Content Update PWI: Reflections
Will any of this matter come the 28th ?0
I don't see point of having up to seven TWs, because map reset anyway so no faction will be able to own all territories anyway. Another thing is that which faction will be able to bid 990 millions ??
Bid rises but they don't say if pay for owning territory will increase as well, probably not.
Upgrade won't change anything .. big faction will remain big and small will just look what is going on
If PWI want to change something .. upgrade Marriage Quests .. it sucks to do them ..0 -
I do like this update compared to many of their older updates. This will make TW interesting again almost seems like its going back to the way it was back when the servers were still young and we were running around in TT80 or TT90 gear and feeling so pro.
To all the dominant TW factions on your servers I say quit your QQing and grow a pair princesses and prepare to lose lands. Let the smaller factions have fun and enjoy TW with other factions on or near their level of gear and people. Let them enjoy another aspect of the game like you do but on a different level of competition. Games have always been about fun, yes I do agree winning is fun but what type of win is more fulfilling? A 5-15min roll or a long 2hr fight with a faction you are on par with and coming out on top? I am all in favor of more fun longer TWs for all factions.
I do worry about fake bidding possibly becoming an issue, most major TW factions do tend to have an alt faction of some kind weather they TW with it or not. The 10m minimum bid may seem a bit steep for smaller factions who may not have the coin. But if you don't have the coin you shouldn't be bidding.
As for the refund system, like many others have said already this could be a way for fake bidding to come more prevalent. I'd say for PVE wars you get your full refund back the next week cuz you now OWN that land and you get at least 1 10m note from said land. So its in my opinion that winning attacking factions should get no refund if the bid was only a 10m bid because you will either get all or more then that back the next week from owning said land. Losing bidders should be getting 50% back, to me this will discourage fake bidders losing half their coin to no show a fight or w/e. This to me should keep the TW scene interesting; land holding factions will WANT to defend and hold their lands while still wanting to acquire new ones. Also with the more attacks in one night coming into play we can keep a map monopoly from happening, 1 faction cannot hold against 7 way ganks in a night no matter if they have all 200 members show up every weekend.
I am overall curious about the new exp mechanic and quests... Will this make 105 an obtainable goal for other players who didn't or couldn't take advantage of the goon glitch.
Though there is still the fact that *** is open at the end of the month and PWI will face the fact that they will be losing players to it. There is no disputing that fact at all, it will just be a question of how many. With this update and the new games coming out we will see a different PWI on the horizon.0 -
All the noob factions filled with +4 R8 chars with 4k hp will whine about the stronger towers. It will be epic to witness in the forums. In-game, it means 3 months of absolute boredom as noob factions fail to put up any offense or tactics into their wars.I love puppies.... and sharp objects. b:pleased0
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »2. Number of Simultaneous Attacks on a single faction increased to seven from three.
They should have had this long ago. If you're not strong enough to hold your land from your attackers you DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THAT LAND. Currently on my server it is rare for any faction to have more than 2 defenses so there won't be much change. In the past though big factions had 20 defenses and could handle them easily since they were spread so thin which made large alliances worthless.
First of all Hi AsterelleNow for some business talk
Well then they should increase the number of members a faction can have, it would just be not fair with the fact that a faction of 200 ppl are going to be defending against 560 people at the same time which is even impossible if we are discussing about r9 +12's even....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!
Life has changed a lot ....
Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad0 -
knightsdarksoul wrote: »Will any of this matter come the 28th ?
I seriously doubt it...Go Pure or go Fail
You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something in your life - Winston Churchill
Status of PvP in RT
The best pk in Raging Tides is in World Chat- Dylena0 -
the 7vs1 tw will be nice. more variaty on the map and hopefully also longer lasting tw's.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary wrote: »Well then they should increase the number of members a faction can have, it would just be not fair with the fact that a faction of 200 ppl are going to be defending against 560 people at the same time which is even impossible if we are discussing about r9 +12's even....
Whole point of that 7 TWs is that one faction can't control whole map. So it's good that they need to defend with only 200 people. That just means that big factions will have to choose what land they want, and what they don't. It will be hard to own most of the map now.
Now on HT one faction is holding 21 territories and combined with their alt factions it's 29 territories.
This update will make them hard to control that many lands in the future. Which is good.0 -
CroPsy - Heavens Tear wrote: »Whole point of that 7 TWs is that one faction can't control whole map. So it's good that they need to defend with only 200 people. That just means that big factions will have to choose what land they want, and what they don't. It will be hard to own most of the map now.
