Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    heero200 wrote: »
    Val was working Hard to keep this game as it was and support it going into the future... Sadly when he left the PWI side took a big downhill dive and is still going that way in many areas. A few people are trying hard to keep supporting this.

    Sadly for now i find my time would be put to better use on something else rather than PWE who dont seam to want to do the right thing or listen to its customers. No customers = no Buisness.

    Good Luck PWE your gonna need it.


    What is why I laugh at the posts referring to the TOS.

    Also, from a business point of view, there are couple of types of revenues PW can loose from this.

    Forecasted/Future/Potential revenue - The revenue generate from future sales of these items based on player base, past sale, and a few more factors.

    Baseline revenue - The revenue being generated from day-to-day sales or no sales.

    By doing nothing, PW risks loosing numbers in both these columns. By giving away Ocean Orbs, etc., PW hurt just the forecasted numbers.

    What PW is waiting to see is if the trending player base lose from this issue is great enough to affect their revenue number to justify giving away Ocean Orbs to retain its player base or stop the trending lose of players. If it is, you can expect Ocean Orbs in your mailbox. If not, that is too bad. PW will adjust its numbers and move on.

    Also keep in mind PW has about a dozen game to choose from with more on the way. People say PWI is dead and that is another number PW needs to consider - operational costs. If the cost becomes too high they will shut it down.

    And for the business majors and grads out there don't hate if I misused the term revenue/income. I'm not a business major. I have my PhD from the College of Common-Sense.
  • Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Have you people forgotten already that game companies are about business. Stop whining about your money. I don't care and they don't care, deal with it. All game companies are pure business. Don't think that there are any game that wouldn't care about money.

    Haha i laugh at you !!!

    What kind of business are they running in this case? Be offline? **** off your customers with false info, bugged software, bad compensations and even worse customer care? Then give out zillion of free items to abusers and not ban them ?

    Good model to go bankrupt very very fast xD
    Only thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Have you people forgotten already that game companies are about business. Stop whining about your money. I don't care and they don't care, deal with it. All game companies are pure business. Don't think that there are any game that wouldn't care about money.

    So they care about my money, but they don't care? And if you don't care, shouldn't you just be playing the game, while not caring? b:question
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    my friend getting perma ban since he never CS. one other that i know getting more than 50 orbs that time only getting 2 weeks ban cause of CS. this is sad really.

    I think taking the refine from those people, the orb, charm, and event gold is enough. i mean ofc i wanna get 2 weeks ban for 50 orb. who don't want it lol. but then my friend getting perma ban, and the other who get more only 2 weeks is sad :(
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If PWI can/will roll back their ill-gotten advantages (e.g. roll back the refines) then I'm satisfied. I suspect that the process is too complicated and too much bother so the non-cheaters must quit or suffer.

    This would obviously be the best solution and I don't see how it could be that complicated
    .. this is just values stored in a database....
    ~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
    ~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
    ~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
    ~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
    ~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
    ~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
    ~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
    Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 89
  • Posts: 617 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    2 weeks ban? lmao the minimum as some got should be 1 year. With no chance to send a ticket to reduce it ffs -.-
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So, no more rewards? just 3 orbs? what about who dont receive any code? just 3 orbs?

  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?
    "I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson
  • Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    WTT .... 2 week ban for 50 ocean orbs
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?

    I would like an anwer to this too. Can @ OPKossy or a GM explain us why?
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?
    Its not about how many time ppl abuse the code i bet they just ban abuser that are not cser and give no ban or few time ban to cser ppl so that way they can accomplish their goal to ban ppl that abuse of the code so the pwi players calm down about this and at the same time they avoid losing their precious cser in the way sounds like a pefect plan for them.....b:surrender
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    judithw wrote: »
    I would like an anwer to this too. Can @ OPKossy or a GM explain us why?

    Honestly wheter you got 60 orbs or just 1 extra orb you still abused the code,. every last person that abused the code should be permantly banned. Temperarily being banned is a slap on the wrist, futhermore those coming back in December will even get the chance to take part in the so called perks the GM's are suppose to be par taking in that we have yet to see. Abuse is abuse perma bann them all as an only option. Let there be Justice for once!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Have you people forgotten already that game companies are about business. Stop whining about your money. I don't care and they don't care, deal with it. All game companies are pure business. Don't think that there are any game that wouldn't care about money.

    This is poor business. They are losing money from it. You don't care, but prospective gamers do. Your post does not make sense.

