Remove Purify Proc: Y/N. We had it coming!



  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You guys do realize people with this proc will defend it to the death right?

    Meanwhile, other players are trying to work on a way to get pass it.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Umm, yeah archers are the deadliest class maybe to arcanes or can be if geared to be so. They also have longer range than any arcane attack so they have benefit of first attack. The also have benefit of first attack and an escape route from stealth.

    Sure if your attacking a purify proc toon then additional weak attackers will actually help the arcane. So what, that is how it is designed.You know like that skill that fills a barb with chi. It is not designed to work when attacking. Frankly I would tade purify for spirit blackhole or god of frenzy anyday of the week for pvp purposes. Now as to running the flag, who cares, purify arcanes are just one of many super fast op type flag runners.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You guys do realize people with this proc will defend it to the death right?

    Meanwhile, other players are trying to work on a way to get pass it.

    And there are two ways:

    1: Gear up to match the r9-3 mage so you can kill it.

    2: If you can't gear up stop acting like a dd and learn your place. Instead of going 5 spark just to deal 200 damage per hit, use your skills to slow them down.

    Disclaimer: I didn't say you would use aps attacks against r9-3 mages. I just said a very good example of people doing the wrong things.
  • Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Learn to play your class, stop be a nub. See r9r3 archer kill wizard all time.

    You're really that dull...?

    I never said an r9r3 archer couldn't kill an r9r3 wizard. I do it myself all the time. What I said is that additional attackers on the wizard actually grant it a passive advantage, which is completely counterintuitive and, frankly, broken. This is what we have been trying to explain for pages now. Perhaps you would be able to at least recognize our point (if not agree with it) if you would actually utilize the critical thinking skills you should have learned in grade school.

    TW/NW Videos:

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I rather have the weapon purify and slow down the player speed instead increase the player speed
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    46 pages.....
    f:sleep TL:DR:DC
  • Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    purify is OP yes.

    but can say archers as well to carry the flag (if you do it right u can cap it while being like, 90% of the run immune to stun)

    gof and sb are op as hell too

    ok to remove purify, but, replace it by? effect that put a hf sort of (50%) on target + decrease their mag def would be perfectb:avoidb:scorn
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    melee class just used to get an easy way to kill arcane class, now they get a little hard and they QQ b:bye
  • Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    melee class just used to get an wasy way to kill arcane class, now they get a little hard and they QQ b:bye

    they were never exactly easy with end game gear. but yes the random wiz running around with 8-12k pdef was easy.
    105 - 105 - 105 (14th march 2014)

    Join date: November 2008 - HT.
  • Posts: 2
    edited April 2013
    ok to remove purify, but, replace it by?

    GoF for everyone *\o/*
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Please note that for this example, we are discussing % proc PER SECOND, not per instance (this is different from % proc per HIT or per HIT RECEIVED).

    Note that ONLY THE FIRST GRAPH is mathematically accurate. The second two are merely visual conceptualizations for easier viewing. I stated this in my responses; adding this here for any new readers.

    And yes, I was bored. Spent 15 minutes on this.


    @Adroit: Interesting idea for Blinding Blaze effect. But unfortunately, that would probably be purified by our favorite Proc (most likely, unless GMs came up with a new icon).

    As interesting as those graph are, it`s comparing apples and oranges. I simply dont see the value of said paragraphs despite considering purify proc OP. Main issue with graph is how it uses getting hit/s for chance to get purified each second. But it uses flat 20% for zerk when its affected by aps. Yes, when it comes to AoEing zerks/s will actually be under 0,20 on average but I felt it silly to introduce zerk chance there when it had pretty much nothing to do with the graph.

    The problem with proc is absurd gear gap between players, I can currently tank several of your average Non-R9 players in NWs but when I meet R999("Normal" refines/shards) casters, it is fairly even fight till we account purify. We went at it good 30s-1min with mesi in NW last Sunday, I simply couldnt go trough her hp w/o zerk or aps and fight ultimately ended with R9 and N3 archers of my nation showing up, proccing mesi`s wep and getting 1shot after which she beat me.

    Unlike casters, I can be locked down with enough people trying and while stealth is great tool for escaping ganks, it has fairly long CD, unlike purify proc. Not to mention I have to usually use genie/apoth to break the lock and give myself time to stealth away, it takes fair bit of channeling. I feel like stealth is great comparison as escaping tool to purify proc. I know it has been QQd bout in past. But it has clear weaknesses you can get around, which are missing with purify proc.

