Rollback On Morai!!?



  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    why don't you GTFO with your **** attitude towards people who don't deserve it, you entitled moron?

    turn that ragemode towards people who caused it. meanwhile I'ma be on my non affected server laughing at you.

    yea i replied in a moronic way to equal moronic post ridicolously "defending" and justifying an unannounced rollback that ***** up me and our people

    you are not from morai server? then gtfo you aswell, you have no say in the matter.

    i know a close friend of mine that dropped a scroll of tome from packs yesterday and now she lost it, you gonna refund it to her or who is gonna do it?

    seriously you and that other dude justifying the sudden and unannounced rollback being from non-affected servers should just shut your ******n mouth and return to your corner
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Stupid spammers, only thing they are doing is pissing off players and mods, if you want to spam, spam their e-mails.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Answer from french GM:

    Hello, As you have noticed we had a major problem with the service this morning. It is however not a roll-back despite the rumors but an unwanted problem. yet we continue to investigate the source of the problem and will soon be informed of the provisions that we will to address them. Again it is not a roll-back, you would be notified in advance if a drastic measure was taken. Thanks

    I wonder if the US staff somehow did a rollback to Morai and forgot to notify the EU staff about it...
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Skittler - Momaganon
    Skittler - Momaganon Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Oh I and many others apologies profusely for bringing our concerns to your hallowed forum for english speaking players of pWI. It would be kind of you if you found it within your consciences to realise maybe we're here for reasons beyond our control.
    1) When we want to leave eng language feedback about Morai the merged Eu server we are automatically directed here.
    2)Stoking up our grievances with the qoutes back at us of the eula and t&c's, whilst relevent isn't particularly supportive of you, now is it?
    3) OPKossy has made valiant attempts to shake up the EU admins but I ask this Question of everyone 'if Morai was a server worth preserving and a player community worth supporting wouldn't any sound and reasonable player think it's upto the admins to sort from day one a workable forum for us? ans It shouldn't really be beyond them if they showed some application and commonsense.
    4) All though a two day roll back may seem irritating and slightly unfortunate to many of our american friends, this follows a catalogue of errors since New Horizons was rolled out on Dec 18th on the morai server.
    5) Many of our problems have been calmly documented here for the attention's of anyone in the global admin of PWI.
    I've argued calmly on facebook that if any other Globalised company of PWI stature watched this chaos ufold under their beloved Brand name then the ceo's would start to apply the appropriate pressure on those at fault these issues it should go without saying are not caused by the playing community of the morai server.
    Hard as it is to remain objective - the wise old heads who suggest we are qq'ing and then proceed to ridicule us is completely uneccessary imo.
  • Vedovis - Lost City
    Vedovis - Lost City Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    yea i replied in a moronic way to equal moronic post ridicolously "defending" and justifying an unannounced rollback that ***** up me and our people

    you are not from morai server? then gtfo you aswell, you have no say in the matter.

    i know a close friend of mine that dropped a scroll of tome from packs yesterday and now she lost it, you gonna refund it to her or who is gonna do it?

    seriously you and that other dude justifying the sudden and unannounced rollback being from non-affected servers should just shut your ******n mouth and return to your corner

    hell no, you're hilarious to watch. Also I'm pretty sure Sylen is more intelligent than about 99% of the forum. "moronic" lulz

    keep on crying I'll grab a popcorn bucket

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • lincevolution
    lincevolution Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I lost all I did since Sunday because of this stupid and this is not fair you go to play with the time and money of those who play and make you rich at any minute ... pwi once again disappointed me. pwi will now offer a few packs to sweeten the mouth to the players and everyone forgets what happened and sooner or later it happens again again! personnel stop investing money in pwi until they learn to respect those people who play. I DO NOT WANT TO OFFERS, AS I WANT THIS GAME WAS WITH ALL PROGRESS UNTIL TODAY'S DATE.
  • thatguy123456
    thatguy123456 Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We lost all our coins/tokens from nw, all exp all tt mats...Lol bro we lost a 2 days of our lifes!!! You must do something to make us intrested to play or if it goes this way ull have a ghost server with no mans on it!!!

    Based on what they did for the Arch rollback, don't hold your breath.
    Wow, thats a hard cut, special because PWI showed in past, that they better want to avoid rollbacks.

    Now it really happens with Morai Server, especially also not announced because of missing 1st level support from EU Server.
    - still no announcement on German forum
    - still no feedback after more than 24 hours about my german support ticket
    - still no feedback in US forums thread about full situation from EU Team

    Only one result: There is missing the 1st level support.
    Therefore, I still vote for US 1st level support will take over responsibility of EU server.

