Cleric: PK Videos



  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I know it shouldn't be blurry like this. I have no idea why it turns out so blurry. The quality is better playing it through my computer instead of youtube.
  • Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Two more videos today! I have a series of 2vs1 videos I'm working on. When there simply aren't the people with gear good enough to compete against me, I sometimes make things challenging by fighting 2 other r9rr at the same time.

    Cleric vs. Psychic + Barbarian, July 15, 2013

    This footage was from end of May, back before I updated my necklace from +7 g16 to +12 g16 nation wars version. Both barb and psychic are r9rr with +12 weapons, but with unfinished armor (+7 to +10 refines, non endgame shards). Which means they have more than enough damage to kill me, but that if I play my cards just right, I can sometimes kill either of em fast enough to win...but lots of things can go wrong! Watch to see what happened in this series of 5 fights.

    Cleric vs. 2 psychics, July 15, 2013

    This footage from end of May, same day as when I fought barb and psychic. In this video I fight two r9rr psychics, both with +12 weapons, roughly +10 armor with non endgame sharding. What I didn't realize going into the fight was how difficult it would be to cc them: both psychics are sage, and they kept aoe purifying each other! Was a very close set of fights. Watch to find out what happened!

    Thats all for now, more to follow soon.

    i think both of those links are the same Videob:surrender
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i think both of those links are the same Videob:surrender

    You are quite right, lol. Fixed.

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi, Thanks for the compliments and criticism.

    I record with Fraps half size at 1680x1050 and render with sony vegas at 8Mbps HD 1080-30p wmv.

    It's because you are recording at half size, and 1680 by 1050 technically isn't the correct aspect ratio for HD videos. Try recording at full size with an aspect ratio of 1.777
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer:
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Finally got around to making a new TW video!

    RL has dragged me away from the game for a while, and that coupled with not really having been in many worthwhile TWs recently have made me pretty rusty.

    Either way, I had tons of fun!

    Hope you guys enjoy.

    Vicious vs QQme 20/07/2013
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    u wil tech me be gud cleric yes?
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Finally got around to making a new TW video!

    RL has dragged me away from the game for a while, and that coupled with not really having been in many worthwhile TWs recently have made me pretty rusty.

    Either way, I had tons of fun!

    Hope you guys enjoy.

    Vicious vs QQme 20/07/2013

    Fixed link which had an extra http

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fixed link which had an extra http

    Whoops, thanks for that. b:thanks
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Finally got around to making a new TW video!

    RL has dragged me away from the game for a while, and that coupled with not really having been in many worthwhile TWs recently have made me pretty rusty.

    Either way, I had tons of fun!

    Hope you guys enjoy.

    Vicious vs QQme 20/07/2013

    This is what I see looking at video:

    "This video contains content from SME, UMG, INgrooves, Warner Chappell, Sony ATV Publishing, EMI, SACEM and UMPI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

    Try trance remixes from youtube, they hardly ever trigger red flags!

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is what I see looking at video:

    "This video contains content from SME, UMG, INgrooves, Warner Chappell, Sony ATV Publishing, EMI, SACEM and UMPI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

    Try trance remixes from youtube, they hardly ever trigger red flags!

    Ahhh yeah. I forgot to mention that it can't be viewed in Canada, Germany, Japan, St. Pierre and Miquelon. Sorry about that.

    Yeah, that's a good idea! Will try that next time thanks!
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So I'm looking through all the videos and pages and I noticed that there isn't any cleric on Archosaur server that has pk videos. QQ. So sad D:
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Demon cleric is more like... how to put it. Like if i had dots instead of jades, that is demon cleric relative to sage. A demon cleric is somewhat more dangerous, and somewhat less tanky, in violet dance mode. This means you could in theory make people use their genie/apoth faster, because you are hitting harder (via spirit's gift and wield thunder debuff). My biggest concern, other than not having access to increased physical defense from vanguard spirit, is chi. I use wield thunder all the time for chi, and master li's. A demon cleric can't do this; to build up chi they could use spam self buffs, which isn't damaging enemy/ticking defense charms, or putting on more healing debuffs. In light of this I suspect a demon cleric would rely heavily on a genie with cloud eruption... which means, you can't have belief on genie. Which maybe you can get away with not having, sure. I do find belief to be very empowering though, no pun intended lol.

    Look forward to more videos! I'm trying to get caught up on rendering old footage, have some great stuff in the works.

