TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    How is it impossible in the first place? And in what way is it irrelevant? Maybe you should gain some experience in the game itself before you think of something?

    1. It's a sin
    2. Full DoT
    3. Full dex build
    4. Lionheart Necklace + Belt (Physical...)
    5. Triple sparked MYSTIC

    And according to what I heard kirby was cleric buffed, not barb buffed which makes his HP drop to 10.7-8~k... Since you say it's impossible you should roll a mystic and see what they can do since unfortunetly you have no idea it seems.

    Everyone make mistakes, even your idol rfskkirby

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Now from being fully buffed its only cleric buffed? Lol ..then again they used IG at the same time .. so only 3 secs of her triple spark was left i guess .. 3 secs = prolly 2 skills? .. 2 triple saprked skills with a TT90 +3 weapon LOL cant even tick his charm in the first place and then again a sin has deaden .. it wud take ages to tick his deaden as well =P ...So make some sense .. cause u are lacking it in ur post.. oh yeah and level 92 Lol .. 11 level difference makes u deal a lot less damage as well ...So you should gain experience bout the game before telling it to others ..
    and what bout my idol rfskkirby? I aint the one who made faction named "LOL GANK " IN PWV :P or i aint one of the LG members who made a toon named Kirby even on PWV :P
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just saying what I heard, not my problem. And also kirbys IG expired before hers, they were not used at the same time. And who said he had deaden nerves? Maybe he popped up because he was pretty sure he was not gonna die and didn't mind buff him up, includes deaden nerves. You have said this mystic is lvl 92 like five times and still it doesn't make sense completely but to you it does it seems. Another proof of your professional experience in game...

    Since when did we start talk about PWV? Do you mean there's only a possibility to have 1 fan per person? And this has nothing to do with LG or any factions created or toons made of kirby's name. Everytime you hold or held a speach about good players it's always kirby kirby kirby, and yet you were still trying to defend him after what happened last week.

    Jezus, speak about irrelevance and off topic... b:bye

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hopefully u know that there's a damage reduction in PVP as well depending on level difference .. It wont bother you since u are 105 . And now he doesnt have deaden nerves .. IG expired bfore hers and all ?lol ..even then got a lot of defensive skills focused mind and not to mention AD as well ? lol

    And then again i thought u were the one who said "ur idol Kirby in ur last post" ? So had to make sure cause it came outta nowhere since u made a faction named LOL GANK followed by Kirby's faction on this server and ur so called catabarb - Aka Kirby's fan already made a toon over there and named it Kirby ~ ..So yeah post make sure to say ..what he was missing..

    No focused mind or maybe he was on frenzy/fortify to lower his mdef so that the mystic can kill him easily and he was looking at the toon ? ..Maybe that might help u try to prove ur point or her point i guess =P
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited June 2012
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was told that the IG kirby had expired before hers. And you might scroll up if you like or I'll say it again - evertone make mistakes, even your idol kirby. Maybe he didn't have his finger on genie skills (AD) by that time? idk. Level difference doesn't make ALOT of difference, it's the gears that matters if so duh... And his magic defense makes alot of sense, so does the pet that mystics have to deal damage.

    I haven't made faction in my life in PWI nor PWV but if you can prove that I was the creator of them sure prove it. To make it even more clear, I saw the faction once I joined vendetta too.

    I don't know why I have to tell you that, thought you were able to figure out some things by urself.

    You're just trying to prove same things over and over again or come up with irrelevant or false fact. What are you trying to prove as a whole ?

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Level differece does make a lot of difference and so does the gears as well and then again getting attacked by a mystic for 3 -4 consecutive attacks .. how can even not use AD after the 2nd attack? lol ..Cause She cant take down Kirby in 3-4 hits anyway .. 3 hits will make his charm tick (considering he was only cleric buffed like u said lol ) ..So basically a mystic keeps on attacking him and he would stand there and do nothing bout it? doesn't make sense ..

    And if u are MaltaEye or w/soeva on that server then am pretty sure that you made the faction on that server =P

    And then again what are u trying to prove as well? Cause in every post u are saying that he was missing something or the other ..First he wasnt cleric buffed and then no DN what else was he missing? cleric buffs too and gears as well? ..went to cube just with daggers?
  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Anyway keep on barking and trying to prove ur point ... i will reply to u when i wake up from taking a nap.. have fun posting ~
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I don't know what happened. Don't ask me what happened and did not happen, but he died to a 92 mystic since there was no reason for kirby to log a bankalt just to defend himself in gayboys faction chat. Atleast I believe what i've been told.

    Since you're pretty sure then elaborate your thoughts, as I said that faction already existed when I joined vendetta, idc if u believe me or not but so it is.

    I'm not trying to prove anything, lol? I'm taking some examples that might have happened, quote me where I said IT WAS like this. I'm telling you what I've been told and what could've happened. And yet you didn't reply to my question, what are you trying to prove?

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kirby didnt login to defend himself in the first place ..we both made sarcastic comments ..and i ain't trying to prove anything except for the bull**** that she said .. u just know bout a story prolly which she made it up? Cause u dunno bout it or i dunno bout it either ..but i just argued with her cause twas impossible in the first place ... there was no intention or anything to defend Kirby

    Now if she takes sarcastic comments thinking that Kirby was trying to defend himself .. i have nothing to say .. u can keep on believing her i guess =P
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Care to share?
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kirby didnt login to defend himself in the first place ..we both made sarcastic comments ..and i ain't trying to prove anything except for the bull**** that she said .. u just know bout a story prolly which she made it up? Cause u dunno bout it or i dunno bout it either ..but i just argued with her cause twas impossible in the first place ... there was no intention or anything to defend Kirby

    Now if she takes sarcastic comments thinking that Kirby was trying to defend himself .. i have nothing to say .. u can keep on believing her i guess =P

    You have made several posts of what you have said and what happened according to you. Now you're somehow saying it didn't happen at all, that she made up a story? So what was all about? Share your story instead how you were involved in the first place except what I've said already, and correct me if I'm wrong on some of the notes. Your statements are pretty mixed up you know...

