Nation war and needed changes



  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Research on the pwpedia and in the forums before hand or aim for wars where it's a lopsided fight (1 vs 20) and use that time to explore. Others probably wont teach you because while they're teach you they're losing out on attacking/defending and contribution so essentially you're costing them coin. Basically, gotta pay to learn and gain experience. NW and its rewards aren't just handed to you. I think you're penalizing the nw for your lack of knowledge against it.

    You start with 15? seconds of invulnerability at spawn point. Its very difficult to be spawn killed as you get the first stun and first attacks while they can do nothing to you. In that 15 seconds you can also just run away to some place beyond spawn point. Best solution of course is to not get locked into the 1/3 of the map where your side spawns. And I go for archers less because they're easy prey but more because they're pain in the *** dd's that I don't want attacking me. I tend to go for clerics, venos, psys, and archers first. Cleric's because of their control skill and they can heal someone else I'm fighting, venos because they purge, psys because they aoe stun and hit hard, and archers because they're physical and magical ranged dd's that have alot of control skills. Don't like being a threat in pk, pick another class that people are more likely to ignore.

    First off i had just logged in and never cared to try cuz i heard it was just a big pk feast which i dont lke pk but my faction was all teamed up and it was 10 min. till start time... i knew nothing... i wasnt expected any rewards to be handed to me it was new and i wanted to explore it .

    15 sec 10 sec whatever my screen is loading while that time is ticking and i never really got past the spawn point... just not fun unless your 100+

    i picked this class cause its easiest for me to play due to my disabiliy... and being killed repeatedly after t was over doesnt gain the other noob anything...
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Research on the pwpedia and in the forums before hand or aim for wars where it's a lopsided fight (1 vs 20) and use that time to explore. Others probably wont teach you because while they're teach you they're losing out on attacking/defending and contribution so essentially you're costing them coin. Basically, gotta pay to learn and gain experience. NW and its rewards aren't just handed to you. I think you're penalizing the nw for your lack of knowledge against it.

    You start with 15? seconds of invulnerability at spawn point. Its very difficult to be spawn killed as you get the first stun and first attacks while they can do nothing to you. In that 15 seconds you can also just run away to some place beyond spawn point. Best solution of course is to not get locked into the 1/3 of the map where your side spawns. And I go for archers less because they're easy prey but more because they're pain in the *** dd's that I don't want attacking me. I tend to go for clerics, venos, psys, and archers first. Cleric's because of their control skill and they can heal someone else I'm fighting, venos because they purge, psys because they aoe stun and hit hard, and archers because they're physical and magical ranged dd's that have alot of control skills. Don't like being a threat in pk, pick another class that people are more likely to ignore.

    Not everyone will do research on how to play a certain part of a game less their interest is peaked. so what if someone is losing coin or contribution just cause they are taking a lil bit of time away from doing their own attacking/defending of regions. it doesnt take that long to explain to someone the mechanics of how nation wars works specially if your in a protected region, thats the best time to maybe teach someone how nw works. Plus that 15 sec invulnerability is really weak cause someone mentioned one time that they were gettin one shotted by r9s through that 15 sec invulnerability. With me as an archer i pretty much have to go after any class that i see just to get much of anything. Its different when you get a player who doesnt know the nw pvp experience and they want to try it for themselves and then the r9s/NVS3s end up spawnkilling em just to rack up more points on their personal scoring record. spawnkilling is a bad tactic that should be eliminated permanently and that means that if a player sees someone in the respawn area and they have just been revived, let them come out of the area first before atking them less they start atking you than you can defend yourself, but not giving someone a chance to defend or counteratk, they shouldnt even be in nws if thats how they want to do it. Plus i rule that pw make a rule that states that if anyone is caught spawnkilling during nation wars, that they'll get a 3-5 day ban and that is very easy to catch too when you got 3 or more ppl camping at the spawn area just to rack up more personal points.

    PS spawnkilling should be against the rules, its no more different than an arcade player cheating their way to the top. Spawnkilling is cheating PERIOD!!!
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    and archers because they're physical and magical ranged dd's that have alot of control skills.

