Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)
Angelldeath - Heavens Tear wrote: »Perma ban is a little much considering some of them will be innocent. Rollback was the best solution at the time but now it's a bit late. Hopefully during maint tomorrow night they'll actually fix their refines and get rid of their extra orbs but at this point many of us including me don't really have much hope in what they do now.
I am fairly sure they can do that with the game still up.
First: Ban the abuser.
Second: Access his or her account, and use admin privileges to remove the excess orbs/refines that do not belong.
Third: Log out/possibly 'unban' the user, and allow them to have access to their account again with a warning... that if they continue to abuse glitches our punishment will be a lot more than us just logging in removing what doesn't belong, and unbanning you.
They do have access to our accounts, they can do what they please with each one of them, and they do monitor what each account has gotten/where it went.
I would add something else to defend OPKossy, but she has plenty of backup.Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »I think you're taking that statement too literally. There will always be those occasional unreasonable customers, but in general if a very large portion of the population desires something from your store, and you're capable of pulling it off without killing your profits, you need to do it, or you will lose those customers to other stores that are willing to satisfy their demands.
It's not a few people being unreasonable atm. There's a very large number of people who are extremely upset at this situation, and who normally don't even post on forums because they want to enjoy the game. That's not possible atm however.
I understand mods have to remove the more egregious posts, but too much censorship just makes everything worse. At times like these you have to let people complain and whine because they are LEGITIMATELY upset at the situation. They're not trying to "ruin" the forums, they just want PWI to listen to them and are getting frustrated because PWI isn't listening.
So when they say the "customer is always right", they don't mean the occasional crazy idiot who threatens to smash everything in the store, they mean the general population as a whole, basically.
As for the censorship stuff... sorry but I'm calling bull on that. Explaining things to people isn't the same as what you're trying to claim. If the mods were NOT letting people vent, this thread would probably be like... 12 pages long? If that much. It's one thing to let people vent. It's another thing to see someone posting complete ticket replies, throwing pointless spam here, or making comments involving more explicit content and then decide that it's okay to leave it here because they're just venting and not breaking any of the rules that distinctly say that stuff is prohibited.( in fact they get almost the minimum pay inside the company )
And on a more relevant note to the rest of your post about deleting negative comments or whatever, Mods do NOT have any obligation like that. And do actually click that link.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Angelldeath - Heavens Tear wrote: »Perma ban is a little much considering some of them will be innocent. Rollback was the best solution at the time but now it's a bit late. Hopefully during maint tomorrow night they'll actually fix their refines and get rid of their extra orbs but at this point many of us including me don't really have much hope in what they do now.
I have, like a lot of others, lost all hope & credibility with PWE now. How long has the last update been? Yet STILL no update.
Forget talking about rollback...IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!
All maintenance will be is for pwi to put orbs on sale at a 'reduced' price or something dumb like that, making mass cash shoppers better off & leaving others missing out.
This game is like a sinking ship.... they REALLY need to sort something out or it will just die a death, like any other game that doesn't care about it's gamers0 -
Slivaf - Dreamweaver wrote: »I am fairly sure they can do that with the game still up.
First: Ban the abuser.
Second: Access his or her account, and use admin privileges to remove the excess orbs/refines that do not belong.
Third: Log out/possibly 'unban' the user, and allow them to have access to their account again with a warning... that if they continue to abuse glitches our punishment will be a lot more than us just logging in removing what doesn't belong, and unbanning you.
They do have access to our accounts, they can do what they please with each one of them, and they do monitor what each account has gotten/where it went.
I would add something else to defend OPKossy, but she has plenty of backup.
Then you meant temp ban. Either way they're not known for doing things like that outside of maint.0 -
I remember back in 2009 there was red system message in game when someone got banned and hope you guys (GMs) gonna turn on these messages again once you start to punish all of these glitchers so everyone will be able to see you have done atleast something good for us.0
I said people not you specifically. I was explaining what was going on since a couple people, yourself included, seemed to have the mistaken belief that anyone at PWI was doing the thread pruning.
The higher ups at PWE **** me off. Plain and simple. The way they treat their employees, the way they treat their games, the way they treat their players. Entire thing pisses me off to no end. It was bad enough when I didn't get to have an easier time talking to the staff that interacts with us because at least then when I was really pissed I could feign ignorance and be part of the masses with an acceptable target. Now I don't get even that and my own sense of morality has me defending the people we see for things they aren't responsible for and having to take the flak from the community I'm part of as a result.
