Are Bms underappreciated?



  • AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear
    AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    First of all when I started this game I choose BM, becouse I read the .my page (unfortunately) and i read there that BMs are tanks... When I made my charater I never thought that this will be my biggest mistake in this game. I enjoyed being a BM, and I enjoyed the game too till lvl 60. That was the first point where cold water came (getting lvl 60 TT weapon)... I knew it at this time only what is the share order, and that BMs are not welcomed in instances.

    It doesn't matter if I tank the half of TTrun, the Barb will choose second, and I will mark as DD and I will have really high repair bill with no, or with less drops. I am lucky when I get one mat what I need with 40-50k+ repair bill. And thats not enough that barbs and clerics get more expensive stuffs, they want everything, like mirages and etc. I did a lot of run where I didn't get any mat and they prick out my eyes with 3 mirage... And I didn't get more, becouse Iam only a BM.

    I was in 2-2 and at the end I was happy, becouse I saw we have a lvl 70 cleric and I thought he will want lvl 80 mat. Of course he wanted a dust...
    That was the last drop in the glass, I was really angry, becouse when I was lvl 70 ppl said that Iam low to do 1-2 (I never dreamed around lvl 70 to go to 2-2) I couldn't get into any party and now I see a cleric who is lvl 70 and he started to collect mats for his lvl 90 stuffs.

    In TT... Some barbs can't catch the mob --> veno die, and I see that ppl ask me why I didn't catch the mob... Why I should do that? And becouse of the share order I will never catch any mob, I try to avoid all damage, becouse I will get like nothing from drops, and I sacrifice my time too, so I want low repair bill.

    I can tank a lot of boss, but this doesn't count, becouse I can't go to TT,BH... as a tank, becouse ppl don't believe I can do it, so they don't invite me. Pole do max 1,1k damage to me( and i have really bad stuffs ) if the cleric do his job well(with only 1 cleric).

    After one hour I hit 85 I got a lot of invitations to FF. Whao ppl who never say hi for a year just found me, and they speak with me as their best friend. But I didn't got any invite to other places like TT.

    Since ppl on my friend list know that I have axes too they want me to help in their quests, but nothing else changed.

    I can write books about this topic, this shouldn't be a question, this should be a known problem.

    If you don't agree with me there are 3 way:
    1. You charged up money - I don't want to charge up money, I want to get my stuffs by myself. For other reason I will charge up money too, but not to buy armors, and weapons.

    2. You have RL friends and they help you to get stuffs. - My friends playing with another game.

    3. You have good guild and they help you to get stuffs. -I never saw any good guild on HT server. ( Maybe TW guilds are good, I don't know, I can't go to TW, becouse I sleep when TW goes. )

    In any other way this game just a suffering with BM not more. Maybe I don't have the best build, maybe I didn't choose the best weapon(sword), but I can tank bosses, and I win almost always in duels, so thats why I think I don't have a bad build[ Str: for axe Vit: lvl-10(without stuffs) Dex: every other point ]. Now only BMs and Barbs can defeat me who have better stuffs, and of course high lvl characters.

    And not only BMs are underappreciated, I think all DD class feel the same. Just see high lvl characters, you wont see a lot of archer,BM or wiz. And if you find one, then compare his stuffs with a same lvl Barb or Cleric...
    If I see my friend list I see that only Barbs,Clerics and Venos are on, other classes disappeared... That should mean something. And they didn't delete me, just some of them went to another game, some of them made a Barb or a Cleric.

    I thought a lot of how to solve this problem. None of you will agree with me, but I don't have any other idea.

    If bosses would have double hp, it may increase the value of DDs. Or if we pay monthly price for the game then DDs will think twice that will they go to instances or no. Okay these are not really can solve this problem, and maybe do much damage to the game.

    Well, I think it's up to GMs to find out something, becouse the game is not balanced, but I think they will do nothing. I tried to contact with them, but they just said that BM is a usefull class, and go to forums and write ur problem there.