    Wait... what... we have a lot of control skills... damnit... where have i been all these years.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After respawning, PWI should increase the time from 15 seconds, to 45 seconds, so people have a chance to download the spawn location, and be able to get out of the way of the no talent moronic spawn killers.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Honestly, the changes I see needed would be these:

    1) Change one of the timezones, no balancing needed!
    Srsly PWI? There's no thinking needed in this, there's no new balance needed either for that matter, all those comments are pure BS for timegain till people just give up argumenting. Change one timezone to 12 hours earlier, this way anyone can choose which day suits them the best, aswell as adjust freely if wanting to do it the day it does not suit timewise. NEVER should a company demand that a huge part of their members skip sleep/work/other social activites, just because You as a company suddenly decide NW is the only way to make coin - fast, if you ever want a shot to roll with the big boys.

    You're losing out on alot of EU/unfitting timezoned players who just simply gave up when NW became the big money maker, prices arn't sinking enough for others who do not attend NW, to afford the mats the way NW participants do - thus making this system a huge disappointment.

    2) Make sure pure PVE players can farm their mats and coin, equally.
    I've never seen such ignorance towards people who do not wish to PK nor have the skills/capacity of it. Some chose a PVE server for a reason and I honestly cannot understand how PWCN cannot understand what this option means. Some have practised their toons in PK for years, while some of us ignored the option as it didn't suit us - just to get thrown into this **** vs those who do.

    Nirvana may have been dull, but it gave u a choice of when, how, and with who to do it. Now this instance doesn't come close to what NW does, income wise in one night. There could have been ways to balance this so that they both worked side by side, speaking to a bigger audience and giving you a choice of how to earn your coin while being equal in terms of effort/time put in..

    3) Deal with the spawnkillers
    Either make a safezone where the opposite team cannot enter in skill/melee range to it, giving people who want out of it a chance to recover genie wise or group up to push out. That or simply increase the immune to damage time.

    I believe it's happening on every server that a few of the r9 +10 or in equal gears and above, derp seekers/high HP tank and DD outputters, camp a spawnpoint the entire game. Problem in this is that whoever spawns is usually unprepared to fight, and is forced to do so without much of potential backup as many are mainly out in the field.

    I've been to spawns where 5 people are unable to kill ONE person due to gear differences, whom is just tanking and killing spawning people for fun every darn war/NW I'm in, literally farming tanking/killing points on a roll. Some have started to use this as a strategy to gain personal credit that they then can brag about once the war ends in various instance squads, imo it's quite disgusting and needs some kind of solving.

    4) Tell us what balance is behind NW
    I honestly don't trust this balance unless I get told what mechanics are behind it.
    Does it take level/gear/refines/soulforce/base attack-stats into consideration, or what?
    Alot of these things can be exploited and thus doesn't work as a 'balance' when it comes to an instance that effects the main coin income for most. Heck, if I got **** luck (which I do btw), I can't get my gears before someone whos contantly put into good squads or good nations. Is that my fault or something I can change? No. I also refuse to make 'friends' with specific players just to get into a good squad, that's the most false thing someone would do.

    So how exactly is this thing balanced when it's as random as packs? An individuals main economy shouldn't be based on this kind of 'luck' in any game, it's as logic as putting the people who does not want to work, in suits and ferrarris. While u put the ones who work close to the whole day, in the dirt jar.

    A real balance would be as said before, put everyone in equal gear/balancing buffs of some sort, no differences besides skills/genie/apoc or individual builds in the classes. That is, if you want a REAL effing balance. Everyone should have the right to fight equally for their coin income. And if you're a person reading this with ur nostrils going wild thinking '****, if I farmed/merched/bought r9-nvs3, I wanna use it!'. I farmed my r9 too and the gears are in conclusion OP, sometimes one shotting (even at low refines of 6-7) decently geared players, so please take your egoistic self and go where it's less individually gamebreaking - TW for example. There you can show off your so called OPness without ruining the chance for people of earning what they're personally capable of when playing their class.

    NW was made as the new economy instance for players, so please balance it as such and quit feeding the already fed for once, or it's just as bad as Nirvana balancing - if not worse as it stomps on a wider set of players.

