bots 4, players 1



  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You can, and SHOULD ignore how other players play the game, because it's not your business or your problem. Just report them if you want and move on.

    YOU are so wrong.

    It is my business. Before NW, I made my ingame coin (not alot, but enough for charms and tp stones) from selling herbs and apo.

    Now with NW, the BOTS have taken over the farming spots for herbs, and sell them for hardly no coin at all. I cant compete with their low prices. I actually spent hours farming, legitimately, and they sleep while a program does it for them.

    How ignorate of you to say its not my business. I WILL NEVER IGNORE A BOT, and will always report.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    haywiz wrote: »
    YOU are so wrong.

    It is my business. Before NW, I made my ingame coin (not alot, but enough for charms and tp stones) from selling herbs and apo.

    Now with NW, the BOTS have taken over the farming spots for herbs, and sell them for hardly no coin at all. I cant compete with their low prices. I actually spent hours farming, legitimately, and they sleep while a program does it for them.

    How ignorate of you to say its not my business. I WILL NEVER IGNORE A BOT, and will always report.

    "Why do the bots bother you? Just because someone chooses to play a different way you're going to let it upset you?"
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "Why do the bots bother you? Just because someone chooses to play a different way you're going to let it upset you?"

    because destroys the economy of the game.. because if we have to run around and farm our own mats then they should have to also.. because its aginst the ToA .. because bots are usaly used by 99% RMT ..because because because.. most people running bots are probly running more then 2 acounts a a time wich im not alowed to do.. dont give that play different way **** third party programs are **** **** if you cant play the game the way its ment to be played gtfo and find a different hobbie..
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    because destroys the economy of the game.. because if we have to run around and farm our own mats then they should have to also.. because its aginst the ToA .. because bots are usaly used by 99% RMT ..because because because.. most people running bots are probly running more then 2 acounts a a time wich im not alowed to do.. dont give that play different way **** third party programs are **** **** if you cant play the game the way its ment to be played gtfo and find a different hobbie..

    You complain that they "Hurt" the game? The resources that they bring in help keep prices low, allowing players to craft them far more cheaply than they otherwise would. New players would enter the game, see things like item cost 100m+ and end up quitting because of how expensive it is and how long it would take. Gathering skills are easy, and production skills are cheap, I fail to see a problem. They really don't hurt the economy. They just make everything cheaper and easier to get. More people can get and have high level items and skills, it seems like players just want to stop others from having fun in this game....
    The whole "credit card" issue is bunk too.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've seen very few bottlers in lost city, I wonder whyb:pleased
  • Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You complain that they "Hurt" the game? The resources that they bring in help keep prices low, allowing players to craft them far more cheaply than they otherwise would. New players would enter the game, see things like item cost 100m+ and end up quitting because of how expensive it is and how long it would take. Gathering skills are easy, and production skills are cheap, I fail to see a problem. They really don't hurt the economy. They just make everything cheaper and easier to get. More people can get and have high level items and skills, it seems like players just want to stop others from having fun in this game....
    The whole "credit card" issue is bunk too.

    Are you attempting to justify why bots are okay to have? Dude, what? Lol. They aren't good for anyone besides the person botting.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I can't wait to see how many people get buttmad over this thread without realizing the point of it <3
  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've seen very few bottlers in lost city, I wonder whyb:pleased

    I've seen alot of botters on lost city server, I wonder why...
    Even at starter regions, but mainly at 100+ regions.

    People which never farm herbs and are only in ws or at pvp spots don't see the botters ofc.
  • Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Made a lowbie the other day, botters now farming in the water for rough fur near anglers village on the planefish dons. There were two of them, a barb and a bm, both always attacked the same mob. How am i sure they were bots? well most people dont swim to your mob when it has 1/4 hp left and when u kill it in front of them stand there and try to get the drops. Not to mention neither replied to anything i said to them. Whoops there go rough fur prices.b:bye

    On kind of an unrelated note. but another symptom of the problem:
    Whats up lately with all the selling of accounts on wc? This stuff used to be dealt with, now it seems no one gives a *your word here*. All signs of a dying game im afraid as more things are just let go and none of the powers that be can be bothered with it.
  • Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I can't wait to see how many people get buttmad over this thread without realizing the point of it <3

    Just admit you use a bot(s).
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just admit you use a bot(s).

