New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • sm3ag0l
    sm3ag0l Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    just move on to a new game thats what i did last time i logged here i logged out after 10 minutes lol.
    this game is nothing but a money sink i found me a much more fun f2p game thats not as greedy as pwi and actually fun to play no OP gears you can buy just some aids i love it .

    as i would say good luck with the crp here nothing will change it will only get worse and more greedy why you think they run spend rewards constantly?

    just to sqeeze out the last cash they can make before evryone finally gets its a lost cause and can send their money somewhere else wich brings you more fun for your $ .

  • overcomem
    overcomem Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I 'm glad you guys still keep playing this game . GOOD LUCK!! b:chuckle
  • xxhealbillyxx
    xxhealbillyxx Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    So yeah. Low level coin isn't as big of a problem as you seem to think. :D
    Kidding? Right?
    Easy to say when you've been around for awhile. Try starting a new toon on a new server like I just did. Quite a task when you have no older toons to raid for coin or spare gear.
    Are you people so clueless that nobody realizes that THE ECONOMY IN THIS GAME SUFFERING HYPER INFLATION! Remember when +1 dorb was 90 to 105k not the current 300k each? Remember thinking DoT for 22m was expensive because you could get them for 18m? Now 150m. Remember when immaculate citrine was 900k and not 2 or 2.5m? Remember when tokens of best luck were 14k and not 35k each? Remember when perfect stones were 900 each not 3,000? With the hyper inflation in this game a new player needs excitement cards just for logging in. A new player is dead in the water trying to compete against older players that got refined for next to nothing compared to now. I can't even imagine trying to do for my new toons on Archosaur server like I did for my Heavens Tear toons. I feel sorry for new players trying to refine or buy stones. +5 dorb was 7 to 9m, now 18m. Yes my clueless wonder, coin is a very big issue in the game and will be the death of it. Honestly, I don't think I'll even bother with new toons on Archosaur server, there's just no frikking way now. Completely unaffordable.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Kidding? Right?
    Easy to say when you've been around for awhile. Try starting a new toon on a new server like I just did. Quite a task when you have no older toons to raid for coin or spare gear.
    Are you people so clueless that nobody realizes that THE ECONOMY IN THIS GAME SUFFERING HYPER INFLATION! Remember when +1 dorb was 90 to 105k not the current 300k each? Remember thinking DoT for 22m was expensive because you could get them for 18m? Now 150m. Remember when immaculate citrine was 900k and not 2 or 2.5m? Remember when tokens of best luck were 14k and not 35k each? Remember when perfect stones were 900 each not 3,000? With the hyper inflation in this game a new player needs excitement cards just for logging in. A new player is dead in the water trying to compete against older players that got refined for next to nothing compared to now. I can't even imagine trying to do for my new toons on Archosaur server like I did for my Heavens Tear toons. I feel sorry for new players trying to refine or buy stones. +5 dorb was 7 to 9m, now 18m. Yes my clueless wonder, coin is a very big issue in the game and will be the death of it. Honestly, I don't think I'll even bother with new toons on Archosaur server, there's just no frikking way now. Completely unaffordable.

    Tell us what "New" player is going to +5 anything or imbune anything especially with a DoT into something they plan on out leveling within a week. I can't think of any new players spending craploads of in game coin on something they are just going to decompose into a soulgem or throw away after they outgrow it. That is the major problem with your argument. The reason things got to be so expensive is simple supply and demand. You had people frosting multiple characters to end game within a week or 2 and they needed those gears and mats so prices went up.

    Also many of those items such as P Stones can easily be farmed. Go so the theater of blood to get them for hell's sake.

    Start selling **** in a catshop. JoJ quests give plenty to lower level characters to play the game at their level. You started your tyrade complaining that new people can't afford to play new toons yet everything you mentioned is for end game or near end game gear. Also since so many powerleveled mains and alts to endgame status before hypers were disabled in FC in a hurry what did you expect was going to happen when they needed to be geared up? Supply and demand.

    And before you complain about too much coin being farmed from the environment and being dumped into the economy I can say that even a new character can bot coin and manufacturing mats too so they can buy mats and gears and skills for their current level.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    I saw the above before responding and don't really have much to add...

