PVP in Secret Passage



  • Spectralis - Sanctuary
    Spectralis - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:surrender As much as I am against pvp in SP, I'd just like to emphasize that our GMs didn't do this on purpose and don't have control over SP resetting into a pvp instance like it is on the chinese servers. But for every person that realizes this, there are a hundred more that are still under the impression that PWI is doing this on purpose.

    We just get the stuff China has. China has pvp in sp. They don't realize before hand that we don't want pvp in sp, since they're so busy making sure all the new stuff works.

    U have stated this point here already, but; the reality is that not just China plays this game, the whole word does, and just because China likes to play it this way, it doesnt mean the rest of the word does too.

    When Descent was introduce , we also got the same situation and it was fixed, that is why we have our own staff for this. Now, Sirens of War spoils SP again and the GM's simply say they will allow pvp on it.

    Everyone knows already that the messures taken to avoid a massive killing in SP of new players mainly, while doin their quests, will not work, pkers kill first and ask questions later.

    In addition to this, they are also players with the same rights like players beginning the game, and there is no reason to ASK them PERMISSION to play safety.

    Then subject discussed here in the restauration of SP like the area it has always been, to play at normal game.

    GM's will never be able to evaluate properly the tremendous amount of tickets that this situation will generate, then; fixing SP is much better than reading complains all day.
  • XRysanx - Lost City
    XRysanx - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Alot of people here talking and pointing fingers at PWE......and the mod when they don't what going on or how this whole thing works......seems like they just read pk is enabled in secret passage and just start to complain without even trying to understand the situation.

    You guys do know this game and the updates that go into it are ONLY controlled by the guys in china right?........you know........since they are the owners of it.......and everyone else including PWE just makes it available to wider audience and have to go to them first before making certain changes.......since its not there game to change....and yes those changes include DQ nerf since the problem that lead to it is in china..

    In case they miss read this to or jump to conclusions about me....No i don't agree that lvll30-40 or whatever level should get one shot by lvl100 against there will (i was one of them before i switch to pvp server and don't regret it)

    Oh yes to you persons saying oh go outside of secret passage where theres no drop protection or there's no need for this why can you just go into pk zone.... really how about no being so selfish....what about the person who wants to just wants to pvp with a friend for once just for the fun of it and not hit anyone else? should they loose there gear and gain red and harassment hours from other people because one thing i see about some people on PVE servers is that they scorn/mistreat anybody that pks or even just wants o duel for fun even if its just pvp with a friend and on top of that theres people who would LOVE to see and have presented very unreasonable punishments to a player wanting to exercise there in game right(no matter the server) to do at least a little bit of pvp without bothering anyone who doesn't wanna be bothered but w8 let me guess you think that doesn't happen and everyone that wants to pvp just wants to oneshot and be a **** right?
    this is what they intended for secret passage to be like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQM3k7atENY&feature=channel&list=UL

    Stop only focusing only on the bad that would come because of the stupid people because to do that is unrealistic seeing that you chop out the other half of the equation as to where this can be fun as hell for others if not youb:bye
  • Crystyl - Dreamweaver
    Crystyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I honestly dont trust you guys to carry out the bans. It never happened when it was a bannable offence before so why should now be any differant?? I had an alt pk'd in there, sent in ticket wiht screenshot and he wasnt banned.

    You will have a bunch of high level idiots running around SP pking everything in site and be damned with the consrquences because they know with PWI track record, the chances are nothing will be done.

