Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.



  • vila90
    vila90 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    @Fonyan I liked so much the one at the right, keep her like that b:victory

    Here are my WF Demon and my EP


    And here my WF Demon and the Sage one

  • DoggyStylin - Sanctuary
    DoggyStylin - Sanctuary Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    @Fonyan I like the one in the middle, something about the way it looks like she is pouting just a little.

    Anyway my GF doesn't like the way my toon looks and I'm needing some advice on what to do to fix him.

  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    She reminds me alot of my own seeker. Ok, so here's what i think... I like the one at the right the most, BUT i would keep the lips from the one in the middle, cause they look kinda adorable :3 And i would also rotate her eyes a little bit, to make her look less "tired" (or maybe just make her eye balls smaller). I think i would give her 5/5 if you did those changes. c:
    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    #1 and #3 are cute, but prefer the #3.
    Mmmm some green eyes maybe looks good too in #3.

    Kniraven - wow, from what I can see he looks really handsome. o_o I got so used to the dark haired/bearded/presety bms that your character is really nice to look at. 5/5

    wushih14 - love her eyes and lips, but eyebrows could be a bit lower and further apart (and maybe lighten the color a bit to match the hair) 4.5/5 ^^

    Draykarna - I really like the eye color and makeup you chose, very cat-like! Like the others said, maybe try working a bit on the proportions to make her even prettier :) 4/5

    I've been wanting to change my seeker's look for a while but my ini's all looked the same. So, this is what my friend and I came up with, but I can't choose between them. (As usual -_-") Open to any suggestions ^^


    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • Fonyan - Heavens Tear
    Fonyan - Heavens Tear Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks guys, I've decided to roll with #3 for now with some minor changes. ^^ Will post a picture once I actually get the makeover scroll.

    Screenshot thread:

    Currently playing: real life ver. 2.0
  • __Conn - Archosaur
    __Conn - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    @DoggyStylin ur characters eyes are a little bit too big and the head seems bit too small and the face width is a little bit thin. just a little bit lol. i like the skin colour, but the eye colour's blue stands out too much, maybe blend it in just a little. anyway its 3.5/5

    @vila90 i like the one at the right the most, the red hair with the tanned skin looks so good. the gown suits her really well too. both of them 5/5

    heres mine, i know ive uploaded here before but im about to give him a makeover so i want to get any detailed criticism that i can get :D



    old armour

  • xylia16
    xylia16 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    @Fonyan, I love the middle one!! I know someone said it looks cross-eyed but I think it makes it look more cat-like and cute :) 5/5 <3

    Here is my veno. I think I might still tweek her eyes a bit, but I'm happy with her.


  • MikoTenshi - Sanctuary
    MikoTenshi - Sanctuary Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    DoggyStylin - I think his face look too long, probably because of the beard and the hair combo. I would say, either replace the hair or the beard and see how that look first. Other than that, I think it look really nice. 4.5/5

    __Conn - First I want to say the nose look huge... second the eye balls seem to be a little to far off to the outside of the face, maybe bring it back closer might be better. 4/5

    xylia16 - It it cute, the only thing I want to point out is the nose. The mini protrait's nose is like... yeah. Just a little smaller would be perfect.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • mlegend24
    mlegend24 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Odinna: I like all three, but the first one sticks out the most for me. I love how they all have their own personalities and traits, right down to their noses. ;) 5/5 for all.

    __Conn -: He looks good, not really unique, but not bad. I think maybe a change of hair style would spice him up. b:chuckle 4/5

    xylia16: Ohhh, you don't see many bunny venos around anymore~ I like her style quite a lot, and her hair is fitting. I personally would make her nose a tad bit smaller to fit her face better, but other than that, good job. =) 4.5/5

    My seeker~


    I went for a porcelain doll look...;;; dunno. xD
  • Adoniia - Heavens Tear
    Adoniia - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    mlegend24: I like your character a lot, but maybe change the color of the eyes so they match the hair? Other than that, very pretty. 4.5/5

    This is my cleric.


