Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?



  • Deadstars - Sanctuary
    Deadstars - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i vote for fcc to be level restricted to 85+
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i vote for fcc to be level restricted to 85+

    Ah another one who sucks too much to consider doing FC runs at lvl 75-80 b:laugh
  • TruthWarren - Raging Tide
    TruthWarren - Raging Tide Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, imo, should be restricted. Although, what about those alts that we create just for buffs? Why do we have to do loads and loads of quests when we just wanna raise them so we dont have to world chat for a simple buff that we can give ourselves? b:surrender

    So.. I said no. If lowbies wanna be plevel and suck at their class, let them be. b:chuckle

    FC was good till now and we all know that is the only way for some people make money despite NW. b:surrender

    So.. No LV restrict and hypers in FC again for all the reasons i said before b:cute

    You don't need alts for buffs when there are hundreds of other players of various classes. I think the whole multiclienting system is a critical blow to this game in terms of generating a larger playerbase.

    And if "lowbies" want to powerlevel and suck at their class, it becomes everyone's problem. This new generation of players we have now just cruised their way on to high level and they're being put into squads in instances they know nothing about with an avatar they don't know how to use. You don't learn how to play this game by having everything handed to you, and you shouldn't be rewarded for taking the easy way out. FC needs a level requirement. It's not unreasonable to ask that people actually work toward reach an easily obtainable level before accessing an instance designed for higher levels.

  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Really, the sucking at class is something i take with a bag of salt. I see everyone complaining about everyone else. And usually their complaints show their own incompetence. If that is the basis of why people call others hyper noobs. Well, they might just be the incompetent ones themselves. And really it isnt that hard to learn a class.

    My main is barb, i often duel client it with cleric and if i have a good day, it may take the squad quite a while to even notice they have a dual clienting barb and cleric.

    I havent leveled the cleric in the old fasioned way. After learning some a bit the basics, reading some forum posts, reading the skill descriptions. Choosing a first few skills that i would start using, and put on my hotkeys, i joined BH51 squads with the lvl 100 cleric. I would tell them "hi guys, you got a noob cleric, but i hope my lvl 100ness makes up for it" They would laugh about it, not worry too much and it would work out. If id let someone die, i'd sage ress them. After 5 - 10 of these runs i got more confident and go to BH59 runs. etc. This way i worked my way up, added more and more skills to my hotkey bar until i knew how, why and when to use them all. In the process made friends, fun and everyone was happy because the runs were going well and easy. And that is the cleric... the one who is (together with the barb) responsible for everyones wellfare. How much easier it is for some random DD to learn their chracter like this.
  • VeraTigress - Heavens Tear
    VeraTigress - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i voted lvl restricted.

    I did not know about FC till i was in my 90's already.

    when I went into FC the first time i did not hyper, I hypered once but that was it,

    i lvled myself from 1-84 without help except in BH's, FB's, and mini bosses i couldnt handle. then did MQ's, bh's and quests all the way up. so it isn't that HARD to lvl without FC and hypering, people just need to know how to play there toon.. if they are a veno they can grind on mobs that are 10-15 lvls higher then they are - they just have to keep healing there pet and let the pet do all the work, thats what i did on my veno, and it is good exp.

    so either keep FC the way it is with no hypers, or make lvl restricked.

    VeraTigress - 10x Veno
    Mystikko - 7x Mystic
    XeraPhyna - 6x Seeker
    IceTangia - 6x Psychic
    FallonAngel - 10x Cleric
  • demonzz
    demonzz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes. Kill it completely. :)
  • w0sh1jeff
    w0sh1jeff Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i personally think that FCC Hyper is not the problem
    because low level can get the level as high as they want
    but they can't get their gear easily too
    they still have to grind on mob eventually and they will eventually learn from there...

    the biggest problem is still lies with Cash Shop
    people been spending lots of money and getting good gears easily
    where some players took months/ years to farm for it...

    mind my bad english thanks...
  • liamerindia
    liamerindia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I started playing the game in Nov. 2012 and I'm now lvl 98 and I didn't start doing FC until about level 80. The majority of the time I will find a squad and clear up to the exp room. ( I think I've payed for a spot maybe 3 times) I probably do FC several times a week, and yes most of my experience is from doing FC runs. BUT I also do BH's/TT's etc, I also have lost a lot of exp questing/doing new instances as I learn how my character works. (And I have been told i'm decent :) )

    I have played with HORRIBLE players who have mostly leveled with FC and I have played with FANTASTIC players who have leveled with FC. I am sure there are also good and bad players who never did FC, it depends on the effort one puts into learning their character.

    Why do I want to be able to hyper in FC to level fast?

    Well I have noticed a difference in how fun the game in as I leveled. With the lower instances people don't really run them or when they are run its with a high level friend helping them.....running after someone through a BH is fast ya but boring.