    Iam curious what you guys will say, but I think you can't help. Ohh and please if you can just write bad things, then keep it to yourself.
  • ShadowStorm - Raging Tide
    ShadowStorm - Raging Tide Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's funny....everytime I look in World chat (Raging Tide Server), someone is looking for a BM to come to Rebirth Gamma with them.

    Bottom Line is: You Don't know what you got till they're gone

    (referencing the lack of BM's on RT server due to everyone assuming they are unimportant and also the song "paved paradise")
    As I look to the Horizon, I know danger is coming
    Fearing my power as a BladeMaster may not be enough,
    Ninja and Samarai skills failing, I look for someone to help avert the incoming disaster. Who will answer my call? Will it be the seeker? Or the Mystic? Or even an Earthguard at all...
    All I know is Darkness has come once again.
    And this time Light may not be enough to repel it...
    Genesis is upon us. Are you prepared for it?
  • Legendadry - Harshlands
    Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    First of all when I started this game I choose BM, becouse I read the .my page (unfortunately) and i read there that BMs are tanks... When I made my charater I never thought that this will be my biggest mistake in this game. I enjoyed being a BM, and I enjoyed the game too till lvl 60. That was the first point where cold water came (getting lvl 60 TT weapon)... I knew it at this time only what is the share order, and that BMs are not welcomed in instances.

    It doesn't matter if I tank the half of TTrun, the Barb will choose second, and I will mark as DD and I will have really high repair bill with no, or with less drops. I am lucky when I get one mat what I need with 40-50k+ repair bill. And thats not enough that barbs and clerics get more expensive stuffs, they want everything, like mirages and etc. I did a lot of run where I didn't get any mat and they prick out my eyes with 3 mirage... And I didn't get more, becouse Iam only a BM.

    I was in 2-2 and at the end I was happy, becouse I saw we have a lvl 70 cleric and I thought he will want lvl 80 mat. Of course he wanted a dust...
    That was the last drop in the glass, I was really angry, becouse when I was lvl 70 ppl said that Iam low to do 1-2 (I never dreamed around lvl 70 to go to 2-2) I couldn't get into any party and now I see a cleric who is lvl 70 and he started to collect mats for his lvl 90 stuffs.

    In TT... Some barbs can't catch the mob --> veno die, and I see that ppl ask me why I didn't catch the mob... Why I should do that? And becouse of the share order I will never catch any mob, I try to avoid all damage, becouse I will get like nothing from drops, and I sacrifice my time too, so I want low repair bill.

    I can tank a lot of boss, but this doesn't count, becouse I can't go to TT,BH... as a tank, becouse ppl don't believe I can do it, so they don't invite me. Pole do max 1,1k damage to me( and i have really bad stuffs ) if the cleric do his job well(with only 1 cleric).

    After one hour I hit 85 I got a lot of invitations to FF. Whao ppl who never say hi for a year just found me, and they speak with me as their best friend. But I didn't got any invite to other places like TT.

    Since ppl on my friend list know that I have axes too they want me to help in their quests, but nothing else changed.

    I can write books about this topic, this shouldn't be a question, this should be a known problem.

    If you don't agree with me there are 3 way:
    1. You charged up money - I don't want to charge up money, I want to get my stuffs by myself. For other reason I will charge up money too, but not to buy armors, and weapons.

    2. You have RL friends and they help you to get stuffs. - My friends playing with another game.

    3. You have good guild and they help you to get stuffs. -I never saw any good guild on HT server. ( Maybe TW guilds are good, I don't know, I can't go to TW, becouse I sleep when TW goes. )

    In any other way this game just a suffering with BM not more. Maybe I don't have the best build, maybe I didn't choose the best weapon(sword), but I can tank bosses, and I win almost always in duels, so thats why I think I don't have a bad build[ Str: for axe Vit: lvl-10(without stuffs) Dex: every other point ]. Now only BMs and Barbs can defeat me who have better stuffs, and of course high lvl characters.