    While u're at it PWI-PWCN, throw in level ranged wars. The lv60s in our lv100+ wars are just sad to see get owned and sometimes even annoying when they grab the flag as they're too silly to understand that they do themselves/nation no good as they're one shots, usually without speed pot knowledge. Not meant as a rude thing, but I honestly think people would have more fun individually that way, rather than playing 'hide and seek from the 100s'.
    ~ Suspended on Silverwings ~
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Honestly, the changes I see needed would be these:

    1) Change one of the timezones, no balancing needed!

    The NW money is already gone, the price are so low that even if they change it, people will be able to do the event to enjoy it, but won't get as much money as the firsts NW. Than again it's a event if someone cannot live without doing a in game event they should just quit and get a life. There's other ways to make money than just NW, NW is the lazy way to make money, but not the only way.
    2) Make sure pure PVE players can farm their mats and coin, equally.

    Even the worse talented player get reward, cause people get points to be shot, so I can understand people don't like PvP, but that event doesn't have the bad side of it, no dropping items, no red name, people don't know who they fight so even if you suck they don't know who you are (or care). Fight against players is just fight against ''intelligent'' mobs, how is it so hard for a PvE person to just enter in NW and DD on everything they see? Just see it as a PvP experience.

    I would not be surprise that some PvE loved it so much that started to PvP outside that event.

    3) Deal with the spawnkillers

    You are immune to damage for a period of time when you appear, if you stand there like a idiot 'til it come off it's your problem. I have planty of time to fly away before the immune damage come off. So ye stop standing at the spawn point and go away maybe?
    4) Tell us what balance is behind NW

    On that I agree, we don't know really what's the ''balance'' or if there's even a balance. On the NW info all that say it's: ''The Overseer, being the crafty demon that he is, will do his best to assign players to create armies for each nation as balanced as possible, taking into account a number of different factors.''

    So yea who know really how they do it or if they even do it, but again if 10 persons lvl 105 R9+12 squad together than they get the same nation so the balance thing is a fail useless thing.

    NW was a big deal the maybe 4-6 firsts times I agree, but now it's ... well someone could live without doing it.

    At the start NW was suppose to be servers vs servers so it was already a PvP thing so PvE people should deal with it and try to learn new things about how PvP beside complain about it. If they don't want to do NW cause it's PvP than they are free to go do Nirvana or TT, it's PvE and give money.

    I think they should have done that event without cannies/rapt reward, but they are so slow to react that even if they remove it in 6 months that's gonna be to late.

    It's just sad that people care about the money at that point, I wish they made that event with **** rewards so people do it for the fun beside the money $$$.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Bella, one thing about the spawn killers, and the time people have to run/fly away, some people have slower connections, and or graphics that take a few seconds to download the area and players in the area. While it doesn't normally effect me, I know quite a few people that find themselves killed at the spawn point by the time the game screen comes back on. An additional 15 to 30 seconds of safe time would hurt none except the egos of those who are killing at spawn points.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Bella, one thing about the spawn killers, and the time people have to run/fly away, some people have slower connections, and or graphics that take a few seconds to download the area and players in the area. While it doesn't normally effect me, I know quite a few people that find themselves killed at the spawn point by the time the game screen comes back on. An additional 15 to 30 seconds of safe time would hurt none except the egos of those who are killing at spawn points.

    Don't forget that people immune can attack people so give them 1 minute immunity while they can kill people? No thx, not my problem if some people play from crappy laptop or with a toaster.

    Do you imagine the advantage that would give mystics? They can ress where they die, imagine a second if a mystic have 1 minute to kill everything while be immune. (or any other class actually with ress buff)

    Do you imagine a sin with a ress buff? Cleric kill the sin the sin ress with 1 minute immunity, do you know how many AA a sin can kill in one minute if they don't take damage?

    That would create a unbalance and make mystic to OP with the ress buff.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Make the spawn location a no fight zone with a safe radius where people cannot kill those respawning, and those respawning cannot fight those with beady eyes that are salivating at those in the safe zone that just respawned.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Make the spawn location a no fight zone with a safe radius where people cannot kill those respawning, and those respawning cannot fight those with beady eyes that are salivating at those in the safe zone that just respawned.

    Ye right, at the size of the map that pretty much mean the flag carrier won't be able to be attacked when he go bring the flag, at 7 spawn points radius on each side of the map it's pretty much put all the map except the middle unable to fight...