I deleted the first half of my reply in less then a minute after i posted it and read it again, my sarcasm got the upperhand for a bit there. But now it's up there in your reply again... And i've been working in marketing and sales for 15 years if that answers you're question. Not listening to your customers is the worst thing any sales focussed company can do. Nothing personal OPKossy, but i spend quiet some real money on this game and if something like this happened in a real life situation i wouldn't let it rest either. I think the same goes for a lot of people that are left with a lot of questions and no answers. Since PWI's bosses hide in their offices (mostly paid for by their customers), we have no other place to share or anger then here.0 -
TheHedgeBarb - Morai wrote: »Jsut because OPKossy says the GM might have been told to lie doesnt mean the GM was told to lie nor that it needed to lie just because a higher up said so. For example could have told bosses that lying is not part of the job or that it could be said wihtout lies. It was a choice defenderofdreams made to lie. Cant put that on anyone else. If you disagree please let me know how the GM was forced.
I read what OPKossy wrote about PWI. Still doesnt change all the bad things SHE have said in the thread that I disagree with. I just dont think SHE is a good person based on what she is saying in this thread now. Sorry.
Because the amount of misunderstanding, misrepresenting, and complete twisting of what I wrote in both your posts is on a scale that cannot be attributed to even idiocy. Seriously the only way you could get so far away from what I actually put down and not be maliciously trying to distort the truth is if you only saw two words out of the entire post and jumped to conclusions from there.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Angelldeath - Heavens Tear wrote: »Then you meant temp ban. Either way they're not known for doing things like that outside of maint.
Aye you are correct I meant temp ban.
I for one think they do... do things like 'give'/take away from people outside of maint... but then again I could easily be wrong... but I do remember when I got **** they were able to locate, and return my items for me (THANKFULLY xD) outside of maint... but perhaps I am wrong... perhaps you are the one that is right. :$ I don't know. :$Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
I remember back in 2009 there was red system message in game when someone got banned and hope you guys (GMs) gonna turn on these messages again once you start to punish all of these glitchers so everyone will be able to see you have done atleast something good for us.
That would be so friggin awesome. At least then people would know for sure PWE was doing something and we wouldn't have a bunch of posts like... well.. what this topic has become.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
PWE lost their credibility a long time ago. Pity they have such a nice game under their management.
I think a mass boycott would do them justice. Instead of fixing the problem they just made the community more angry.0 -
TheHedgeBarb - Morai wrote: »Jsut because OPKossy says the GM might have been told to lie doesnt mean the GM was told to lie nor that it needed to lie just because a higher up said so. For example could have told bosses that lying is not part of the job or that it could be said wihtout lies. It was a choice defenderofdreams made to lie. Cant put that on anyone else. If you disagree please let me know how the GM was forced.
I read what OPKossy wrote about PWI. Still doesnt change all the bad things SHE have said in the thread that I disagree with. I just dont think SHE is a good person based on what she is saying in this thread now. Sorry.
Are you an idiot? I wouldn't care 2 cents for any of you if I worked for pwe. I like having money tyvm.
I'm pretty sure DoD wants to keep his job. Fyi bosses always lie to their employees. I'm pretty sure he either didn't know what he said was a lie or he still doesn't know. We don't even know. We will find out in a couple weeks. But I'm going to say we were all lied to. That's including DoD0 -
TheDutchman - Raging Tide wrote: »I deleted the first half of my reply in less then a minute after i posted it and read it again, my sarcasm got the upperhand for a bit there. But now it's up there in your reply again...
Sorry about that.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
That would be so friggin awesome. At least then people would know for sure PWE was doing something and we wouldn't have a bunch of posts like... well.. what this topic has become.
Aye though I would suggest a little.. change to that... perhaps they should/could * out the name so (in case I got banned it would be ****** instead of Slivaf has just been banned.) ... not that I would do anything to break the rules, or at least definitely not intentionally.Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
That would be so friggin awesome. At least then people would know for sure PWE was doing something and we wouldn't have a bunch of posts like... well.. what this topic has become.
You mean a topic good for nothing, where people who got nothing still see online people redeeming 12 orbs ?. And yes, i read that link, and if that is really the case, and you're not paid for modding, then i am really sorry for you, especially considering this topic replies.
