DQ points



  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Quitting time if u take the DQs away!!!

    U took enough with

    1. Mirages
    2. No Nirvana
    3. Crappy Dailys
    4. No DQs reward system...

    Pay2Play? Oh jeah there are other companies too which make nice games...

  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Have we received a Update yet about this?

    Why is this taking so long for a response?
    Must be writing a book or memoir blog post. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Question : the event boutique will still be there or it will be gone forever too? mods / gms please kindly answer before i quit. thanks
  • Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    snaketapus wrote: »
    Question : the event boutique will still be there or it will be gone forever too? mods / gms please kindly answer before i quit. thanks

    I would imagine that the event boutique will remain, as they give out event cards as rewards for charging zen or spending gold in the AH.

  • Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Want proof PWE does not care ?

    22 pages of ranting and raving and not a single GM give a PROPER explanation.

    Not talking about " A blog will come" or even " We will keep you posted"

    I mean a proper, honest straight forward explanation.

    bad form......just bad bad form...

    PWI Universe up in arms - Even the MODS dont agree, yet GM's blatantly refuse to give a answer.....


    Tried to sleep last night when my A.D.D kicked in :
    1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, cow, donkey, pig, Old McDonald had a farm YEAH.... Macarena !
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Brothers! I understand your frustration. The answer you are looking for is here!

  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sweetiebot, can you make the PWI dev team remove the tideborn, earth guards, and all packs from game. and also make it so all lvl100+ are lvl100 like back in the noob free days?
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sweetiebot, can you make the PWI dev team remove the tideborn, earth guards, and all packs from game. and also make it so all lvl100+ are lvl100 like back in the noob free days?
    I could try, I suppose. I don't understand. Please explain what you mean.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451

    Status: ONLINE
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dear PWI GMs,

    its simply as u can see are more than 10.000 ppl not longer willing to be with this non farmable game which is now PAY2PLAY.

    If u take the DQS

    Im out too !!!

    Yeah I tried to round out my remaining points after turning in a bunch for perfect stones last week..so when I log in to check the update just now and I got the page doesn't exist error message . Glad I redeemed most of them in time b:sweat
    Must be writing a book or memoir blog post. b:chuckle

    Maybe their gonna have a HUGE DEV presentation of explaination on Youtube b:laugh Staaaaaaay tuned!!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Thanks PWI,

    well they take mirages from ppl who "farm" it.

    the remove DQ coins for low level ppl..for what that they cant do sh it?

    they take the nirvana dungeon and dont remove the items inside SO NOBODY CAN

    And now the best they ll take the DQ whole system...


    Take it and i am out too...

    Good to see that u guys will quit too!!! Soon its just Pay 2 Play !!!
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    genotypist wrote: »
    Hi all, this was a deliberate change in anticipation of the DQ system's eventual takedown. While the functionality of DQ items remain (you may still sell them for points), our intention is to gradually phase out their usage.

    Nice. So the one remaining way for new joiners to get access to things like midlevel fliers is removed from the game. Is it a policy to drive newer players to -have- to buy Zen in order to get anywhere in this game? For if so, this game will bleed out, since new folk will realise it's an uphill battle and leave for other, newer games.

    I'm not as flamey as Zetto over there, but I share his sentiment. As a new player, take the methods to advance in the game out, and you'll drive the young part of your playerbase away. Leaving you with just the old, established players who already have everything they want/need.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Still waiting on that blog post. You guys sure type slow.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I thought farming, whether it be for Twilight Temple materials or killing massive loads of spiders for DQ drops, was an integral part of this game. Many have 'funded' this "free to play" game with these farming features, including myself! (limited to a wheelchair and with little income, farming in-game is one of my only options for making coin). Now you say you are thinking of REMOVING this integral, important and useful portion of OUR game, why? I bet there is a financial undercause somewhere. I will say this as a warning; Many, Many players left after the last expansion because you gave NO THOUGHT to how these changes would affect players. Again, we see you giving NO THOUGHT to the players, well, hell, there are 1000's of "ftp" mmo's out there, do you REALLY want us to go start looking around?