    One question, though. What the hell does your post have to do with what you quoted me about? Did you just see the word coin and decide you needed to rant about how expensive things are now while completely ignoring the context? Because as far as any person with basic reading comprehension can tell, your little tirade has absolutely nothing to do with low level coin generation even though you're trying to act like my statement was totally wrong and your argument is somehow supposed to disprove what I said.

    And considering I delete and remake lowbie characters on every server except Morai/Archo pretty often, I'd say I likely know a lot more about how things generally are for the lower level ranges than you do.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • xxhealbillyxx
    xxhealbillyxx Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    I saw the above before responding and don't really have much to add...

    One question, though. What the hell does your post have to do with what you quoted me about? Did you just see the word coin and decide you needed to rant about how expensive things are now while completely ignoring the context? Because as far as any person with basic reading comprehension can tell, your little tirade has absolutely nothing to do with low level coin generation even though you're trying to act like my statement was totally wrong and your argument is somehow supposed to disprove what I said.

    And considering I delete and remake lowbie characters on every server except Morai/Archo pretty often, I'd say I likely know a lot more about how things generally are for the lower level ranges than you do.
    Oh my God! Seriously? Here I'll do this s l o w. And pay attention. It was all clearly within context of the conversation.
    # 361 said:
    09-17-2014, 11:15 AM

    No, seriously. How are lower levels supposed to gain any form of money without the support of DQ's? Quests and grinding alone just don't give people enough coin--it's driving people AWAY from the game.

    And then you wrote:

    Originally Posted by OPKossy
    So yeah. Low level coin isn't as big of a problem as you seem to think. :D

    My response was clearly wihin context, to which I called you out on your trite response. And if you and Jadsia are going to stand there with a straight face and honestly say it's not jacked then you are both clueless. Jadsia, you missed the point completely, I listed EXAMPLES of items we all know illustrating the price hikes. These were items we all know used to Make A Point.
    Again, there a huge difference between getting leveled up and refined prior to the prices going up. Are you seriously going to tell me it's not way more expensive now? Do it, tell me it's not just jacked through the roof and like post 361 said, driving away new players. No doubt Kossy, you can delete and create new toons and excel. Which just shows you take for granted new players not knowing what we do. Many times I've walked players through refining, etc, and they've been playing awhile. Didn't know how or where to do it. Didn't know about many things. You do!

    pwi/arc needs a (rolls eyes) smileyb:bye
  • eraldus
    eraldus Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why is this thread still stickied?

    Seriously, just unstick this, lock it up and burrow it really deep, because it's clearly already that a new DQ system won't happen! it's been almost a whole f****** year and nothing was mentioned by Sparkie or any GM about it for months!
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    eraldus wrote: »
    Why is this thread still stickied?

    Seriously, just unstick this, lock it up and burrow it really deep, because it's clearly already that a new DQ system won't happen! it's been almost a whole f****** year and nothing was mentioned by Sparkie or any GM about it for months!
    Even though every update to date has had the ability embedded, they have chosen not to deliver on their promise. This does not surprise me.

    I agree completely, just remove this, you obviously lied to us AGAIN PWE

    And we are getting all of china's changes to DQ so it's worthless, completely
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    Oh my God! Seriously? Here I'll do this s l o w. And pay attention. It was all clearly within context of the conversation.
    # 361 said:
    09-17-2014, 11:15 AM

    No, seriously. How are lower levels supposed to gain any form of money without the support of DQ's? Quests and grinding alone just don't give people enough coin--it's driving people AWAY from the game.

    And then you wrote:

    Originally Posted by OPKossy
    So yeah. Low level coin isn't as big of a problem as you seem to think. :D

    My response was clearly wihin context, to which I called you out on your trite response. And if you and Jadsia are going to stand there with a straight face and honestly say it's not jacked then you are both clueless. Jadsia, you missed the point completely, I listed EXAMPLES of items we all know illustrating the price hikes. These were items we all know used to Make A Point.
    Again, there a huge difference between getting leveled up and refined prior to the prices going up. Are you seriously going to tell me it's not way more expensive now? Do it, tell me it's not just jacked through the roof and like post 361 said, driving away new players. No doubt Kossy, you can delete and create new toons and excel. Which just shows you take for granted new players not knowing what we do. Many times I've walked players through refining, etc, and they've been playing awhile. Didn't know how or where to do it. Didn't know about many things. You do!

    pwi/arc needs a (rolls eyes) smileyb:bye

    And your post had all of -NOTHING- to do with coin and needs at low levels. Maybe you're the one that needs to pay attention. DoTs? Why on earth would ANY -LOW LEVEL- player be after those? They wouldn't even be at a point where they could farm the gear to get the gear that's a pre-requisite for gear that can have DoTs imbued. Refining? Again, why on earth is any low level player going to be trying to burn their coin on refines they don't need in gear they'll soon outlevel... outside of the fact that the lowbie treasure chest GIVES AWAY FREE REFINE AIDS AND SHARDS. And ones that are actually USEFUL for lower levels at that.