    Ps. My opinion is still keeping purify in the wep with current chance but only the purify, take the other **** off.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My favorite idea of all is to simply make all increased run fasts null and void while holding the flag in nation wars. No more archer that runs it so fast you need to be between them when they pick it and their destination or you don't get a chance to do anything. Heck even then if you are in their path while they are immune, they run right by you so fast you can not cast a skill before they are out of distance. Almost all the argument about purify has to do with running the flag against a bunch of lesser geared opponets in Nw. So just nullify all run fasts, and all apoth run fasts. Give us a chance to actually do battle with the flag carrier and his gaurds. As it is the gaurds will simply keep you busy long enough the flag runner has ran right away. If you go for the flag runner his gaurds will just kill you while your attempting to stop said flag runner.

    Hell I don't really even care if you disabled all weapon procs in nw, but if purify is messed with my wiz will become utterly useless at soloing fc, pulling lunar, pulling magic mobs in ws, pulling pv, etc....


    I think flag carrier shouldn't be able to use any run skills/pots while holding the flag. Will make NW much better imo.

    This is what needs to be changed, if possible.
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited April 2013 need a heal...where is your healer? Better fly to them, cause they aren't getting to you any time soon. b:shutupb:chuckle

    '/ begin sarcasm' Might be a good idea to do away with Holy Path too. '/end sarcasm' ^.^
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited April 2013 need a heal...where is your healer? Better fly to them, cause they aren't getting to you any time soon. b:shutupb:chuckle

    Might be a good idea to do away with Holy Path too. ^.^

    Already can't use Holy Path while holding the flag...
    But Holy Path is still considered a

    Edit: And if you don't have a healer near you then you shouldn't even be going for the flag, unless your defense against ****loads of attacks is just that good.
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would agree with slowing all flag carriers way the heck down. For instance, the speed cap for players is normally 15m/s. In addition to cutting the player's normal speed in half while carrying the flag, why not cut the speed cap in half also to 7.5m/s. Even with purify on continuously, you still wouldn't be able to outrun other players using speed skills/apothecary.

    Don't nerf anyone's skills or apothecary. f:beg
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would agree with slowing all flag carriers way the heck down. For instance, the speed cap for players is normally 15m/s. In addition to cutting the player's normal speed in half while carrying the flag, why not cut the speed cap in half also to 7.5m/s. Even with purify on continuously, you still wouldn't be able to outrun other players using speed skills/apothecary.

    Don't nerf anyone's skills or apothecary. f:beg

    I don't think anyones skills or apothecary should be in it's entirety nerfed. Just saying while holding the flag only. Not sure if people are misunderstanding, so trying to clear it up.

    Flag Carrier shouldn't be moving that fast with pots/skills. So annoying when one second they are there and the next they are gone. Most of the QQ is about the speed buff casters get when being attacked. Well BM/sins have speed skills that make them immune to movement debuffs. That's kind of the same thing in a way.

    If something must be changed. Look at the flag. xD
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I was agreeing with you. There is no huge thread of complaints about purify being unbalanced in open PK or in TW. Everyone is complaining about NW. It's clear purify is not the problem, but the mechanics of NW. (I said this like 30-40 pages ago in this thread.)

    Fix NW and the complaints about purify will go away.
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I was agreeing with you. There is no huge thread of complaints about purify being unbalanced in open PK or in TW. Everyone is complaining about NW. It's clear purify is not the problem, but the mechanics of NW. (I said this like 30-40 pages ago in this thread.)

    Fix NW and the complaints about purify will go away.

    Ahh ok. Sorry about that.

    Seems like if a person thinks another class has an advantage over them, they just want that class nerfed. b:surrender

    Any reasonable solution is ignored. Must be payback for casters wanting something done with aps. But was aps really nerfed? Another story(thread) I guess.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You're really that dull...?

    I never said an r9r3 archer couldn't kill an r9r3 wizard. I do it myself all the time. What I said is that additional attackers on the wizard actually grant it a passive advantage, which is completely counterintuitive and, frankly, broken. This is what we have been trying to explain for pages now. Perhaps you would be able to at least recognize our point (if not agree with it) if you would actually utilize the critical thinking skills you should have learned in grade school.

    Archer have 65% criti, purge bow, lap and sealth. All classes are broken with OP skills. END OF STORY
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I was agreeing with you. There is no huge thread of complaints about purify being unbalanced in open PK or in TW. Everyone is complaining about NW. It's clear purify is not the problem, but the mechanics of NW. (I said this like 30-40 pages ago in this thread.)

    Fix NW and the complaints about purify will go away.

    People whine about everything.. there are a few people arguing that purify is OP in 1v1s and group pvp as well (lol). Anyway, I still need to make a vid of me vs Bait, but TheDan just posted a vid of him fighting a wiz here

    After watching this vid, does anyone still think purify is OP in a wiz vs bm with both roughly equally geared?
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    People whine about everything.. there are a few people arguing that purify is OP in 1v1s and group pvp as well (lol). Anyway, I still need to make a vid of me vs Bait, but TheDan just posted a vid of him fighting a wiz here

    After watching this vid, does anyone still think purify is OP in a wiz vs bm with both roughly equally geared?