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The NW money is already gone, the price are so low that even if they change it, people will be able to do the event to enjoy it, but won't get as much money as the firsts NW. Than again it's a event if someone cannot live without doing a in game event they should just quit and get a life. There's other ways to make money than just NW, NW is the lazy way to make money, but not the only way.

    NW money already gone? I was in the losing nation with 100 pts off the winning, yet pulled in over 30m in the lil amount of tokens I got that was nothing close to my normal sum. So no, money isnt gone on all servers. Our raps are still going for 350ish k last time i looked, do the math on the people who gain 150+ tokens on average per war.

    If someone cant live without it u tell them to quit? No comment on that. There's nothing wrong in wanting in on the biggest available cashcow. Other ways to make cash, sure there are. But they're so much slower that they barely count in comparison, which, imo is totally wrong and should be balanced out.

    And Bella, this is no event anymore, it's a farming instance for coin and gear and should be treated as such and be set on as equal and broad reaching terms as possible.

    Even the worse talented player get reward, cause people get points to be shot, so I can understand people don't like PvP, but that event doesn't have the bad side of it, no dropping items, no red name, people don't know who they fight so even if you suck they don't know who you are (or care). Fight against players is just fight against ''intelligent'' mobs, how is it so hard for a PvE person to just enter in NW and DD on everything they see? Just see it as a PvP experience.

    I would not be surprise that some PvE loved it so much that started to PvP outside that event.

    So, this 'event' should be a total drag to some to gain a lil amount of tokens while those who can one shot others, will enjoy it + get better rewards. No, I don't agree.

    Also, try to understand that some do NOT want to fight what you call intelligent mobs, specially for 2 hours straight. Very rarely does PVE require charms, or apoc to stay alive longer periods of time to gather these 'hit on points'. PK and PVE are 2 different things, take that from someone who's played PVP games for 5 years and also pure PVE for 3. No matter the 'extras' like no item drops, we do not enjoy the concept, simple as that. We do not rage or feel upset at mobs, as much as we do vs. humans. U'll probably call that another 'quit if you cant handle it' so I'm not gonna bother explaining the psychology in it any further.

    I'm not impressed by the PK in this game at all after all my years of PK in different games, neither do I enjoy it, and that's final.

    You are immune to damage for a period of time when you appear, if you stand there like a idiot 'til it come off it's your problem. I have planty of time to fly away before the immune damage come off. So ye stop standing at the spawn point and go away maybe?

    Read up on computers loading areas, as mentioned before, not everyone got a top notch computer to use. Mine loads it fine so not speaking for myself.
    I still don't enjoy getting stalked by sins or a whole spawnkilling squad when I try to get away. And in regards to flying. What can archers and other ranged classes do to you when you fly, look it up, maybe? I've been one shot even with the difference land/air. And my HP is above 11k.

    NW was a big deal the maybe 4-6 firsts times I agree, but now it's ... well someone could live without doing it.


    I agree they could have done different rewards, but truth is 50% probably wouldn't bother going if it wasnt for the cash that lays within it. And survive without it, sure. But getting the gears equal to your friend who does it in close to an equal time, will not happen. To most, gear upgrades and things to upgrade are the reason they keep on playing, with that almost taken away from them, they do what? The standards also get higher with the majority of the playerbase doing these things, and some will not. Putting them in the less good category of players cause they simply cannot keep up as it looks today. It pisses a part of the playerbase off, if you havn't noticed that already by the majority in this thread.

    And regards to the spawnkilling.. If they did make safe areas like most games, all it'd need is infinite AD on people within a little radius of the spawn platform that the carrier cannot enter.

    That gives people a fair chance to recover and try plan a rush out, some sacreficing themselves to get out incase of spawn camping. Any non moving user within a 1 minute span could also be sent there automatically by the system to avoid AFKers from gaining any 'slap' points.
    I've never stood still in a functioning NW 1 minute imo should be fine. That way, AFKing toons in NW would be close to pointless unless you constantly move them and focus on it every minute. That or the simple solution of sending chars back to Base once they afk and arn't moving. Once you afk, you have lost your spot imo. No war I know of wait for anyone.

