FC Glitch Update



  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well how much more evidence do I need to provide? I still was 104 AFTER the goon exp nerf, I never got the 48 hour vacation, I listed what dailies I did for 17mil exp a day (sometimes I got more to make up for the .5). Hell I even showed a video of me soloing PV in February in 8 minutes for ~4.5mil exp and I ran those twice a day. Sorry I didn't screenshot and video record me doing every little thing I did 24/7. I have nothing to hide. If you're going to insist I gooned fine. At this point I don't even care anymore this will be the last time I reply about it. People will always be insistent against someones success. O and look I bumped your precious thread for you.

    I think u misunderstand my point, i am mostly a reader and this is not my precious thread b:chuckle
    I do believe you're clean. But that doesn't mean thumbs evidence is some breaking evidence, if u understand what i mean, i can be a neutral reader making weird comments you know. b:chuckle
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Glitch hop is future.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Glitch hop is future.

    You got what you wanted. The Chinese Devs didn't take appropriate action fast enough for the PWE community to be satisfied. (This would be a low priority as this has NO effect on their game.) And so because of the delayed response as well as the inability to track all of the gooners accurately. PWE couldn't do a ban without having collateral damage against the innocent who may not have.

    Stop being an attention ***** and let it go.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    105 be legit man because you get like 25 more stat points on your character and a genie affinity. All you got to do is either go no-life or goon glitch b:cute
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    105 be legit man because you get like 25 more stat points on your character and a genie affinity. All you got to do is either go no-life or goon glitch b:cute

    0ther meth0ds 0f getting t0 105 alth0ugh the 0ne meth0d I kn0w 0f which is pretty effective is quite expensive n0wadays.b:cry n0 rainb0w this time ijs.

    nvm >->
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You got what you wanted. The Chinese Devs didn't take appropriate action fast enough for the PWE community to be satisfied. (This would be a low priority as this has NO effect on their game.) And so because of the delayed response as well as the inability to track all of the gooners accurately. PWE couldn't do a ban without having collateral damage against the innocent who may not have.

    Stop being an attention ***** and let it go.

    I'm not being an attention *****. If no one responded to any post I ever created, I still would make them. It's not about attention and never has been.

    As for me letting something go... In this specific case, I have no plans too. When this game has it's servers merged, and eventually is pulled, I will always state this specific example (among many others), as to what hurt the game, community, player base, etc.
  • Radamanthys - Heavens Tear
    Radamanthys - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm not being an attention *****. If no one responded to any post I ever created, I still would make them. It's not about attention and never has been.

    As for me letting something go... In this specific case, I have no plans too. When this game has it's servers merged, and eventually is pulled, I will always state this specific example (among many others), as to what hurt the game, community, player base, etc.

    Sometimes I wonder....
    Will you ever stop QQ'ing about pointless stuff? b:surrender
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sometimes I wonder....
    Will you ever stop QQ'ing about pointless stuff? b:surrender

    Why wonder? No.
  • Boythug - Sanctuary
    Boythug - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    the fact that it took four months to modify the FC boss.

    ROFL sorry frankie but i think u mean, they COULD NOT "modify" the boss so they took the easy way out and killed the exp for goonz twice XD b:laughb:chuckle
  • Sagek - Sanctuary
    Sagek - Sanctuary Posts: 1,156 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm not being an attention *****. If no one responded to any post I ever created, I still would make them. It's not about attention and never has been.

    definition of an Attention *****:

    1) Person who feels the need to have all eyes on them, via online message boards. An Attention ***** will write things about how their health or families health in an attempt for sympathy. They will also go to extremes to promote themselves via threads on message boards to get people to choose sides over another person.

    2) Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it. The type of attention (negative or positive) does not matter.

    Change the health part in #1 to "PWE doesn't do ...." and thats you in a nut shell.

    You really are hopeless.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Guys stop fighting. Just leave game as I did. I found peace and satisfy in my new game. Is not perfect world but it's still amazing. And every few days coming new patches with detailed reports. Game is going to be better every day, because dev. really care. I don't have to care about CS shoppers, unpunished glitchers, unbalanced economy and unbalanced PVE,PVP etc, etc. There is so many better games nowadays. So stop fighting and leave for better games.
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yet you still take time to come back here and tell us to leave. Take your own advice and go away. It's not the duty of any nay'sayer to tell us how messed up things are. If you don't like things here, just leave. In the end you're just trying to ruin things for other people as a result of your own personal unhappiness.

    Just. Go. Away. b:kiss
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    definition of an Attention *****:

    1) Person who feels the need to have all eyes on them, via online message boards. An Attention ***** will write things about how their health or families health in an attempt for sympathy. They will also go to extremes to promote themselves via threads on message boards to get people to choose sides over another person.

    2) Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it. The type of attention (negative or positive) does not matter.

    Change the health part in #1 to "PWE doesn't do ...." and thats you in a nut shell.

    You really are hopeless.