    In a roundabout way I was thinking he already did.

    It would be funny if PWI investigated all the accounts with the yes vote for letting everyone bot.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "Why do the bots bother you? Just because someone chooses to play a different way you're going to let it upset you?"

    I did explain it to you twice.
    If your IQ is less than your shoe size have your mommy explain it to you.

    Maybe the mods can request your acct be investigated and see if you have
    botting software uploaded. It more than likely does.

    As far as anyone being butthurt, it would be the botters, not the players that
    play by the rules. It would be those making millions by violating ToS.

    Perma Ban the Bots.
    Perma Ban the Mains benefited from Bots OR charge them a one billion coin fee to
    reinstate their acct for violating ToS, and DOUBLE the fee each time they get continue
    to violate ToS.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    haywiz wrote: »
    I did explain it to you twice.
    If your IQ is less than your shoe size have your mommy explain it to you.

    Maybe the mods can request your acct be investigated and see if you have
    botting software uploaded. It more than likely does.

    As far as anyone being butthurt, it would be the botters, not the players that
    play by the rules. It would be those making millions by violating ToS.

    Perma Ban the Bots.
    Perma Ban the Mains benefited from Bots OR charge them a one billion coin fee to
    reinstate their acct for violating ToS, and DOUBLE the fee each time they get continue
    to violate ToS.

    What haywiz said, most likely u use a bot b:shutup
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    damn posted the wrong spot .....disregard
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I can't wait to see how many people get buttmad over this thread without realizing the point of it <3

    Usually i do have a hidden agenda, that is not the case here. It's straight forward, most of us want them removed permanently.
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mogwai wrote: »
    Usually i do have a hidden agenda, that is not the case here. It's straight forward, most of us want them removed permanently.

    I'm not going to argue anymore. I can't argue with stupid people. It hurts my brain to see some of the dumb stuff they say. Players aren't playing the game if they are botting period.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm not going to argue anymore. I can't argue with stupid people. It hurts my brain to see some of the dumb stuff they say. Players aren't playing the game if they are botting period.

    definenatly a bot user
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would say anyone who has defended bots in this thread are most likly bots.
    This is redic, staff doesnt have enough man power? All they need is one guy that can work for a few weeks to seek and remove...what a tough life they u right there thy couldnt give a sht, if it doesnt earn them profit they dont bother, if mass numbers in players arnt quitting over it..theh wont bother...just sit back and judge on responce they have with tickets...i find it quite and easy paying job to take a few weeks of ur time working 8 hour days to remove bots...."not enough man power" lmao...give me the power to ban ill do it for ** sakes....somone has got to step up and quit replying on us players to do your job for u...we already pay u good money...for what? So u guys can sit on ur *removed*? man..everyonr just quit spending money on this rate the game is most likly to get alot worse..whats next? Why dont u guys add another instance ** up?...ppl.worked alot of hours and spent alot of cash on there toons...there hobbys..and u guys ** them cowardly is that?...nw is a joke..why install it in game if u guys knew it was *removed* to begin with...such poor work for the money u giys receve
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What makes people get in the mindset of botting is that they simply do not want to spend their time leveling up or making money. Some people get tired of leveling and decide to just give up by botting.

    "If you can't beat them, join them". Sadly you can't beat a bot as of now, so many people just get one.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I do respect darknessofmy's point of view & he is free to express his opinion which is suggested by the poll options.

    Many eastern nations have grown accustomed to utilizing bots. That's why so many games just have them built-in upon release. It also helps the hosts by not having to keep up with all the reports.
    Most western countries have never fully embraced (for lack of a better word) the ability to do so.
    Even in the PWCN version who's main playerbase are in Asian countries do not want bots.