    I've never argued that it was OP 1v1.
    My issue with it is that there should never be a situation where increasing the quantity of your opponents makes you more likely to win.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've never argued that it was OP 1v1.
    My issue with it is that there should never be a situation where increasing the quantity of your opponents makes you more likely to win.
    Today at Nw my team fought Deman's team. You know his team's gear is all r9-3. Deman's team has 2 mages at least: Celebrinne(ep) and him (psy), and yet we didn't have any problem to kill them. Why? because my team is well geared too, and coordinated.

    Kniraven, even though you finally have full r9-3 gear, you still haven't see how is the top pvp. In order to see it you will need ur mates to have really good gear too.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Today at Nw my team fought Deman's team. You know his team's gear is all r9-3, and Celebrinne and him are r9-3 too, and yet we didn't have any problem to kill them. Why? because my team is well geared too, and coordinated.

    Kniraven, even you finally have full r9-3 gear, you still haven't see how is the top pvp. In order to see it you will need ur mates to have really good gear too.

    Most arcane third cast r9's on our server I can kill,
    You and Adroit seem as though you think my opinion is based off an inability or inefficiency on my part. That is not the case.

    Over the last 5 months that I've returned to the game I've quickly been upping my gear to be competitive and because of that speed I have very recent experiences in the differences that top tier gear AND refines make.

    A third cast r9 caster with +3 gear isn't all that threatening, even to a group. In fact, they can still be killed with aps at that point. A month and a half ago I only had r9 axes, and used a +10 interval set with G16 fists. It was alright.

    With +10 r9 third cast gear, my fights with +10-12 r9 casters have been a lot of fun and very even.

    Here is where the problem lies though, and please note that I am not speaking about Nation War;

    I can fight Hexstar, IKUTMYSELF, Kreize, MECHserac, S_Laura_S etc at west gate or silver pool, but let's say some random of any class decides they want to help me. They have mediocre damage, and all they do is purify my opponent allowing them to kite and survive amp combos effectively wasting my genie and chi.

    If that same person decides to attack me, every little bit that they do actually does assist my opponent.

    That's broken, especially in large numbers.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Most arcane third cast r9's on our server I can kill,
    You and Adroit seem as though you think my opinion is based off an inability or inefficiency on my part. That is not the case.

    Over the last 5 months that I've returned to the game I've quickly been upping my gear to be competitive and because of that speed I have very recent experiences in the differences that top tier gear AND refines make.

    A third cast r9 caster with +3 gear isn't all that threatening, even to a group. In fact, they can still be killed with aps at that point. A month and a half ago I only had r9 axes, and used a +10 interval set with G16 fists. It was alright.

    With +10 r9 third cast gear, my fights with +10-12 r9 casters have been a lot of fun and very even.

    Here is where the problem lies though, and please note that I am not speaking about Nation War;

    I can fight Hexstar, IKUTMYSELF, Kreize, MECHserac, S_Laura_S etc at west gate or silver pool, but let's say some random of any class decides they want to help me. They have mediocre damage, and all they do is purify my opponent allowing them to kite and survive amp combos effectively wasting my genie and chi.

    If that same person decides to attack me, every little bit that they do actually does assist my opponent.

    That's broken, especially in large numbers.
    Then u admit that when everyone has equal gears, purify is manageble, the problem is when a noob comes to prok us more.

    You are just gonna have to deal with it then, because that's the nature of purify. If you are at west gate or silver pool, and then some random noob comes to "help" you, just kill it then. And if that random noob comes to attack you, then kill it 1st.

    It's to unfair to call purify "op" when a scenario includes lowerd geared people.
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    time to remove this thread please. gone on long enough.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    casters deserve purify spell.were not going to be your easy stun lock punching bags no more.Deal with it.

    Now GM's seriously close this thread!!
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    casters deserve purify spell.were not going to be your easy stun lock punching bags no more.Deal with it.

    Now GM's seriously close this thread!!

    Implying you ever were with dex genies.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Implying you ever were with dex genies.

    Casters need a strengh genie for occult ice, everyone knows this.

    b:cute i heard there was a time when casters broke stun lock without purify proc, this sounds like crazyness though b:shocked
    How do i amuse myself?
    Sometimes i count to 1000 and back down again, usually i get stuck on 3

  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Casters need a strengh genie for occult ice, everyone knows this.

    b:cute i heard there was a time when casters broke stun lock without purify proc, this sounds like crazyness though b:shocked

    Oh lawdy dat sounds so cray-zay.

    How come you don't log on anymore? How am I supposed to fight you when I'm done refining if you don't log on!
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its true this post is getting tiring. In the end PWE will decide.... close it close it.
    Find the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry
This discussion has been closed.