    And not only BMs are underappreciated, I think all DD class feel the same. Just see high lvl characters, you wont see a lot of archer,BM or wiz. And if you find one, then compare his stuffs with a same lvl Barb or Cleric...
    If I see my friend list I see that only Barbs,Clerics and Venos are on, other classes disappeared... That should mean something. And they didn't delete me, just some of them went to another game, some of them made a Barb or a Cleric.

    I thought a lot of how to solve this problem. None of you will agree with me, but I don't have any other idea.

    If bosses would have double hp, it may increase the value of DDs. Or if we pay monthly price for the game then DDs will think twice that will they go to instances or no. Okay these are not really can solve this problem, and maybe do much damage to the game.

    Well, I think it's up to GMs to find out something, becouse the game is not balanced, but I think they will do nothing. I tried to contact with them, but they just said that BM is a usefull class, and go to forums and write ur problem there.

    Iam curious what you guys will say, but I think you can't help. Ohh and please if you can just write bad things, then keep it to yourself.

    +1! I feel exactly like you do. The only place people say they need us is in FF or GV. and tbh that's even going away, people know just want an archer in place of a BM. hard to get in GV delta unless you have realy op gear, and if you have really OP gear then ofc your needed everywhere anyway. I take pride in my skills and the way i use my class, i believe it seperates me from the rest of the people who decided to roll blademaster. However even w/ my use of skills i still feel like i'm un needed for the majority of things. the new expansion was supposed to bring out new usefulness for under appreciated classes but it hasnt yet. Seems like whenver stuff goes wrong they blame us when in reality not even our fault half the time. Some cleric in FC i did a run w/ got pisssed because i used some cheap axes to dragon w/. I'm a sword BM why in the world would i spend alot of money on axes that i'll hardly ever use except for a couple of skills in one instance. The only advantage i see as a BM is aoe grind however whats the point of lvling if there's no space for you in dungeon's b:surrender.
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    3 in Sanc have Deicide. 2 are in Nefarious, and the third is me(also has GX and Dance of Universe) :D

    0.o i missed one?


    also at the massive wall of text QQ thread...

    people dont want axes in TT because their crappy DPS

    at the crazy troll mage up top fists=higher DPS than you

    in short suck it up go stat for 3+ weapons and play the class right or roll a dam barb or yes life as a BM will suckb:surrender
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • LordTalos - Dreamweaver
    LordTalos - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok, I didnt take the time to read all 10 previous pages of posts, but what I read on the first page pissed me off enough post here, which I rarely do.

    First of all, in answer to the question that started this thread... You are very correct, BM's are VERY unappreciated, but no more the an archer or wizzie in my opinion. The problem is, ignorant people think that the only important party members are the barb and cleric, the rest are just fluff.... HOW RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!! Why is a barb (for example) more important then my BM when im doing my BH's? IT ISN'T!!!! My bh's go just as well with or without a barb, If it's a phys Mob, I'll tank it, if it's a Mag mob, one of the softies can tank it. As long as the party has a brain and understands aggro, a barb is replacable. While im on that note, as far as I'm concerned, in many instances, my charm, pots, genie heals, sutra, etc... can stand in just fine for a cleric, and are more reliable then some of the clerics I've met.

    Now I know I've hurt some barb and cleric feelings, so sorry, im sure there are plenty mindless masses in PW that will soothe your egos. My point is that there is no class that is more important then the next. An all barb/cleric gamma squad would be pretty fail... All the ppl spamming wc lookin for a experienced BM for Gamma constantly, seems to tell me that they're pretty important.

    Am I saying that a BM can tank as well as a barb or that I can self-heal as well as a cleric can heal me? Of course not. As a BM, I'll never be as good a tank as a Barb, but if I know how to play, build, skill, and equip my charcter, I can do it.


    Whew... now I feel better...

    Simple Answer --> Tanking and healing are easy on a barb and cleric respectively, because that is the primary thing that they do and most of their skills are designed to make it easy. A BM is a much more broad class that can be good at a lot of things. In my opinion, the "DD" classes are the more "skilled" classes, and you are going to have to really learn and master your class if you are looking for any cudo's from your party members.
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Mages are the best. Period.

