Asenath_ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Buy a buttload of arrows and set up afk shooting at the River-cross Captain? Why is there melee mastery and other melee fox skills? Why is there even a fox form to begin with?
  • I hate them too! Finally I was able to get a good laugh when I realized my 3.2 flyer outflies them. Huggy Hares, however, are awful. Too fast, too ugly, too vicious. Too sentient too, cause they always seem to wanna hop near when I'm farming mats.
  • I suppose these are not "common" but "wtf" nevertheless. 7x herc veno in bh59 with half her gears broken or almost broken. When I ask her why, she says "it doesn't matter because my herc takes all the hits." I gave up trying to convince her that herc can't save her if she randomly aggros something... Also saw a veno in DW…
  • This is the explanation I'd go for too. When you choose different presets, I'ven noticed the body "tattoos" are different, as well as the face makeup (this character's original preset had red lips while most of the others didn't). I think the face-colour bug affects all but one or two of the presets. Maybe we can check the…
  • Exactly. Honestly. None of you are being forced to BUY anything. PWE, no matter how bad its decisions seem to be, is not threatening to headshot you if you don't buy one of the new flyers. I don't think the price of gold has been affected that much either (though I've not checked today). And if you're gonna QQ about…
  • WIN. lolpurpleprose