    Finally, raging will bring up no results because no one will listen to EU Server players.
    EU Support Team just treat us as cash cows and dont listen to any words or request from our side. It is no wonder, if some people will rage after such weired behaviour from EU Support Team and I urgently request more clarification about full situation of EU organization!

    In detail, I can understand all people who are raging now and that they are hurted about time lost. I am also one person who lost several things:
    - Level up my 1st reincarnated char from 102 to 103 again via demon book
    (I leveled up on Sunday)
    - Gather more primeval blood to learn feather arma again (which I received on Tuesday). It will takes now several days longer ...
    - all business I did with gold and coins

    In conclusion, I would expect that EU Support team will interact with Morai players to find possible solutions but even as we couldnt play nobody was there from EU team to help. So we only can decide: Stay and accept this service or leave.

    It seems discussions will not help there, because EU Support team is not willing to support us with any further information.

    I also want to precise, to say thank you to DoD and his technical team. I am sure that there were some relevant facts to do so and I am only unhappy with the colleagues who don't support us with more information.

    The Arch fiasco should tell you all by now that PWI will probably not tell you anything, and any compensation will be limited to that which they could be sued for (i.e. real money). I'm sad to say seeing this happen to Arch and nor Morai, leads me to believe they are totally incompetent and out of touch with the user community completely. It's pretty sad.
  • Verenor - Morai
    Verenor - Morai Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Wth to do now: it's a rollback that isn't supposed to happen but it did: we're bummed out of 3days of daily stuff we are unable to retrieve including NW's, got reverted back to <lv100 state so can't even do primal blood dailies.
    What is the point of playing *now* if the rollback possibly is being undone: we lose out everything we do right now and I already see people re-selling the same gear they sold a few days
  • Imagination - Lothranis
    Imagination - Lothranis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Seriously though... feel bad for all the people who lost chance items.

    I lost 30 levels on my cleric, demon/sage event card (maybe able to get them back because of the transaction date on account?) bunches of coins and avatar cards etcetc but nothing i can't just re-do!

    Gib squishy hugs to all those people who lost hardcore shizzles... i'd be super very mad if it was me b:cry
  • Mermi - Morai
    Mermi - Morai Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    crawl back to the hole you came from xD

    b:laughb:cuteb:dirty Luv you Tibs xD
  • Submariner - Morai
    Submariner - Morai Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    b:laughb:cuteb:dirty Luv you Tibs xD

    and dont you love me also? b:cry
  • Frankenstein - Momaganon
    Frankenstein - Momaganon Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    I lost 30 levels on my cleric, demon/sage event card (maybe able to get them back because of the transaction date on account?) bunches of coins and avatar cards etcetc but nothing i can't just re-do!

    If I understand it correct, they wrote that it is no rollback and that they give us the "old" "new" database again. But not sure when... and then are all things deleted that was made today? Or not deleted? b:surrender
  • Submariner - Morai
    Submariner - Morai Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    If I understand it correct, they wrote that it is no rollback and that they give us the "old" "new" database again. But not sure when... and then are all things deleted that was made today? Or not deleted? b:surrender

    i have the same dilema, asked it, but gm was off line.
    I will not play til i know what is going on
  • Mermi - Morai
    Mermi - Morai Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    and dont you love me also? b:cry

    Ofc I do Suby <3 ,that's why am here guys, even if i didn't do too much in last days...just a couple of coins but not tones of milions like some of u guys, am here to support all of you who got ***'ed up by this monkeys ._. b:kiss
    i have the same dilema, asked it, but gm was off line.
    I will not play til i know what is going on

    Same am not logging since they ***'ed up and i don't plan to play untill i got answers to all my questions
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hell no, you're hilarious to watch. Also I'm pretty sure Sylen is more intelligent than about 99% of the forum. "moronic" lulz

    keep on crying I'll grab a popcorn bucket

    im not crying cause such a huge mess up will ofc lead to a compensation


    i am annoyed by **** kids like you and the other one that has no say in the matter and go like: "meh you lost sh.t deal with it", just nope.

    if this issue had messed with your wallet i am pretty sure you would've been arsed like we are, but you are not, therefore gtfo
  • Mermi - Morai
    Mermi - Morai Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    im not crying cause such a huge mess up will ofc lead to a compensation


    i am annoyed by **** kids like you and the other one that has no say in the matter and go like: "meh you lost sh.t deal with it", just nope.

    if this issue had messed with your wallet i am pretty sure you would've been arsed like we are, but you are not, therefore gtfo