    If you dont have a dd, it wont matter how many bms u have, u'll still suck b:laugh
    Try out-dding a BM hitting 5 times a second.

    Summary: You can't b:surrender
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It doesn't matter if I tank the half of TTrun, the Barb will choose second, and I will mark as DD and I will have really high repair bill with no, or with less drops. I am lucky when I get one mat what I need with 40-50k+ repair bill. And thats not enough that barbs and clerics get more expensive stuffs, they want everything, like mirages and etc. I did a lot of run where I didn't get any mat and they prick out my eyes with 3 mirage... And I didn't get more, becouse Iam only a BM.

    I was in 2-2 and at the end I was happy, becouse I saw we have a lvl 70 cleric and I thought he will want lvl 80 mat. Of course he wanted a dust...
    That was the last drop in the glass, I was really angry, becouse when I was lvl 70 ppl said that Iam low to do 1-2 (I never dreamed around lvl 70 to go to 2-2) I couldn't get into any party and now I see a cleric who is lvl 70 and he started to collect mats for his lvl 90 stuffs.

    In TT... Some barbs can't catch the mob --> veno die, and I see that ppl ask me why I didn't catch the mob... Why I should do that? And becouse of the share order I will never catch any mob, I try to avoid all damage, becouse I will get like nothing from drops, and I sacrifice my time too, so I want low repair bill.
    This is a very valid concern. TT runs are hugely in favor of classes with clear distinct roles, which of course works against BMs although we are the ones that usually have to wipe butts when others **** up. We are like janitors in a way; nobody cares about them, people look down on them, yet they depend on them to build an environment that they can work in.

    I can only advise you to join a faction that does TT runs and distributes loots in needs rather than wants manner. The faction I'm in doesn't prioritize players according to their class but based on what equipments they need. You can't do TT runs for coins but at least poor don't get poorer. When I do TT runs with friends I usually get more than I want--choosing who to befriend works wonders.

    I never look for TT squads in WC and I never will. They are usually ineffective, ****, and the banker isn't always trustworthy.
  • CuteLilDemon - Lost City
    CuteLilDemon - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    every facking class has its own special thing so dont u dare to insult any of those class
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Mages are the best. Period.

    If you dont have a dd, it wont matter how many bms u have, u'll still suck b:laugh

    Best squads ever are 4+ BM squads. I've done 5 bm + 1 veno stygean bh's and fb69 20x3's without death and plenty of 4-5bm + 1 cleric squads in a wide range of instances. Nothing really compares to a squad of high survivability DD's throwing out a constant stream of aoe's and mass stuns.
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    xD, BMs are really important

    For example Heavens Flame, i mean who else has this skill? u kidding me

    2nd, aoe stun for 6 sec ---- should know urself

    3rd, i am a lvl 89 bm and i can tank EVERYTHING that lvl 89 barb can, dun belive me? PM me ingame TaeKnight << Lost City

    And 4th, Ive done alot of HHs with Wizards healing<< ijs.

    Eh idk there will always be some bosses that BMs will never be able to tank without godly gear. But yeah BMs are actually very useful, good mob control in squads, you just have to show them that you know how to play your class
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    3rd, i am a lvl 89 bm and i can tank EVERYTHING that lvl 89 barb can, dun belive me? PM me ingame TaeKnight << Lost City

    I take you up on that challenge.

    Screen shot of you tanking Wurlord 2-3 and Ape 2-3. You as cleric. Boss defeated.

    And no I've never felt unappreciated. Sometimes to many appreciations.....

  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    my answer. past 85, do u even need a barb anymore? seriously. when was the last time u went into a tt and needed a barb? fb 99? bm tank cause barb cant hold agro to anything. tt? same problem. barbs are good for their buffs, but thats it. we can hold agro easy against bosses and can survive as well or even better if we alter.
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Try out-dding a BM hitting 5 times a second.

