Cleric: PK Videos
Clerics have been PKing and hitting top spot of PK rankings since 2008. While they may get disadvantages depending on how balanced near gear is when it comes out, it doesn't mean clerics only became PK capable with the release of Purify proc.0
purify weps gives stunlock 'resistance', u rely less on genie for survival and can make more offensive combos instead of 1-trick ponies of yester-year.0
Hannsel - Dreamweaver wrote: »purify weps gives stunlock 'resistance', u rely less on genie for survival and can make more offensive combos instead of 1-trick ponies of yester-year.
Seal of God > Aurora Array > Absorbing Array > Chromatic Seal > Elemental Seal > Mark of Weakness > Spirit's Gift (Demon) > Wield Thunder
isn't a one trick pony. It just happens to be a very troublesome pony to counter.0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Implying
Seal of God > Aurora Array > Absorbing Array > Chromatic Seal > Elemental Seal > Mark of Weakness > Spirit's Gift (Demon) > Wield Thunder
isn't a one trick pony. It just happens to be a very troublesome pony to counter.0 -
I've never been a fan of purify weapons and I would be glad to see them removed/nerfed.b:chuckle Its basically easy-mode, the performance gap between average players and good players is reduced significantly by it.
All the strategies we used to employ have been replaced by "keep a directional button pressed"b:shocked--Retired--
Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 20100 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Purify Spell was far from needed. End game every Arcane had PLENTY of survivability when it came to fighting melee classes relying on high APS. Badge, Fortify, Faith (for the goon glitchers), Domain, Expel. Along with various defensive skills among each class, even sins would require skill to land kills against them. All Purify Spell should do is remove stun and freeze, it should do nothing aside from that. No speed boost, no anti stun, no purify.
Respectfully, I don't believe this at all. The clerics at 'the top of the pk rankings' have usually had gear far better than their peers.
In 1vs1, assassins and archers of course have always made mincemeat of clerics. Venomancer (remember that the nix bleed used to hurt?) dominated. Barbarians one shot clerics, and a cleric could sometimes kill them inside the length of a silent seal, but at equal gear, good luck. Blademasters could be killed, but I think you've forgotten how difficult their occult ice + stun lock dps used to be. What good is a badge of courage stun removal when you don't have a teleport skill to get away from the bm (like a wiz) or a physical immunity skill (like a psychic) or an anti-stun (like a veno). Once plume shell is up, your time is up as well. Oh, wizards one shot clerics regularly too, though they had bit more difficult time getting through those heals to be sure. I think of all classes, clerics have always been strong against psychics, I'll grant you that.
A cleric could always tank for a while, you are right about that. In group pk where you have allies to prevent 100% of the focus of any given enemy, you can survive. Heavily reliant on genie skills and apoth for that anti-stun as they were, though, they've always lacked in offense. In my experience, the strategy of a cleric could always ALWAYS be blocked easily. Imagine you are fighting a cleric, and you get slept. Now you are hit from sleep. Any skilled pker knows that if their gear is good enough to not get one-shot, you can always escape by using an apoth after the sleep is over. Remember that elven boon used to only seal 10% of the time, not something you could even occasionally rely on.
To stand a chance as a cleric in terms of KILLING people, you had to be better geared, really. That doesn't speak to me as a class that 'always did well in pk'. Again, group pk is a different situation; with the protection of your teammates, you can spam your genie for pure defense, and you don't have to worry about extended stun/seal locks (example, an expel will often stop a sin in a group fight, whereas in a 1vs1, most skilled sins will cut through it like its not even there to continue a stun lock). Offensively though, I believe clerics have always been lacking compared to the other classes.Ahira - Lost City wrote: »I've never been a fan of purify weapons and I would be glad to see them removed/nerfed.b:chuckle Its basically easy-mode, the performance gap between average players and good players is reduced significantly by it.