    Trust me, I have played a large proportion of the available online games, you have a winner with PWI.

    like my Dad always said, "IF IT AINT BROKE, DONT TRY TO FIX IT!"
    we also live on a fixed income hubbys been batteling cancer since 2009 so we live on 730 a month never thought id say this but damn farmville is looking good
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Last time i playd this game was in 2009, back then even without all the things we have now, it was easyer for new players to get started and play this game.Managed to get an EA to 83 back then alot easyer than now.
    Nowadays when i started i was surprised to see that at lvl 60 i cant even get close to buying a charm since the price of gold is huge compared to the coins you can farm untill that level leaving me with no choice than either donate in order to get a charm, or quit the game.And please dont feed me the Jolly Jones ****, takes 12 days at lvl 71 to aford a charm .. just 1, not the MP one also.
    Back then DQ items were a nice adition to get some gold for lower lvl players.Now its a huge gap in coins between low level and lvl 90+. Now i see theyr worth 1 coin ..... and found out your taking them out for good. Cant see the reason for doing this, unless its as others said .. pushing the players to donate if they want to play, wich is .. well i dont have words for it.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    On the other hand... if they keep the DQ items, but use the actual Dragon Quests as a means for players to obtain Dragon Points (at a higher rate then the current DQ value, since it's quite a timeconsuming job to run a DQ) then that'd put the kybosh on botting DQ items - which is the only reason I can see for eliminating that mechanic.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Still no blog?b:scorn What are you doing....typing one letter a day?
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    soooooooo we are still playing the waiting game?
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I do not see anywhere where they are taking the coin value away from DQ items that are 80+. All they are doing is taking away the reward system for the DQ points. The coin value remains the same. You can still make a lot of money by farming herbs in heaven/hell and selling them to the shops and 1K. Or set up a shop and learn how to merchant. I am also on a fixed income and do not contribute any more to this game via credit card. This is still a free to play game. No one is holding a gun to anybody's head and making them use their own cash in real life to purchase things in the game. That is YOUR CHOICE.

    The problem with the game is the players not the creators. People have gotten lazy and want everything now an easy and a faster way to level and get gear. I like the challenge and the journey on farming my TT gear and even farming for my Nirvana gear and rank nine. It is more of a challenge this way. But people want their stuff now and if they don't get it they cry about it. personally I am glad they take down the DQ reward system. Maybe people will actually farm again and run TT for gear or maybe even coin on some servers. Maybe people will appreciate what they have more if they have to actually earn it.

    This is still a free to play game. Everything that DQ shop can be obtained without DQ points. I think the bottom line is they took away your easier way to get charms and stones and now you have to work for it.

    On the flip side I think they should've given us a heads about the change because it is such a big importance to a lot of people. But something tells me I don't think they even knew themselves of the change until someone caught it here. This isn't the only game they manage they have other games to take care of besides this one. If you really want to make a difference stop complaining about a free game that you think is owed to you and may be apply for a position within the company to help them.

    I have been here since the beginning and my biggest enjoyment is the journey and the friends that I make along the way. There is no competition and no challenge when everything is just handed to you.
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Read post #80 on this page of this thread right --> http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1636281&page=8 it explains all we know. genotypist answered a random private message about the matter rather then posting it on a thread for us to see. Just giving you all a heads up so yes we are still waiting.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i dont understand why you guys wanna take out the dq system rather phaze it out yall took away the token shop now dq ur takin away all the things that ppl enjoy using why? are your guys intentions to take out all free stuff outa the game to make every one pay rl cash on game to get stuff they want?thought this was supose to be a free to play game... its not turning out that way.. im totaly against takein down the dq system cus i love being about to get radom pigments n stuff or make over scroll n demon sage event card n the fash why not just put new items n uping the points insted of takin away things ppl like? lost of ppl spend hours farmin dq to gain points for these items n takin it away defeats the joys of the rewards we get from our hard work.. i dont understand why ya wanna take it away ??
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I do not see anywhere where they are taking the coin value away from DQ items that are 80+. All they are doing is taking away the reward system for the DQ points. The coin value remains the same. You can still make a lot of money by farming herbs in heaven/hell and selling them to the shops and 1K. Or set up a shop and learn how to merchant. I am also on a fixed income and do not contribute any more to this game via credit card. This is still a free to play game. No one is holding a gun to anybody's head and making them use their own cash in real life to purchase things in the game. That is YOUR CHOICE.