    This should read You DO have a bunch of high level idiots running around SP pking everything in site Why should they even worry about getting banned for 3 days? It takes at least a week for any ticket to get a response and 3 day bans on individual players will NEVER make SP safe for the lower level players who need to go there. How about this. Any GM who logs on should go there and watch/log how players respond to their requests to "use restraint." They could even start a GM thread giving the numbers of players they pulled from SP for griefing lower players. (Not names of course) Instead of waiting for tickets they could see for themselves.
    I don't care what happens on PvP servers but we all came to PvE servers to avoid EXACTLY what happens in SP.
    Actually the Mayans predicted the end of Twinkies!
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    imo you should just put the old rule of NO PK IN SP up

    its easy to understand and cant be abused

    this comes from me, i am always white named (white, i dont actually kill stuff)
    i would prefer being on a pvp server anyways but this is ****

    the current rules makes it dangerous to play in there for heavily aoe based classes
    how am i supposed to pk successfully aswizard without aoes?
    colleteral damage is guaranteed since they also have the widest radius.

    i find enjoyment in ninja aoeing groups. you mean to tell me i need to ask them before i ninja aoe them so they can ad/run/stun ?

    personally i think the people who are watching the fights deserve to get hit by aoes too.

    abd personally i think someone who purposely attacks people who are obviously questing or helping with it in the deeper areas of sp (bosses, chests) should be banned
    especially assasins like to do this and we know it.
    cowards pick that class usually
    i like potato
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Perma ban them on the 1st offense. after a few of those it'll stop real fast.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    condo2009 wrote: »
    Perma ban them on the 1st offense. after a few of those it'll stop real fast.

    yeah sure. perma ban people
    who use every aspect of the game

    gonna help the dying game stay up

    you need people to hate on as well or else it wouldnt be interesting
    i like potato
  • TheFire - Lost City
    TheFire - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    yeah sure. perma ban people
    who use every aspect of the game

    gonna help the dying game stay up

    you need people to hate on as well or else it wouldnt be interesting

  • Rickioo - Archosaur
    Rickioo - Archosaur Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    v4liance wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    After speaking things over with the PWI Team, we've decided to allow PVP in Secret Passage.

    That being said, please understand that there is still a zero tolerance policy for griefing. High level players killing low level players, or even just killing players who didn't consent to PVP - this is grounds for being banned.

    I've spoken with the Support GMs, and they requested that I remind everyone to SCREENSHOT any incidents of PK griefing.

    If someone kills you against your will, be sure that your screenshot is taken inside the Secret Passage, and includes the text that indicates who killed you. Then submit a ticket.

    Griefers will be banned for a minimum of 3 days. Repeated offenses is grounds for permanent banning.


    Just so this is clear - we can and will modify this rule based on how players respond to the PVP in Secret Passage.

    - Val

    have you thought about players who will abuse this hit a player just long enough to get hit back die they screen shot who killed them and then you ban that player for greifing.

    see what i did there lol

    people can claim they didnt want to get pked just so they can ban the players they dont like
    Started Playing Early June Of 2005 Back In The Very First Beta In Perfect World History

    The True Old School b:cool
  • Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver
    Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Seriously why don't they just make a "PVP ARENA" instead of doing this stupid free PVP in a lower-level dungeon zone?
  • XRysanx - Lost City
    XRysanx - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    yeah sure. perma ban people
    who use every aspect of the game

    gonna help the dying game stay up

    you need people to hate on as well or else it wouldnt be interesting

  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here's the problem I see with this - we tried it before.

    What happened? Blue names that went in to help friends with Silver Frost, Dismal etc. got killed repeatedly (sometimes while killing the bosses). I know several that submitted tickets, and nothing was done.

    If you want an arena, MAKE A FREAKING ARENA. Do not take an instance that people need to get through to complete quests and make it forced PvP. All this means is that a lot of low levels aren't going to get the quest help that they need.

    And let's face it - the devs aren't doing this because they think it is a good idea. It is all about laziness. They break it with every new patch because they can't be bothered to edit it for our version beforehand, and they are tired of fixing it, so they'd rather force it upon us. Way to show you care.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • RexNero - Dreamweaver
    RexNero - Dreamweaver Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was in SP yesterday for check situation: result was empty. AOE is big problem best psy skill are AoE not think player wanna risk to be banned for accidentally kill a lower level. Also rules about ask before attack someone is a nice thing but sound a bit like excuse me sir could i kill you? XD Attack someone for no reason and without ask is always a bad thing in or out SP expecially if u have toon AFK also is true if you are afk is better not stay out of safe zone.
  • Niriam - Dreamweaver
    Niriam - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Whelp, I quit as long as PK is activated there.