All the strategies we used to employ have been replaced by "keep a directional button pressed"b:shocked
I'm well aware that nowadays its easier to counter stun locks than before. To offset that, people do more damage to you than ever before as well; weapon damage has scaled faster than gear defenses. And, in my case, if the odds aren't hard enough, I just fight more than 1 person at a time.Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »Implying
Seal of God > Aurora Array > Absorbing Array > Chromatic Seal > Elemental Seal > Mark of Weakness > Spirit's Gift (Demon) > Wield Thunder
isn't a one trick pony. It just happens to be a very troublesome pony to counter.
Whenever a class has changed in such a way so as to become dangerous, people will eventually adapt their genies to counter that class. A cleric's 'one-trick pony' can be countered with tree of protection, heart of steel, or belief rather effectively, depending on your class.YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
My first tw video. In the past lag kept me from taking footage of TWs, but this time I managed OK.
February 9, 2013 TW: Dynasty defends against TempestYOUTUBE CHANNEL:
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Aeliah - Dreamweaver wrote: »Respectfully, I don't believe this at all. The clerics at 'the top of the pk rankings' have usually had gear far better than their peers.
I'm still in the top 9 of DW's pk rankings. This is two years after I quit Dreamweaver, and even longer after I stopped playing my Cleric. My gear was always average at best, your statement is invalid.
In 1vs1, assassins and archers of course have always made mincemeat of clerics. Venomancer (remember that the nix bleed used to hurt?) dominated. Barbarians one shot clerics, and a cleric could sometimes kill them inside the length of a silent seal, but at equal gear, good luck. Blademasters could be killed, but I think you've forgotten how difficult their occult ice + stun lock dps used to be. What good is a badge of courage stun removal when you don't have a teleport skill to get away from the bm (like a wiz) or a physical immunity skill (like a psychic) or an anti-stun (like a veno). Once plume shell is up, your time is up as well. Oh, wizards one shot clerics regularly too, though they had bit more difficult time getting through those heals to be sure. I think of all classes, clerics have always been strong against psychics, I'll grant you that.
I was going toe to toe with Nix venos since I started pking, they were troublesome at first but I got my Purifying down to an art form as I'm sure the Clerics who pk now do, even though nixes do little more than tickle these days. Barbs hard, Arma is admittedly a pain but it's more than avoidable. I know full well how annoying a BM's lock can be considering I've been on both ends of it. If you think Badge is only useful if you can gain distance than you're severely mistaken, especially as a Cleric. You have Plume Shell, Winged Shell, and Chromatic Seal at your disposal to mitigate damage or prevent it all together. Clerics have their issues, but all classes do. It was finding ways to get past those that made for truly dangerous Clerics, because believe it or not it was possible to be a successful PvP Cleric back then.
A cleric could always tank for a while, you are right about that. In group pk where you have allies to prevent 100% of the focus of any given enemy, you can survive. Heavily reliant on genie skills and apoth for that anti-stun as they were, though, they've always lacked in offense. In my experience, the strategy of a cleric could always ALWAYS be blocked easily. Imagine you are fighting a cleric, and you get slept. Now you are hit from sleep. Any skilled pker knows that if their gear is good enough to not get one-shot, you can always escape by using an apoth after the sleep is over. Remember that elven boon used to only seal 10% of the time, not something you could even occasionally rely on.
I've had my fair share of people resist my combos, it was a pain. They were usually better geared (TT99 vs TT90) but even if that was the case it was possible to hold my own and even come out on top in a lot of fights. I certainly didn't win every fight I had with better geared players but I gave them a run for their money. Clerics have lacked offense, but genies could be used to help with that. What they lack in offense they make up for in the ability to survive quite a few things due to IH, Shells, and Demon Stream/Sage Vangaurd. I'm sure you've fought Clerics and fought it annoying that, if given the chance, they became a pain to bring down.
