Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well I know for a fact that some of them are extremely busy atm. Both Skai and Kris are still in college, and it's getting close to finals week for universities all across the country. I know Kris in particular posted he had a ton of papers to write. The advantage of having so many mods is that if some of us are too busy with RL to mod; even when the forums really needs a mod, others can pick up the slack. So yeah it's mostly been me and Kossy but that's not absurd or anything. And it's not like others haven't done what they could here and there.

    Aye indeed I understand that well, when I was a mod... I had struggled being active all the time, real life does indeed come first. <3 EDIT: Thank goodness indeed for other forum mods being there to help pick up the slack. :D

    and =o an update *goes read*
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • McStabbby - Raging Tide
    McStabbby - Raging Tide Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So......if you missed the code for the d.orbs and other things you can get 5x hyper stones........that sounds fair to every right.............
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I've posted an update to this thread on the OP.
    There was a miscommunication between departments with Customer Service.
    They were giving out the wrong information regarding punishments.

    Hmm is this a temporary ban, or is there going to be a further... punishment inflicted upon them in one way or another?

    I for one hope it is more than just a 'temp' ban. :$ I/E removal of the excess orbs/items from their accounts.

    I am very curious if it is more than just the 'ban.' :$ xD

    EDIT: Thanks indeed for the updates, I know some may be thinking 'they're never happy' but meh I am curious.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    *looks at first post*

    DoD... you are awesome and I thank you. b:heart
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Raygan - Sanctuary
    Raygan - Sanctuary Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    so does this mean youre ONLY compensating arch players, or only focusing on that goal for right now?

    What i'm hearing is

    1-PWI messed up and had to reroll arch

    2-pwi decided to comp all servers for the issues this month

    3-pwi puts out a glitchy code MESSING UP AND MAKING ALL SERVERS UNEQUAL ETC

    4-pwi only fixes the issues on arch

    Please tell me how this is fair at all. If you'd just focused on Arch in the first place none of this would have ever happened but you DID mess up again and are now doing nothing about every other server which now has more balance issues then ever.
    PWI messed up ALL servers now
    and ALL servers need to be fixed.
  • GumyBear - Raging Tide
    GumyBear - Raging Tide Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hmm is this a temporary ban, or is there going to be a further... punishment inflicted upon them in one way or another?

    I for one hope it is more than just a 'temp' ban. :$ I/E removal of the excess orbs/items from their accounts.

    I am very curious if it is more than just the 'ban.' :$ xD

    I'm curious too f:ponder If they do that then I might consider coming back.
  • TheDutchman - Raging Tide
    TheDutchman - Raging Tide Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...


    What a frigging joke!!! This is no compensation, this is a complete insult!!! DoD tell your bosses they can put their game in some dark deep hole and i hope they choke a 1000 times on all the money they ripped from us!!! You think it's weird people get angry here??? 5 hyper stones instead of the orbs and all the other stuff??? Give me a break please... Next time please shoot me and take my wallet, at least i know i got robbed right away then instead of wasting 4 years on this stupid perfect world of scamming!
  • kelvinsakyi
    kelvinsakyi Posts: 3
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...



    SO the players who got the Orbs will be getting to keep them while we who did not get them nor do anything wrong get crappy hyper-stones which no one cares about. Why not just reactivate the code so the people can still get the orbs make sure it dose not break this time and every one would be happy, Easy fix to this massive mess
  • wingsofpositive
    wingsofpositive Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am pleased that you are showing compassion for those who missed out on the gift. I looke forward to getting my pack with the orbs and spending gold getting my gear improved. Thank you PWI

    _happy gold shopping gamer
  • faruskas
    faruskas Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Questions abd answers:

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    It says the reactivated code can be used once per account. at first i tried it on one (the main) of my 3 accounts. Today i attempted to run into my other 2 ac****s, but i got this message saying that code have already been used....

    Is this another glitch? b:cry b:shocked b:sad
  • Gyurakzoltan - Archosaur
    Gyurakzoltan - Archosaur Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OMG its actually posible to send ORBs to ingame mail??? OMG is that means that actually none of the players are guilty for the untested released code??? seems that all this could be avoided if someone of PWE employement did what actually should doo...send ingame mails...with orbs? omg...Banning PPL for PWEs fault...i mean not that its surprises me...