    Replies are in non colored text.
    ~ Suspended on Silverwings ~
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    PvE people on PvE server (or even PvP) had how many way to farm money before NW?

    -Grind mobs for DQ items
    -Caster Nirvana
    -Grind in the 3rd map
    -Selling FC
    -Selling craft service

    PvP people that don't like PvE had what to farm in PvP?

    -Tournament (Oh my gosh a huge 3-5m a week IF lucky)
    -Make a red name drop (which is maybe a chance on 500)

    Mhm not a lot.

    The only real PvP making money is NW and PvE people already cry to get a PvE instance, you already have/had a LOT of PvE way to farm, can PvP people get at least ONE without turning it in PvE. I don't even understand why PvE people complain, you can do EVERY PvE in the game with TT90-99-R8. If you only PvE and want more than that you are the greedy person, you do not need more, but you want more, need and want is different, while PvP people need more than TT90-99-R8 to be able to handle the PvP OP people.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    PvE people on PvE server (or even PvP) had how many way to farm money before NW?

    -Grind mobs for DQ items
    -Caster Nirvana
    -Grind in the 3rd map
    -Selling FC
    -Selling craft service

    PvP people that don't like PvE had what to farm in PvP?

    -Tournament (Oh my gosh a huge 3-5m a week IF lucky)
    -Make a red name drop (which is maybe a chance on 500)

    Mhm not a lot.

    The only real PvP making money is NW and PvE people already cry to get a PvE instance, you already have/had a LOT of PvE way to farm, can PvP people get at least ONE without turning it in PvE. I don't even understand why PvE people complain, you can do EVERY PvE in the game with TT90-99-R8. If you only PvE and want more than that you are the greedy person, you do not need more, but you want more, need and want is different, while PvP people need more than TT90-99-R8 to be able to handle the PvP OP people.
    I'm a random guy, and I approve this message
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    yuanfen999 wrote: »
    I agree with Alondark 100% here. Arranged squad have too much advantage in a war where everyone is suppose to be anonymous and work together with differnt folks. Apo pots should be disabled on flag carrier. Btw Arranged squad is the primary reason why there's even a base lock in the first place. Who can stop 2 squads of 10x r9s3? They will just base lock and farm the shi.t out of all the lowbies/undergeared random folks that rush in to attempt to repeal their base lock. b:chuckle

    yop, last NW there was OP squad of R9's piercing batlefield till it got to another nation base...then they just sat there for maybe 1,5h blocking one of 4 ways from base...even after defeating ppl, they set there for 3 mins till they could be attacked again and just slaughtering again...

    I think that everyone should enter NW solo and squad up with ppl within their nation.

    my 5c

    lil archer of Radiance with big heart and maybe hint of humor...
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    yop, last NW there was OP squad of R9's piercing batlefield till it got to another nation base...then they just sat there for maybe 1,5h blocking one of 4 ways from base...even after defeating ppl, they set there for 3 mins till they could be attacked again and just slaughtering again...

    I think that everyone should enter NW solo and squad up with ppl within their nation.

    my 5c

    I was in snowy last night listening to the play by play action. it's like listening to sports radio LOL. But some were holloring about 47 bots in flame nation? what was that all about?
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    PvE people on PvE server (or even PvP) had how many way to farm money before NW?

    -Grind mobs for DQ items
    -Caster Nirvana
    -Grind in the 3rd map
    -Selling FC
    -Selling craft service

    PvP people that don't like PvE had what to farm in PvP?

    -Tournament (Oh my gosh a huge 3-5m a week IF lucky)
    -Make a red name drop (which is maybe a chance on 500)

    Mhm not a lot.

    The only real PvP making money is NW and PvE people already cry to get a PvE instance, you already have/had a LOT of PvE way to farm, can PvP people get at least ONE without turning it in PvE. I don't even understand why PvE people complain, you can do EVERY PvE in the game with TT90-99-R8. If you only PvE and want more than that you are the greedy person, you do not need more, but you want more, need and want is different, while PvP people need more than TT90-99-R8 to be able to handle the PvP OP people.

    As I've said before, if u even read my first post. Balance the 2, never did I once mention to remove it. Better read next time before u even start discussing it just to find an argument. Also, I don't count merchanting as PVE farming...that's a whole category on its own as its done while being AFK and not active ingame.