    [IMG][/img]2mw5fcx.png b:cute
  • __Conn - Archosaur
    __Conn - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Mlegend- ur character looks beautiful actually, the colours resembles sakura from naruto a lot xD ur character has that innocent and graceful look 5/5

    Adoniaa- i like ur skin and ur eyes are perfect. Although u might want to make the hair colour just a little bit (make it darker or brighter) cos it doesnt stand out. I like the third one the most :) she looks damn ;) 4/5

    Any more ppl judge mine please? Honest opinions are appreciated, dont care if theyre brutal XD
  • xylia16
    xylia16 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    mlegend: Wowww so beautiful! You really do look like a porcelain doll! <3 The one thing I would change though is maybe making your eyes a bit smaller because it looks like her eyeballs could pop out any second xD But I love her :) 4/5

    Adoniia: She is gorgeous! I've always loved the tan skin, light brown hair and green eyes combo. My seeker has those traits as well. :) But I agree with Conn when he says that your hair needs to be just a little darker for it to pop because it's blending in with your skin too well! 4.5/5

    Conn: He is very handsome :) Your proportions are perfect! But it's lacking something... Je ne sais quoi. You just need to do something to make your character stand out. Maybe change eye or hair color? Maybe change the hairstyle? I don't know! It just needs something xD 4.9/5

    Now I want to put my cleric up. She is old, but I haven't played her in a long time so she's just a baby. Sorry for the icons and stuff around her, I couldn't really take a decent shot of her without the clutter >.<



  • xylia16
    xylia16 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh, I forgot to add the miniscreen >.<
    Hopefully you guys don't think my nose is too big

  • Zeyron_ - Heavens Tear
    Zeyron_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Conn- Very attractive archer. I like the young boy-ish look on archers. 4/5

    xylia16- Your veno is soo cute. I really don't see bunny venos anymore. 4.5/5

    mlegend24- Everything is perfect, but i do agree with Adoniia about the eye color. 4.5/5

    Adoniia- Wow. I like the first picture the most. 5/5

    xylia16- Pretty, but the dark eyes....I dont know. Maybe tone it down a bit. 4/5

    Here is my sin.

    24mg5mb.png b:victory
  • Osynlig - Heavens Tear
    Osynlig - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Zeyron_ Looking a bit too ordinary imo but hey, im fckng weird! b:laugh Nice look anyway even tho its not my taste, 3/5



  • Shojuu - Lost City
    Shojuu - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I wanted to try something different with the makeup, I think I found something I like :D
    Sorry about the hair quality on the screenshot, it looks kinda funny here o__o;

  • __Conn - Archosaur
    __Conn - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    U have to rate the people above u for us to rate urs...

    Xylia16 ur character looks nice :) seen a lot of toons with that hairstyle though. Idk if its just me but ur nose and mouth are too close XD ur eyes look nice :) its just that the whole black color thing on white skin kind of takes a bit of beauty away from ur char. Ur body's nice and the clothes suits u :)
    Thnx for rating mine :)
    Zeyron ur character looks really manly. Ur red eyes and skin colour makes ur character perfect. Id like to see it with different hairstyles, not that ur current doesnt look as good.
  • Zeyron_ - Heavens Tear
    Zeyron_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Osyling : Looking a bit too devilish there o.O 5/5 for creativity 2.5/5 for looks.

    And actually i spent about an hour on my sin. A bit of ini editing here and there, but not too much to make it look ugly or weird b:mischievous
  • Shizunne - Heavens Tear
    Shizunne - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,277 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Someone was ninja'ed. *waves at Kossie* fancy seeing you here monkey-47.gif

    Okay,so, preparing for an essay..Let the rating begin monkey-35.gif

    @Asyniia - agreed with Coco, she would looks just great with darker skin color :) 4/5

    @Coco - like Ziraia said, they look like a mother and a child for me also! As far as I remember, you were always good with creating characters x.x both goes with 5/5, because they seem perfect to me.