To stand a chance as a cleric in terms of KILLING people, you had to be better geared, really. That doesn't speak to me as a class that 'always did well in pk'. Again, group pk is a different situation; with the protection of your teammates, you can spam your genie for pure defense, and you don't have to worry about extended stun/seal locks (example, an expel will often stop a sin in a group fight, whereas in a 1vs1, most skilled sins will cut through it like its not even there to continue a stun lock). Offensively though, I believe clerics have always been lacking compared to the other classes.
I'm not saying Clerics were offensive powerhouses, nor am I saying that they didn't need some form of buff. I'm just saying that they weren't nearly as underpowered as you seem to think.
I'm well aware that nowadays its easier to counter stun locks than before. To offset that, people do more damage to you than ever before as well; weapon damage has scaled faster than gear defenses. And, in my case, if the odds aren't hard enough, I just fight more than 1 person at a time.
See that's kind of why Purify Spell is overpowered. It allows you to take on more opponents than you could otherwise, regardless of skill level. It even gets exponentially stronger as you fight more and more people at once. If you were to fight without it you'd have a far harder time and possibly lose fights you've won with it solely because you don't have it. It's something that can be the sole deciding factor, and it needs a nerf. Period.
Whenever a class has changed in such a way so as to become dangerous, people will eventually adapt their genies to counter that class. A cleric's 'one-trick pony' can be countered with tree of protection, heart of steel, or belief rather effectively, depending on your class.
Tree doesn't work so hot if the Cleric has you under Absorbing and Aurora Array. Especially when they can bring your HP down to a dangerous range without waking you from sleep. Belief is only available and effectively used by level 105s, else the sacrifice too many useful skills on their genie. It's a great counter, there's no denying that. Heart of Steel isn't something I see on too many genies, it's just not justifiable because you're giving up a more useful all around skill in favor of something that's only usable in a certain situation. It's great if you can survive the initial hit from a Cleric and get woken up from sleep, but I don't imagine most people think it's worth it to get unless they rework their genie specifically to 1v1 a Cleric.
Dem replies, dat red.0 -
1. Top 9 of pk rankings ---> why were there so few pking clerics?
2. Once your gear got good enough... is a telling statement. But true enough, nixes are almost a non-issue atm (though venomancer pets will be getting upgrades I hear). Lest we forget, the wings of protection used to have 3 minute cooldown.
3. Lacking offense hinders defense. Whereas a barb will tank and tank and tank then do an arma to one shot you, a cleric would tank, and tank, and then usually die in the end. Killing others clearly wasn't impossible, just more difficult relative to the strategies other classes had.
4. I don't think purify spell is a bad thing, but I do think they could drop the proc rate on it to same as r8r weapon. Without purify you are pretty much at the mercy of a skilled dpser who isn't vulernable to one shots.
5. There still aren't many pk clerics, so no people haven't adapted their genies yet. However depending on the class distribution on your server, heart of steel could be extremely useful. You block elemental dmg from seekers, archers, and clerics in one fell stroke.
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Aeliah - Dreamweaver wrote: »1. Top 9 of pk rankings ---> why were there so few pking clerics?
The reason for so few Clerics is irrelevant.
2. Once your gear got good enough... is a telling statement. But true enough, nixes are almost a non-issue atm (though venomancer pets will be getting upgrades I hear). Lest we forget, the wings of protection used to have 3 minute cooldown.
I used the same TT90 set throughout my entire time PvPing on DW. I wouldn't call a few +3s and +4s a huge improvement.
3. Lacking offense hinders defense. Whereas a barb will tank and tank and tank then do an arma to one shot you, a cleric would tank, and tank, and then usually die in the end. Killing others clearly wasn't impossible, just more difficult relative to the strategies other classes had.
You're right on this point, lack of offense does hinder defense. If you can't kill a target they can freely attack you without consequence meaning instead of playing defensively so as to avoid dying they can go all out without fear. Barbs are amazing tanks, these days especially, but Clerics could still manage from time to time. Though to be fair, Arcane classes as a whole had trouble with Barbs.