    About the want and need. May be true for some PVE players aswell as PVPers, not everyone is greedy. PVE folks also want to upgrade to do better in PVE instances with friends or just together with someone else. Which as you can see, isn't really possible in tt90-99 in some harder still coin giving instances, split the 10m goldmat from TT on 6 or even 3 runners and see how much luck u need to get up to par with NW folks now. They shouldnt be bound to stick in old endgame gear for longer than the PVPers just because they don't wanna PK. A balance would count both the parts in.

    There can be various reasons for wanting to upgrade a character. One reason may be looks (the gears u mentioned are way outdated graphics wise...) another to sustain a squad better, not by pulling all the mobs and expect to be praised for it but simply to make things faster and smoother in the gameplay. It's a choice of playing style, not greed. Everything isn't black or white.

    Now, all the people who wants PVE and PVP instances to be equally rewarding for time put into them, what about em? Is ur solution to this problem once again 'Get life, quit' cause PWI refuses to do something as simple as moving a timezone slot or balancing the rewards? Now that in my opinion, is the pure greed you were speaking of.
    ~ Suspended on Silverwings ~
  • Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    PvE people on PvE server (or even PvP) had how many way to farm money before NW?

    -Grind mobs for DQ items
    -Caster Nirvana
    -Grind in the 3rd map
    -Selling FC
    -Selling craft service

    PvP people that don't like PvE had what to farm in PvP?

    -Tournament (Oh my gosh a huge 3-5m a week IF lucky)
    -Make a red name drop (which is maybe a chance on 500)

    Mhm not a lot.

    The only real PvP making money is NW and PvE people already cry to get a PvE instance, you already have/had a LOT of PvE way to farm, can PvP people get at least ONE without turning it in PvE. I don't even understand why PvE people complain, you can do EVERY PvE in the game with TT90-99-R8. If you only PvE and want more than that you are the greedy person, you do not need more, but you want more, need and want is different, while PvP people need more than TT90-99-R8 to be able to handle the PvP OP people.

    Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying PvP servers/players can't make money from each of the areas you mentioned PvE servers as having? Or PvP players just don't want to farm areas to make money?

    I never knew a PvP server didn't have TT, FC, Lunar, Nirvana, 3rd map, merchants, DQ farming. Well slap my a$$ and call me silly.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It's like people don't realize that people need to run past the enemy spawns to cap the flag. Having people immune to damage for a minute while you're trying to cap a flag would make things ridiculous difficult.

    Seems people just want things handed to them, I have a well geared character and I have been wtfpwnt by some of the top two factions in the game, I don't QQ. Sht happens, gotta earn it.
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Make the spawn location a no fight zone with a safe radius where people cannot kill those respawning, and those respawning cannot fight those with beady eyes that are salivating at those in the safe zone that just respawned.

    People would then camp the safe zone and kill anything that exits it.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    People would then camp the safe zone and kill anything that exits it.

    Heres the deal with making the spawn area a safe zone, sure its possible that players will camp there just to kill anything that exits it or goes by it, but i propose this as part of a solution to the spawnkilling.

    Make the spawn area a safe zone for bout 30secs-1min, after that if your not out of the safe zone within the time limit then it'll be switched to a non safe zone so that if someone was to camp in the spawn area then they would be able to be killed even in the spawn area after the timer has timed out. plus when they exit, it'll automatically click em out of the safe zone. its almost similar to how cities have a safe zone and once you go out of it than it gives ya the "leaving safe zone" message. why not make it that way in nation wars but with a timer added so when a player leaves the spawn area, that they'll be able to be atked after leaving the area. im sure that there will be a few flaws with this idea since the spawn killers will be waiting just outside of the safe zone to still get their kill points, but what if we kept the immunity bubble and it got increased to bout 20-30secs so when we leave the spawn area, they wont be able to atk anyone till it wears off as usual. atm idk how well this would be accepted by Val, the mods and the devs, much less the playerbase community. so from my opinion i think this would almost definitely fix anyway possible for spawnkillers to spawnkill the spawn area.
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    we kept the immunity bubble and it got increased to bout 20-30secs so when we leave the spawn area, they wont be able to atk anyone till it wears off as usual.