    Lowbies are getting so much free stuff thrown at them combined with Jolly Jones that they'll have absolutely zero problems with coin if they've been taught about all their freebies. Meanwhile every single example you can think of are things that... don't come into play until you're well past the point you can be considered a low level player. I show the lowbies I run into things that are actually appropriate for their level so they don't burn their time and resources on things they don't know about that will only hinder them down the road if they try to jump into it too early. You, clearly, do not take the time to do the same.

    And that's the difference between us. I can start fresh and thrive. You seem to start fresh and want to treat the new character like it's an established endgame character... and doing that just doesn't work because it isn't one. Focus on the needs and not the higher level wants and you'd see a major difference in how much spending money you had as well as how easy things suddenly looked because you weren't looking so far into the future that you hit your head on the door right in front of you.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Evryn - Morai
    Evryn - Morai Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    He does have a point OpKossy, but it happens at a later level. The economy is such that TT90 is still easy to obtain, but anything higher becomes... problematic for people starting out (IE people who don't yet have a character capable of participating in BH100's and lucking out on the coin rewards there). In order to get TT99 gear for upgrading to G15, you need to spend several millions per piece for the materials alone. And suffer being oneshotbait for several nation wars (which is -not- fun) to get the supply tokens needed for cannies and raps (or farm several MORE millions slowly and buy them - but the prices of these have gone up a lot too).
    This game has become outright hostile to new players as such, but not much can be done about it. If you give out free early endgame (or even PVE focused) gear once per account you'll end up with a flood of bots that use it.

    G15 (+4) I consider to be early endgame gear, you can at least move along with parties in that. At least PWI supplies you with the means to get a weapon to +7 for practically free if it's a character you thoroughly play - those free dragon orbs from the levelup chest that say they work only for gear under G16, do work for gear at G16.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    Oh I certainly agree about how things get rough when you're closer to 100 and starting to move towards things like Nirvana gears and the like.

    But at that point you're no longer a "low level" so to speak. The lower and mid levels (that is to say, generally the crowd below 90) don't really have coin issues. It's when you're getting into high and endgame levels that the inflation issues we're suffering become a major thing that will make many things unattractive. Especially if you happen to be brand new and weren't able to find a helpful faction or friends who can give you support. With a faction/friends it gets much easier even when you get close to casual endgame... but without finding one on the way through the levels it'll be rough.

    Point remains though, low levels don't really have problems with coin for the things they'd need and use. It's why I specified lower levels in my post he responded to. He's acting like I said that coin is plentiful for everyone and there's no inflation or anything to worry about at higher levels. Far from the case since if I meant that I wouldn't have specified lower levels to begin with.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • tmllover
    tmllover Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ok the last few posts are way off topic. Mods should know better then to contribute to taking it off track so much.

    Now, its been a dam close to a year (51 weeks-ish?) since they announced it.
    All we have heard is "There is a new system being worked on to replace the DQ system"

    I could go on about how I think it is a lie, but... well it isnt worth it anymore. Over the past few months, PWI has shown its true colors and at this point its just better to unsticky this thread, and toss it into the lower depths. Any further mention of a DQ replacement should be automatically closed/deleted/moved.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    He does have a point OpKossy, but it happens at a later level. The economy is such that TT90 is still easy to obtain, but anything higher becomes... problematic for people starting out (IE people who don't yet have a character capable of participating in BH100's and lucking out on the coin rewards there). In order to get TT99 gear for upgrading to G15, you need to spend several millions per piece for the materials alone. And suffer being oneshotbait for several nation wars (which is -not- fun) to get the supply tokens needed for cannies and raps (or farm several MORE millions slowly and buy them - but the prices of these have gone up a lot too).
    This game has become outright hostile to new players as such, but not much can be done about it. If you give out free early endgame (or even PVE focused) gear once per account you'll end up with a flood of bots that use it.

