Accalica - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • Sweetiebot remove code Qrzp9iox
  • I farmed my r9 from scratch and yes, in regards to NW as it is now a coin instance, I believe it needs a balance in many ways, not just r9 wise. Idc majorly bout the 10 people in a squad thing really in terms of the end rewards, as those people are scattered everywhere thru nations. However I do see a problem in that it…
  • As I've said before, if u even read my first post. Balance the 2, never did I once mention to remove it. Better read next time before u even start discussing it just to find an argument. Also, I don't count merchanting as PVE farming...that's a whole category on its own as its done while being AFK and not active ingame.…
  • And regards to the spawnkilling.. If they did make safe areas like most games, all it'd need is infinite AD on people within a little radius of the spawn platform that the carrier cannot enter. That gives people a fair chance to recover and try plan a rush out, some sacreficing themselves to get out incase of spawn…
  • Honestly, the changes I see needed would be these: 1) Change one of the timezones, no balancing needed! Srsly PWI? There's no thinking needed in this, there's no new balance needed either for that matter, all those comments are pure BS for timegain till people just give up argumenting. Change one timezone to 12 hours…
  • That or maybe he's actually gone thru the so called human evolution from the stage of the monkies, their excuse, woudn't understand the concept of when a joke is right to pull, and not. Sorry to see you didn't make it b:bye
  • Been waiting for the Aesthetic set for a year now since they put its name in the AH (thought that meant a soon release as it usually did back then) but oh boy was I wrong. I agree with many that to keep it fun, we need new stuff on our screens...most active players have worn the same armour for a year, months, so looking…
  • Read a few pages but didn't catch this one being mentioned. I rarely have people dying, even the stupid ones can be saved with a fast WoP, wellspring or IH stack. You just have to learn how to judge a players knowledge of their class, usually this is noticed within the first minute you spend with him/her. In regards to all…
  • Next time someone asks for help you could direct instead of just stating, either way I found it myself. It wasn't rly named anything similar. And that's one VERY annoying change PWI.. Anyway, mods may close/move post now.
  • Was more like an hour and 270+ people locked in, we had like a max of 3 active fights at the worst of it...b:laugh Was my worst NW ever, getting sent back to base after a loss far down the map. b:cry
  • In ur world, 101 may be unreachable by non addicts after 4 years, but not in mine. b:chuckle And to the nerdraging're giving me a nice laugh buddy. Really, you're the definition of what I just wrote.
  • I find it too amusing just reading how people rage here over their otherwise most likely 'so precious' AFK time. Like seriously..what have u got to be in such a rush for? Is there a new instance youve never ran before and is aching to try? No, exactly. QQomgIneedcompensationASAP!! Do you guys QQ like this irl too when any…
  • I think this states why I married a barb ingame, lmao b:laugh
  • I doubt people are mainly looking for casters, I.E clerics, wiz in there as main targets like they're stating. That or you're confusing it for the hunt of the easiest target gearwise of any class, may it be tt99 AA/HA/LA, they're all 1-2 shots in non up to par gear. As an r9 cleric without +10 gear or endgame shards, I…
  • These crashes mainly happen to me during NW times aswell, never experienced it before. Just the minutes before sign ups and entering, my friends and I got error reports 9 times alltogether, that was on lowest settings possible for me. This week was a mild scenario in our case but very annoying having to keep check on all…
  • Actually quite some luck via website applications :P we already WC frequently most days, but doesnt hurt to reach more people that use the forums aswell. b:chuckle
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Seriously. Back in 2008-2009 people were qqing over stuff like tiger event etc? Ya cuz they sure give you access to 100m+ in best cases over night right? Those events do NOT exclude the whole EU/unfitting midgame+ playerbase from the main income source like NW does...this is something completely out of that…
  • Eh? Do you know how many of these ~1000 are EUs or other non fitting timezones getting up early? Obviously u don't. I run what has become a part EU fac, why? Because recruiting has been alot easier in that timezone than any other we have officers in. What does that tell you? It should be telling you that there's no such…
  • Or you just simply assume he does it on his barb..when hes in fact not. b:shutup However I support the theories that are rumouring about it being class seems the more u dig around for info, the clearer it becomes that u're not only based on ur normal nation/personal credit..but also amongst others in ur class…
  • Oh my the daggers soulsphere and wand in 27 still look hot to me! I'm sure a bigger fan of them than the ones we're currently stuck with..thanks alot for sharing! b:thanks Can only dream that they'd go on and switch the textures we have to something like that or warsoul like, I completely love the warsoul graphics as a…
  • I think barbs got the worst out of the bunch tbh...the morai stick as I call it makes me Lol at the fact its the by all time worst wep made in size/appearance suited for a tanking class. At the price it comes's straight out riddiculous and will make many barbs reside to r8r wep or even warsoul I believe (more…
  • I think this is pretty annoying...the whole 'let's copy the textures we had before, and just throw on some new stats' when they have both paying and farming people busting their behinds off to get them. Many of us want the aesthetic part to follow the 'rank' part of the gear when it comes to originality...b:surrender…
  • Quoting: 'This 50% sale for Rank stuff is still a lot of money, people who are starting from scratch needs to spend almost ~$765 to buy Rank 9.' Depends how you read his statements. b:shutup That line most likely went to my brain as 'I want it to be cheaper than 50%'. Does he state that cause...? He clearly is hinting his…
  • Stop trying to act like a smartass behind the screen and pay attention to the suggestion and the reply. Hes asking for it to be even cheaper than right now (so no, this isnt happening atm as you state it), and right now it's 50%. I got the right to my opinion and to me this is more than enough seeing how much the average…
  • Let's start sending out hardearned r9s in mailbox from next war and on! I believe that will make all of us who worked our ***** off happy. If people are so ignorant they cant understand how much time and effort were spent into getting r9 as a farmer/mercher (which most r9 holders actually are if you speak to them instead…
  • I took this option, waking up close to 5 am till 7:30..I'm a very competitive person and hate lacking behind gearwise or feel like I never accomplish/get something new in my inventory coin wise. I can't say its a good option and if I wasnt competitve at all or had my farmed r9, I wouldnt give a rats --- on doing it, the…
  • And you think r9 stays in r9 when they get a basically free s3r9 with time?b:chuckle
  • In remarks to the last posts last mentioned line. I don't think this whole 'allow to squad' before battling, should even be allowed if PWI is actually balancing this at all. I don't know what they actually look at when balancing, but whatever it is, doesnt seem to work. It would be a laugh out loud factor if all they do in…
  • Thats just simply not a working system, considering this new instance is the only way to get the endgame gears in a 'fast' way. I did NW at 5-7am, and even if I slept it still isn't healthy nor should it be something a company even asks of its players to do to stay in the game. I was mostly stuck somewhere and it all seems…
  • Well that was fun...standing locked for about 10min and whenever theres a spot, its filled. I'm EU...5am-7am for this every week? No ty, I think I even prefered nirvana...b:sad That and then getting into the 20vs0 or 20vs4 wars that are the only option...Lol.
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