    It's been fun, PWI.
  • TheFire - Lost City
    TheFire - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Here's the problem I see with this - we tried it before.

    What happened? Blue names that went in to help friends with Silver Frost, Dismal etc. got killed repeatedly (sometimes while killing the bosses). I know several that submitted tickets, and nothing was done.

    If you want an arena, MAKE A FREAKING ARENA. Do not take an instance that people need to get through to complete quests and make it forced PvP. All this means is that a lot of low levels aren't going to get the quest help that they need.

    And let's face it - the devs aren't doing this because they think it is a good idea. It is all about laziness. They break it with every new patch because they can't be bothered to edit it for our version beforehand, and they are tired of fixing it, so they'd rather force it upon us. Way to show you care.

    and again +1b:victory
  • Laphroaig - Raging Tide
    Laphroaig - Raging Tide Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    yeah sure. perma ban people
    who use every aspect of the game

    gonna help the dying game stay up

    you need people to hate on as well or else it wouldnt be interesting

    Actually, yes I am in agreement of perma-banning them. I think more people that don't PvP out-number those that do on PvE servers. So, more people would get upset and quit, because of this.

    PW has fixed the issue before, more than once. Allowing it now, sounds like they are either understaffed and don't have the man power to fix it, their staff is too effing lazy, or underqualified at coding for the NON Chinese version, or some monkeynut boxorox in management has the IQ of split pea soup and thought through their lobotomization that it was a good idea.

    Sorry, the excuse doesn't fly with me.

    "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli" - Peter Clemenza

    Level 101 kinky Demon BM and exquisite scotch sipper
  • Murcas - Sanctuary
    Murcas - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ...This seems so familiar, somehow.


    China: This was a triumph.
  • SunDownXIII - Dreamweaver
    SunDownXIII - Dreamweaver Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Seriously why don't they just make a "PVP ARENA" instead of doing this stupid free PVP in a lower-level dungeon zone?
    Takes too much effort to do that. Instead they make it for some of us to work as escorts or bodyguards. There is no reason why i need to log on my sin to help a friend make it to her bh cuz some noob is going ape ***** killing low levels.
    Also run around as a R1 seeker named WildFireXIII b:chuckle and now as a Stormbringer named xGrimStormxX, and no I'm not Grim from Kindred
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This problem here again? It clearly show how incompetent managers are in this game. Lol. They are unable to fix it forever.(Because they are nothing close to developers. Practically they cannot do ANYTHING to change game code.) It's not for crying anymore it's for laughing.(ironically). Run from this game as far as you can. Sometimes I read forum and what I see is still going down the hill all game. DQ items worth 1!! coins? I'm really glad I done with this game and happily playing earth(latin). Yea the new game has also some problems but they are solving it quite fast and every week some important and interesting updates. Not like here waiting for fixing just banal problem for YEARS!!! And sending ticket? You have answer and solution in 24h sometimes in 6-10h.
    And the best at the end. Yes you can play it for free as I'm playing it for 7months and I didn't pay 1!!! dollar.
  • Jax - Momaganon
    Jax - Momaganon Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:surrender As much as I am against pvp in SP, I'd just like to emphasize that our GMs didn't do this on purpose and don't have control over SP resetting into a pvp instance like it is on the chinese servers. But for every person that realizes this, there are a hundred more that are still under the impression that PWI is doing this on purpose.

    We just get the stuff China has. China has pvp in sp. They don't realize before hand that we don't want pvp in sp, since they're so busy making sure all the new stuff works.