    G15 (+4) I consider to be early endgame gear, you can at least move along with parties in that. At least PWI supplies you with the means to get a weapon to +7 for practically free if it's a character you thoroughly play - those free dragon orbs from the levelup chest that say they work only for gear under G16, do work for gear at G16.

    Also my point is that there are more than enough ways for a player to make in game coin to satisfy the needs of their character's level. DQ value is just one small aspect of the revenue generating spectrum. A person has to open their eyes to the countless possibilities and find their niche. When I was a lowbie I never relied on DQ mats to make coin. I farmed herbs and mats to make TT instance wines and I also farmed TT to sell mats. I farmed for subs. I didn't have JoJ quests throwing a crapload of coin at me every day to by my herc, nix, skill books, etc. I relied on the effort I put into farming my coin. I even had a catshop merchant working for me.

    If a person does not know how to farm/merchant for coin by the time they are end game then they have bigger issues of laziness to deal with or they can just cash shop. I had this argument regarding others QQing about they have no way to make coin in the game in another thread before in april to june of last year. To prove my point I set one of my level 8 or lower TT opener alts as a catshop in arch and started it out with the 58 raps I made from my NW tokens as seed stock on a friday night. Within 5 to 6 weeks I turned those 58 raps into 640+ million coin. And according to other catshops in the area I wasn't doing all that great. If that wasn't enough I blew all that coin on packs and went broke then I started the entire process all over again from scratch. In another 6 weeks I had another 600 million.

    If a level 8 or less toon can do that as a catshop while I was mostly afk on my veno then there really is no excuse for all the QQ about how hard it is to make coin. The problem is not the game. It's the player not taking full advantage of the game by evaluating other possibilities and putting in effort.

    I've also mentioned in other threads that it's not hard to notice that the catshop population in west arch has been diminishing for the past few years. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that is directly linked to the populations of low level to upper mid level characters diminishing due to hyper leveling past most of the game's content. With that a massive part of the game economy went with it. Hopefully the recent changes are going to bring that back. A few weeks ago I was shocked to see how so little market there was for TT 60 to TT 90 mats there was and just a couple days ago there are starting to be calls on WC demanding help getting those mats. I see it slowly coming back. Soon the economy for low to mid range players will emerge again I hope.

    DQ is not the only way to make in game coin. With botting it's the laziest way but not the best way. My 101 2nd reborn bot in Morai makes only 2.4 mil (1.8 mil off DQ) in 7 hours yet I make 5 a day selling the 2 cogs I farm from the cube in 1.3 hours. When I get more free time I'll be farming TT and may be about to make another 5 to 10 mil easy in just a couple hours. If I were a lowbie I'd be botting mats for manufacturing skills and selling them in catshops by the blacksmith, tailor, apc, etc. as those mats may just sell for more than the value of DQ anyway.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • nogueras#7251
    nogueras#7251 Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Agreed with Jadsia.
    Just had to add something you surely forgot...
    Now there is no demand for TT 60-80 since you can farm a nice set of "pve equipments" just by doing your BHs.
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Happy one-year anniversary guys!

    It's been 365 days and PWE (sparkie included) has failed to bring this system into fruition. A company that can't follow through with their own WORD. It just goes to show how PWE has basically given up on most of their older titles.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    If a person does not know how to farm/merchant for coin by the time they are end game then they have bigger issues of laziness to deal with or they can just cash shop. I had this argument regarding others QQing about they have no way to make coin in the game in another thread before in april to june of last year. To prove my point I set one of my level 8 or lower TT opener alts as a catshop in arch and started it out with the 58 raps I made from my NW tokens as seed stock on a friday night. Within 5 to 6 weeks I turned those 58 raps into 640+ million coin. And according to other catshops in the area I wasn't doing all that great. If that wasn't enough I blew all that coin on packs and went broke then I started the entire process all over again from scratch. In another 6 weeks I had another 600 million.

    58 raps, on archo it would be bout 60k x 58 = 3,5m. Lets for the sake of argument say they are 100k on LC and so you had just under 6m starting capital. You seriously claim you made 10000%+ profit in 6 weeks? Either the story is complete bs or you are PWI economic genius. Now if you said you had 6m and you farmed + merched it to that 660m in 6 weeks, I might even believe you. Now 660m in in 6 weeks trough merching alone isnt impossible, I am sure I have beaten the 110m+/week myself personally. Thing is, its done with far larger capital.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • tmllover
    tmllover Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can we get anniversary rewards for the 1 year waiting for the replacement?