    Just to be clear Great Cyclone and Wield Thunder both give chi on a demon cleric and purify does not use any. I have no problems with chi management in 1v1 pk. I never use cloud eruption during pk or even mass pvp, have never needed to.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just to be clear Great Cyclone and Wield Thunder both give chi on a demon cleric and purify does not use any. I have no problems with chi management in 1v1 pk. I never use cloud eruption during pk or even mass pvp, have never needed to.

    Ah... 15 chi is still decent no doubt, but it still nothing compared to getting 45 chi half the time (for an average of 30 chi per use). Demon chi gain during a fight is significantly slower of that there can be no doubt. Besides the difference in wield thunder, there is master li's (50 chi a minute) and also magic shell... which doesn't give you more chi, but since it increases channeling 20%, you can use more skills than a demon, ergo, you gain chi faster as well. Chi can also be saved with tempest (50% of time 1 spark instead of two) and siren's kiss (0 spark 25% of the time as opposed to 1 spark).

    (qualifier: when not in a fight, a demon cleric can gain chi quite quickly with the vanguard spirit and magic shell; however during a fight, I don't see many opportunities to use those safely, because it doesn't help you offensively or defensively (ie, you aren't healing yourself or dmging/debuffing enemy gaining chi this way).

    Your other point is true though. Demons require less chi for purify and plume shell. Purify is the biggest chi saving, since its a much more spammable skill; the difference in chi saved over time with plume shell is much smaller given the longer cooldown.

    All said though, played properly the chi gain of a sage should outstrip the chi savings of a demon. Imagine that in a fight you purify every 10 seconds (which is certainly more often than I purify but just to make the math easy), you save 20 chi over 10 seconds. To make up the chi difference, imagine that I use magic shell (for 20% more channeling), and as a result I fit in one extra skill into those 10 seconds. The choice of skill here really matters; if I use a wield thunder as the extra skill, I'll be on average 10 chi up; if I use a stream of rejuvenation, we'll be about same, and if I use an ironheart (plus part of another skill), I'd be maybe 5-10 chi behind. Then we factor in 50 chi every minute from master li's, which unless I'm really distracted I try to use on cooldown, and that puts me at roughly 9 chi per 10 seconds. In short, if I use wield thunder often, my chi gain will be significantly higher, and if I do average things like ironhearts or great cyclone, what have you, we'll be about equal in chi gain. Which is why I definitely use wield thunder more often in my fights lately, even though it isn't as good dps as a great cyclone > elven boon! (Alas elven boon gives no chi at all.)

    Managing chi becomes more important when you start needing double, triple spark to kill people, unless you want to try your hand at critting 3 times in a row, to which I say gooood luck! Lol. Also particularly important when fighting a particularly tough person, or multiple persons, and you are spamming seal of gods and sleep and immobilize and other chi-costly defensive skills.



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  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I will not argue that Sage Clerics get more chi out the gate. My point was, that it was an incorrect statement. And yes, there are people I have to 3 spark to kill, but I manage my chi to do so. It really all comes down to how you play your toon, and demon clerics can learn to play in ways to minimize chi consumption and maximize their abilities. I get a pdef bonus by using SoR the way sage uses their buff. Does it take longer to cast, yes, but I also get a HoT off of it.

    I honestly don't believe that one is better than the other. IMO its how you play and what suits you.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    No neither is better, I've always maintained that clerics are remarkably well balanced. Simply, demon is more offensive and sage is more defensive!

    The three problems with stream of rejuvenation giving the physical defense buff are these:

    1: it has a long channel time, which means it can arrive too late, or your channeling gets interrupted by something. Happens a lot.

    2: when you are rebuffing somebody who has just been purged, vanguard spirit sage version provides extremely better and faster survivability to get somebody out of a pinch.


    3: you can't access the 100% physical defense bonus in violet dance mode as a demon.

    The only situation it works better for (in my experience) is when healing really well-geared people, where you'd be using stream of rejuvenation anyways, not just for its buff effect.



    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

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  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Apologies, haven't updated this thread in a little while, but there are a bunch of videos I've uploaded. Here is the list of new pvp videos from my youtube channel:

    Cleric vs. Archer, August 6, 2013

    Footage from June 21st; this is shortly after the archer got a genie with belief, and shortly before I finally upgraded my necklace from +7 g16 cube to +12 g16 nation wars. An interesting fight and an even more interesting conversation I had on skype during the fight, lol. Enjoy~

    Cleric TW COMMENTARY, July 27, 2013

    My first ever commentary of any sort of pk, this time for a TW video around 20 minutes long. I cover various topics I find important to successfully twing, and plan to make more commentaries in future! Ah yes, Dynasty was fighting Tempest, as per usual. I think I did pretty good, but you be the judge!