4. I don't think purify spell is a bad thing, but I do think they could drop the proc rate on it to same as r8r weapon. Without purify you are pretty much at the mercy of a skilled dpser who isn't vulernable to one shots.
Then you obviously don't know what balance is, which is something so many Arcanes cried out for. Yet when Purify Spell came around and made them OP suddenly balance became a non-issue and they became happy self-purifying machines that are extremely difficult to kill solely because it's near impossible to keep them locked for any amount of time. You weren't completely vulnerable to an APSer, especially not once you hit R9. There's genies and class skills which can be combined with apo. If an APSer locked you so well that you couldn't do anything it was because they had the skill to do so, not because they got lucky and their weapon did it for them. Even if they are skilled enough to perfectly lock you that's still a lot of HP and defense to go through, and you aren't just gonna sit perfectly still. APS wasn't perfect in the lower levels but it got much better as people's gear began getting better. However "overpowered" it may have been it still took skill to land kills at even gear, and it will never be in the same league as Purify Spell.
5. There still aren't many pk clerics, so no people haven't adapted their genies yet. However depending on the class distribution on your server, heart of steel could be extremely useful. You block elemental dmg from seekers, archers, and clerics in one fell stroke.
We don't have too many PvP Clerics, and only one so far even makes use of UV. In order to block the damage you've got to sacrifice the use of other genie skills and learn just when to use it. Whereas in its place you could have various other skills that would prove more useful overall. Even with R9r3+12 Seekers and Archers running around on Loth I haven't gotten Heart of Steel because overall the other skills I've got prove more useful. Maybe later when my gear is on par with theirs Heart of Steel could be a viable option, but for now it just simply isn't worth the space it would take.
all dat red, all dem replies[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
Zanryu - Dreamweaver wrote: »I'm still in the top 9 of DW's pk rankings.
Try using the updated rankings.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »
brb getting another 80 kills b:cool
Either way, the amount of kills I have after 2 years of inactivity should speak volumes considering I didn't farm alts.0 -
Updated rankings? I'm still getting the same one since it was broken. o_O?
I think the kill/death ratio's are more interesting than kills anyhow.b:chuckle--Retired--
Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 20100 -
Damn seems I've missed a few too many NWs of late to keep my kills up. Was gunning for number one spot for at least a day as I knew that Aeliah would soon overtake my kills. All the while I completely forgot about SonH b:surrender. Still happy with top 3 spot, not a huge achievement though considering there are few"pk" clerics on DW.0
Do they reset the score every so often or something? Because those are some really low numbers.0
Sylvae - Sanctuary wrote: »Do they reset the score every so often or something? Because those are some really low numbers.
No the rankings do not get reset and yes those are some low numbers compared to other servers. Firstly DW is a pve server so open map pvp is very limited, secondly most clerics here are too nice and in the past only are there to rez and/or buff. And Thirdly there are still only a handful of very well geared clerics and not all of them pk or TW/NW...0 -
Aeliah - Dreamweaver wrote: »1. Top 9 of pk rankings ---> why were there so few pking clerics?
Some clerics play as support in PVP. I know great clerics that are almost 24/7 outside safe zone and not on that list cause they play their class as support.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »
Alright,... how do I get to the french pwi ranking page that actually updates?Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Alright,... how do I get to the french pwi ranking page that actually updates?
I got there by googling french pwi forums and went from there. There is probably an easier way..0 -
SMASHnHEAL - Dreamweaver wrote: »I got there by googling french pwi forums and went from there. There is probably an easier way..
Finally worked out how to see the updated rankings.b:chuckle Surprised to see myself on there tho- i been pretty much full support since 2009 o_O
I think easiest way to get there is just go to regular rankings on this site- then change the language to german/french at the top of the page.--Retired--
Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 20100 -
Ahira - Lost City wrote: »I think easiest way to get there is just go to regular rankings on this site- then change the language to german/french at the top of the page.