    Happy Anniversary DQ replacement LIE (insert balloon picture here, with cake or something)
  • mightymoose
    mightymoose Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    At least PWI supplies you with the means to get a weapon to +7 for practically free if it's a character you thoroughly play - those free dragon orbs from the levelup chest that say they work only for gear under G16, do work for gear at G16.

    What levelup chest are you talking about? Are you referring to Dreamchaser? Dreamchaser has 5* orbs, so that will only get you to +5. And the 5* orbs say "Level of equipment is demanded under Lv8." So I'm guessing that means equipment under G8.

    Did I misinterpret something? How do you get a weapon to +7 practically free??
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    What levelup chest are you talking about? Are you referring to Dreamchaser? Dreamchaser has 5* orbs, so that will only get you to +5. And the 5* orbs say "Level of equipment is demanded under Lv8." So I'm guessing that means equipment under G8.

    Did I misinterpret something? How do you get a weapon to +7 practically free??

    The chest that gives rewards for leveling every 5 or so levels automatically. Among other things, it gives orbs, refine aids, equipment, event gold, tele stones, and so on and so forth.

    And the orbs in it say they work up to G16... which means they work on everything as we currently don't have a G17.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary
    Asterelle - Sanctuary Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Sparkie just come in here and say the weekly arc codes is the replacement for DQ points. That'll be the end of it.
    PWI Calculators -
  • Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide
    Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    tmllover wrote: »
    Can we get anniversary rewards for the 1 year waiting for the replacement?

    Happy Anniversary DQ replacement LIE (insert balloon picture here, with cake or something)


    I love the idea of a 1 year Anniversary prize for waiting for an answer on the DQ System replacement. Come on PWI, show that love and team spirit for the 1 Year Anniversary !

    b:kiss b:dirty BOHICA
  • mrbroat
    mrbroat Posts: 89
    edited October 2014
    if yall so upset about this game go find a new one to play. pwi is to play and have fun no matter wut pwi does to it its life and lifes not fair so plaes stop crying about the same thing over and over
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Bumping this thread in the hope that we get SOME sort of new response. I mean at least it would be nice to say we are close to having something for you....or we have decided to scrap it. It is not a good business practice to make promises to your loyal player base and not deliver on them for such a very long time....and a year is a good amount of time for any MMO. At this point you have players raging on new threads about this issue every day. This is really just dragging on something important to the player base and upsetting players way more then needed. I am sure many people would agree that some sort of response other then the generic normal response we get would really help people out and give them something to look forward to. We all know a new expansion is coming and have gotten no official statement from PWE so at least this would give some people something to hold on to or look forward too. Please sparkiesoft give us some love here. b:dirty
  • Pet_Catcher - Dreamweaver
    Pet_Catcher - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think the thing we are all most interested in, is the item we all used the DQ points for...

    demon / sage event cards

    as long as those are still in there... I'm good
  • VitoryXXX - Archosaur
    VitoryXXX - Archosaur Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    All i can say about this thread is, 1st figure out the new dq system, then remove the old one and replace with new one.
    *Ooooh but butting would make everyone have tons of dq points and gold b:cryb:cryb:cry* Bot should NOT exist in any mmo
    Mystic's Never Die~ Y☯utube---
    First 105-105-105 Mystic in Archosaur Server// 100-XX-XX Sage Mystic//102-102-102 Demon Assassin And 100-XX-XX Sage// 101-100-102 Sage Seeker//100-100-102 Demon Blademaster
    100-100-102 Demon Psychic
    100-100-100 Sage Cleric//100-100-101 Sage Stormbringer//100 Demon Duskblade
    And other alt's i don't play~
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    All i can say about this thread is, 1st figure out the new dq system, then remove the old one and replace with new one.
    *Ooooh but butting would make everyone have tons of dq points and gold b:cryb:cryb:cry* Bot should NOT exist in any mmo

    You do realize they already removed the old DQ system...even though we were told way back before that that they wouldnt remove it till the new one was in place. Not to mention the fact that they tried to sneak in the removal of DQ in the first place without mentioning changes to the DQ items themselves till i made a thread taking note of this. Then suddenly the patch notes were revised to not the change to DQ items......cuz yea.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    I had a comment but realized I'd have had to edit it out some anyways.