    LOL... immune to damage with a tw spawn seal on you for 30 seconds. I wonder which is more fun... base locked or spawn locked.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    LOL... immune to damage with a tw spawn seal on you for 30 seconds. I wonder which is more fun... base locked or spawn locked.

    Now i wonder which is more fun tw spawn seal or a 30sec immunity. plus what i was describing wasnt the tw spawn seal, but to rather make each of the spawn areas a safe zone that would last either 30secs or 1min. theres 3 spawn areas for both sides, 1. platform, 2, center of three trees, 3. behind a rock, each of those areas would have a safe zone range to em. for example the spawn area in the center of three trees, the trees themselves would serve as the boundary limit to the safe zone so if anyone goes past em after being respawned will be an open target plus if anyone was to enter that area wouldnt get the safe zone limit. plus if anyone was standing there over the time limit than they could get targeted and killed. the problem with spawnkillers is that they camp around the spawn areas and wait till the immunity bubble wears off then they can kill em over and over again, so this is a much better solution than the one that is already in action. so if your that dumb to understand this, then heres the simple version for an absent minded pipsqueak.

    1. make the area surrounding the spawn area a safe zone.

    2. increase the time on the immunity bubble to 20-30secs.

    3. if time on the safe zone expires, than its the players fault for standing there too long.

    4. a player wont get the safe zone timer if he/she enters it, if a player does enter the spawn area while fighting, then those that have respawned wont be affected by any dmg.

    this is a solution to those that get spawnkilled after being respawned,not those that enter the spawn area and still want some kind of protection. SIMPLE?

    PS: i make solutions not problems
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If you're getting spawn killed, you or your side is weak. Be it your gear, skills, teammates, or hardware, it's not a fault in the enemy to exploit your weakness.

    If you're gonna wait around at spawn with 10 HP and not even bother to pot to heal yourself, why are you even attending?

    "QQ, it's not fair, the guys that invest hundreds of hours and millions upon billions of coins building up their characters to be competitive are killing me left and right". Must be a problem with the game. Seriously...

    I can see increasing the invulnerable time to 15 sec to help with loading issues and give a bit more time to run away from campers, but generally don't see a problem with the spawn system as it is. If I can survive spawn killing when it's 20 vs. 2 most people should be able to find a way to manage when it's 20 vs 20.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying PvP servers/players can't make money from each of the areas you mentioned PvE servers as having? Or PvP players just don't want to farm areas to make money?

    I never knew a PvP server didn't have TT, FC, Lunar, Nirvana, 3rd map, merchants, DQ farming. Well slap my a$$ and call me silly.

    Sure PvP people can PvE, but it's the same for PvE people they can PvP too they just don't want to.

    PvP people don't have choice to do PvE, so is it the end of the world if PvE people need to do as well a bit of PvP (without the bad sides of it) for money?

    A lot of PvP people HATE PvE, yes I saw a lot of people complain about it, but I never saw a PvP person ask to make a PvP version of TT, Lunar, WS, Caster and Nirvana.

    First big PvP ''event'' and already PvE babies ask for a PvE version of it. Some people didn't even TRIED it and ask for a PvE version of it, some PvE people admitted hate PvP, but LOVE NW.

    So people should give it a try and if they really hate it, well be happy it's only 4 hours a week, PvP people spend way much more than 4 hours a week in PvE while they hate it cause they don't have choice.

    Ws is a good example of it, a lot of people are sick of Ws, but have no other way to get molds/badges, while NW is in majority about making money and there's other ways to make money.

    If people hate PvP and NW at that point, well they are free to go farm something PvE, I know people that make more money by farming PvE than in NW.

    There's other ways to make money, as far as I know before NW people wasn't making money only with cannies/raptures, I wont name again all the PvE way to make money cause people should know them by now.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If you're gonna wait around at spawn with 10 HP and not even bother to pot to heal yourself, why are you even attending?
    unless its super lag or loading those sort of pple deserve to die >_> also its kinda immature to make the company change game mechanics cause you have a sucky PC/connection, as opposed to the general majority.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    unless its super lag or loading those sort of pple deserve to die >_> also its kinda immature to make the company change game mechanics cause you have a sucky PC/connection, as opposed to the general majority.
    When you see these people move around and start to attack, it kinda rules out loading.
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If you're getting spawn killed, you or your side is weak. Be it your gear, skills, teammates, or hardware, it's not a fault in the enemy to exploit your weakness.