    @Ziaria - Luv her eyes! A bit mysterious, I like it. Just one tiiny thingy, she would be perfect if you would add some volume to her lower lip 4.7/5

    @Snowycookie - wow o.o now I haven't seen anything like that around in here :o I really like that child look! 5/5

    @wushih14 - I like her face, her eyes also but her eyebrows, I wold change color, and shape to a rounder one, so it wouldn't be very edgy :) 4/5

    @Draykarna - I like that cat-look, but I like her eye shape, but they should be lower, same goes for eyebrows, thicker ones would look good because your eyes look natural, so eyebrows should look natural too, dontchu think? :3 As for red lips, you should make them bigger a bit, red lips looks pretty but only with full lips ;x about face, well I think proportions are ok, you just need to make the mid section narrower, it should make a difference :) 3/5

    @Kniraven - It is quiet hard to see face but all I can see, he looks good. Proportions are good, well ..umm.. 5/5

    @Fonyan - your current seeker looks gorgeous!! 5/5 (I saw your thread ;p)

    @vila90 - I'm sorry, I can't rate because I dun see their faces ;\

    @DoggyStylin - ohkey, so here is what I see: Good things - skin and hair color, not very good things - 1) eyes,make them smaller D: make eyeballs smaller, the rotate your eyes outwards a bit, maybe give him a lil smirk. 2)thicker eyebrows, or it depends really, if you like them thin, keep it, it's just minor change. 3) make his lower lip a bit thinner. 4) make his face mid section a bit narrower. Hope it helps ;) 3/5

    @__Conn - hmmm... let's see.. His face looks good o.o I like sharp faces lols. Well what you can add is eg eyes, hair, idk it looks good to me just one thing.. I might say this to a lot of people but dun be afraid to make your mid face section narrower x.x 4.5/5

    @xylia16 - awhs such a cute veno bunny <3 everything is very cute but just like Miko said, her nose is a bit to wide, just makeit smaller and she will be perfect :3 4.5/5

    @mlegend24 - she is so cute!!! Really, you pulled that human-proportioned-doll-look ^^ I really like her face, nothing else to add 5/5

    @Adoniia - She looks so natural but tomy taste her face is a bit too long. I would make her chin a bit smaller or I would make lips a bit bigger to match her face. Other than that, she is pretty 4/5

    @xylia16 - daaaaaaaaaw so cute <3 I like cute characters lols x3 and I am rating you again but this time I see it's your cleric, well I really like this innocent doll look so 5/5 and no, the nose looks perfect to me ;p

    @Zeyron_ - His face looks manly to me and it is a good thing because it's male I'm rating o.o so, the thing that has been bothering is.. his forehead height or top height, one of those. Make it a bit ''taller'' so I think it should look good. 4.5/5 And I dun like to judge colors of hair/eye just because everyone's taste is so different e.e And I don't think Osynling meant that you are weird, I think he was referring to himself about that :)

    @Osynling - .__. like Zeyron said, 5/5 for originality and work you have put into :0

    @Shojuu - just dun forget to rate others ;) I believe everyone wants to hear opinions about their work :3 You char looks lovely! Definitely like a princess 5/5

    OHKAI SO, I'm done ;p

    So here is my bm, been tweaking her face..for quiet some time e.e Just couldn't get her face right earlier (months ago so decided to tweak her again x.x) Wanted to go for..Bm-ish look, confident ones. Hope you like her!

    ~Thank you very much for amazing siggy, Silvy!~
    I'm an angel! Honestly!
    These horns are just there to keep the halo up straight.. (っ◠‿◠)っ ♥
    (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ ♥ I luv Kossie
    There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva. ♬♪♫ ヾ(*◕‿◕)ノ ♬♪♫
  • Ziraia - Raging Tide
    Ziraia - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks for lots of rating, giving me something to read, haha.
    Your bm looks really nice, and very unique. She reminds me alot of Angelina Jolie, but a bit manlier. I think i would make her lips a little smaller to fit her face better (or atleast the lower lip). Also change their color to something darker than her skincolor (if you know what i mean). It kinda looks like she put light foundation on them b:chuckle I totally love the rest. Her hair, eyes and eyebrows looks great. 9/10

    @Ziaria - Luv her eyes! A bit mysterious, I like it. Just one tiiny thingy, she would be perfect if you would add some volume to her lower lip 4.7/5