Now on HT one faction is holding 21 territories and combined with their alt factions it's 29 territories.
This update will make them hard to control that many lands in the future. Which is good.
Ever since the day of stupid map owning started from LC people think its the fault of pwi, but its more of the stupidity of the good players than anyone else... people leave and joined factions for no reasons what so ever.. and always supported the leading factions... anyways am long gone from here but just thought this is stupid... and am also not aware of what is actually going on here.. sorry if i poked my nose in the wrong place...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!
Life has changed a lot ....
Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad0 -
In regards to tw, i saw people mentioning new maps would add interest, I agree.
I'd like to see something that would give a rate of attrition, maybe actually having to manufacture catapults after they've been abandonned/killed off that would delay tw progression. Time to build the towers that are needed for defenses, including new maps that have different obstacles that would need to be overcome such as having to build bridges or have to climb walls, make it in some areas you can't fly, make it in some areas you need to cross water, expand the dimensions of the tw map so there is a bigger playing field, and enough obstacles that it doesn't just rely on gear alone, but make us actually have to think and plan.
Might be wishful thinking on my part but making things more challenging with a content overhaul instead of just tweaking pre existing content would be more fun then seeing a faction get ganked 7 ways from sunday.0 -
none of this stuff matters a flea **** in the wind to me cept for the receiving exp thing
never have or ever will care about useless PvP...thats why i joined a non-pvp server so i wouldnt have to deal that stupid stuffBarbarian(Barber)=104
Veno(UnZipped)=1030 -
Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary wrote: »Ever since the day of stupid map owning started from LC people think its the fault of pwi, but its more of the stupidity of the good players than anyone else... people leave and joined factions for no reasons what so ever.. and always supported the leading factions... anyways am long gone from here but just thought this is stupid... and am also not aware of what is actually going on here.. sorry if i poked my nose in the wrong place...
You can blame what happened on lost city on two people:- Flamez
- Wadzio
0 -
Nice, all the sheep will QQ as they are now, yet still follow their shepherd that is misguiding them. b:chuckleI, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.
The 7 attacks at once, if reading this right is a bit on the ridiculous side. Even if have max users of 200 that all login for tw, that's less than 30 that can defense per territory. Now most I have seen in the larger guilds on server is about 120, which is pretty good, but still less than 20 per land in defense.
Unless the faction is fake bidding against itself or making deals for factions to wait for others to finish before starting their attack, its already hard to defend 3 at once, besides 5 or more.
My guess is that feel that the increasing in bidding to min bid of 10 mil will reduce number of factions able to tw, so max of 7 wont be done unless a larger factions pays the smaller ones to help them gank someone anyway though. With the costs of towers and cat scrolls already tough to eat for smaller factions, besides costs of having bases, can't see allot of them willing to cough up 10 mil to bid, when their odds of winning are so small anyway. With 10k bids was reasonable enough they could just do it for fun, but that is pretty hefty jump.
While it may do something to cut down on the super factions would be nice, it seems a bit extreme to have that many potential defenses without raising the guild sizes to me. That being said, I do like the idea of increasing the number of defenses when see one or 2 factions owning most maps all the time, but not a fan of the increase in minimum bid.0 -
LadyCymiril - Heavens Tear wrote: »In regards to tw, i saw people mentioning new maps would add interest, I agree.
I'd like to see something that would give a rate of attrition, maybe actually having to manufacture catapults after they've been abandonned/killed off that would delay tw progression. Time to build the towers that are needed for defenses, including new maps that have different obstacles that would need to be overcome such as having to build bridges or have to climb walls, make it in some areas you can't fly, make it in some areas you need to cross water, expand the dimensions of the tw map so there is a bigger playing field, and enough obstacles that it doesn't just rely on gear alone, but make us actually have to think and plan.
Might be wishful thinking on my part but making things more challenging with a content overhaul instead of just tweaking pre existing content would be more fun then seeing a faction get ganked 7 ways from sunday.
they have so much space that is always "upcoming", they should expand on that and then some. plenty of map and can even be more if they actually worked with it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"perfect world isnt perfect, but its better than this so called "reality""0 -
Problem is one more, lets say they introduce lvl 4 lvl 5 guilds, which holds lets say upto 400 ppl max, it still is a problem, cause normally, of what i realized there are at the most 80 ppl showing up for TW out of a 200 member faction.. that being said its irrelevant to increase the max cap.... This would also mean that the high lvl factions (with most of the r9's and cs'r) would eye on getting most of the people who are TW actives = rest would be weaker WAYYYY weaker = 5 mins roll... this is jst actually putting TW in a bad state as they did it when they changed the coins to mirages...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!