    Summary: You can't b:surrender

    This. b:chuckle

    Ohai SD
    Far Beyond Driven
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    my answer. past 85, do u even need a barb anymore? seriously. when was the last time u went into a tt and needed a barb? fb 99? bm tank cause barb cant hold agro to anything. tt? same problem. barbs are good for their buffs, but thats it. we can hold agro easy against bosses and can survive as well or even better if we alter.

    yeah i still need a barb. If they can't hold aggro then i just switch to something that's not fists. And no we can't survive as well or even better because they can invoke... No matter how much you're refined I wanna see a BM with 25k hp -_-.
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Honestly, I agree with people that say you're not really thanked unless you perform above your expected role. People don't give special consideration for barbs or clerics when they do most of the work. It IS when they do something special that they get special praise.

    That being said...

    No one wants to run Frostcovered City without at least 1 BM. No one wants to do rebirth orders without a BM. Some clerics and barbarians prefer at least one BM to DD do to useful damage that is nonetheless unlikely to pull aggro, along with debuffs from glacial spike/heaven's flame. No one can AoE like a BM. No one can stun/disable like a BM (except maybe assassins).

    And a list like this can be compiled for all the classes.

    So yah, don't get fur/nix/heal/gill/crit envy. It's a game. If you're not enjoying yourself and instead you see PWI as a job, you're doing something wrong. lol
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear
    AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No one wants to run Frostcovered City without at least 1 BM. No one wants to do rebirth orders without a BM. Some clerics and barbarians prefer at least one BM to DD do to useful damage that is nonetheless unlikely to pull aggro, along with debuffs from glacial spike/heaven's flame. No one can AoE like a BM. No one can stun/disable like a BM (except maybe assassins).

    And a list like this can be compiled for all the classes.

    So yah, don't get fur/nix/heal/gill/crit envy. It's a game. If you're not enjoying yourself and instead you see PWI as a job, you're doing something wrong. lol

    This is true,but please tell me how you will have ur stuffs from TT. You can have TT mats from FF? Or from RB? Or you go to farm for months for those mats what other classes get without subbing a single TT run? I think almost everybody get most of his stuff from TT, and in TT you will be a subber, or you will be happy if you find a lower DD in your party.

    And that make me sad and becouse of farming I think PWI is a job, I can't enjoy the game, becouse for 1 mat what I need I must pay 3 sub, and I must find a squad(this is really hard now, and a lot of squads whipe in 2-3).
    Iam sword/axe BM now, and I plan to have other weapons too, my stats: str: for axe, vit: lvl-10, dex: every other point.
    You seem so clever, so please tell me what is what Iam doing wrong?

    And see if you make a single mistake, then ppl will point their fingers on you, maybe they will threat you with a kick if you do something wrong again, but if a barb do a mistake, then they say sorry a lot of time, then they jumping around him, and they say there is no problem, becouse we are ppl we can do mistakes. Cleric is the same...
    Well these are my experiences, I saw this happened a lot of time.
    I was in a lot of run where party leader kicked out a DD who made a mistake, in two minutes he found another. Why this can be happened? I tell you becouse DDs are underappriciated, and they are forced to do TT runs for like nothing, if they want something from TT.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Regarding how you get your mats from TT:

    1) Sub like you mentioned
    2) Do TT runs with your faction
    3) Be the main tank

    First two are easy, the third one can be a problem tho. But those are really effective ways to get mats.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Iulius - Heavens Tear
    Iulius - Heavens Tear Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i thin 2 it is the most common for bm`s just run TT whit frend`s or faction :P
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is true,but please tell me how you will have ur stuffs from TT. You can have TT mats from FF? Or from RB? Or you go to farm for months for those mats what other classes get without subbing a single TT run? I think almost everybody get most of his stuff from TT, and in TT you will be a subber, or you will be happy if you find a lower DD in your party.