    As I reached higher levels more and more I would be in squads actually running instances properly which is way more fun. With NW as a low level player I pretty quickly gave up trying to find a squad to go with and eventually running around in FC along gets boring and frustrating when you are trying to work with others who can't be bothered. Recently I have been in squads with other players in NW and it is way more fun working with players. BUT squads that actually work together are typically 100+.

    With TW, I would like to help my faction more then just being cannon fodder >< and since I have leveled fairly fast it is easy to compare my TW experience and it was a LOT more fun when I had a few more levels and noticed I could help more.

    Yes FC helps a person level fast but you still have to work for your gear and people remember others who were good players and that makes a difference when looking for/making squads. Have a good squad in FC, people say well lets run together again or hey lets go do the daily BH today.

    I would like to be higher level so I can run more instances with my faction and be able to help in NW and TW. FC lets me get there faster. With out FC people can still pay for zhen/level fast and be horrid players.... that will happen regardless of being able to hyper in FC.

    And honestly it is a little condescending to say hey you should do this or that its how the game "should" be played. Its a game and I enjoy getting to higher levels so that I can do even more in the game, does this really make your game play such a horrible experience lol.

    When watching WC I see people making squads for high level instances and asking people to link their gear...which takes effort to make (currently working on gold TT 99 weapon..what a pain) so if you are getting a random person in your squad they will have experience past exp rooms lol after which they could still be a horrid player but that doesn't have to do with FC getting them to a point faster but the effort they put in after the fact.

    Either way if you are squading with someone random taking FC away wont mean every person who gets to a high level and you play with will be good....

    I bumbled my way through several levels in the beginning very quickly and I was no good, it wasn't until I sat down and started learning about my char/asking questions that I improved. I could have continued to bumble my way through higher levels and still be horrible.

    LOL SO this is a VERY long post. but to summarize-ish:

    --> A person can take the long way to level without FC and level the way people think they "should" and still be horrible
    --> haveing a "short cut" like FC lets new people get to higher levels and enjoy more parts of the game seriously what is wrong with that...?
    Why discourage people from playing?

    --> let people play the game the way they want to fast/slow not the way you think they should, its a game let people have the experience they want you don't have to play with them

    my apologies for any grammar mistakes etc. ...wow did not think I could go on for so long about being able to hyper in FC lol...but hey its fun, you work till the end where you hyper and see these big numbers pop up...and soon enough you hit a higher level and can explore a new places like Moria
  • emereldsix
    emereldsix Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I vote no. Restricting the levels would only hurt the archosuar economy more than it already has. No need to give the power to the cash shoppers <oracle babies will drive token prices up> which means everything will get more expensive. Archosuar server is vacant of any low levels. They all dissappeared. I am serious. Come to archo server and look around for more than 10 low level toons. It will be very hard. Case in point things now are not selling accept for dragon orbs and MoGs. No more farming TT lol. I have not seen any lower lvl BH squads and less lowbie player base. This bug seems to have really harmed my server and prices are already starting to rise. I VOTE NO
  • y4kuzi
    y4kuzi Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    emereldsix wrote: »
    I vote no. Restricting the levels would only hurt the archosuar economy more than it already has. No need to give the power to the cash shoppers <oracle babies will drive token prices up> which means everything will get more expensive. Archosuar server is vacant of any low levels. They all dissappeared. I am serious. Come to archo server and look around for more than 10 low level toons. It will be very hard. Case in point things now are not selling accept for dragon orbs and MoGs. No more farming TT lol. I have not seen any lower lvl BH squads and less lowbie player base. This bug seems to have really harmed my server and prices are already starting to rise. I VOTE NO

    Archosaur server economy relies on powerlevel service?
    Dude, that's fυcked up.
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level 85+ Restricted. Please b:thanks
  • pwnnnn
    pwnnnn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level 85+ Restricted. Please b:thanks

  • nunopitbull
    nunopitbull Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    From my knowledge alone, around 230 people left Archo after FC was closed. Keep the good work PWI. Rofl.
  • onlyonfridays
    onlyonfridays Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I voted lvl restriction but really im r93c psy and r9 bm so i dun careb:laugh
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    From my knowledge alone, around 230 people left Archo after FC was closed. Keep the good work PWI. Rofl.

    We all know you're full of sh-t because Archosaur server doesn't have 230 people :D
  • nunopitbull
    nunopitbull Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    emereldsix wrote: »
    I vote no. Restricting the levels would only hurt the archosuar economy more than it already has. No need to give the power to the cash shoppers <oracle babies will drive token prices up> which means everything will get more expensive. Archosuar server is vacant of any low levels. They all dissappeared. I am serious. Come to archo server and look around for more than 10 low level toons. It will be very hard. Case in point things now are not selling accept for dragon orbs and MoGs. No more farming TT lol. I have not seen any lower lvl BH squads and less lowbie player base. This bug seems to have really harmed my server and prices are already starting to rise. I VOTE NO


    And all people that said "Yes, disable hypers" is because they are way pass the FC EXP and have everything they need. Its just stupid people can't enjoy fast leveling when they dont have anythnig else to master. I'm stuck at lvl 93 with 0 quests for exp. I should go kill mobs for 500 exp and take over 60 hours to get 10%? Where's the fun? Is this a game or a jail? Seriously.
  • Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear
    Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You don't need alts for buffs when there are hundreds of other players of various classes. I think the whole multiclienting system is a critical blow to this game in terms of generating a larger playerbase.