    If you're gonna wait around at spawn with 10 HP and not even bother to pot to heal yourself, why are you even attending?

    "QQ, it's not fair, the guys that invest hundreds of hours and millions upon billions of coins building up their characters to be competitive are killing me left and right". Must be a problem with the game. Seriously...

    I can see increasing the invulnerable time to 15 sec to help with loading issues and give a bit more time to run away from campers, but generally don't see a problem with the spawn system as it is. If I can survive spawn killing when it's 20 vs. 2 most people should be able to find a way to manage when it's 20 vs 20.

    If we're getting spawnkilled its cause the other side is camping around the spawn area while hardly giving us a chance to counterattack. plus alot of us players dont just sit there twiddling our thumbs, we are only there for a minimum of 30sec rebuffing and letting our genies catch up on energy. so i consider spawnkilling a cheaters method since its the only cheating way of winning or getting their big share of tokens for coin. spawnkillers are both greedy and cheaters who dont want to do nw the way its suppose to be played and i mean on equal fields, battleground and self rules. less you dont have a sense of personal ethics in nw to consider other ppl over your greedy cheating ways. someone who doesnt knw the game mechanics of nw and who continually gets spawnkilled will leave it with a bad impression. also they might not even want to go back into it cause of all the cheaters who exploit a weakness in the system due to a lack of restrictions. if players cant learn to play fairly specially with those that want to do nation wars for the fun of it instead of making money off of it, then they should either go play with themselves or just uninstall pw completely. plus you talk bout fair to the millions of players who spend billions of hrs trying to get their toon to a competitive lvl? give me a break, those players who already have their super duper gear compared to those that dont are at a big disadvantage when we cant enjoy something without someone else to ruin it for us. before long nation wars will be nothing more than the r9s and NVS3s playing with each other like parrots in a jungle. pw made nation wars to be enjoyed by players who are lvl 60+, if it was going to be made for the higher lvls than they should of made it either 95+ like in morai or 100+ like with rb, warsong, etc and even then those that just got to 100 dont have their op gear yet cause they would have to end up buying the raps and cannies, and then what? the raps and cannies would just go back up in cost due to the lack of amounts that are sold.
    the immunity bubble is already 15 secs, so raising it up to least 20-30secs would help quite a bit. so why dont you just plain shut up and go somewhere, where someone wants you.
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    wall of text

    First off, learn to use punctuation, capitalization, and how to make paragraphs. I stopped reading your reply 1/2 way though because it became too tedious to bother with. If you can't be bothered to put a smidge of effort in making your post readable, I won't be bothered reading it completely.
    If we're getting spawnkilled its cause the other side is camping around the spawn area while hardly giving us a chance to counterattack. plus alot of us players dont just sit there twiddling our thumbs, we are only there for a minimum of 30sec rebuffing and letting our genies catch up on energy.

    If the other side can afford to camp your spawn areas, then your team is too weak. If waiting around for 30 seconds to fully buff up gets you killed, try a different strategy. These faults are on your end, not the enemy's.
  • Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I've not seen a spawn killing situation unless one side is completely overwhelmed. In that situation, you have already lost, so why complain about it, lol. When you spawn, u get 7 secs of immunity, 1.5 sparks, double spark (i think) increase to attack, barb, phy and magical def buffs. If it was even, it would be easy to get out of being spawn killed. And there are 6 spawn points... and pw wars was not meant to be enjoyed by lvl 60+, it's 100+ with at least average gear. Being accessible to lvl 60+ is another story.
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    here i found your mistake.
    If we're getting spawnkilled its cause the other side is camping around the spawn area while hardly giving us a chance to counterattack.
    run the **** away when you spawn. That aint the time to be counterattacking hello.
    plus alot of us players dont just sit there twiddling our thumbs, we are only there for a minimum of 30sec rebuffing and letting our genies catch up on energy.
    Again, run the **** away when you spawn.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan


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