Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?



  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was always thinking that FC runs and FC heads are evil thing in game. Players do not need any time spend to game and got best lvl in few days. For our luck, GM add some good event to game in EU times 12:00/16:00 and 20:00 so i can finally drop a 880k packs from bosses in this times. That's mean i can pay this FC fee, even 2,5kk. Not bad, depend on your luck, but lot players cheat with that to attack on fly mounts this bosses and drop all packs to yours self(1 person get all, case she fly, and get drop on fly level). So was today by Phonix. Other players cheat with dropped items on the floor so no one can pick up drop. Anyway, for time to time i get big pack(880k coins), with make me so happy :). I'm not sure how long this event will be in game, but if it will be more then 2 weeks more, so i can buy mine fly mount :). Back to topic, YES FCC is wrong, but now, with this all events, we all can spend some money on FCC runs, so it's a good thing to all, i guess so...b:surrender

    PS: Sorry for bad English, not mine primary language.
  • Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, I for one would love to see the server records you seem to have that prove that these 1100+ people powerleveled.

    Or, y'know, maybe the fact that you can't conceive of leveling up without Frost abuse doesn't mean that other people can't.

    Just as I can't prove all of them did, you can't prove they didn't as well. And did I say you can't level to 100 w/o frost? No, that sounded more like a personal attack.
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just as I can't prove all of them did, you can't prove they didn't as well. And did I say you can't level to 100 w/o frost? No, that sounded more like a personal attack.
    A person who accuses anyone voting against unrestricted powerleveling of being a hypocrite, is a person who can't understand how anyone would level to 100 without it. And as the accuser, the burden of proof is on you. Nice try turning it around, though. -_-
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I got to 101 and 102 completely on PV.. Frost is just, frustrating.

    Oh, and the restriction is fine. Disabling hypers though would be taking it a bit far. Half the instance is already skipped thanks to the dragoon nerf.
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I got to 101 and 102 completely on PV.. Frost is just, frustrating.

    Oh, and the restriction is fine. Disabling hypers though would be taking it a bit far. Half the instance is already skipped thanks to the dragoon nerf.
    This is sadly true. :-/ I like to gather squads for full end runs when the mood strikes me, though. More challenging, more exp per run (because I only ever do one or two runs per day), and the Faithfulness/Sincerity chest is pretty good, too. Oh and btw... I never pull Holeen out of his room. :P

    ...LFM for full FF runs to end boss on HT. <_>
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is sadly true. :-/ I like to gather squads for full end runs when the mood strikes me, though. More challenging, more exp per run (because I only ever do one or two runs per day), and the Faithfulness/Sincerity chest is pretty good, too. Oh and btw... I never pull Holeen out of his room. :P

    ...LFM for full FF runs to end boss on HT. <_>

    Don't tell me they found a way to glitch kill Holeen because he's "Too difficult to kill" or something, that's just pathetic, bloody wimps... I miss the days of doing the 2nd boss the normal way >_>
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm all for a lvl cap on FC. maybe from 75+, (those were the intended lvls anyway to enter as its within 10 lvls of 85) sadly if u take frost from the FC noobs they will just move on to the next thing wich will be vortex lvling. Then just go back to buying heads at 80+. It's just sticking a bandaide on the problem. As for goons they never should have nerfed the EXP from them. there were far more effective ways to fix it. As it is now no one does full FC anymore
  • Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Don't tell me they found a way to glitch kill Holeen because he's "Too difficult to kill" or something, that's just pathetic, bloody wimps... I miss the days of doing the 2nd boss the normal way >_>

    Not really a glitch... After you slay the Phoenix a sin can stealth all the way to Holeen... Then get it's attention and then Shadow Teleport to one of the party members at the other side of the door in the big room... After the 1st one's dead just repeat... I've seen it before...
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
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  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Don't tell me they found a way to glitch kill Holeen because he's "Too difficult to kill" or something, that's just pathetic, bloody wimps... I miss the days of doing the 2nd boss the normal way >_>
    Not really a glitch... After you slay the Phoenix a sin can stealth all the way to Holeen... Then get it's attention and then Shadow Teleport to one of the party members at the other side of the door in the big room... After the 1st one's dead just repeat... I've seen it before...

    that is a glitch as your not ment to pull a boss thru a gate. u can actually be banned for doing so. like veno's that used to pull qingzi thru the gate without killing the tower in bh/fb 29. however it doesn't make the boss easier, it would actually be harder since u can't stay on top of the rock to avoid having BB canceled.
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    that is a glitch as your not ment to pull a boss thru a gate. u can actually be banned for doing so. like veno's that used to pull qingzi thru the gate without killing the tower in bh/fb 29. however it doesn't make the boss easier, it would actually be harder since u can't stay on top of the rock to avoid having BB canceled.