    Sorry, but this is a red herring and both you and venus are smart enough to know that.

    OFC it was coded into the expansion by China. Of course our guys couldn't control that. But they should have anticipated it. And they surely shouldn't have decided to ALLOW it, just because it was enabled.

    THAT was the poorly managed, anti-playerbase, cockandbull management decision that people are righteously taking them to task for. We have made it abundantly clear that we, as a playerbase, from ALL servers, do NOT WANT PK IN SP ALLOWED. We can't have made it clearer.

    And for them to have the gall to tell us they'll ban the griefers? After the huge debacle with gooners getting off scott free? And the fact that last time this happened, tickets were met with an email saying the ticketing system was overloaded and/or pk was allowed so the ticket was rejected?

    As I said, both you and Venus are smart enough to know this is ****. And PWI is too.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sorry, but this is a red herring and both you and venus are smart enough to know that.

    OFC it was coded into the expansion by China. Of course our guys couldn't control that. But they should have anticipated it. And they surely shouldn't have decided to ALLOW it, just because it was enabled.

    THAT was the poorly managed, anti-playerbase, cockandbull management decision that people are righteously taking them to task for. We have made it abundantly clear that we, as a playerbase, from ALL servers, do NOT WANT PK IN SP ALLOWED. We can't have made it clearer.

    And for them to have the gall to tell us they'll ban the griefers? After the huge debacle with gooners getting off scott free? And the fact that last time this happened, tickets were met with an email saying the ticketing system was overloaded and/or pk was allowed so the ticket was rejected?

    As I said, both you and Venus are smart enough to know this is ****. And PWI is too.
    Never once did I mention in that post that I accepted these "consensual pvp" rules, or that I trust that the people will get banned. <_< I was just talking about the fact that the GMs don't have a magic switch to turn it on and off like some people believe.

    Even if they did say it wasn't allowed under any circumstances, would that stop people? They already tried those rules too, and they didn't work either. So what do you expect them to do? What would you do if you released something thousands of people were angry about and you didn't have the power to change it?

    I'm still pushing for the idea that if this privilege is abused, it should be revoked. And we all sort of know it's being abused, so the rules should be changed to being banable.

    But what would that change if people didn't stop last time because it was banable?

    I'm sure they're pushing for our SP to be put back to pve. I'm also very sure that this is going to be temporary again. So deal. You have no reason to attack anyone on the forums just because they're trying to make sense of the situation.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Jax - Momaganon
    Jax - Momaganon Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm sure they're pushing for our SP to be put back to pve. I'm also very sure that this is going to be temporary again. So deal. You have no reason to attack anyone on the forums just because they're trying to make sense of the situation.

    C'mon Jeremied, I didn't attack you. In fact I mentioned you're smart enough to know the real score. They didn't have to sanction PK in SP. They CHOSE to.

    What would I have done had I realized the **** was about to hit the fan? I would have apologized to the playerbase, would have said we know people will be disappointed and that we're working as fast and as hard as we can to fix it, and would have made it a bannable offense. Period.

    Would people still have pk'd in there? Of course, people are jerks. But at least it wouldn't have been sanctioned, and at least I wouldn't have delivered a now all-too-familiar slap in the face to the majority of players who made our wishes well known the last go-round.

    I'm not one of your 100, I fully recognize that PWI didn't have control over SP PK being enabled again. But that doesn't mean I don't hold them fully responsible for their mismanagement of the situation.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Even if they did say it wasn't allowed under any circumstances, would that stop people? They already tried those rules too, and they didn't work either. So what do you expect them to do? What would you do if you released something thousands of people were angry about and you didn't have the power to change it?
    But what would that change if people didn't stop last time because it was banable?

    You have no reason to attack anyone on the forums just because they're trying to make sense of the situation.