  • __Sami__ - Archosaur
    __Sami__ - Archosaur Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We getting anything but orb in our mail or was it simply the first wave?
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/104/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • gakekasai18
    gakekasai18 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This will be nice to see when activated in terms of bans. I personally am watching for a few people to go bye bye for the thrill of watching them leave. As for permanent ban or partial ban, I would tend to think permanent since they STOLE from the company and everyone else involved.

    Also, dod is t finished with the work and compensation as stated in the update on the first page. So all the illiterate people on forums be advised that hypers aren't a means to the end. It's a start to fixing this ongoing issue and once the system is tested we will see what they do as stated.

    Ty dod for supporting us, even when issue kept coming up. Nice to have a voice for us all, even knowing your job could be on the line. I appreciate it, and same thank you goes to all the mods dealing with these issues.
  • skijuri
    skijuri Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the new code doesn't seem to work for me
  • /ATLAS - Archosaur113
    /ATLAS - Archosaur113 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, all of the questions posed the last 50 posts are answered in the very first post ppl

    *shakes head*

    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...



    Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    ^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!

    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    UPDATE (11.22.13):
    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or world chat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.

    This is the very first post of this thread, this answers most of the questions people are asking, there was another post I read cant find it now, but it states there will be no roll back. Additionally it says that according to PWI data the abuse is not as widespread as is believed, if you look around you will notice everyone is not walking around with all +10 gears and those that did abuse the code will be banned as explained above.
  • SilverMayhem - Archosaur
    SilverMayhem - Archosaur Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Okay seriously. While the first question that DoD "Answered" is concerning and the most pressing. Game play is still being ruined do to the large amounts of Red Spam. Every day that you (PWI/E) gave out Orbs to the server. A whole day went wasted. Can you seriously take a hint and STOP COMPENSATING!!

    You gave orbs to Arch players in a Email. Then you ***** that up so you gave them 2 more codes, which btw, was abused do to..

    "If you logged onto Archosaur during the rollback, and are unsubscribed to PWE emails, you may put in a support ticket. - DefenderofDreams"

    So, people sent in a ticket with their alts to get at least 1 code and received at least 1 orb on accounts that were never online. Creating more Red Spam and more Wasted time and days. That's cool. Can deal with a full wasted day. Next day you release another Orb Code but ON THE WEBSITE, that was broken at that. So more abuse happened. More Orbs, more spam. More *** ups. The first code sent at our emails got abused, the Forum Code got Abused, now we got a new one. I'm guessing its just Arch server tho i highly doubt it, has In-game mail for Orb(s).


    Love it pwi/e love. Abuse the abusers that used your Compensation, yet continue to compensate.

    IDC about this ****. Really don't. Whats the status on the ban, Temp? Ip? Account? Life? Delete of character that the code was used on? Seriously, what?
    Logic = Against ToS. It's the answer to all "Wtf..." Moments during normal gameplay with other players.
  • BungaSakura - Raging Tide
    BungaSakura - Raging Tide Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...



    Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    ^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!

    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    UPDATE (11.22.13):
    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or world chat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.

    b:cry hyper while others get +10 orb. oh well...
  • SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver
    SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, all of the questions posed the last 50 posts are answered in the very first post ppl

    *shakes head*

    This is the very first post of this thread, this answers most of the questions people are asking, there was another post I read cant find it now, but it states there will be no roll back.
    you are aware the first post was updated today? And the previous posts were mainly made before the first post was updated b:chuckle

    I hope they publically name those that were banned, I know they prob won't as they don't like the naming and shaming but we need to see that people were actually punished, its easy to say they are going to get punished.

    I think the GMs decision is fair, it really only should have been about those on Archosaur, sucks not to get my orbs but it sucks not to win the lotto each week but I still play it b:laugh
  • metalmana
    metalmana Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    They will be banned.

    Banned ? for how much time ?
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    OMG its actually posible to send ORBs to ingame mail??? OMG is that means that actually none of the players are guilty for the untested released code??? seems that all this could be avoided if someone of PWE employement did what actually should doo...send ingame mails...with orbs? omg...Banning PPL for PWEs fault...i mean not that its surprises me...

    Nobody put a gun to their head and made them abuse the code. It's called personal responsibility. I don't shoplift everything that isn't nailed down and being carefully watched, even at sidewalk sales where it would be easy. Am glad they are banning the people that abused it and I really hope they remove their excess items. I'd in fact remove all their items and put them in the same boat as people who did not get to use the code at all. They wouldn't be able to participate in the Christmas festivities either, which are usually lucrative.