LE: you're doing a CM job for PWE, and get nothing in exchange...0 -
I am sorry you have had such bad employers. A person with morales and ethics will be able to stand up against such behaviour and also be able to phrase things differently in order to not lie.
We have had a few different community managers in PWI. We had one that lied and lied whenever he could. Others have been mostly honest. I think that difference in how they expressed themself and how honest they were towards the community could tell us a lot.
In the end defenderofdreams made the choice to lie. I dont think it is okay to try and hide behind someone else or a company when you lie.
Personally I have had a few jobs where I have faced situations where the higher ups have recommended less honest answers. I think I have handled those situations very well and in different ways. One time was when I was working in customer support. There was a problem and the message sent out on how we in customer support should deal with it was not okay by my standards. I went and told them I did not agree with it and I also gave a recommendation how they could make it honest and helpful. They did not fire me but instead used my version and ended up giving me a bonus for helping the company not look bad. It was a quite crappy watch and a low amount gift card.
Another time I was on a job interview. The owner of that company was talking alot about being able to be dishonest in the job. After talking for a while I told them I was no longer interested in working for them and walked out. The office manager called me afterwards asking if I could reconsider saying she was impressed with me holding on to my beliefs. I still turned them down though.
Not sure why that was needed but since two people questioned real life application I thought I should give some examples.0 -
Noxioua - Lost City wrote: »Kossy is a SHE. Also, she has the right o her opinions. What she actually said was that DoD may have been told to lie to us FROM HIS BOSSES. That's right, GM's have bosses! Those bosses tell them what to say, what they can and can't do, etc. Which is why she said "assuming DoD wasn't forced to lie to us."
Kossy is not trying to defend PWI. Kossy is using her skills as a mod to see both sides of the fence. She has had a rather long rant about PWI in this thread, if you went back and read you'd know.
I pity people that lie cause their boss ask them to do it, at my old job I got ask to lie and put people's lives in danger, I did refused and pretty much quit. I don't have anymore all the advantages of that job, but I still can look at myself in the mirror which is more important for me.
Of course PWI is a game and beside rage and people quitting the game I doubt their lies will kill anyone, PWI is just losing people's trust which is something that they might never get back.
I think people are not mad at DoD cause he's only the messenger, I doubt he have any power on that issue and he probably posted what he was told to post.
Kossy have the right to have a opinion, but I think the fact he's a mod and defending PWI make some people think that he's sided to PWI cause he's a mod. I'm not saying it's right of people to think that, but some people never come to forum and come now cause it's a pretty big issue and they see a mod claiming to be a player like them and yet he defend PWI. (while majority of players are mad at PWI)
I do know the difference between a mod, GM, CM and Dev, but people not use to forum maybe don't know it, so they see a green avatar defending PWI so they assume it's a PWI's employee, than after that they learn it's a player like us and I think they don't understand why a player like us is not mad at PWI.
I don't share Kossy's opinion for the fact that it's not the first time that kind of thing happen and PWI did/do nothing to make it not happen again.
Is it the abusers's fault? Yes and no, PWI did give them once again the opportunity to abuse. That's sad that there's so many abusers in PWI, but PWI should make it their top priority that their system cannot be abuse, specially with a simple ''refresh page''.
Are abusers bad? Some yes some no, some are people that was honest and never did abused before, but they got tired of been slap in the face by PWI over and over again and did think ''Well w/e, being honest give me nothing, while abusing is rewarding''. PWI show a image where abusers are the winner and honest people the losers.
''Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.''
^ I feel like it's appropriate. PWI and honest players get fooled. Shame on PWI for been abuse over and over again the same way and shame on us honest players that believe PWI's promises that he won't happen again.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Are abusers bad? Some yes some no, some are people that was honest and never did abused before, but they got tired of been slap in the face by PWI over and over again and did think ''Well w/e, being honest give me nothing, while abusing is rewarding''. PWI show a image where abusers are the winner and honest people the losers.
This is SO true0 -
Okay people.
One thing I need to get cleared up here and now... and I'm putting this in big letters:
I said, and key word here, ASSUMING! As in I do not know if DoD was lied to, ordered to lie, or was given the truth! So please STOP jumping on the whole DoD is lying bit and actually read the post first!