    And that make me sad and becouse of farming I think PWI is a job, I can't enjoy the game, becouse for 1 mat what I need I must pay 3 sub, and I must find a squad(this is really hard now, and a lot of squads whipe in 2-3).
    Iam sword/axe BM now, and I plan to have other weapons too, my stats: str: for axe, vit: lvl-10, dex: every other point.
    You seem so clever, so please tell me what is what Iam doing wrong?

    And see if you make a single mistake, then ppl will point their fingers on you, maybe they will threat you with a kick if you do something wrong again, but if a barb do a mistake, then they say sorry a lot of time, then they jumping around him, and they say there is no problem, becouse we are ppl we can do mistakes. Cleric is the same...
    Well these are my experiences, I saw this happened a lot of time.
    I was in a lot of run where party leader kicked out a DD who made a mistake, in two minutes he found another. Why this can be happened? I tell you becouse DDs are underappriciated, and they are forced to do TT runs for like nothing, if they want something from TT.

    single sword axe bm?

    ya i'd let you in any tt a ran lol decent DPS from monoblade+ HF and myriad for tough bosses is win

    problem is when people see bm the see a gimped barb with aoe's (bad axe drones bad *smacks with ruler*) so find a group of freinds and run with them and not the general populatin of pwi

    find people you know are good and can get along with barbs/clerics/other DD and go have fun

    personaly i think the subber>barb>cleric>DD by level order is good in a sense as long as its based on total mat value being = for all with the higher ones just getting pereferanc on WHAT their mat is not # of and total value

    and yes its **** annoying with a WC barb since they tend to "pace" FR leading to many deaths for my squishy self in tt due to aggro >.<
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is true,but please tell me how you will have ur stuffs from TT. You can have TT mats from FF? Or from RB? Or you go to farm for months for those mats what other classes get without subbing a single TT run? I think almost everybody get most of his stuff from TT, and in TT you will be a subber, or you will be happy if you find a lower DD in your party.

    And that make me sad and becouse of farming I think PWI is a job, I can't enjoy the game, becouse for 1 mat what I need I must pay 3 sub, and I must find a squad(this is really hard now, and a lot of squads whipe in 2-3).
    Iam sword/axe BM now, and I plan to have other weapons too, my stats: str: for axe, vit: lvl-10, dex: every other point.
    You seem so clever, so please tell me what is what Iam doing wrong?

    And see if you make a single mistake, then ppl will point their fingers on you, maybe they will threat you with a kick if you do something wrong again, but if a barb do a mistake, then they say sorry a lot of time, then they jumping around him, and they say there is no problem, becouse we are ppl we can do mistakes. Cleric is the same...
    Well these are my experiences, I saw this happened a lot of time.
    I was in a lot of run where party leader kicked out a DD who made a mistake, in two minutes he found another. Why this can be happened? I tell you becouse DDs are underappriciated, and they are forced to do TT runs for like nothing, if they want something from TT.

    Ok I admit TT runs are a problem for just about every class except barb, cleric, and veno. And even a lone cleric, veno, or barb will have trouble getting a squad in their own faction if no one else needs anything. Basically they're a problem for everyone. lol

    Find a fun, friendly faction that doesn't mind if you **** up too much. A pro squad can usually compensate for a person's inexperience and as long as you become more skilled, they'll appreciate you. I was on a Frostcovered City run once and while they were a little miffed that I was a poleblade bm instead of an ax bm, they didn't mind doing it anyway because everyone knew what they were doing (It was my first time and I didn't die. lol). The second time I got a compliment for how well I was doing considering I wasn't even lv 85. In fact, they enjoyed having 2 bms on the squad. The other bm was a first timer, although he was a higher level than me. Everything went fine. lol

    As for TT runs, those are a real problem. If it comes down to it you can farm the money and do what few runs you can for your weapon, and then buy/craft legendary armor. There are some pieces that rival the TT armor. At lv 79 Proud Plate of Corsair is a common substitute for HH80 plate.

