New "stun" skill effect
Deceptistar - Sanctuary wrote: »so last NW there were a couple of barbs that tried to chain stun me with that new skill. (literally half the barbs i met -,- which is annoying cause their all starting to find out lol)
i think they got no more than like 2-3 in before i was able to teleport out of their range every time. (im seeker) I think a majority of the classes out there that have port skills should be able to get out of this as long as they spam port(of course not all classes will have that advantage or else it wont be fair for barbs) it was a bit annoying but way less an issue than annoying archers o.o
Deceptistar - Sanctuary wrote: »teleport as in any skill that jumps u away, BM/archer/wiz/ have something like that too
thats already half the classes. And like i said not every class will have combat against it or it would make that skill useless for barbs. Just like how every class doesnt have the same defense traits.
>The only way to get out is to mash leap/teleport and hope for the best.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0 -
Euthymius - Heavens Tear wrote: »>The only way to get out is to mash leap/teleport and hope for the best.
(altho its probably not the 'only' way)
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Relying on a movement skill is a terrible idea. Lol, as a BM it's so easy to counter, and the barb probably isn't alone...It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.0
certainly not the best idea. But an method nontheless thats far viable than QQ on the forums which is even more useless o.o[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
It's a guaranteed CC. Unless the opponent has anti-stun up, something the primary effect IGNORES, you will either stun or freeze. Period. And that's without considering that it has a larger chance than not to proc said primary effect. Sage Tidal that people call OP and say makes a sage sin immune to CC so often? Demon version of this skill has pretty much the same chance of the stun going off. If you want to claim this is fair balanced in the slightest, or worse yet calling it a LOW chance, you're immediately giving up any chance you have to say anything else with a similar or lower (coughpurifyspellcough) proc rate is unfair or imbalanced in that aspect.
Hardly anyone uses anti stun/genie skill vs barb's spammable stun even prior to the skill update because doing so is a waste of resources. I don't see why anyone would start doing that now. If immobilized, nearly all classes have some sort of leap or CC skill that they can use to get out. Leap is available to BMs, Archers, and Wiz. Venos has spammable none chi costing stun, sage has purify summer sprint. Clerics have sleep. Seekers have teleport and stun as do sins. Psychics have their souls of stunning or retaliation. Mystics.. well I don't know much about mystics but they do have their knockback. Don't compare the stun rate of demon MS to Sage tidal. Sage tidal is so OPed because of its ability to evade nearly any sort of negative status effects not just stun. Purify is **** because someone can set up the perfect combo with perfect timing and then someone with purify (anti-stun + HP effect all in one) just go LOLOL lololoserrrr and escape that. I never claimed that it has a low chance, I was being sarcastic because someone insinuated that the chance is too high. I happen to think 50-60% chance of stun is just about right.
This guaranteed CC also has no chi requirement and, instead, gives chi. In other words, you lose zero resources at any time you feel you should use this skill.
On top of that, this guaranteed CC with no resource requirement is SPAMMABLE. So you use no resources, are going to CC your opponent, and have absolutely no reason to not abuse this skill at any given time.
In comparison, every other CC in the game can miss, fail, costs chi, has an actual cooldown, has a tiny duration, has a large channeling time, comes from an easily killable pet, or more than one of the above.
Hence why the stun chance is at 50-60%. I dont think being immobilized is all that OP'ed. It's an improvement to barb's ability to catch your opponent but it's not like the opponent can't do anything while being immobilized.
Oh and they have to deal with the fact that anti-stun/seal will resist them and that they can be purified.
A CC that can't be purified? Ah, takes me back to the old PK days without genie and r9. I wonder if people QQ'ed about mostly unpreventable stun as hard as they do now even thought they had no genie and purify to get out of stun locks.
I don't mind the idea behind this at all. But the fact that it has FAR too many pros for... absolutely no drawback whatsoever? Come on, you can't honestly be defending that thinking it's 100% fair.DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »If a r9rr+12 JoSD (non pure str build) barb is getting 1 shot by casters, he is doing somthing wrong, period. Hell even r9rr+12 aps build barbs (which i have tested) dont get 1 shot by pure mag casters unless they got ample debuffs first, at that piont, it's the barbs fault still.
You forget how ridiculous attack level is compared to defense level. My old barb with full josd and o'mallys is still less than the attack level of casters without any blessing with **** shards. Now add in attack level blessing and full diety stones and one shot will happen since barbs do not have bell to boost it's magic defense and defense level is outpaced by attack level.0 -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »And all have you know that even r9.3+12 barbs have difficulty 1 shotting me even without deaden. Nice try at attacking me though, really. But until you say something objective, rather than result to petty person attacks that refer to my skill or gear, I'll just consider you a moron.
"Pretty person attakcks taht refer to your skill.." isn't this whole thread about a Skill? GG
"Moron" huh? Noted that you are a Sin that DPH/Aps so you need to get close range. But in the manner of how you get close range doesn't leave you wide open for any attack when talking in a STRICT 1v1. Calling me a Moron because you disagree that although this skill is annoying is not OPed, warrants me to think that im talking to a child b:surrender
If a r9rr+12 JoSD (non pure str build) barb is getting 1 shot by casters, he is doing somthing wrong, period. Hell even r9rr+12 aps build barbs (which i have tested) dont get 1 shot by pure mag casters unless they got ample debuffs first, at that piont, it's the barbs fault still.