    And if "lowbies" want to powerlevel and suck at their class, it becomes everyone's problem. This new generation of players we have now just cruised their way on to high level and they're being put into squads in instances they know nothing about with an avatar they don't know how to use. You don't learn how to play this game by having everything handed to you, and you shouldn't be rewarded for taking the easy way out. FC needs a level requirement. It's not unreasonable to ask that people actually work toward reach an easily obtainable level before accessing an instance designed for higher levels.

    It's not really their fault if they JUST went into an instance for the first time and don't know what to do..
    Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
  • Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear
    Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok people..so you leveled the old fashioned way, hours of grinding, questing, bh and crazy's. What about people in College? What about people who work? Those people who play for an hour to 2 a day. Those people who already know how to play their class? Nothing is going to change if you disable hypers, people will still not know how to play their class. This is just going to make a LOT of people leave this game, or give others an excuse. FC/FCC/FF is a great way for money. Hypers, and tokens are a great way for money. This would absolutely SUCK. There are 100+ characters who fail at their class. Just a bad idea in my opinion, and it seems like all the people voting level restricted are 100+.

    P.S, how many people voting level restricted because everyone else is saying it or are just trolling? You really cannot get an accurate reading of what people want.
    Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok people..so you leveled the old fashioned way, hours of grinding, questing, bh and crazy's. What about people in College? What about people who work? Those people who play for an hour to 2 a day. Those people who already know how to play their class? Nothing is going to change if you disable hypers, people will still not know how to play their class. This is just going to make a LOT of people leave this game, or give others an excuse. FC/FCC/FF is a great way for money. Hypers, and tokens are a great way for money. This would absolutely SUCK. There are 100+ characters who fail at their class. Just a bad idea in my opinion, and it seems like all the people voting level restricted are 100+.

    P.S, how many people voting level restricted because everyone else is saying it or are just trolling? You really cannot get an accurate reading of what people want.

    I work 12 to 18+ hours a day, 4 to 6 days a week. I STILL voted for a level 85 restriction. I have ONE over level 100 and that is a level 101 BM. This one is now level 99, with only entering FC around level 90. The majority of my characters that I play are below level 90, and most below level 85, with three being below 75. I still play the "old-fashioned way" even though when I started playing this game, FC was already an instance.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • RogueShadow_ - Lost City
    RogueShadow_ - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level restriction to at least 70-75+. I would say higher, but there are still quests for those lower levels. Going from 1-70 is so easy now. I did it on a new cleric in just 5 days without hyper or FC. 70-80+ for FC is NOT unreasonable.
  • Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear
    Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    It kinda depends on the play style, lots of people don't like sitting and grinding for an hour+
    Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
  • _PuRe__EviL_ - Archosaur
    _PuRe__EviL_ - Archosaur Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I say No.
    I mean.. it's kinda unfair for some players, and.. why not leaving things like they were, if this was a patch error, it should just be fixed and not changed forever right?
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    LOL at hundreds of people leaving Archosaur because of the hyper restrictions. I've never seen Arch bustle with so much activity. People are back to making squads and playing the game.

    As for the lack of lowbies in Arch, you're right. It HAS become a high-end economy, because level 20s have been buying FC and becoming high-level noobs, overnight. You really think that constantly selling game bypass will make for MORE low levels? Really?
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Accidental double post
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You're a young player if you think this is the way it has always been.

    This game Was healthy active and alive before everyone could get to 100 in a week
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Out of curiosity, and it doesn't disqualify your arguments, of course ....

    but how many of you, who want unrestricted FC, regularly sell the heads room?
  • Sarason - Lost City
    Sarason - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would say to have a level restrict, and no hypers.....sorry I guess I am old school... I learned to use my char by grinding, and doing my quests...... the level on frost is all ready 85 hike it up more to 90 or to 95 and no hypers......because there is always a loop hole people can find to drag in lowbies to frost.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Out of curiosity, and it doesn't disqualify your arguments, of course ....

    but how many of you, who want unrestricted FC, regularly sell the heads room?

    I would say 75% sell the heads, the others are addicted to buying them.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would say to have a level restrict, and no hypers.....sorry I guess I am old school... I learned to use my char by grinding, and doing my quests...... the level on frost is all ready 85 hike it up more to 90 or to 95 and no hypers......because there is always a loop hole people can find to drag in lowbies to frost.

    A level restriction AND no hypers at all? Seems a little pointless to have both... why not just take FC out all together at that rate?
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A level restriction AND no hypers at all? Seems a little pointless to have both... why not just take FC out all together at that rate?

    Hypers should be restricted to levels 85+
This discussion has been closed.