    Which gate...?
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok all the arguments about what the stats mean is all moot as it would depend on a thing called preferences and this poll doesn't take these into account.

    To give a personal example I voted for level restriction as first choice but would have taken no hypers as second choice if I had the option, I know from personal experience that power levelling is not needed to get the best from this game.

    If I wanted to rush to end game PvP I would go back to playing First Person Shooters (FPS)
    rather than try to change an excellent MMORPG others enjoy into Arcade style shooter, that's just plain rude.

    All the arguments I have seen in this thread relate to a 2 choice system only.

    It is not hard to level in this game b:sad
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    that is a glitch as your not ment to pull a boss thru a gate. u can actually be banned for doing so. like veno's that used to pull qingzi thru the gate without killing the tower in bh/fb 29. however it doesn't make the boss easier, it would actually be harder since u can't stay on top of the rock to avoid having BB canceled.

    That's the problem of the Sin doing it... b:laugh Staying on top of a rock to avoid BB cancelling... That would also be considered cheating... b:cute
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
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  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This thread is hilarious when you think about it.

    The people who want the change are asking the game to police themselves for them, cause they cant not hyper in Frost on their own.

    With no one new coming onto the servers at any appreciable rate, the only thing this will effect is the development of established player's alts.

    That makes this like an AA meeting for Frostaholics. Nothing wrong with asking for help if you cant keep yourself from P-leveling a new alt. Its the first step that will force you to spend more time ingame.

    Interesting to watch established experts in the game admit they fail at playing non-Main classes; and do not possess the personal will-power to just not go to Frost and Hyper before they reach level 75.

    Should probably take out the Rep and XP Jades in Morai too. It takes money away from PWI, and enables higher level Jade Junkies to continue their personal addictions as well.

    If Frostaholics cant hyper (which buying hyperstones does bring money into the game, instead of taking it away from future development), its only fair that Jade Junkies get nipped in the bud as well. b:thanks
  • Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The people who want the change are asking the game to police themselves for them, cause they cant not hyper in Frost on their own.
    Stopped reading here. Seriously, what world do you live in? Is it so hard to understand that most people who support this change have never set foot in Frost at an inappropriate level?
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stopped reading here. Seriously, what world do you live in? Is it so hard to understand that most people who support this change have never set foot in Frost at an inappropriate level?

    Oh really? So the supporters support with no experience what so ever on the topic. I know - your opinion is based on a revelation from a PWI god, no doubt. *shrugs*

    The answer to your question is: Whatever world such people dont live in would be just fine, lol.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    of pwi doing something to fc as you are suggesting is repulsive let the truth be known now all the players want frost cover back too the way it used too be with working hypers mobs with the intended experience so stop right now with this poll an put frostcover back to a pint of say 3 years ago you guys keep **** with the game like this an no one will be here to play the game
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    that is a glitch as your not ment to pull a boss thru a gate. u can actually be banned for doing so. like veno's that used to pull qingzi thru the gate without killing the tower in bh/fb 29. however it doesn't make the boss easier, it would actually be harder since u can't stay on top of the rock to avoid having BB canceled.

    Could any official confirm this pls ?

    Would be weird if they start baning ppl for just moving the wrong direction (through gate)
    while all those dragon-hypered level 102+ still are allowed to play the game ..
  • Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stopped reading here. Seriously, what world do you live in? Is it so hard to understand that most people who support this change have never set foot in Frost at an inappropriate level?

    *cough* I've set foot in FF at an inappropriate lvl several times... Well, some of my alts did (though only for a small growing spurt)... Only for free though... But even so I'd still support the lvl cap... Cause most of the ppl don't even bother to learn how to play their class before just plvling to 100... b:surrender Funniest part was mostly when Sins of at least 10 lvles higher then me wanted to duel my Psy... And they'd just simply kill themselves against my skills without me even attacking... b:laugh
    serbetel wrote: »
    Could any official confirm this pls ?

    Would be weird if they start baning ppl for just moving the wrong direction (through gate)
    while all those dragon-hypered level 102+ still are allowed to play the game ..

    Don't worry... It's only illegal because the gates in question are still closed... Yet Sins can Shadow Teleport through a closed gate when other party members are close enough... And mobs never really cared if gates are closed or not... They'll just follow you through it anyway... b:cute
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Honestly I wish they got rid of hyper lvling all together in any instance. Maybe questing will be more active. b:victory
    What can you expect from filthy little heathens? Their whole disgusting race is like a curse. Their skin's a hellish red they're only good when dead they're vermin, as I said and worse. They're Savages! Savages! Barely even human. Savages! Savages! Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me
    which means they must be evil we must sound the drums of war! They're Savages! Savages! Dirty redskin devils! Now we sound the drums of war!
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    inb4levelcap and everyone KSing zhen spots and quest mobs again. b:cute
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The people who want the change are asking the game to police themselves for them, cause they cant not hyper in Frost on their own.