Life has changed a lot ....
Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad0 -
Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary wrote: »Problem is one more, lets say they introduce lvl 4 lvl 5 guilds, which holds lets say upto 400 ppl max, it still is a problem, cause normally, of what i realized there are at the most 80 ppl showing up for TW out of a 200 member faction.. that being said its irrelevant to increase the max cap.... This would also mean that the high lvl factions (with most of the r9's and cs'r) would eye on getting most of the people who are TW actives = rest would be weaker WAYYYY weaker = 5 mins roll... this is jst actually putting TW in a bad state as they did it when they changed the coins to mirages...
Well, I think the developers do their best effort to balance TW, but what can they do if the playerbase wants lame TW's?
Right now many people instead of making Tw factions with their friends + people they recruit, they all go together to the same number 1 Tw faction "to have TW". So, there is always a faction that is really strong for TW, and it's all the player's fault because most players want to win a TW, even if it lasts 5 minutes only.
I'm pleased for the announced changes in TW, although I really doubt that making it posible for a faction to get 7 simultaneous attacks will make a difference in my server... exept that the mid-power TW factions will get ganked.
However I hope that towers will be really strong now, that could make a difference actually.0 -
love the idea of towers having a bigger aoe, and getting beafed up, but how about making it a little more interesting. about adding gate doors to the bases; cant fly over base until at least 1 door is destroyed.
2. add a couple or so inner fortifications that must also be taken down; say a couple three random effect attack towers, until these are destroyed the crystal is damage immune.0 -
Rawynn - Archosaur wrote: » about adding gate doors to the bases; cant fly over base until at least 1 door is destroyed.
I always thought it would be cool for bases to have some sort of archer mobs players could send to the top of their base walls to prevent players from flying over until they kill the mobs. Like how you see archers lined up in movies on the castle walls.0 -
Btw staff... Don't **** up like last time and accidentally turn on PK in SP again... You kept ppl waiting long enough last time you did... b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
BigHearts member... f:grin0 -
I would like to first say: Thank you for pointing out that I know very little about TW's, I agree 100% like everyone else I am always learning something new. No, I'm not an FC Baby (shame on you for assuming) if I was I would be 105 b:kiss ... I myself have no desire to make 105 any time soon unless they will be raising the level cap but that's just me, I'm in no hurry to end the game for myself just yet.
We saw the post about the barb that can take on 20-30 plays by them-selves. We talked about that one in faction and all agree we would like to meet this mighty beast and find out his secret or are the 20-30 attacking players all level 40 and he's 105 R9 3rd 4 sockets with JoD refined at +12 b:surrender
The though of a guild with 200 active members on for TW is a dream none of the factions on my server have yet to achieve, from what faction leaders have told me thus far that is. There is one faction that clams about a year ago they managed to have about 130 on for TW. I'll point out the flaw with that for the up coming TW change now - b:worried - that was a year ago...
Some ideas for TW's:
Scrap the current TW system all together / it was awesome 3.5 years ago when most players were 60/80 for TW. However times have changed; levels, gear, and technology.
No one really enjoys running a lane do a little pk make it to the crystal and bang wars over. We want more than that, well / unless your 9, never played any other MMO/RPG and don't know any better.
Perhaps a point system, just like always on a map reset allow all factions to bid a land. But lets face it it's not a bidding system any more so lets call it buy into a TW. I'll use RT for this example.
All the factions interested in RT buy a TW war/battle. Run TW for an entire weekend, allowing all factions that bought a war within RT can enter at any time during that weekend with a max number of members in at one time (who cares how many ... you guys can figure out the logistics b:chuckle )
Make it more of capture the flag type atmosphere (for lack of better wording), grab their crystal (maybe load it onto the catapult/ now a wagon) and get to back to our base hold it for so long - 10 min whatever / then it resets.
Points for kills, point for setting up towers, points for destroying towers, points for supplies, have us make cata scrolls somehow instead of buying them, points for holding their crystal, points for getting to their crystal, points for successfully defending our own crystal, etc. At the end of TW say 12:00am PST Sunday war ends. System tally's the points and winners announced Tuesdays.