    Those who think 1 year ban is justified:

    1) No one in their right mind is gonna come back after a year unless it's an alt account. ( they lost customer possibly for life = stupid)
    2) Punishment is inconsistent, unprecedented, and unfair to all those who've only abused this single glitch and not all the others in the past (stupid).
    3) Such punishment is yet another example of PWI's lack of lack of responsibility. They don't actually resolve huge issues: they just throw free stuff up in the air and hope it makes people happy. There's better ways they could have resolved the issue than issuing bans like giving people a chance to return the orbs (via in game mail), paying the sale price for the orbs, or resetting the refines. They have told us that it's only a handful of people that did it (so why's it so hard to reason with them?)
    4) They depopulated the servers making the remaining gamers wait longer for squads making the game less appealing.

    Maybe they're not stupid: maybe the employees of this company are just disgruntled, and don't really care about the sheep that continue to support it. Anyway there's a history of customer abuse.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    tweakz wrote: »
    This is poor business. They are losing money from it. You don't care, but prospective gamers do. Your post does not make sense.

    Those who think 1 year ban is justified:

    1) No one in their right mind is gonna come back after a year unless it's an alt account. ( they lost customer possibly for life = stupid)
    2) Punishment is inconsistent, unprecedented, and unfair to all those who've only abused this single glitch and not all the others in the past (stupid).
    3) Such punishment is yet another example of PWI's lack of lack of responsibility. They don't actually resolve huge issues: they just throw free stuff up in the air and hope it makes people happy. There's better ways they could have resolved the issue than issuing bans like giving people a chance to return the orbs (via in game mail), paying the sale price for the orbs, or resetting the refines. They have told us that it's only a handful of people that did it (so why's it so hard to reason with them?)
    4) They depopulated the servers making the remaining gamers wait longer for squads making the game less appealing.

    Maybe they're not stupid: maybe the employees of this company are just disgruntled, and don't really care about the sheep that continue to support it. Anyway there's a history of customer abuse.

    To start with NOBODY wants a thief to come back..a year ban IS justified..they just keep taking advantage of these bugs and glitches..this is something PWI should have done to begin with and maybe we wouldn't have had such a huge problem now! Yeah maybe punishing these thieves now is bad timing but it is justified!
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To start with NOBODY wants a thief to come back..a year ban IS justified..they just keep taking advantage of these bugs and glitches..this is something PWI should have done to begin with and maybe we wouldn't have had such a huge problem now! Yeah maybe punishing these thieves now is bad timing but it is justified!

    i lol'd at thisb:laugh thieves ? what did they steal? did they take anything from your pocket?
    maybe your definition of a thief is different then the dictionary one.

    Are you all that bored whit your real life? that you have to take a game so serious?
    Have you forgotten the reason you play a game?
    Let me remind you : its to have fun!!

    I read quite a few posts and all i see are bitter people that complain over and over again.
    All of you need a reality check!!

    Play the dam game and if you don't like it quit. But for the love of god stop complaining all day long about worthless things like game pixels.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    katjared wrote: »
    I read quite a few posts and all i see are bitter people that complain over and over again.
    All of you need a reality check!!

    Play the dam game and if you don't like it quit. But for the love of god stop complaining all day long about worthless things like game pixels.

    They have every right to post if they're disgruntled, they do after all, represent a portion of the playerbase. They are also posting about a game issue that hasn't been resolved to many of the existing players satisfaction. If you are so keen on having fun ingame, whatever are you doing on forums complaining about others complaining.....

    There are quite a few of us that are playing another game in the interim while we periodically check back to see if any progress is being made with this issue.
  • Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    PWI is a game and a business . This issue is not going away and players are leaving . If PWI does not make this right by their players , then PWI is over .
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    3 weeks ago there D.Orb Happened. They said Big things are coming in Dec. Soooo
    You Lied to us on top of giving all the Abusers of the game a BIG reward for being Abusers. GJ PW Your really on top of things.

    I gave you 3 weeks to fix this and you have done NOTHING not even one D.Orb for none abusers! This tells my you care more about the Scum of the Earth then the Good ppl!

    Why Not Ban all the ppl who did not abuse the code!! Because they are starting to BAN themselves it looks like.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?