    Fedy she doesn't like us... wait am trying to care..Uff i just can't ._. b:surrender
  • GYEBI - Morai
    GYEBI - Morai Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Since morai server got the new horizons patch,there were so many problems, with instances, under 2x rate closed TT and bh instances,i know that this wasn't the best time u ever spent on PWI but u should calm down a bit.
    First on Archo compensation code was *****, why GMs didnt make a rollback?! That was the only mistake here, but now they made another mistake with roll back the non active days? XD
    Second; u must be mad because most of ppl could not play, but try to imagine (u work hard,u get so many goo things on2 day,and it disappears for the 3rd day).... Better u didint experienced that
  • pangladej
    pangladej Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eh....the ignorance the rich people who doesnt give a **** about the working of the game as a whole-they only care of their pvp score(with story,combat system,enviroment,and all the bunch that makes it an mmo)...and the tragedy of farming 24/7 and lossing all in one sec.....
    why should i even play this game?
    the community may be mature but acts like a 8 year old kid who rages when he dies in pvp...nobody really plays this game just for the simple fact is a game to play...and u dont need to spend your entire life grinding to actually get R9 gear(cuz that is all about)

    the other downside of this mmo are really the creators of this game,and the ones who manage it....since 1 year ago they started an aggressive campaing to fill their pockets...everything started to go down soo fast that i couldnt even see the outcome..

    Ok, they got our money....yay..that means the game wil get better and better?and probably the GM will be online again once per week and talk with the comunity for assistance and cooperation for making the best of this game!

    ---NOO----they thrown an expansion in which u have to relvl your character 2 times to get like 60 more skill points...some cards(which i like) instances(pretty good) what cost?ruined everything else....glitches...bugges....hey...lets go to hawaii....we gave them an expansion.....we need a vacantion like...1 month or more....
    nice work guys.....nice work...
  • Verenor - Morai
    Verenor - Morai Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    French forums had a post stating the morai server will be shut down for today and rebooting tomorrow to fix the mess. A team from CN has to come in and help which is the reason why it will take so long.
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    They put the servers off and try to fix it now, very well (: lets see if they can restore everything ^.^yays
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • XDeliciousx - Morai
    XDeliciousx - Morai Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    They put the servers off and try to fix it now, very well (: lets see if they can restore everything ^.^yays

    idk why... but Im scared b:shocked
    ~ Deliylah ~ director of Revision (
    sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-104-103

  • BlissfuI - Morai
    BlissfuI - Morai Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    idk why... but Im scared b:shocked

    LOL..... b:laugh
  • echtzeitmesser
    echtzeitmesser Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Now you can't be can't just be guys did a rollback? Any DQ point spend and the EXP neck from the dreamchaser packs are not resetted...this is not tolerable!

    I'm glad they might have fixed the problem...but with a rollback...cmon >.< not like I lost nearly a BILLION coins now...

    I need a little rage from time to time as well...seriously...that needs compansation big time!

    EDIT: They rolled back to saturday...x2 is gone...all timed items are gone...everything is even more screwed up then before...oh well...ya I know what you think...endless complaints no matter what they do...but


    Get a real life! b:chuckle so funny b:laugh
  • Mermi - Morai
    Mermi - Morai Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    idk why... but Im scared b:shocked

    Same Deli, call me pesimistic but knowing them i expect just more mess xDDD
  • sylgja
    sylgja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    posted by Regerem

    From French forum:

    We are going to close the server for the duration of our inquiry. We determined where the problem comes from and are going to fix it.

    However, we need to ask help from our Chinese teams and for this reason the server will be closed until tomorrow morning at earliest. If we judge we can open the server sooner, we will keep you informed.

    We apologize for the problems caused and will keep you informed about the evolution of the situation.
  • XDeliciousx - Morai
    XDeliciousx - Morai Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Post from GM:

    We will now close the server for the duration of the investigation. We determined the source of the problem and will now solve. However, we must seek the help of our Chinese teams and for this reason the server will be closed until tomorrow morning at the earliest. If we believe that we can reopen the servers before we will keep you informed. We apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you informed of developments.
    ~ Deliylah ~ director of Revision (
    sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-104-103

  • GYEBI - Morai
    GYEBI - Morai Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    No reason to be scared of trouble ,since after 4 years pwi had problems after all the "fixing" XD
    Maybe they wont make mistakes... hope so
  • Lnnocent - Morai
    Lnnocent - Morai Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Going to be interesting .. What will happen now :>
  • _DarkRipper_ - Morai
    _DarkRipper_ - Morai Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    any bets how bad theyll **** up this time? b:laughb:surrender
  • Verenor - Morai
    Verenor - Morai Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    any bets how bad theyll **** up this time? b:laughb:surrender

    They are calling in asians to help fix something that involves numbers. I think we'll be fine f:grin
This discussion has been closed.