    Cleric NW, July 21, 2013

    The first nation wars video of mine to feature all three battle types (mostly crystal contests, one bridge battle, and a few capture the flags). Around ten minutes into the video the fighting gets very intense, including a really spectacular set of fights against an archer I had never fought before, but who turned out to be rather good. Enjoy~

    Cleric TW, Dynasty vs. Tempest + Vex, July 23, 2013

    Dynasty was attacked by Vex, a medium sized faction, and Tempest, for the first two-way defense in quite some time. Props to our faction leader for some really nice strategies for the first few minutes of the double defense. Enjoy~

    Cleric TW, Dynasty vs. Tempest, July 13, 2013

    Well... this TW didn't go so well for Dynasty! This video doesn't really feature the TW, but it does show the last few minutes when... something bizarre happened. Just watch it to see what I mean, lol!


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  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for the videos!

    You play alot differently to me actually- but I am more support orientated and not as well geared! =o

    Maybe i'll record a video if I get into any good pvp (unlikely)- but there's a reason why there are so few cleric pvp video's. The class is fun to play but its pretty much always dull to watch! b:chuckle

    Ahira you should record some vids for lost city =D make us proud!
  • Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ahira you should record some vids for lost city =D make us proud!

    My laptop gets too slow if I record + nothing these days to record + LC is not lacking in pride! :P

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nice :)
  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Aeliah, could you please post a pwcalc link for your gear ?

    and about cleric's ultra violet dance, the skill description says "Increases Magic Attack gained by equipment by 60% to 100%." , do you or does anyone know how much soulforce is needed to get to 100% ?
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That is an excellent question, and one I honestly don't know how to answer. My soulforce isn't maxed yet, so I would *assume* that I can still get a bit more. I'd estimate myself to be, perhaps, 95 to 98%. I'm missing two +12s, they are only +11.

    pwcalc I'll do eventually lol.

    Cleric Gears September 28, 2013, accurate

    In this calc I did some creative shuffling of stats to account for engravings as they are of this moment, as well as meridian system. The max hp, mp, def lvls, attack lvls, crit, speed, evasion, and vit/dext/str/magic point #s are all good. For some reason pwcalc slightly underestimates my magic attack, phy def, and magic defense; self buffed, I have 24876-30398 magic attack (calc shows 23762-30433), 14890 phy def (calc shows 14327) and 23562 magic defense (calc shows 23406). Odd.

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  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    thanks for the info, impressive numbers you have there on your char stats.

    about the difference between pwcalc and the ingame char stat for your magic attack, the maximum magic attack+131 on your weapon is actually applied for the minimum magic attack as well in the game's char stats, and spirit's gift buff that says 70% only gives 69%. With that changes in the mathematical formula it will result in exact numbers as 24876-30398 magic attack as written in the game's char stats. (I have weapon damage calculator and I've tried it in there, I put 131 on ring 2 in it because it'll be calculated for both min&max) t3ec.jpg

    could you please tell me your magic attack in ultraviolet dance form and your soulforce ? I'd like to know how much %matk will be buffed in uvd form on a cleric like yours. My cleric with 26749 soulforce only has 70% matk buff in uvd.
  • Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Interesting helm choice. I haven't thought of that.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Soulforce = 51977

    Weapon damage = 2323-2957
    Average weapon dmg = (2323+2957)/2 = 2640

    Normal hp = 16719
    Normal magic attack = 24876-30398
    Average normal magic attack = (24876+30398)/2 = 27637

    Ultraviolet hp = 17269
    Ultraviolet magic attack = 27587-33713
    Average ultraviolet magic attack = (27587+33713)/2 = 30650

    Difference between average ultraviolet and normal = 30650-27637 = 3013

    Can you make sense of those #s?

    I tried putting the 131 on ring. Magic attack comes out too high in the calc:

    Cleric Gears Sept 28, 2013 v2

    Normal magic attack shown: 24904-30433 (bit of an overestimate now when I put the 131 magic attack from weapon onto ring)

    This all still doesn't account for differences in defense. Any idea whats going on there?

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  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You estimated correctly, uvd gives you another 95% buff for magic attack.
    I put 95% more buff using damage calculator and it gave me 27589-33713 (it has 2 points minimum matk difference, but it's very close, probably due to decimals rounded in there) 9m2r.jpg

    about your magic atk shown as 24876-30398 in the game, I've posted earlier the calculation using damage calculator and it gave exact numbers if maximum magic attack from weapon 131 was moved on ring and spirit's gift was changed to 69% instead of 70%
    (click this link -> t3ec.jpg) , but since we cannot change the value on pwcalc for cleric's spirit's gift buff to 69%, it'll always 1% higher and won't show exact value as you see in the game.