    As PW was being conceived some guru somewhere said 'no botting in this game' & it was so.
    With that said there are only 2 reasons i can think of why this was done...
    1.) They wanted to later sell botting rights to maximize profits.
    2.) The guru was hungover.

    Moving on, one of the games i played which had a built-in bot was another PWE game Jade Dynasty, there it is known as an esper. I took a break from PWI to play JD when it was released, i think it was about 6 months worth. If anything there has changed since then i would not know about it, a brief story.....

    I am someone who is able to let my PC run day & night, only uses one computer for games & at that time JD had a 1 client policy.
    I would play solo manually for my normal 12-16 hours/day then use the esper for the remainder.
    My main character was among the top lvls, had among the best gear, & since i don't like to sit in merch or can't for very long also had among the most crafting materials. All for free.
    In fact so many mats that when i decided to leave JD ppl didn't believe me about the amount of mats i was giving away after making a forum post for a drop event. that thread & only a few ppl showed up, lucky them.
    In pvp: i was doing some event where a few bosses would spawn in different maps..i was playing a squishy mage type & while soloing the boss toe-to-toe 2 melee classes came up & proceeded to pk took about 4 or 5 min but they eventually did but the boss got them both & when i returned all the drops were mine lol.
    JD thanks to the esper (bot), it is one of the best games that i don't remember playing.
    The point is that botting in a game where the majority of players do not, gives an extreme game-breaking advantage.

    PWI is & has been for a few years now irrevocably changed due to ppl botting & i could only hope that by some miracle it could eventually reclaim some of it's former glory, or move on to new heights.
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im not going to lie..if i could find a decent one i probably would start botting...the game is a joke many bots running around mats are worthless and most DQ are worthless now as well...i still enjoy TW and NW but the rest of the game is broken. 2 years ago i had np dropping 6k into this game (you know back when there were decent tw`s) its not worth spending 10 bucks on and the main reason is not the Bots..its PWI`s complete and total lack of a responce to the bots...its simple ..PWI just doesnt care..

    P.S. no i have never botted and PWI can check anything on my comp they want...Im just fed up with PWI`s attitude towards the people who actually spent money in this game..

    The best PvP game on the market..and its being run by fools...
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You hit a good point that many people like to contradict themselves on. Here's the typical stereotype of PWI: money-grubbing company that releases sales every week in order to gain profit. We complain about all of the stuff they put in the boutique, especially PACKS. People used to be more comfortable putting money into the game on a casual basis, because things were affordable. When chest of coins were introduced, gold prices sky-rocketed from when they used to be 100k~200k. Anyone who's been playing PWI since the beginning will attest to that. They soar to over 1 million after people realized they could make a profit from using perfect iron hammers on chest of coins. Then packs were introduced. Well guess what happened? When you introduce something called 'Best Tokens of Luck' which can artificially inject money into the game, the economy inflated. Surprise! Each passing year the game becomes less attractive for casual gamers to pay for zhen/gold when people who are willing to put down thousands for this game can get a massive edge in this game through that alone. Skill a lot less irrelevant, and gear became more important ever since the introduction of the Rank 8 sale. It's no wonder we're starting to see botting on such a level now. A sequence of events has lead to where PWI is now. When no one can afford or are willing to put in the money in order to catch up to people these days, they see botting as a cheap option out. I mean let's be honest, most people here have either been victims of being under-geared or have been the ones who are "well-geared". The former position can likely relate to many situations where the "well-geared" or "OP", as people like to say, would just 1~3 shot you. You get frustrated that they had far superior gear to yours and it makes the game unbalanced; it is unbalanced, I don't think many can dispute that. I'm not saying it's a legitimate way to gear yourself through 'cash-shopping', but when it begins to really skew how game-play is, you question whether this is a game to begin with at all. Such rationalization leads to people not caring whether they get their gear, in this situation botting, through unfair means. People constantly bicker about how rank gear has messed up the game, or at least the ones who don't have it or the ones who want fair PvP. If things were less dependent on money and more based on skill, I don't think botting would be such an issue.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im not going to lie..if i could find a decent one i probably would start botting...the game is a joke many bots running around mats are worthless and most DQ are worthless now as well...i still enjoy TW and NW but the rest of the game is broken. 2 years ago i had np dropping 6k into this game (you know back when there were decent tw`s) its not worth spending 10 bucks on and the main reason is not the Bots..its PWI`s complete and total lack of a responce to the bots...its simple ..PWI just doesnt care..