Perhaps setting wars/lands to levels and keeping the faction level 3 requirements: example a city/territory only level 90 and below can enter that war another city/territory 91+ ; everyone wants to TW and everyone should but the current system doesn't allow for that.
Upon entering TW all player levels are set to the same level, say level 100 for example all gear is set to the same level, skills, etc / the only apo, charms, aids allowed is what is made within the TW war zone at say a apoth npc (points given for making) and perhaps make it a level cap to enter, like 90+ only. The way the game is set up now no one can truly QQ about not being 90+ unless they only play 1 hour a month or have 10 alts they play because they can't make up their mind on a main.
Side Note:
.. one of the things I hear most often from players is that they want balance, balances can only be achieved if PWI gives it to us. It's not a cash players fault or a MOD's fault or even the GM's. It's all in the currents codes that can be >< with a little updating. But that's a catch 22. Takes money real money and time a lot of time to do that. Most, actually almost all MMO/RPG's simply close and move on to their next product line, PWI is still hanging in there, thank you for that PWI employees.
==========================================================================================="It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."0 -
SkyGrace - Dreamweaver wrote: »Most, actually almost all MMO/RPG's simply close and move on to their next product line, PWI is still hanging in there, thank you for that PWI cash shoppers.
Fixed that last part for you. Because when you look at the amount of blunders and **** ups PWI's "employees" have been responsible for over the last year alone... this game would have shut shop long ago if not for the big spenders still pouring cash into the company's bank accounts. b:bye
I generally agree with much of your points on improving TW however...0 -
There is nothing about this update that excites me. Please try again.If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.0
akosireann wrote: »I seriously doubt it...
20/18 days and counting. It might even look like this scene
Shame about the carrots, but antiquated developers are antiquated.Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
b i t . l y /
I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye0 -
High level PVP event in Morai
Sold!0 -
Kerona - Sanctuary wrote: »The Chinese changes are made to help balance the CN server which is pretty different economically and game play wise from ours. This is why PWI is going to monitor it.
Some of the major differences: no rank in cashshop, r9r massively cheaper, most people 3rd cast vana or r8r, no hypers in fcc (so different leveling culture), no server tw resets
In essence, CN needed a coin sink, and put one in. We don't really need that coin sink.
Question, though:
Will all TWs be on one day now as they stack up to 7? Or will they stack separately as allows?
Most important thing i want to see in all servers is underlined!! Pls get our self-made chars back! I would love nothing more than that! b:surrenderLive every day as if it was your last and final day and start with a smile! b:pleased0 -
HealerMo - Heavens Tear wrote: »Most important thing i want to see in all servers is underlined!! Pls get our self-made chars back! I would love nothing more than that! b:surrender
wonder what new quests they tought off.
and i surely hope it includes late 70-100+ range also.
else it won't stop the hypering in fc(like soloing b:shutup for alts).
there is pv also,but who cares about that with fc.(noone does)
ppl are lazy,but would be cool too have more of an challenge
bh and quests are just too borring if you seen them for like 100X + b:chuckle
make ppl too be not lazy before asuming it will stop pwrlvling....b:surrender0 -
Please PW, don't listen too much to all the whiners on this forum. There are some players like myself, that really like the suggested changes, but we might not have the urge to express our feelings here since we are busy playing the game.
Redtop0 -
frankieraye wrote: »Hey all,
1. Change bidding to use Ten Million Big Notes instead of Coins
The number of Big Notes that can be used for a bid will be from 1 to 99. This will effectively raise the minimum bid from 100k to 10,000,000. Maximum bid will effectively increase from 200,000,000 to 990,000,000.
Why the change?
As some of you know, the economy within the Chinese version of PW is vastly different from that of our version here. They made this change to fit more with their own server economies, and the change was applied to our version as well.
What will we do about it?
Since we feel that this change would be too drastic for our own version, we're taking some steps to adapt to it. We are currently working on a system for refunding 90% of your Territory Wars bid. The bidder will get this refund whether they win or lose their battle, and it will be sent out during the maintenance following the TW.
This change will effectively reduce the bidding range to 1,000,000 - 99,900,000 (once the refund is received).
In addition, since this TW bid change is pretty dramatic even with the refunding functionality in place, we'll be monitoring the situation, and we strongly encourage you to provide your feedback on the matter.
lol they already had refund system in place on pw my probably all other servers too, y not just get it from them instead of making it sound so groundbreaking that you're making a program too refund us when its already part of the game. LOL wat gms wanted to make it look like they actually did something0
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