    This. I'm also a big believer in not judging new people by the mistakes of someone who managed it before. That is completely and totally unfair. We have a new CM, we should give the GMs a chance to show that they are willing to ban griefers and try to make an enjoyable for all. And to try to make the best of the situation. The last rules were way too lenient and nobody was banned for it. This time, that has changed. Let's see if that will change the outcome. If not, at least they tried to do something nice for the PKers. I don't support keeping the rule if it doesn't work out. But I do think we should give them a fair chance. V4liance was not the CM during the goon glitch. He was not the CM during the SP rule the first time, which was far too lenient on griefers. Let's give him a fair chance. Everyone deserves their fair chance and already there is a lot less griefing in there than last time. I cannot help but notice that.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This. I'm also a big believer in not judging new people by the mistakes of someone who managed it before. That is completely and totally unfair. We have a new CM, we should give the GMs a chance to show that they are willing to ban griefers and try to make an enjoyable for all. And to try to make the best of the situation. The last rules were way too lenient and nobody was banned for it. This time, that has changed. Let's see if that will change the outcome. If not, at least they tried to do something nice for the PKers. I don't support keeping the rule if it doesn't work out. But I do think we should give them a fair chance. V4liance was not the CM during the goon glitch. He was not the CM during the SP rule the first time, which was far too lenient on griefers. Let's give him a fair chance. Everyone deserves their fair chance and already there is a lot less griefing in there than last time. I cannot help but notice that.

    Doesn't matter if CM or mods changed. Point IS, the decision made was against the player base because you all know what happened before and you know it's not going to change. Excuses is just that. EXCUSES.
  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Isn't there a thing that PKers can get to prevent gear loss during PK, and if they have to use real cash it will most likely better for PWI to replace the ~$100Au every 14days People like me have spent for years but will not spend anymore.

    In fact why not just stop gear loss altogether for them, since they are sooo important on a PvE server and leave it in PvP servers.

    Sheer Stupidity,
    But I suppose you are following the new business idea that microsoft with windows 8 and others from Apple spout, and that is the customer does not know what is good for them and must be forced to accept change before they adapt garbage.

    Speaking as an early adopter of new things e.g OSes Dos 5, win 3.1, win 95, win me, win xp, Vista, win 7, and typing on my win 8 pro copy.

    I am pretty sure if I and others wanted this we would know, and have signed on to a PvP server
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    condo2009 wrote: »
    Doesn't matter if CM or mods changed. Point IS, the decision made was against the player base because you all know what happened before and you know it's not going to change. Excuses is just that. EXCUSES.

  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »
    Seriously? He says that it will get changed in a future patch, you guys complain about it shouldn't have happened period? While I do understand that this is a big deal and it's something that's happened twice now, like Venus said, we have a new CM and it got fixed before. Let's let him do his job. If it's getting fixed then there's no need to complain.

    Ty Krisnda
    Sry if I was hasty but as I have seen no official statement before yours about it being changed in a patch I was still cranky and I have been looking hard for one.
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »
    Seriously? He says that it will get changed in a future patch, you guys complain about it shouldn't have happened period? While I do understand that this is a big deal and it's something that's happened twice now, like Venus said, we have a new CM and it got fixed before. Let's let him do his job. If it's getting fixed then there's no need to complain.

    Are you sure CM said that it will get changed in a future patch b:chuckle
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Ty Krisnda
    Sry if I was hasty but as I have seen no official statement before yours about it being changed in a patch I was still cranky and I have been looking hard for one.

    Actually... ignore my previous post.

    Sorry about that.
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »
    Actually... ignore my previous post. I want to check this out, since they've allowed it (which is all he said) and that's it. This may actually be a bad thing.

    Sorry about that.
    <_< I would just like to point out this below.
    genotypist wrote: »
    PWI Patch Notes v676 - Released November 14, 2012
    Known Issues
    - Secret Passage is once again forced-PvP. This will be reverted in a future patch.

    I would hope that there are no information conflicts here.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Lol xD thats what I thought I saw, I'm reading the notes now.