    P.S. no i have never botted and PWI can check anything on my comp they want...Im just fed up with PWI`s attitude towards the people who actually spent money in this game..

    The best PvP game on the market..and its being run by fools...

    This pretty much expresses my opinion as well.

    I've always imagined the following scenario re: PWI--

    In PW's own financial statement, they estimate the life expectancy of their
    on-line f2p games is 3-5 years. OK, so they set up a business plan to be
    carried out over, say 5 years. Where I believe they failed--and I've said
    it many times in my posts--is that no one (at least no one with any
    authority) recognized after things got rolling that this game was just
    well-designed enough, just different enough, just appealing enough that
    it could beat that 3-5 year estimate all to hell.

    They should have recognized the potential and adapted their business
    plan to a more long-term model. But apparently, they doggedly stuck
    with their original short-term plan, and began introducing end-game
    tactics much too soon, thus virtually making that 5 year estimate

    Another HUGE mistake I think they made was not allowing the western
    version much more latitude and control over the product here. I've
    often felt sorry for the people who work for PWI. Now I don't know
    how things are set up, but I've imagined the programmers here getting
    frustrated as hell, knowing they could easily fix so many things, but
    having their hands tied by the powers-that-be in China.

    All in all, it comes down to what you said in your last line.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I seen bots around lost city and I started to record their names and where they grind
    So one day I ask my Sin Friend that had the Morai Skill to make ppl drop DQ
    Spend a hour hunting them and made a few mill
    It was fun
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wtf man..everyonr just quit spending money on this rate the game is most likly to get alot worse..whats next?

    I've said that a while ago LaYsDiL. And ur right it's just ganna get worse as it continues.

    Yet another bot ticket submited, dropping devilwood down even more. PWI start doing more about this, a one week bann to them is just a slap on the hand. Time to start perma. banning them. It's not our job to police the server's as u say. It's ur job too, it's what the GM's are here for. They sure could police the server's when people were doing goonz, but not when thier's a big bot problem. Get off ur lazy * *(use ur imagnation) and do ur jobs right. I aint getting anywere on coin cuz of these things, and I'm not putting a cent on this game too feed ur greedyness.
  • Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why do the bots bother you? Just because someone chooses to play a different way you're going to let it upset you? Seriously people need to stop caring how others play the game and just be happy with how you play it.
    People argue that how others play the game (Or lack thereof) doesn't affect you. So why worry about botters and how they choose to get their levels? Just because they choose to get levels "unfairly", well, that's THEIR choice, they risk being banned and you can choose to ignore it and not let it bother you.
    Bots don't play.
    haywiz wrote: »

    Lets all go out and rob banks and get rich too while we are at it, cuz it may be unfair, and illegal, but is my choice rather than to get a job.............thats the equilivant of what your suggesting. Grow up.
    Comparing robbing a bank in real life with botting in a game makes me wonder who needs to grow up.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So, you're going to spend money on this game..
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I wonder if this thread helped any, or is PWI finally banning bots?

    Have not seen the "regular" bots in a little over 2 weeks.

    OR maybe just the owner of all the bots is on vacation?

    I hope its PWI acting for once.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    haywiz wrote: »
    I wonder if this thread helped any, or is PWI finally banning bots?

    Have not seen the "regular" bots in a little over 2 weeks.

    OR maybe just the owner of all the bots is on vacation?

    I hope its PWI acting for once.

    Prolly in vacation.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute


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