    With no one new coming onto the servers at any appreciable rate, the only thing this will effect is the development of established player's alts.

    Never set foot in frost on any of my characters until they were 80+. Ever. I still can't believe how some are still so blind to not see that if you force people out of FCC and back into the questing area's & BH Squads the people that are actually new to this game will have other people to play with on their characters. Then rather than quit the game because of a LACK OF ANYONE TO PLAY WITH, they will invite their friends to come and join them... BECAUSE THEY'RE HAVING FUN! Thus begins a chain reaction, bringing more and more people into the game. >_>

    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I still can't believe how some are still so blind to not see.....

    If theyd stop powerleveling entirely, it would probably just reduce the amount of alts created by 90%.

    However, they cant stop it, so it will just reduce it by say 50% and those will powerlevel by other means.

    And about the same amount of people will be doing quests. Those that are bored grinding and play some quests on any of their alts for a change. Dont expect many people to be questing against their will because they cant FC anymore.

    Yay. lets repeat it one more time ! b:laugh
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Krisnda wrote: »
    In lieu of the other thread about hypers being disabled in frost, I'm deciding to make a poll.

    Now, yes V4l mentioned that the change is a bug and will most likely be fixed, but I want to see what the community wants (even though I know that most poll are kindsa rigged here, I'll do it anyway).

    "If you guys want it to stay, then you'd better show your support strongly and loudly"

    I'm changing the poll in order to add lv restriction since that also seems to be a popular option.

    Sorry to have you guys re-vote D:

    Edit: I'm actually leaning more towards the idea of having them lv restricted rather than just outright disabling hypers on fc.
    leave hypers....no one likes doing those low lvl quests besides 90% of the people who said lvl restriction or no hyper....chances are they hypered 1-5 characters to lvl 100 from lvl 1 or 20 or low level. Before you can say no to hyper or level restriction how about you lvl an alt to level 80, just questing, even with pv and the new quests this would take time not to mention most of the fun things in this game is at lvl 100

    The questing in pwi is slow...tedious and boring. No new player willl have fun flying around for eternity, back and forth talking to npcs
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    leave hypers....no one likes doing those low lvl quests besides 90% of the people who said lvl restriction or no hyper....chances are they hypered 1-5 characters to lvl 100 from lvl 1 or 20 or low level. Before you can say no to hyper or level restriction how about you lvl an alt to level 80, just questing, even with pv and the new quests this would take time not to mention most of the fun things in this game is at lvl 100

    The questing in pwi is slow...tedious and boring. No new player willl have fun flying around for eternity, back and forth talking to npcs

    till 70 it actually goes pretty fast with bhs, cs and tideborn chains. Problem is that nobody does lower bhs anymore, what changes soon as fc is lvl restricted. EXP has highly increased for the lower ones as well. And zhenning is also an option. There are other ways to powerlevel too ... There is no need to make an alt 100+ in 3 weeks. If questing is too boring, make a squad doing bh/pv and its funny again.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dude seriously, i thought it is obvious enough already.... Really it is, why am i going to explain this to you again while you damn well know. (else really, sorry... but.... well... i wont repeat it, just pay very good attention in class from now on)

    10% sais they want no hypers
    35% sais they it like it always was.

    55% sais they want a situation in between, that is restrictions.

    Now the situation in between requires first official decision maming, then recoding, That is going to take time. So for now we have to choose bwteen "no hypers" and "like it always was"
    You cannot make any claims to which of those tho the 55% would vote without actually having them vote.

    the 55% is cos the game wont remove hypers in the 1st place and we dont want the minority to feel bad losing hyper in fc.
    so that is the 55% voted to restrict it to 80+

    wow ur dumb
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No, what they did was not pay any attention to polls and what the players said, and just turned the lights back on. The reason why PWI doesn't care what anyone says, is because, whether they left it alone, restricted it. or stopped it completely, they always going to have complainers. There is no happy medium. I don't see people saying their porridge is just right, and that is because it never will be. The easy way out was to continue as was.