    Thank you, i will take a look at it. ^^
    ★ Ziraia 101 Assassin ★
    ★ _Nari_ 100 Seeker ★
    ★ xBunneh 82 Veno ★
    ★ Zushie 77 Psychic ★
    ★ HerAssassin 73 sin ★
    ★ HisHealer 54 Cleric ★
  • Pwnallagain - Heavens Tear
    Pwnallagain - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Osy is HT's little devil lol.
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Shizu! I LOVE your bm, but I really want the same seeker eyes as you. Problem is I always get the mystic eyes :/ 5/5
    Inbox me and tell me how please XD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • idunnowhaa
    idunnowhaa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think I was more drawn to your BMs armour than the actual face itself. The picture itself is great though - If I was rating the picture, it'd be a 5/5.

    Here's my male Cleric :)

    I'm new here, go easy on me x.x


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  • Draykarna - Sanctuary
    Draykarna - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    idunnowhaa - 3/5 Freaky but in a good way. I like his eyes the thing I have the most prob with is the lips. Either make them smaller and more poutyer or change the colour. Other wise he looks cool.

    Valaskar my archer

    Close up

    Full View Armor

    Full View Fashion

    .:sig by me:.

    .:My Chars:.
  • __Conn - Archosaur
    __Conn - Archosaur Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    idunnowhaa - 3/5 Freaky but in a good way. I like his eyes the thing I have the most prob with is the lips. Either make them smaller and more poutyer or change the colour. Other wise he looks cool.

    Valaskar my archer

    Close up

    Full View Armor

    Full View Fashion

    Wow, u perfected the art of tan skin and green eyes o.o ur character's colour tone is wat i have been aiming for! (I posted my char here about 3 pages back with teerible lighting lol) Any chance i can get the colour codes of eyes and skin? :3 i prefer the top hairstyle more than the bottom one, the top one suits ur char better. Although the chin is broad, make it sharper and u have the perfect female look. 4.5/5 fix the chin a little bit and its 5 :D
  • wushih14
    wushih14 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Kniraven - wow, from what I can see he looks really handsome. o_o I got so used to the dark haired/bearded/presety bms that your character is really nice to look at. 5/5

    wushih14 - love her eyes and lips, but eyebrows could be a bit lower and further apart (and maybe lighten the color a bit to match the hair) 4.5/5 ^^

    Draykarna - I really like the eye color and makeup you chose, very cat-like! Like the others said, maybe try working a bit on the proportions to make her even prettier :) 4/5

    I've been wanting to change my seeker's look for a while but my ini's all looked the same. So, this is what my friend and I came up with, but I can't choose between them. (As usual -_-") Open to any suggestions ^^



    My..how did you do the face on the 2nd one? That's the exact face I want my seeker to have but unfortunately I don't know how. Please tell me the codes on that. XD

    'Eyes like a sunrise, like a rainfall down my soul...'

    Spearena|The blithe demon Archeress

    ~Signature made by me! XD
  • Fonyan - Heavens Tear
    Fonyan - Heavens Tear Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    wushih14 wrote: »
    My..how did you do the face on the 2nd one? That's the exact face I want my seeker to have but unfortunately I don't know how. Please tell me the codes on that. XD

    LOL you're not the first one to ask for it. Pm'd. :3


    Screenshot thread:

    Currently playing: real life ver. 2.0
  • Odinna - Dreamweaver
    Odinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I want to know too b:thanks
    Thank You so much Silvy for the sig! b:pleased
  • Chelestine - Heavens Tear
    Chelestine - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Same here, I'd love to know what kind of ini files you use! Also always loved the way your mystic looks Fonyan, so jealous of your character editing skills! Been spending like 3 hours trying to make a cute mystic like yours and she just doesn't look like anything, gonna give up on her soon D:

    Find me at ♡ Chel's Creative Corner ♡ of the screenshot section! :3

  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Oh well it's time to add a picture to this page too!

    Here comes my blademaster, unfortunately she is my alt so haven't worked with fashion. I like nice and simple creations with realistic look.

    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47