"Increases your chance to resist negative status effects by 66% for 60 seconds." SageCome again? Don't pick out one cultivation path, just because you are that path, and run with it as if the rest of pwi is too. Its not 50% its 50-66% and idk how it is on your server but on arch. Demon sins are going Sage very fast.
"It's not my fault you die to sins during a stun lock, a DPH sin has to expend many resource to lock someone up, and the barb would have to be undergeared or just stupid to die during that process. So which one are you?"
- Nice atk on mereally. Im sorry you wasted:
Throatcut (1 spark)
Headhunt -(2 sparks)
Shadow Teleport - (1 Spark)
Deep Sting - (50 chi)
Tackling Slash (Chi Gained 50).
Im sorry, id be more sincere too if you didn't have Inner Harmony and Rising Dragon Strike. You clearly missed my point in me stating your skills. You have MULTIPLE at your disposal. Not only that but with the new skills, higher skill dmg, more crit rate. Most sins run around with chill on now and stun lock til they die. Its called a Lock for a reason. A lock doesn't have anyway out of it or else you can't call it a lock. It has nothing to do with being stupid. Good god
With that logic. Everyone who gets caught in one and dies from it or Dies in general from a stun means they are stupid, yeah.
"You forgot this skill is still blocked by tidal. You also seem to resort to person attacks when you can't win. You also forget sin's are not ranged."
- Didn't forget you had tidal. Clearly you are QQing about the skill so clearly you forgot you had tidal xD Which is odd because you clearly stated that you only have a 50% chance at blocking it b:surrender So if you have something that can block it.. why are you QQing?
"Unblock-able skill, goes through everything.." but Tidal huh... come again? I didn't attack you personally also. You being your class (sin) since that's who I am talking to, a sin atm, if YOU allow me to hit you with Ancestral Rage without Deaden, that never misses.Yeah no charm just that. Yeah. Claiming a JoSD barb can't one shot you proves nothing based on the fact that JoSD does nothing for Damage. Moot.
The Fact that you would even call out Tidal against an example battle play against a freeze shows me that maybe you don't fully understand this debate. You claim i have CC skills. I say I don't have many that proc off at the time i need them to in comparison to Sins. You say i have Ancestral rage. I gave you a 2 part example of any GOOD sin of what could happen with that skill. Then you say Tidal. Tidal doesn't help your claim. It helps mine. Meaning you have not only skills that help you CC but have a skill that last 90 secs so you don't get CCed. Moot
I'm not gonna sit here and type/attack you personally, that's stupid. Idk who you are. What you do. How you play and ect. Im simply saying, based on class vs class. in a 1v1 aspect. You are QQing about a skill that is meh. But in the matter of Mass PK. If you are the unfortunate solo that got caught in my Paralyze well then. IM SORRY. Wish i didn't' get caught in BM roar. Cleric Sleep. Mystic AoE seal. And other **** but it happens. Nothing personal
b:surrender Didn't attack you personally, call your class stupid. Say you are a Moron. If you feel that that was my objective then you totally miss read my post.
Lastly, you only comment on 1 thing. Picking out that one thing and not even acknowledging the rest as if it doesn't exist. I see the skill as annoying. But you should be able to see it coming. Not just YOU but everyone. I see the skill as having 0 draw backs other than Range.
Sorry this is lastly, as i scroll through to see if i missed anything that you said. I don't see your point in Stating your Tidal's proc rate o.o I missed the reasoning why you said my logic failed when i said I have no Gap closers? How does logic fail when its fact. I have no Gap Closers. I need to Holy Path (Freeze, Stun, Purge, Puffbird, slowdown). 5 classes have gap closers. Barb does not. I don't even see why Seekers need one when they only have 4 skills that attack at a close range. 1 being vort which rarely gets thrown up other than trolling reasons. Blur but you DON'T NEED to be close to use it. Pfft, you can pop it off like Apoth just when you get the urge and it still has a fairly large radius. So the other 2 are AoEs that do a fair amount of damg but are also very... neglect-able.
Missed: "so your comparison relays to barbs only..." As does yours to Sins. Its because im defending my barb skill as you are for your sin skills. Only difference is, im stating what you, personally, have to CC or get out while barb has Little to NO CC and no get out. I could invoke. Then slowly run away? I could have Cornered beast on. And then just die twice? Skill for Skill, CC for CC. Sin has it best. Do not QQ about Resources spent on in skills when you have 2 skills that gain you chi and one is spammable (If demon) and other gains more (if Sage). Assuming you are demon based on your prior response to the Tidal comment. If you are fully Demon, I dont see how you can justify your QQing about resources spent. Moot
(Pure fun, i would be hella scary to see a barb tele tho)Logic = Against ToS. It's the answer to all "Wtf..." Moments during normal gameplay with other players.0 -
Saethos - Raging Tide wrote: »In that case, make my River Avalanche paralyze too, 50% chance, same cooldown, no chi cost.
Sure. Now it's only fair that we make your roar CD longer and stun for only 2 secs with no chi cost and take away the stun effect for drake bash and replace it with immobilization and a minute CD using 1 spark, you can even make it a range skill if you want.0 -
I don't think its really game breaking. Since what use is a BM that does CC when a caster's purify procs? Or as myself an archer to to use anti -stun/badge it off and kite away. Makes a bm's main purpose kinda pointless doesn't it?
I didn't read all the pages. I read what the OP said and commented. ._. Going back to read all the pages.I'm a Forest Eating Hippo.
Currently working in Secret Forrest Location on Arch.
Current<-- Buffed
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