    Will be keeping my eyes peeled on this thread as always for any other updates. Thanks for the update. b:thanks

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • skizofrenia
    skizofrenia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pwi facks up and yes PLAYERS get banned... makes sence uh...
    website said try again in 10 minutes, WTF do u think ppl will do dumb facking morons of GMs etc....
    Get ur **** together first b4 u start banning ppl... jeezus ****ing christ b:angry
  • andremota
    andremota Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    very well done but to cancel the code and other players like me that never once succeeded? It is not fair? I await a fair solution

  • SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver
    SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nobody put a gun to their head and made them abuse the code. It's called personal responsibility. I don't shoplift everything that isn't nailed down and being carefully watched, even at sidewalk sales where it would be easy.
    That kinda implies you shoftlift some things b:laugh
  • Valirah - Sanctuary
    Valirah - Sanctuary Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...


    Well, F U too.

    You offer up game changing gifts to everyone as compensation for some server related troubles, bungle that to a point where things are far worse and unbalanced across all servers than the initial problem ever was and then offer a resounding F U to everyone who didn't exploit the situation with an insulting x5 Hypers offer.

    At the very least, the original offer should be reinstated. Ideally x2 the original offer, to make up somewhat for all the dozens of free orbs hundreds of people received. An extra 6 orbs to someone who already had 50 isn't gonna change much, but would do loads to placate those who got diddly.
  • Drewiz - Archosaur
    Drewiz - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sayd invalid for meb:shocked
  • /ATLAS - Archosaur113
    /ATLAS - Archosaur113 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I would not expect a perma ban. I believe some did not intend to exploit but did so mistakenly, others, thinking they were going to be the only ones who did not take advantage and therefore would be left behind did it simple to keep themselves on a level playing field with the ones who did. The ones who did exploit are going to claim they were the ones who did it by mistake or through pressure to compete, there is going to be no way to tell the difference.

    Ultimately it should have been set up in a way that this could not have happened. I do thank PWI for there efforts to compensate for the rollback and their efforts to do it quickly. Its unfortunate that this has happened, its unfortunate about the rollback, but there is a point where it should probably all just stop, before things get worse.
  • Sjuggs - Lost City
    Sjuggs - Lost City Posts: 617 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Omg 5 Hypers!!! enough to compete against those 10* orbs!!! b:laughb:cry
  • Wazwaz - Sanctuary
    Wazwaz - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    WOW 5 hyper stones b:chuckle
  • pkdummy1
    pkdummy1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yall mind **** ya got more **** then needed and damnit pwi the spam ish annoying ppl who still complaining about not getting enough sht just greedy **** get back to ur daily gaming ppl and be happy with what u gotb:angry
  • SilverMayhem - Archosaur
    SilverMayhem - Archosaur Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nobody put a gun to their head and made them abuse the code. It's called personal responsibility. I don't shoplift everything that isn't nailed down and being carefully watched, even at sidewalk sales where it would be easy. Am glad they are banning the people that abused it and I really hope they remove their excess items. I'd in fact remove all their items and put them in the same boat as people who did not get to use the code at all. They wouldn't be able to participate in the Christmas festivities either, which are usually lucrative.

    Will be keeping my eyes peeled on this thread as always for any other updates. Thanks for the update. b:thanks

    I have to disagree with your analogy with Stealing in real life from "abusing codes". And as far as "Ruining in game experiences..." go. This red spam is just ridiculous. Cookies, Cookies for all that didn't "Abuse the code". Shame on those that did. Pass your judgement. Keep compensating and keep ruining a game with free items for all.

    2x/5x and returing lost Zen was the ONLY thing that needed to be done. People sending in tickets and getting what they asked for, I.E. getting me and my RL girlfriend her wedding fashion. Great Job PWI and I thank you for all your efforts.

    But this... Just stop. NO more. Seems more like the people that you are gonna ban are the ones that have left the game within a couple of weeks. e.e

    I'm not saying my opinion on this Banning **** just because its gonna sound like everyone else. I DO feel like it was PWIs fault.

    But i feel as if, "We screwed up but you get banned for using our **** up."

    Free **** bro. Free ****.

    You want an analogy, when you get something free, either before, during or after you ask "Can I has some more..." And guess what you replied with, "Wait 10mins please..."
    Logic = Against ToS. It's the answer to all "Wtf..." Moments during normal gameplay with other players.
This discussion has been closed.