    Instead I'll leave a bear smiley expressing my feelings on the matter.

    (Insert fancy image here)
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    I had a comment but realized I'd have had to edit it out some anyways.

    Instead I'll leave a bear smiley expressing my feelings on the matter.


    Was it full of beligerent mumblings of anger and witty retort? Were there lot's of bleeped words? If so you are on the right track for how many really feel. Sometimes its hard to keep it civil but sadly we have to. (Goes on a well known social media cite to rant expletives about PWE and their lack of care for their faithful player base)
  • VitoryXXX - Archosaur
    VitoryXXX - Archosaur Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You do realize they already removed the old DQ system...even though we were told way back before that that they wouldnt remove it till the new one was in place. Not to mention the fact that they tried to sneak in the removal of DQ in the first place without mentioning changes to the DQ items themselves till i made a thread taking note of this. Then suddenly the patch notes were revised to not the change to DQ items......cuz yea.

    YES, i somehow managed to notice that it's gone. And what i meant if they would have added bot and have old dq system people would complain on how much everyone have tons of dq points and drown in charms and such. just because i post now doesn't mean i haven't noticed it before genius.
    Why the hell do i keep getting dumb as hell comments like this.

    ''They said we were told way back before that that they wouldnt remove it till the new one was in place'' Well there is no new one.... that's why i said ''1st figure out new, then remove old and then add new one''
    Mystic's Never Die~ Y☯utube---
    First 105-105-105 Mystic in Archosaur Server// 100-XX-XX Sage Mystic//102-102-102 Demon Assassin And 100-XX-XX Sage// 101-100-102 Sage Seeker//100-100-102 Demon Blademaster
    100-100-102 Demon Psychic
    100-100-100 Sage Cleric//100-100-101 Sage Stormbringer//100 Demon Duskblade
    And other alt's i don't play~
  • orangeladey
    orangeladey Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    For clarities sake -- what does everyone consider a DQ system?

    Cause even though we had the dragon points gimmick, I still consider the actual Dragon Quest as the DQ system.

    But nobody actually complains about the Dragon Quest. I'm probably one of only a handful of people who actually do the thing, at least regularly.

    So . . .

    PROBLEM 1: Too much coin generation from selling DQ items.

    SOLUTION 1A: Incentive to discourage selling items. I.E. make the items useful, either as questing/crafting/etc items.

    SOLUTION 1B: Rebalance the drops so there were fewer DQ items dropped - or have them drop like older quest items - into the quest inventory so that only people doing a DQ or Tiger Badge Quest can get them. Since the DQ items are a frequent drop, a great number of drop tables would have to be restructured.

    PROBLEM 2: People don't do the Dragon Quest or Tiger Badge Quests.

    SOLUTION 2A: Make the Quests worthwhile. The rewards achievable in a reasonable timeframe. And items suitable for all levels

    --Of course I've found the DQ to be somewhat profitable if I pick up all the coins and sell the other drops. Not greatly but 50k - 150k per DQ run through depending on the DQ level and which DQ items I have on hand, and that final number include repair costs.

    I don't quite see the point of Event Gold, but then I've never done much besides browse the Event Boutique, so I'm probably missing something. DO NOT GET INTO THAT SUBJECT HERE!!!

    But ... Would you do a DQ or TBQ for Event Gold directly? If 10 Copper Dragon Order could be exchanged for 1 Event Gold, 2EG for a 15 Silver DOs, 5EG for 30 Gold Orders? Keeping in mind just how many craft materials you need for high-end gear, you'd have to do a lot for Event Gold. Also recall that DQ gives a nice chunk of XP and SP.

    If you would do the quests for Event Gold, remembering the grindy nature of PW, what would be a ratio of completed quests to EGold you would consider fair?

    ::Grumbes:: I still like my eariler idea of having an alternate for the genies slot (a dragonnette!) that guards an extra-dimensional storage for you. To make and upgrade you'd need DOs, and while you could trade/sell/lose dragonnettes, your dragon vault wouldn't be available to other players in any way, but without a dragonette, and a payment of dq items to feed it or something, you can't access it.::
    ♪ "Once I thought the World was made for me"
    ♫ "Once I thought experience was Free"
    ♪ "Never knew you had to pay the Price"
    ♫ "Then I found you sometimes pay it Twice!"
    --The Fraggles of Fraggle Rock