Friggin swear it's impossible to make posts using basic English around here without SOMEONE somehow deciding that they've forgotten how the damn language works and taking something out of proportion or using it in the most asinine and boneheaded way. /grumble(Insert fancy image here)0 -
not realy worried about being banned at this point. go ahead.. i didnt recive any of your b-s gifts anyhow. ive worked hard in this game and because i didnt take advantage of this glitch you guys put up . now my toon is worthless lvl 101 5aps sin thats +7 everything . i worked for that and u guys gave away +10 to everyone . and i can almost guarentee u wont do JACK about it either . did you guys even kno that during all that orb b-s the orbs that said cant be used on anything except gear under g16 were being used on g16??? u guys have done a good job messing everything up . and it prob wont be the same after this cause u guys are half ***-ed clowns and wont get every single person who took advantage of your own glitch. so all the money i put n game let alone the 10+ hours a day i play the game and things ive done to earn for myself means jack now. all i should do is wait for you to mess up again. so i can take advantage of ur next offer. is that what it comes down to . you guys didnt do jack whenthe heroic pack glitch was out and those items still flaotng around. what u dont remember ppl gettin 20-30 k packs ea.. then the dream chaser pack .. i didnt even care about that tho cause everyone could gain from that and re-roll new toons with awesome gear but you guys have literally ruined the game with this +10 orb mess up. idk how but u made it possible for ppl who dont kno **** about game to be better than me gear wise without hard work or cash. good job pwi . as i said at top idgaf if u ban me at this point u ruined the game for me... i dont like seeing these lazy ppl who dont do anything magically have better gear than me. and ur little answer of you guys going after ppl who abused it. is all b-s . the red writing is still goin off days after u closed the code . thats how bad u guys destroyed this game. well at least everyone has a chance to see lvl 50-80 +10 everything toonsb:shutup great isnt it0
Just my humble opinion about the "removal" of refinement, orbs, charms apo's etc ...
I really can not imagine PWI will put people on going through each and every account that has required the mail(s) from the redeem code for a simple reason:
Just imagine how long it would take 1 person to check which account got it, then go through logfiles to see what was the status of the toons before the code, which toon did the items go to, what was refined, where is the gear now, where are the other items, eventually find all and then put all back to how it was before...... that would take 1 person years to check all out, and they will definitely not employ an army to do it, just think of the costs.
So that option is gone ... no resetting of gear etc or even remove the items.
What's next they were going to do? Check logs to see who got mail on purpose? Very psychic person who can see if I clicked on purpose or just to refresh because I assumed it didn't work. (I know how the logs work, had own gameservers running).
(Note: I did not recieve anything I only mentioned it as an example).
What is left? IF people get perma/temp ban it's only on assumption they did abuse the page.
Because of these simple easy to reason things they can never sort all out and all is just to try to let it all blow over ....
Wouldn't even surprise me if after next maintenance 10* orbs will be on sale for a fraction of the price so all can still "get" them for way less then normal. But thinking of that I also can see it happen that in the coming expansion when refines go up the prices go down anyway. That way it's a win-win situation for PWI either way.0 -
Honest people who didn't get in to redeem, or even not so honest people who would have abused if given the chance who didn't get in to redeem..
Either way, whichever you may be or I may be:
How hard is it to see the people who didn't get the reward and email us a usable code??
Just saying..0 -
The more the freebies are expensive, the more the crowd feels obligated to receive it no matter what.
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Angelldeath - Heavens Tear wrote: »Perma ban is a little much considering some of them will be innocent. Rollback was the best solution at the time but now it's a bit late. Hopefully during maint tomorrow night they'll actually fix their refines and get rid of their extra orbs but at this point many of us including me don't really have much hope in what they do now.
I dont believe their was any innocence from this. ANYONE that entered the code more than once should be PERMA BANNED in my opinion unless they can remove the free stuff they received and their refines.
If you entered the code more than once you did so well aware of the glitch and out of greed. Anyone that got more than the 3 orbs as a reward from only entering the code once should be exempt of course. If they are looking at the code from the mass input of codes that they received they should be able to discern who entered it more than once and intentionally got more than one redeem....those players should be banned. There should be no exemptions no easy going on players.I remember back in 2009 there was red system message in game when someone got banned and hope you guys (GMs) gonna turn on these messages again once you start to punish all of these glitchers so everyone will be able to see you have done atleast something good for us.
I completely approve and agree. They deserve to have their name put out for all to see.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
...It's another thing to see someone posting complete ticket replies,...
Yep, that would be me, maybe others but I will take ownership.