    I wonder why in the game, MAX magic attack stat on weapon also applied for min matk, and spirit's gift buff is only 69%, could be just programming error or something else idk.

    about defense, I believe the equation used on pwcalc is the same as discussed in here , I tried using your char stats and calculated using the equation there and the result was the same as in pwcalc.

    total gear defense you have on your armor is =2075+250+850+250+500+114+1218+114+1658+267+300+229+153=7978

    using this formula :
    Defense = Round{ (Vit + Str -2)/4 } + Round{ Def*(1 + Round{ (2*Vit + 3*Str)/25 }/100) } + 1
    and inputting your vit and str and your gear defense in excel, I got the same result as in pwcalc 14327.8

    if your phy defense is 14890 , the gear defense is lacking around 314 pdef to get around that.

    sorry can't help much in the defense area, but for matk buff from uvd I'm quite sure it's 95% as you estimated earlier, and to get it fully 100% probably have to have +12 on all gears.


    sorry if it's going off topic asking about all the numbers lol, but I'm curious.

    nice pk videos you made there by the way.

    I have another question, about buffs in 1 vs 1, with equal gears against any classes, I see you have no problem with them having cleric buff, especially magic defense and magic attack (for psy or wiz or other casters). I also watched mrs mav's videos and he preferred self buffs in any of his battles.

    do you want more challenge or maybe longer battle, or do you think cleric buff is a must for every class going for 1 vs 1 even if it's vs a cleric ? it surely gives them more advantage against a cleric, right ?
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    freygin wrote: »
    You estimated correctly, uvd gives you another 95% buff for magic attack.
    I put 95% more buff using damage calculator and it gave me 27589-33713 (it has 2 points minimum matk difference, but it's very close, probably due to decimals rounded in there) 9m2r.jpg

    about your magic atk shown as 24876-30398 in the game, I've posted earlier the calculation using damage calculator and it gave exact numbers if maximum magic attack from weapon 131 was moved on ring and spirit's gift was changed to 69% instead of 70%
    (click this link -> t3ec.jpg) , but since we cannot change the value on pwcalc for cleric's spirit's gift buff to 69%, it'll always 1% higher and won't show exact value as you see in the game.

    I wonder why in the game, MAX magic attack stat on weapon also applied for min matk, and spirit's gift buff is only 69%, could be just programming error or something else idk.

    about defense, I believe the equation used on pwcalc is the same as discussed in here , I tried using your char stats and calculated using the equation there and the result was the same as in pwcalc.

    total gear defense you have on your armor is =2075+250+850+250+500+114+1218+114+1658+267+300+229+153=7978

    using this formula :
    Defense = Round{ (Vit + Str -2)/4 } + Round{ Def*(1 + Round{ (2*Vit + 3*Str)/25 }/100) } + 1
    and inputting your vit and str and your gear defense in excel, I got the same result as in pwcalc 14327.8

    if your phy defense is 14890 , the gear defense is lacking around 314 pdef to get around that.

    sorry can't help much in the defense area, but for matk buff from uvd I'm quite sure it's 95% as you estimated earlier, and to get it fully 100% probably have to have +12 on all gears.


    sorry if it's going off topic asking about all the numbers lol, but I'm curious.

    nice pk videos you made there by the way.

    I have another question, about buffs in 1 vs 1, with equal gears against any classes, I see you have no problem with them having cleric buff, especially magic defense and magic attack (for psy or wiz or other casters). I also watched mrs mav's videos and he preferred self buffs in any of his battles.

    do you want more challenge or maybe longer battle, or do you think cleric buff is a must for every class going for 1 vs 1 even if it's vs a cleric ? it surely gives them more advantage against a cleric, right ?

    Thanks for doing the number crunching!

    Regarding 1vs1, I do like a bit more of a challenge in 1vs1, because otherwise... I win a bit too easily. It seems a bit blase to win a battle because anything I crit on does over half of my opponent's hp, right? I should have to work for a win. Buffing opponents gives them a fighting chance to survive long enough to try combos on me; otherwise, I tend to completely overwhelm others with my combination of offense/defense, aka, healing debuffs + elven boon (debuffing/dmging enemy at same time as I heal myself) and super long status effects (chaining seal of gods, chromatic seal, and silent seal endlessly). Some opponents just want buffs, and they won't fight if they don't get them, and I, wanting to fight, don't mind obliging them. (For example on my assassin, I do not fight without buffs.)

