Aclucius - Lost City Arc User


  • By the way, this is the oldest character I have that I haven't deleted, especially since I haven't been back to LC server since my old faction on there, UnLimited, broke up. This is just in case anyone doubts that I have been around here for a while. Now, back to the subject. BM left to keep ONE Mirage stone instead of…
  • Especially when the person you are attempting to insult has been around as long as I have. So, please run back to your forums, we enjoyed your visit. Bye newbie. b:bye
  • And killing 50 mobs my level on my Assassin will take about 20 minutes, solo. Not to mention people will then just be getting squads and finishing the quest in 5 minutes. You haven't solved anything with this, you just simply are taking away an aspect of the game and rewarding people for doing something they don't…
  • Real pro advice: remove your account name from your post. As far as getting away, you'll just have to swim carefully back to the mainland.
  • Well, now all those points you put into Mag could have gone in either Dex to give you more damage, or into Vit to give you better health. Once you reach your first spark, you could have just used that and killed mobs so quickly that skills would be unnecessary except to gain chi. So, you actually just hurt yourself by…
  • I'm sorry, but I can't help being mean about this now. Did you really expect that after two years, this person would still be downloading Perfect World? Or that they still hadn't decided on which class to go with?
  • Well, I can't speak for the other classes, except perhaps partially for Blademasters, but BH teaches far more for Assassins than grinding/questing ever does. I can learn how to do solo work while grinding/questing. I can learn that some mobs I need to freeze in place, some I need to start with Deep Sting and sleep them…
  • Hmm, I think I'll put out an AoE attack randomly *uses Earthen Rift*. Oh, hi other Assassin who was trying to sneak up on me to attack but I happened to knock out of stealth by using AoE without a target. Wizard: Hmm, I'm gonna just shoot of a Will of Phoenix. Oh, I knocked an Assassin out of stealth, sorry sir, I shall…
  • Do a search in the Assassin forums using the word "guide." you will very easily find several threads explaining what skills you should use and what you should level. They will also explain what kind of builds are available for you.
  • There are several threads discussing Assassin skills including guides. I would elaborate on them, but to be honest it would take far too long to explain the skills and what you should level them to and everything else. Just do a search for "guide" in the Assassin forums and you'll come up with several.
  • Your build is fine as it is now, with the exception of the 6 points you put into Mag (unless those points above 5 in Mag you are getting from equipment). You can do full Dex build, and it will make you do more damage, but it also makes it more difficult to survive harder hits. As far as shards go, if you go to any Merchant…
  • Str must always be <your level + 4> and Dex should always be at least <your level * 3 + 4>.
  • I have said before (perhaps not in this thread, but in many others) we are not a primary tank. However, if the tank goes down and there isn't a Blademaster or Barb to take their place, you better believe the Assassin is now the tank. Should we tank? No, we should not when the option is available not to. Can we tank when…
  • The GMs told you its Thunder Ponytail (like you said, obviously not), so just let it go. All it means is they don't want to deal with something like this which is more a waste of time. Honestly, I have seen some people who had odd hair for their class (though never checked if it was for a different class only), but I don't…
  • I'm guessing it is, but just humor me and check if they showed up in your inventory. You will usually have an item come up in your inventory when you kill them (regular inventory, not quest). If this is not the case, I would send in a ticket and wait till you get an answer.
  • Sometimes, it's funny because they actually can. People in this game have already proven that being a higher level doesn't mean you know how to play your class.
  • Well that's exactly why you don't want to heal him. Assassins only need healing if they have to aggro mobs to act as the tank or if they are tanking a boss. Otherwise, any Assassin in a BH should know how to look after themselves. As far as the "Assassin Pull," (using a bow or knife throw) it only works (in BH's) when in…
  • If you have such a problem with the Oracle I spot, just get rid of your oracles and wait till you can go to Oracle II. Or, do it the real old fashion way and just grind your levels. There is no rule about KSing, there is no rule about lines. It is good manners to not KS, it is proper to establish a line, but you don't have…
  • I've just gotta emphasize this. Just take an Assassin for checking the door. If you don't have an Assassin, just clear to it. If you really want to check the door, then do it yourself, or pay for the additional costs the Barb has because you were too lazy just to clear it and see.
  • By the time you start doing BH's, you have Tackling Slash, which should be at least level 3 (6.9 second freeze) and you have Deep Sting for a 5 second sleep. You have more options than just Shadow Escape to enable you to take care of yourself. By the time you get into any BH, you should be able to handle any one mob (two…
  • They both covered it pretty well, but just some advice to you. If you are in a squad with an Assassin, don't ever heal them when on normal mobs unless they are the tank and are holding the aggro for all the mobs. If an Assassin is in danger, they should just Shadow Escape, and as you realize now, that will put aggro on you…
  • After level 20, you should ALWAYS have a bow on you, whether the mobs you are killing will require a bow or not. Sometimes you can use your environment to use just the bow to kill. For example, at the mines when you go to kill Werewolf Spearmen, there is a cliff that you can stand on and shoot the Werewolves from and they…
  • Dex build works good with someone who knows what they are doing. Many people though are new to the class still and I keep hearing people who were formerly archers think that it will be just as easy, and it's not. Archer can afford to go with full Dex very easily because they can kite for maximum effectiveness. We can only…
  • As I said, we are not made to tank. However, we can be an auxiliary tank. If the Barb dies because the Cleric had a spike and was unable to heal for 10 seconds, you have to hope that the aggro switches to the Assassin if there is no Blademaster in the squad. If so, the Assassin is then the tank until either the Barb is…
  • With the exception of rank armor, you will not be able to wear any armor except what is meant for half your level with that build. You need to have at least 1 Str and 1 Dex every level to wear light armor meant for any level you are at. I'd suggest you change your build, but if you wish to continue it like that, that is…
  • Well, for more advanced players, I would agree full Dex is the way to go. However, for the person just starting out who doesn't know how much they can take, it is better to do Hybrid or Vit build. I use Hybrid, and I find that I am doing better than I had with the Dex build I experimented with. At 35, with Hybrid, I can…
  • I don't even need to use "epic gear" to tank as an Assassin. All I need is a competent Cleric who knows how to purify and spam IH. I will never be as good of a tank as a Barb is, but every time I have a Blademaster tanking it scares me because they don't know how to spam Stream Strike and keep aggro. If they don't have…
  • Well good job. You have just beat my friend at it, from what I can tell. b:victory
  • I never realized how fun reading these maintenance threads could be. b:chuckle
  • Until they come back up. We don't know, it depends on how much stuff they plan to do. Edit: I just got Ninjaed for the first time ever....