    And honestly, if PWI does nothing but depress you, then just blow the rest of your money on fashion and reroll a new character or (omgb:shocked) PLAY ANOTHER GAME! b:laugh
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear
    AirunElMarem - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Find a fun, friendly faction that doesn't mind if you **** up too much. A pro squad can usually compensate for a person's inexperience and as long as you become more skilled, they'll appreciate you.

    At lv 79 Proud Plate of Corsair is a common substitute for HH80 plate.

    And honestly, if PWI does nothing but depress you, then just blow the rest of your money on fashion and reroll a new character or (omgb:shocked) PLAY ANOTHER GAME! b:laugh

    Hm... I think you missunderstand me, I usually don't do any mistakes, I just compared what happen if a DD or a Barb do a mistake.
    Every TT stuff can be replace with molds or 3*, but why are you playing if you must suffer months in TT for some stuff or if you can't have those stuffs what you are planned to have?

    I have a Barb and Veno too, I don't know why but playing with those are not the same like playing with my BM.
    I wrote down that I don't have a faction which does TT runs, and on HT server I don't know any. I also wrote down other things, I don't wanna repeat myself, just read back if you wanna see it.
  • Purrfect_Pet - Dreamweaver
    Purrfect_Pet - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If you play a BM and are under-appreciated, you're doing it wrong :)

    i agree. the problem seems to be the attitude of the squad you're with or your attitiude. best thing to do is to squad with people who appreciate the fact that everybody plays an important role in the squad and that the squad as a whole suffers when everybody doesn't do their job or change your attitude. if you can't do that maybe you need to start over as one of the "important" characters
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i agree. the problem seems to be the attitude of the squad you're with or your attitiude. best thing to do is to squad with people who appreciate the fact that everybody plays an important role in the squad and that the squad as a whole suffers when everybody doesn't do their job or change your attitude. if you can't do that maybe you need to start over as one of the "important" characters

    Sure. The problem is that often you are not needed in the BH squads. And because BH squads are pretty common, it's hard to be wanted. So, if you are praised for your work in a BH squad, you are a very good player.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Purrfect_Pet - Dreamweaver
    Purrfect_Pet - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sure. The problem is that often you are not needed in the BH squads. And because BH squads are pretty common, it's hard to be wanted. So, if you are praised for your work in a BH squad, you are a very good player.

    true but just because you are not praised all the time doesn't mean you're not a good player. and as far as bh's go if you can't find a squad grab a cleric or 2 and all the other "unwanted" bm's and do it that way.
  • Omegalmesh - Heavens Tear
    Omegalmesh - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GO BMS b:victory WOOHHOOOO
  • Omegalmesh - Heavens Tear
    Omegalmesh - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oxygen fcks up the twilight temple when people need it :P so there we do TTs comon over wewt
  • BIaze_ - Heavens Tear
    BIaze_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    get yourself known as a good bm and your have no problems getting into squads.

    Job of the bm is practacally be the guardian angel of the group, if something gose wrong the bm should try and sort it out straight away. highish hp, self heal, aoe stun, loads of phys def, plenty of mag def and fast as hell runners to get to places. dont believe what everyone tells you and says your not a tank, sometimes you are.

    if tank dies, grab the boss and go for a run and keep yourself alive wile cleric res`s the tank and heal\rebuff.

    if cleric gets aggroed, grab the mob as quickly as you can (is why we have speed skills and the famous aoe stun)

    just doing these 2 things will get you known as a good bm and people "will" want to take you in TTs\BHs\FBs\FFs\RBs

    but overall doing this will make the bm class be more appreciated.
    but to answer the tital of the thread, yes sometimes we are underappreciated but not all the time.

    we, unlike "some" classes just have to earn the right to be appreciated
  • BoozeLover - Dreamweaver
    BoozeLover - Dreamweaver Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    agreed with above, I have saved over lvl 10 maybe even 20 clerics lifes with stuns(Roar FTW) and taking aggro off, and not once I have been blamed for wipe..still I voted sometimes because I have been kicked out(well asked politely "could you leave we got wiz") off parties because they got wiz or archerb:sad specialy if its higher lvl
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    FC without a Cleric??