Unrelated -
I had read the TOS. I understand that PWI has no obligation to correct their mistake but at some point enough IS ENOUGH. I am a customer and have put in some of my cash into this game; and, as such, I think I'm entitled to file a complaint, escalate to Mountain View, CA and if necessary, all the way to China.
Truth is corner office execs do not want to be bothered with stuff like this. That is where mid-management comes in to deal with it. Problem is they are not or choose not to. In either case, it appears PWI policy is to ignore problem in hopes that the player community give up.
Well I'm not going to give up. Correct this error, ban me, or put this game to rest, IGNORING ME IS NOT AN OPTION.0 -
Ellisandro - Archosaur wrote: »Honest people who didn't get in to redeem, or even not so honest people who would have abused if given the chance who didn't get in to redeem..
Either way, whichever you may be or I may be:
How hard is it to see the people who didn't get the reward and email us a usable code??
Just saying..
but pwi has made it clear that those of us who didnt get to use the code unless on arch server just get punished pretty much because jerks abused it so they canceled it early.
IDK maybe pwi could just have FIXED THE GLITCH and left the code up till the 24th as promised.0 -
fieptoutje wrote: »Just my humble opinion about the "removal" of refinement, orbs, charms apo's etc ...
I really can not imagine PWI will put people on going through each and every account that has required the mail(s) from the redeem code for a simple reason:
Just imagine how long it would take 1 person to check which account got it, then go through logfiles to see what was the status of the toons before the code, which toon did the items go to, what was refined, where is the gear now, where are the other items, eventually find all and then put all back to how it was before...... that would take 1 person years to check all out, and they will definitely not employ an army to do it, just think of the costs.
So that option is gone ... no resetting of gear etc or even remove the items.
What's next they were going to do? Check logs to see who got mail on purpose? Very psychic person who can see if I clicked on purpose or just to refresh because I assumed it didn't work. (I know how the logs work, had own gameservers running).
(Note: I did not recieve anything I only mentioned it as an example).
What is left? IF people get perma/temp ban it's only on assumption they did abuse the page.
Because of these simple easy to reason things they can never sort all out and all is just to try to let it all blow over ....
Wouldn't even surprise me if after next maintenance 10* orbs will be on sale for a fraction of the price so all can still "get" them for way less then normal. But thinking of that I also can see it happen that in the coming expansion when refines go up the prices go down anyway. That way it's a win-win situation for PWI either way.
You clearly got full +10 from the code lol0 -
Okay people.
One thing I need to get cleared up here and now... and I'm putting this in big letters:
I said, and key word here, ASSUMING! As in I do not know if DoD was lied to, ordered to lie, or was given the truth! So please STOP jumping on the whole DoD is lying bit and actually read the post first!
Friggin swear it's impossible to make posts using basic English around here without SOMEONE somehow deciding that they've forgotten how the damn language works and taking something out of proportion or using it in the most asinine and boneheaded way. /grumble
In their defense an allegation like that in any form should never have come from you considering you kinda work for PWE too even if you dont get compensation but i agree with you that So many people read what they wanna and respond only to that.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Okay people.
One thing I need to get cleared up here and now... and I'm putting this in big letters:
I said, and key word here, ASSUMING! As in I do not know if DoD was lied to, ordered to lie, or was given the truth! So please STOP jumping on the whole DoD is lying bit and actually read the post first!
Friggin swear it's impossible to make posts using basic English around here without SOMEONE somehow deciding that they've forgotten how the damn language works and taking something out of proportion or using it in the most asinine and boneheaded way. /grumble
I agree in what you say, HOWEVER, this thread is a bit like a Chinese whisper tbh. Because there is no update, people are starting to do the inevitable, which is just assume. That CAN be possibly eradicated by a simple update to put some peoples minds at ease a little bit wouldn't you say?0 -
JackieK - Harshlands wrote: »You clearly got full +10 from the code lol
As i said: yup, I recieved nothing b:bye0 -
ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide wrote: »I had read the TOS. I understand that PWI has no obligation to correct their mistake but at some point enough IS ENOUGH. I am a customer and have put in some of my cash into this game; and, as such, I think I'm entitled to file a complaint, escalate to Mountain View, CA and if necessary, all the way to China.
I say go for it. The more people do this, the less they'll be able to ignore it and hopefully, we'll all get better service as a result. Maybe they'll even actually hire people dedicated to just one game instead of forcing their employees to do way more than they should need to be doing.(Insert fancy image here)0
This discussion has been closed.
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