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I said that u are just believing something that she said which might not have happened at all and thats why i was correcting her bull****s lol..
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Then tell us what was happening since you were involved, there is no evidence yet from your part that contradicts her story of what actually happened.

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was just proving that she cant kill a 103 sin with her lame weapon and being level 92 ..thats all cause she was bull****ting ..Dont u get it ? or dont have enough common sense to even understand it? o_O
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Worse. Derailing. Ever.
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Your proof became to be sarcastic comments in GayBoys's faction chat? Way to go b:victory

    I don't see a reason why you even interfered into that when nothing was pointed against you. Oh, of course. Gotta defend my idol b:thanks You're so good kirby, can't die. But as Oona said, you used an IG and kirby never use IGs so what actually happened can't be made of the real kirby. Even if he held 180 IGs in his inventory last group fight b:cute

  • OonaVile - Sanctuary
    OonaVile - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Your proof became to be sarcastic comments in GayBoys's faction chat? Way to go b:victory

    I don't see a reason why you even interfered into that when nothing was pointed against you. Oh, of course. Gotta defend my idol b:thanks You're so good kirby, can't die. But as Oona said, you used an IG and kirby never use IGs so what actually happened can't be made of the real kirby. Even if he held 180 IGs in his inventory last group fight b:cute

    Don't you understand or do you love being ****? i guess u do love being **** since u cant understand a single statement ..there was nothing intended to defend Kirby in the first place ..and i was just pointing out her bull**** .. want me to type it in caps to make it more easier for you to understand?

    Or do you need subtitles?
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Kirby isn't even that good. I challenged him to 1 vs 1 in PWV.


    Subtitle: Mad cuz bad.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Ruvil - Sanctuary
    Ruvil - Sanctuary Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    so to summarize...

    oona: lvl 92 mystic w/ TT90+3 is incapable of killing 103 sin, therefore the statements about this occurring are false.

    malta: 92 mystic did kill 103 sin therefore it is possible and oona <3 kirby.

    Just assume your oppositions statement is true... ok so what? In the event that this did occur then wat? Then you've shown that it is possible... also it is clearly indicative of the sins skill level b/c im sure they must have been 'super srs'

    Assume its not true, then ....? yea nothing we didn already know...

    This is like 2 lactose intolerant ppl fighting over the last slice of triple choco cake... One person will 'lose' and the other has diarrhea GG \o/
  • Rfskkirby - Sanctuary
    Rfskkirby - Sanctuary Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    why so mad la?
  • Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary
    Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    That mystic must have had +12 warsoul weapon.
  • imnotwraith
    imnotwraith Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    im pretty sure u lose more brain cells reading this **** than u would smoking weed.....
  • speedshade
    speedshade Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    im pretty sure u lose more brain cells reading this **** than u would smoking weed.....

    +1 xD all those sissies who r qqing in here..

    im pretty sure i know who this issue is about since i followed the conversation in facchat

    this mystic must really bother u a lot that u try so hard to make ppl believe it didnt happen at all
    but even in my humble opinion calling some1 a liar IS defending, indeed
    if it didnt happen at all, why even bother with some1 whos lying anyway? care so much what ppl in a GAME say? yes? go get a life.
    if it was me i wouldnt bother with this at all if its not true, but i guess i cant compare myself to others.

    furthermore u must know what that person was talking about indeed since with no word was said what lv kirby was when this..."incident" had apparently happened
    unless, ofc, u guys were talking in whisper chat, but tbh i doubt it from what was spammed in fc

    even if, what does it matter? no1 is perfect, and pwi taught not only me that everything is possible, no matter how many ppl think its not

    now stop qqing eventually and keep this thread clean, kthxbye.
  • MiniST - Sanctuary
    MiniST - Sanctuary Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    so to summarize...

    oona: lvl 92 mystic w/ TT90+3 is incapable of killing 103 sin, therefore the statements about this occurring are false.

    malta: 92 mystic did kill 103 sin therefore it is possible and oona <3 kirby.

    Just assume your oppositions statement is true... ok so what? In the event that this did occur then wat? Then you've shown that it is possible... also it is clearly indicative of the sins skill level b/c im sure they must have been 'super srs'

    Assume its not true, then ....? yea nothing we didn already know...

    This is like 2 lactose intolerant ppl fighting over the last slice of triple choco cake... One person will 'lose' and the other has diarrhea GG \o/

    by this argument, goddessnoa could possibly be a super pro and can oneshot entire server on command b:chuckle When you get killed by a lvl 92 mystic, take it up the *** and better luck next time b:laugh
  • CapnK - Sanctuary
    CapnK - Sanctuary Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Roly asked the other day why Enelysion recruited 92+ instead of 90+. Obviously this is the answer.

    Anyway, Enelysion recruiting levels 92+.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is like 2 lactose intolerant ppl fighting over the last slice of triple choco cake... One person will 'lose' and the other has diarrhea GG \o/

    Quote of the year
  • Svaarog - Sanctuary
    Svaarog - Sanctuary Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Can you tell me the name of that mystic so i know who to avoid b:shocked

    Maybe a pit fight between 92 mystic and noa should be arranged as well.
    Viking Pride b:cute
  • Paolo_Silver - Sanctuary
    Paolo_Silver - Sanctuary Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    A BOOGA BOOGA!b:cry
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2012