    The problem with the game is the players not the creators. People have gotten lazy and want everything now an easy and a faster way to level and get gear. I like the challenge and the journey on farming my TT gear and even farming for my Nirvana gear and rank nine. It is more of a challenge this way. But people want their stuff now and if they don't get it they cry about it. personally I am glad they take down the DQ reward system. Maybe people will actually farm again and run TT for gear or maybe even coin on some servers. Maybe people will appreciate what they have more if they have to actually earn it.

    This is still a free to play game. Everything that DQ shop can be obtained without DQ points. I think the bottom line is they took away your easier way to get charms and stones and now you have to work for it.

    On the flip side I think they should've given us a heads about the change because it is such a big importance to a lot of people. But something tells me I don't think they even knew themselves of the change until someone caught it here. This isn't the only game they manage they have other games to take care of besides this one. If you really want to make a difference stop complaining about a free game that you think is owed to you and may be apply for a position within the company to help them.

    I have been here since the beginning and my biggest enjoyment is the journey and the friends that I make along the way. There is no competition and no challenge when everything is just handed to you.

    I think you're confused on how DQ points are acquired and why they were implemented.

    DQ points are FARMED by grinding mobs.
    The point system was implemented when they DROPPED the coin value of DQ items.

    This isn't an issue of people being lazy and wanting things easy. This is an issue of another FARMING opportunity being removed from the game.
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think you're confused on how DQ points are acquired and why they were implemented.

    DQ points are FARMED by grinding mobs.
    The point system was implemented when they DROPPED the coin value of DQ items.

    This isn't an issue of people being lazy and wanting things easy. This is an issue of another FARMING opportunity being removed from the game.
    I know exactly how it works having used the system myself. The issue is you can still grind those DQ drops for coin the only thing that has changed is that they are taking the system out see you cannot get rewards anymore. They implemented it because they nerved everything below 80 as far as coin goes. The ONLY thing they are changing is taking the rewards away. The DQ drops will still have the same value so you can still have the coin just not the rewards. And yes it is an issue with people being lazy because the rewards can be obtained otherwise instead of just giving it to you for grinding. I'm glad they're taking away. Maybe it will stop some of the botters grinding for DQ points to get those charms and stones.
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I know exactly how it works having used the system myself. The issue is you can still grind those DQ drops for coin the only thing that has changed is that they are taking the system out see you cannot get rewards anymore. They implemented it because they nerved everything below 80 as far as coin goes. The ONLY thing they are changing is taking the rewards away. The DQ drops will still have the same value so you can still have the coin just not the rewards. And yes it is an issue with people being lazy because the rewards can be obtained otherwise instead of just giving it to you for grinding. I'm glad they're taking away. Maybe it will stop some of the botters grinding for DQ points to get those charms and stones.

    Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion of the issue. While i myself even am not so concerned about the actual removal of the DQ system, that is not the MAIN issue at hand. Despite all the reasons that they may be removing it the issue isnt so much the removal itself but rather PWEs lack of giving us a heads up on the matter. They did not tell us they were planning anything, they removed the in game text from the DQ items with no warning and waited till we complained of forums to even update the cabbage patch notes to reflect that they were removing the DQ system. This is quite a spit in our face as gamers. We could have and SHOULD have been given a heads up but they almost did it in a way that suggests they hoped we just wouldnt notice. THAT is the main issue at hand. Everything else is just a part of the problem not the main issue. So while you may not care they are removing DQ you should care about the lack of information provided to us on this matter.
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I did express the lack of concern for the players if you had read my original post that he quoted. and I agreed with it
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I know exactly how it works having used the system myself. The issue is you can still grind those DQ drops for coin the only thing that has changed is that they are taking the system out see you cannot get rewards anymore. They implemented it because they nerved everything below 80 as far as coin goes. The ONLY thing they are changing is taking the rewards away. The DQ drops will still have the same value so you can still have the coin just not the rewards. And yes it is an issue with people being lazy because the rewards can be obtained otherwise instead of just giving it to you for grinding. I'm glad they're taking away. Maybe it will stop some of the botters grinding for DQ points to get those charms and stones.

    They reduced the value of ALL of them long before the 1 coin on everything below 80. The ones you sell for coin now used to be worth twice as much. So no, they DON'T have the same value. And seriously, if you think grinding for 50k DQ points is lazy, you've probably never done it.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So... I guess we can expect sins to get 2 new skills to replace the ones dedicated to DQ items. I suggest something PvP related, or maybe a chi skill. b:laugh
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    They reduced the value of ALL of them long before the 1 coin on everything below 80. The ones you sell for coin now used to be worth twice as much. So no, they DON'T have the same value. And seriously, if you think grinding for 50k DQ points is lazy, you've probably never done it.

    I have done it a few times ty. and there are better ways to get the things in the rewards.... lazy = botters
    Physically Disabled Gamer ~ I play with nerve damage and loss of motor skills in my whole body which makes it a bit harder to play the game. Yet I have fun and love to make friends.

    P.S. If a video game makes you rage it might be time to uninstall it. ~ IJS. b:bye
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Whatever reason pwi has to take down dq points its not right. It gives a slight bonus to the players who take the time to pve and gain small rewards for their efforts. f:fume

    PWI if your doing this because of bots or whatever reason its the responsibility of you the creator to handle those issues accordingly not punish everyone entirely.f:angry

    Lets not forget your decision on the Forgotten Frostland dragon glitch because u couldnt handle a few characters going rampage on xp glitch.f:gross

    If your going to remove DQ points permanetly i would really suggest u make something else for new players. Thus your game will end up shutting down ur already losing business by making it economy based.f:hehe

    Shame on u and your greed.f:scared
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have done it a few times ty. and there are better ways to get the things in the rewards.... lazy = botters

    I have spoken with many people and the only way they fund their gameplay is by grinding for DQ be it some way or another to supply them with event gold for charms and refines. While there MAY be other ways to get event gold, DQ was by far the best. It gives you coin and exp. Now assault on arch is going to pretty much be pointless with the first half of the mobs dropping useless items for 1 coin each since they wont be counting DQ when they scrap the system. Sure u can get event gold if youre lucky from a daily event but not everyone has time or can do them at the specific time they are on. You may try to argue like some people that if the time is an issue they should play another server, i for one wouldnt do that i have played on Raging Tide for 2 years and enjoy it and my friends there so why should I be forced to go to another server JUST to do an event to get event gold? Regardless of any of this everyone should just be mad they tried removing DQ with no warning and agree to disagree about the actual effects of the DQ removal. Everyone will have their own opinion on the matter. The real issue is the lack of information provided to us. We should all focus on that and stand together as gamers.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    They reduced the value of ALL of them long before the 1 coin on everything below 80. The ones you sell for coin now used to be worth twice as much. So no, they DON'T have the same value. And seriously, if you think grinding for 50k DQ points is lazy, you've probably never done it.

    Well, it -is- easy to do if you do it on the right time. The Assault on Archo event is an easy way to make gobs of DQ points. Easy enough to make 50K of them on one evening if you run the length of that event - and probably the reason why it was so damn popular.

    I still hope they'll give back another way to gain DQ points. Maybe by completing Dragon Quests themselves? Given that the current rewards for dragon quests don't really measure up to the time you invest in actually doing them...
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.


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