Bingo.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Typical me taking the long way..0
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Some clerics play as support in PVP. I know great clerics that are almost 24/7 outside safe zone and not on that list cause they play their class as support.
It's mostly because if I remember right, I'm pretty sure my cleric had near 1k kills in just 2 weeks of actual pvp. So seeing 2k numbers after 4+ years isn't just slow, it's amoebic.0 -
Sylvae - Sanctuary wrote: »It's mostly because if I remember right, I'm pretty sure my cleric had near 1k kills in just 2 weeks of actual pvp. So seeing 2k numbers after 4+ years isn't just slow, it's amoebic.
You don't know DW.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Dreamweaver is the abode of carebears b:chuckle. even our SP is safe until some1 advirtises on WC b:laugh0
Sylvae - Sanctuary wrote: »It's mostly because if I remember right, I'm pretty sure my cleric had near 1k kills in just 2 weeks of actual pvp. So seeing 2k numbers after 4+ years isn't just slow, it's amoebic.
There is something not quite right with a claim like this unless you are talking about another cleric you play and not the one you are posting from. While I don't dispute that 1k kills in 2 weeks isn't possible, it is however rather unrealistic unless you are farming low levels or outgear almost everyone you come across.
It is the class in general and the fact that most play a support role even in pk situations for the reason behind low kill counts. As for DW there is not a lot of open world pk so clerics in the past where limited to kills in TW and even then most are there to heal. Now with Nation Wars we are seeing some higher kill counts for the better clerics.
The numbers may seem low for DW but if you look at clerics across all servers they aren't all that low if you take out the few outer ones. There are only 50 clerics across all servers with kill counts over 3000, compare that with say archers that have 200+ people with over 3k kills.0 -
In the role of support, I can go through an entire TW without getting more than 5 kills. I count my 'kills', if you will, in # of life-saves I make. Aka, how many times did I save a squad mate or cata barb from a certain death? Makes me remember the importance of what I'm doing. If being keeping squad mate alive that squad mate he goes onto make 3 kills, I basically assisted on all those kills.
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Aeliah - Dreamweaver wrote: »In the role of support, I can go through an entire TW without getting more than 5 kills. I count my 'kills', if you will, in # of life-saves I make. Aka, how many times did I save a squad mate or cata barb from a certain death? Makes me remember the importance of what I'm doing. If being keeping squad mate alive that squad mate he goes onto make 3 kills, I basically assisted on all those kills.
That would be nice if they was adding a assist number, the last hit get the kill, but sometime it's not the person that did all the job.
Some people just can go outside SZ and pretty much just 1-2 shot people, ofc they are in the top of the PVP ranking cause they have a lot of kills, but that doesn't mean they are skilled, R999 is so powerful for some class that you can't really say if the person is skilled or not.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
SMASHnHEAL - Dreamweaver wrote: »There is something not quite right with a claim like this unless you are talking about another cleric you play and not the one you are posting from. While I don't dispute that 1k kills in 2 weeks isn't possible, it is however rather unrealistic unless you are farming low levels or outgear almost everyone you come across.
It is the class in general and the fact that most play a support role even in pk situations for the reason behind low kill counts. As for DW there is not a lot of open world pk so clerics in the past where limited to kills in TW and even then most are there to heal. Now with Nation Wars we are seeing some higher kill counts for the better clerics.
The numbers may seem low for DW but if you look at clerics across all servers they aren't all that low if you take out the few outer ones. There are only 50 clerics across all servers with kill counts over 3000, compare that with say archers that have 200+ people with over 3k kills.
TW and DT back in 2008, my cleric was my main back then. Swapped to BM in 2009 due to lag making it harder to play my cleric. It kinda helped my Tempest would disappear 5-15 people each time in TWs, and DT were good for at least 50-100. I ended up #1 of all class, and even after not playing for 3 months was still in top 10 of all class. Back then, knowing how to level faster was greater than just about everything; toss in apoth, and utility charms and it was quite easy.0
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