    People have to learn that it doesn't matter what they say, pwi will do it how they feel it should be done. They make money from 95% of the people that create a new toon. They make the most out of those 95% at higher levels. The faster people level, the faster they get their money. It's the pwi way, and the way they see it is, for every one player that gets pissed off and leaves, 2 more join, plvl, and spend money.

    oooh boy can u explain to me how the two other who joined my server are cos i see a GHOST town.

    cos if i go by the one leaves and two other join lost city should be overpopulated instead of underpopulated.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Have you completely forgot causation or are you just stupid? Everything is connected, and it's about time you people realize that. I came to PWI before even BH was out, and the lower level area's were pretty barren then as well. FC isnt the problem. But i hope the do input a lv cap, then you can see just how wrong you all are. And you still havent said how you were doing anything to 'help' the issue.

    i come 2008 and i played pwmy before lost city and that was not dead either.

    silver pool more alive then ever orchid temple tusk town the mines in west arch and west arch with hundred of players killing mobs ksing each others pking each others.

    you dare tell me that was dead cos i dare tell you sir that you dont know sht how the game was.

    about hyper 1% of 1000s of ppl did that

    frost everyone does it

    wish is more wrong wish is more right now sir.

    again u dont know nothing about how pw was back then

    if you still dare say pw was dead before bh
  • Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with new games being out nowadays, restricting hypers is bad idea. ppl are leaving the game everyday, and if it takes months to be lvl 100+, there will be no one to play high lvl content. + the time you need to get high lvl gears.

    sadly pwi is not the same as it was 3-4 years ago, it evolved and you cant go back now
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And you can call it sad, but this whole evolution is inevitable. Its part of the game.

    An MMORPG comes out, many players flock to the new game, they play the content from start to end and everyone is happy.

    The game gets older, fewer new people will join the game for many reasons like there being newer ones out there and the older game already being filled with well geared players that the new player cant compete with. The existing players have played trough all the content, so something new things have to be added for the higher levels.

    The new things make the higher levels even more overpowered compared to the new players so it is even less interesting for them to join the game. The early parts of the game are made faster to go trough to give the new players at least a little chance to get up to pace with the old players and to keep the old players interested in making new characters without having go trough the same thing again and get bored with it. The game simply shifted forward, what used to be mid game is now start game, what used to be end game is now mid game.

    The game gets really old. Very few new players join the game. The existing players get more new stuff to keep them busy. This makes them more overpowered. The game shifts further even more. What started out to be end game is now start game. What used to be early and mid game does no longer exist in practicallity.

    Now in theory you could keep the game shifting forward and be interesting to both new and existing players if you keep the game up to date technicall, new engine, new graphics, make use of new concepts that are invented by new MMORPGs. Meanwhile, increase not only the items, but also increase player and mob levels and create new instances where this new power comes to use. Still it is however theory. The world goes on, new games come and old ones go, those with better developers and budget will last a bit longer, those with low budgets last a bit storter.

    PWI is unfortunate to have a bit of a low budget developing and it lasts not very long. This is what kills the game and not FC. In fact, FC might just be part of what keeps it alive a little bit as i said because it could help new players keep up a bit with the older ones and reach quickly reach the part of the game where the action is as well as keep the old players interested enough to make new characters. Take away power leveling and the old players will not create any more new characters and thus probably get bored more easilly and move to another game. Meanwhile, the influx of new players is minimal anyway because simply the game is old and the new players will still be lonely in the low level areas and no longer have the means to quickly move in and join where the action is.

    The game that PWI was 5 years ago, it is no more, it will never be again and it cannot be anymore. Back then it was new and flashy, 1000s of players joined it within short time to fill the low level areas. Now a dozen new players may join a server every week and even if you keep them all there by stopping powerleveling, that is not enough to make it interesting for them. And old players, if they cant powerlevel, they will just keep playing their main that is already r9.3, not spend any more money on it, get bored and after QQing the forums about whatever in their eyes might have killed the game move on to another game.
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with new games being out nowadays, restricting hypers is bad idea. ppl are leaving the game everyday, and if it takes months to be lvl 100+, there will be no one to play high lvl content. + the time you need to get high lvl gears.

    sadly pwi is not the same as it was 3-4 years ago, it evolved and you cant go back now

    At the risk of sounding like a cracked record, this is an MMORPG where the AIM is killing time by questing not reaching end game boredom as fast as possible and leaving.

    If the aim was reaching end game boredom fast this game would be called a First/Third Person Shooter or Arcade Style Shooter.

    If people play this game and are not happy with questing to achieve aims, then they should leave as it seems obvious to most long time MMORPG players they do not know what style of play is needed for an MMORPG.

    Of all of the games I have played since the late 70s early 80s both offline and online I have put the most time into this game, why because I came to this game knowing that I wanted a game with lots of long boring grinding of mobs quests in the hope of delaying the inevitable end game boredom that comes with all games for as long as possible.
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
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