AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I know less and less? I didn't charged up money, and I just bought necessary things only. I didn't use fists for a long time on early lvls, but all quest was a pain with fist! You don't say where did you get money for your bracers... now maybe you can buy it, thanks to the new quests, but I still don't believe that you can…
  • Hey funny guy:) Imagine I use 5 weapon:) If you think something is not true what I wrote down, just say which part? And why? Where do you get money ohh fistBMmaster?
  • Okay leave Archer, and focus only to BMs (I still have cards like arrow what have a bonus attack power, and BMs cant use arrow or bolt, but okay leave this) So from the start if you use fists you think quests will be easy? Lvling will be fast? I think no. Becouse it eats more pots, you will have higher repair cost. I saw…
  • Okay I didn't know that the bracers give -.1 int. Str:Increases your physical melee damage. Dex:Increases your ranged physical attack. If you don't want to bother with this, then I just simply give up. In the multiply part I just wrote down numbers to show sometimes if you multiply higher base dmg with less attackspeed, it…
  • Relentless courage gives me +0.41 attack/sec for 8 sec, and hmm okay good but for only 8 sec... Maybe with 90-100 fist it will be better. Okay, after 90 (maybe earlier if you are rich), but If Hammered_Guy choose only fist with LA, he won't reach lvl 90 I think. And the topic is still this, I just tried to give some…
  • Okay so you can have one item. But other -interval stuffs are expensive, and one won't make clapping machine from you fistBM. Not only the damage per hit is higher. BM get more damage from Str, Archer get more damage from Dex. This give him a lot of extra damage. And 6x refine rate is just a big word, but worth nothing. If…
  • Okay I left out crits... But you think -interval stuffs are awsome. You will hit faster with 0,05/sec. This is not too much, so till you dont have 2-3 stuffs what gives you -int you wont feel it. And those stuffs are really exensive... I Didn't simulate a 30 sec fight, I didn't count with defense, so you can say what mob…
  • I thought we speak about only fistBM, okay axe/fist is good in bh. Okay let's see: We have an archer, and a bm, both of them are lvl43. They use lvl 43fist,42bow. They do dmg to a target for 30sec( they meet the statrequirement for weapons): Fists: Physical attack:179-197 Attack rate: 1.43, so 30*1,43=42,9 (number of…
  • You just say fists on early lvls are good, but you didn't give any reason why. A lot of ppl do the same, but this doesn't really help. Of course you are right CS+BH really help, but with fists you are useless in bh. On early lvls there are a lot of boss quests also, I think you thought now everybody do those like simple…
  • I don't know why BMs just keep up this BM+LA topic. BM is a melee character, so when you go to kill a mob, the mob will hit back. At early lvls fists do like 0dmg. Okay combine this with LA: 1. you will get more dmg--> you will use more pots, and I think sutra wont be enough for killing --> you will spend much more money…
  • If we just see duel, I would use alter marrow physical against casters with balance, so you will have very high physical defense+you have magic absorb( wiz with 400+mag will do around 50dmg/spell:) ), of course only for a few seconds. But this few seconds is more then enough for me to stun my enemy so the wiz,psy,veno(pet…
  • Basically this thread is opened becouse someone was lazy again to read. Threads like: -Hey my build is ok? -hmmm is this the right build? -LA is the best for BM -are my stats good? -gini skills - what skill should I have? are useless, and ppl just spam this forum becouse they are lazy. And yes, some ppl think if others…
  • I agree. I think Fb is an exception, becouse everybody know what are you talking about, when you say fb. Okay it comes from MY, but now we really dont use it, we just say the number, like 19, and I wanna do the daily, then bh29. - Okay this depends on the server, or friends what they use. But as I say this is an exception,…
  • I don't really know why did you open this topic, now we have all kind of guides, and as you see other players just quarell here. Decide what do you want to do, and choose that build what really fit that type of BM. Pro BMs already wrote down their experience. It's easy just read those topics. If you read those topic you…
  • I just said it would be good to use PWI cuts like use TT instead of HH, becouse if you see the map you will see Twilight Temple, not Heavens Hell( I don't know what HH wanna be ). And yes I hope people will use the PW international words,cuts etc... Becouse sometimes I ask for help and I really don't know what are they…
  • I don't know why did you open this topic, from guides you can choose gini skills, and you can also see which skill need str/dex/mag/vit. Just plan what you want, how many times do you want to use your gini skill, and how recently do you want to use them.
  • To tell you the truth I dont know, why did you open this topic, becouse now we have all type of BM guide, so if you are not lazy you can read the answer for your question. Sorry if Iam rude I don't want to be.
  • For the thread: Vit is really relative, becouse it depends on what do you want to be(DD or Tank/DD)? Do you want to spend a lot of money to refine your armor? If you charge up some money, then you don't need to worry about that, becouse 5,2k hp is more then enough till 90, and with TT90 green you will have a lot of hp. I…
  • Yulk why you didn't put points to mag? so you can wear arcane armor! That would be the best against wizards. And with arcane armor wiz will do like 0 dmg, so you can drop down your weapons, and fight with your own fists. Good luck to use LA on BM, but you will fail.
  • And what about with the new area? I can't tele to the new capital.
  • This is the same, as you see widescreen really does nothing.
  • Here you can see: I tried to untick 16:9, to tell you the truth that button doesn't really did anything.
  • I did what u say, but I still don't see the full map. I uploaded an SS to ImageShack. Here you can see:
  • Hm... I think you missunderstand me, I usually don't do any mistakes, I just compared what happen if a DD or a Barb do a mistake. Every TT stuff can be replace with molds or 3*, but why are you playing if you must suffer months in TT for some stuff or if you can't have those stuffs what you are planned to have? I have a…
  • This is true,but please tell me how you will have ur stuffs from TT. You can have TT mats from FF? Or from RB? Or you go to farm for months for those mats what other classes get without subbing a single TT run? I think almost everybody get most of his stuff from TT, and in TT you will be a subber, or you will be happy if…
  • Now we have guide for all weapon type, so I think you can find out easily what to do. On lvl 29 you must choose a weapon to use, becouse you wont have enough spirits to learn all four weapon skills. I chose sword/blade and I had really hard times with lvling. I also try to help to new BMs on my server I try to say to them…
  • Hi, First of all when I started this game I choose BM, becouse I read the .my page (unfortunately) and i read there that BMs are tanks... When I made my charater I never thought that this will be my biggest mistake in this game. I enjoyed being a BM, and I enjoyed the game too till lvl 60. That was the first point where…