't fair. I do agree that map is crazy big and…
That is an interesting statement considering that this forum was quite dead and devoid of trash talk while Karma was winning, and now suddenly some loud people showed up, trash talking karma after a couple of losses, and coincidentaly these people belong to GD. So...who's been acting like a loser again?
that NPC should still be there, in the hell's trap area, somebody should check
bottom line: tomorrow it's finally TW, we will see who was yapping and who is really stronger ^^ b:pleased
You do realize that since Hoju said "it's not GD's responsibility to give Karma fights" it's not Karma's responsibility to give GD fights either...the only difference is that GD advertises fun tws and then blatantly switches to land grabbing, while Karma sticks with the "we want fun tws" mentality. Karma could ignore GD…
Edit that and take it off! Right now, that's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge spoiler >.<