    Regarding Mrs_mav, personality issues aside, I think I've surpassed his fighting ability. This is because of my recent hotkey changes. He fights like I used to several months ago: 100% clicking skills on skillbar. Ever since I adapted myself to a more hotkey-oriented fighting style, my reaction times have gone way up, because I can keep my eyes on the enemy almost the whole time, instead of constantly flicking my eyes down to my skillbar to see which skill to click. The recent video of me fighting a r9rr barb and bm at the same time is a perfect example of the difference hotkeying has made. In previous 2vs1s, to switch which opponent I was attacking, I had to:

    -move mouse to player 1
    -click on player 1
    -look for skill on skillbar while I move mouse to skillbar (eg, sleep)
    -click skill
    -move mouse to player 2
    -click player 2
    -move mouse back to skillbar and locate another skill (eg, a damage skill, or a defensive skill)
    -click skill
    -move mouse back to player 1
    -etc etc

    Nowadays, I can hit 17 hotkeys all with my left hand. This has eliminated a lot of the mouse movement that always held me back in 2vs1s. At its most efficient, it can now look like this:

    -move mouse to player 1
    -click player 1
    -move mouse to player 2
    -click player 2

    Obvious improvements to efficiency aside, I can also see the beginnings of enemy skill animations sooner, which further improves my ability to react.

    Well that deviates a bit from what you were asking about, but there you have it, lol.


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  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for the tips it surely helps if we can get accustomed to it, clerics rely much on debuffs to land a kill, so every millisecond counts. I'm having a hard time going for a fast kill, unlike wizzies with their undine and spark genie or psys with their atk rank buffs, or other classes with zerk crit. With clerics we only have debuffs, which to cast fully on them need some time.

    By adapting to you new playstyle, do you think you can win against 2 players with equal gears as yours ? any class, especially if 1 of the 2 is archer or sin which I think are predators for clerics, and the other one is tanky class like seeker or barb. I kinda recall watching one of your videos against a seeker and in the end the solution was just wait until his charm ran out lol.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    freygin wrote: »
    Thanks for the tips it surely helps if we can get accustomed to it, clerics rely much on debuffs to land a kill, so every millisecond counts. I'm having a hard time going for a fast kill, unlike wizzies with their undine and spark genie or psys with their atk rank buffs, or other classes with zerk crit. With clerics we only have debuffs, which to cast fully on them need some time.

    By adapting to you new playstyle, do you think you can win against 2 players with equal gears as yours ? any class, especially if 1 of the 2 is archer or sin which I think are predators for clerics, and the other one is tanky class like seeker or barb. I kinda recall watching one of your videos against a seeker and in the end the solution was just wait until his charm ran out lol.

    1. Yes I have a chance against two r9rrs at once, though the odds vary wildly with the skill level of the people in question; whether they can purge; and whether they have genies built for fighting clerics. My odds of winning would probably go down the more I fight them, because by all rights I *shouldn't* be able to kill two people in gear as good as mine if they work well together. If they make mistakes though, or if I get supremely lucky on crits, then I probably do enough dmg, and have long enough control skills, that I could manage it. I have a recent video against an archer and mystic where I came close, and the archer and mystic really did have gear nearly as good as mine... that fight ended abruptly when I neglected to see the pan gu essence on the archer as I slept him, so I rotated my camera back to the mystic, leaving the archer to fire off at me for a couple seconds before I noticed something had gone wrong with the sleep and tried to react, but then it was too late lol. Can't really say an archer critting is really lucky, but many crits were involved as well.

    2. With the skill level I've obtained since my battle against the seeker, I'm confident the fight would progress differently from then if it was redone (in my favor lol)... unfortunately that seeker no longer plays, so redoing the fight isn't possible at this time. Major technical changes I've made since that fight include: more magic shell to fire off spells faster; more wield thunder to build chi up much faster (before I spammed excessive healing debuffs for chi, but wield thunder builds it up much faster in the long run); and because I save more chi, I can use magical shackles more frequently. If you refer to my video of me against the archer v3, you'll see just how effective magical shackles can be (skip right to the last 20 seconds of the video to see where it ticks 4 times in a row; at 1.5k dmg a tick, it contributed 6k dmg to the kill, allowing me to kill the tankiest archer in the server without any triple sparking required... this feat would be equivalent to killing the seeker in my old video without sparking when we account for the barb buffs archer had in).

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  • Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Don't hate the player. Hate the fact you can't afford to be as good as my mom can make me.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited September 2013


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