    Bumping for visibility.
    I would also like to see an answer on this.
    Whatever the consequences, they should be consistent across the board.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Might be better to try PMing the Mods instead of posting it here. The could miss it.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ehm Ehm.......Pwi you lied that aint so fly , i can barely even think of what to decide , the way you deprived us from dem goods that makes me ignit, ahve been sitting on this chair waitin for a reply but nothing yet. Thats the reason for my desire of wanting ta quit but that aint e-z got too many friends. Makes my brain keep freezing every min i even think of leaving,the pain in ma heart even stops ma breathing coz, i think there is somthing gms that you keep killing in the hearts of your players that keep waiting.Damn things can just go wrong in a game. I tought that it just prolong but now i aint feelin this my mind keeps killin this ,my heart keeps burning this coz i no longer feel like playin dis.
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think they deleted my ticket after I sent it like 3x, every time with my DEMAND of compensation, they also tried to give this ****, we will compensate you otherwise with some in-game events, oh golly joy, 2x, 3x, ****, nothing can make it up, you need to spend MONTHS farming to be able to afford 3 ocean orbs @ today`s market prices, they were 80m at the time and still probably is.

    Even their **** expansion won`t make me change my mind, why bother, till the next dupe after you worked your *** off, some glitch will be deliberately exploited and some scrubs will get years of other ppl`s work done in a few minutes/hours, same was with nirvana and nation wars, now even bigger **** up, probably only reason why they don`t fire a whole bunch of people @ the monkey company is because these items have no real value, any other self respecting company would deal with this **** ASAP and would not try to silence it or ignore it hoping people just forget like it has happened before, aka goon glitch.

    And most importantly they get away with it because you idiots still keep spending your money here.
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yes whine more people. Entertain me please.
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think they deleted my ticket after I sent it like 3x, every time with my DEMAND of compensation, they also tried to give this ****, we will compensate you otherwise with some in-game events, oh golly joy, 2x, 3x, ****, nothing can make it up, you need to spend MONTHS farming to be able to afford 3 ocean orbs @ today`s market prices, they were 80m at the time and still probably is.

    Even their **** expansion won`t make me change my mind, why bother, till the next dupe after you worked your *** off, some glitch will be deliberately exploited and some scrubs will get years of other ppl`s work done in a few minutes/hours, same was with nirvana and nation wars, now even bigger **** up, probably only reason why they don`t fire a whole bunch of people @ the monkey company is because these items have no real value, any other self respecting company would deal with this **** ASAP and would not try to silence it or ignore it hoping people just forget like it has happened before, aka goon glitch.

    And most importantly they get away with it because you idiots still keep spending your money here.

    Probably MONTHS of farming for you to get 3 ocean orbs. Don't think that it takes months to rest of us.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    judithw wrote: »
    I would like an anwer to this too. Can @ OPKossy or a GM explain us why?

    I would like to know.
    I know about a person than got ban of a week having the same abuse of the code, whats mean abuse of the code, how many times (intentionally) you insert the code to get the rewards. So who gets 30 if its casher got 1 week of ban and who is not casher perm ban??? Doesnt mean what you have done with the orbs or if you had sucess or no reffining with those orbs. I still know about some players than got more than 40 and they still are like nothing happened. Can you explain me this please? any gm???
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I hear abusers are getting 1year IP/account banned and changing IP wont work
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I love how all the losers are moaning about nothing happening with the "big things are coming in December".. DECEMBER JUST STARTED! GIVE IT SOME TIME! They technically have till New Year's Day before they should have to worry about all you morons complaining to them.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?

    Bump and Just Bump. We are still waiting an answer from GM or Mod so we all could know how much egalitarian and fair is PWI Law
    Might be better to try PMing the Mods instead of posting it here. The could miss it.

    Dont u think they already did and got no anwer? .
    jpablo wrote: »
    I would like to know.
    I know about a person than got ban of a week having the same abuse of the code, whats mean abuse of the code, how many times (intentionally) you insert the code to get the rewards. So who gets 30 if its casher got 1 week of ban and who is not casher perm ban??? Doesnt mean what you have done with the orbs or if you had sucess or no reffining with those orbs. I still know about some players than got more than 40 and they still are like nothing happened. Can you explain me this please? any gm???

  • Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    danilco wrote: »
    3 weeks ago there D.Orb Happened. They said Big things are coming in Dec. Soooo
    You Lied to us on top of giving all the Abusers of the game a BIG reward for being Abusers. GJ PW Your really on top of things.

    I gave you 3 weeks to fix this and you have done NOTHING not even one D.Orb for none abusers! This tells my you care more about the Scum of the Earth then the Good ppl!

    Why Not Ban all the ppl who did not abuse the code!! Because they are starting to BAN themselves it looks like.

    You gave them three weeks? Very nice of you.

    Today is December 06, it is still the beginning of December....

    Have patience.
    Ying - 101 Sage Venomancer RB2 // No Alts // Perfect World Player Since: May 2008
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I hear abusers are getting 1year IP/account banned and changing IP wont work

    lol as far as i kno they r getting baned for only 2weeks n many also r not even banned yet ~.~
This discussion has been closed.