    Tremble, Sticks to his Guns on this subject, while you guys only WHINE about him constantly; You Guys are coming off as being the Better Examples of ATTENTION *****!! Then he's ever been by far..... Or don't you realize the concept yet, that by trying to Outshout Others. Its you who ends up becoming what You Accuse Others of Being??????

    Yet you still take time to come back here and tell us to leave. Take your own advice and go away. It's not the duty of any nay'sayer to tell us how messed up things are. If you don't like things here, just leave. In the end you're just trying to ruin things for other people as a result of your own personal unhappiness.

    Just. Go. Away.

    Wow! You must feel so impressive! To be able to come up with that commentary?b:sleep

    By targeting Mumintroll, who decided to act like the voice of reason, and try and get you guys to stop swith your boring fighting (When very few will even bother to do that for any of you (when it comes to this Subject Thread & the Games Community Now A Days) and so you Strike Out & Blast'Em like that?! (For a Non-QQ Comment too????!) Well it Definitely Goes 2 Show!? That the 'Reasoning Skills' of the {Average Gamer & Forum Goer} on PWi has dropped to a (All time) New Low! Now!! Since I've been Off and Away & Vegging Out......

    Or was it just something else? Like something you personally detest about (Mumi?) or just the Very Idea of a (Reasonable Comment?) which made you Flame one of the only Quite Reasonable Comments, That I've seen on this thread in Quite Some Time?????b:pleased

    Enquiring Minds! Need to know???b:dirty

    PS: Mumintroll, Ty! For trying to bring some peaceful commentaries to this thread; unlike (Yours) and (Trem's) deadset cadre! Of (Self-Opinionated) Flaming harraser's! Who're seemingly out for both of you right now..........

    PPS:Go ahead and TrY and FLAME ME TOOoooo WhInErZ!!! Hee heee!

    But remember, I've always made it a habit too go outta my way too
    Eat CHEESE!!! With all YoUr 'Lil'Cryin Eyed' Childrenz WHINE!! (Aka. WiNe)

    So go 'Sniffle & PoUt! And Tantrum AbOuT!!'
    Somewhere Else! And leave this thread to be commented on by those who still WaNnA Seriously Keep it Open! As a bad reminder to the {DEVs & ADMINs} of they're OwN ScReWuPs!!!!!!

    Rather than constantly
    {Fail!} at trying too get it closed!? By Starting Your Own {Whiny b:cry__Lil'Fights} over it, With those who're atleast trying too (Honestly, Sincerely & Seriously!) Keep this thread open 'For a good reason' (Even if your you're all To Blind Too See It (Through your OwN 'Prejudices & Attitudes!!!') Every Day!!!

    Just because you don't like that others have actually kept it {Alive & Kicking} all this Time now......

  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Heck, most level 100 in the game right now have power leveled and did little to nothing to learn how to play the game, get familiar with it, or assist

    Even your forum mods can see that the FC Glitch was a no-no, PWE. What a shame you can't buy that many braincells and figure it out yourselves.

    Gotta love all the people who say this game's not dead. You must be playing a different game than the rest of the majority who says that it is...
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Ulti_Project - Raging Tide
    Ulti_Project - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    eeek.. yeah protect the ones who did dragoon glitch and let us feel like idiots for doing FCs back to back to get levels.. I was semi inactive when dragoon glitch was here, been there only once to check it out and PWE just made me feel like an idiot i didn't exploit the glitch.. The point is, i would never CS again for a game like this, i will sit, enjoy it and that is all, you are not worth my money..
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What part of PWE is just a distributing company don't people understand. The reason it took so long was because it doesn't affect the Chinese version AT ALL. That is where the Devs who make the PATCHES work. They saw it as a low priority at the time and put it at the bottom of their "to-do" list as they had more important issues to deal with(still have to deal with) including the vast amount of veno bots in their servers. (Which is why the Sin Morai skill Spoils of War and Shadow Sight were made) To steal the DQ stacks from the bots. and try to help reduce the botting. And by the time they realized that the goon glitch was being blown out of proportion with the vast amount of players hitting 105 and others making money leveling others to 105 they quickly made a "fix" to send the PWE staff that (In their minds) was the easiest solution to the problem.

    The program they have to monitor EXP gain for players (to watch out for botting / excessively high gain) is so inaccurate and unable to pick out individual sources of exp they couldn't permanently ban the players because of the few "innocent" who may have been caught in it too. (Example lets say you had 50 BH EXP orbs saved up on for one of your alts who just hit 70. That's 33mil exp gained in less then a few minutes.) That would be picked up by the program and you would've been banned for it. Now is that fair to them? No not even.

    Now for the people sating their precious "whatever the hell game they play now" is so amazing that they get updates all the time. That's because they play the ORIGINAL GAME that the Devs / GMs can immediately take action on. Where as our version is slightly different then the Chinese version as well as language/communication/etc makes things take longer. It's like renting a apartment or house. If the owner lives close they can fix it rather quickly. Where as if they live in another state it may take more time for them to look at it and get it fixed. People are too narrow minded. Now yes it is not fair for the people who did goon glitch to 105 with no real punishment.

    The PWE staffing couldn't exactly do more, however I think they could've done more on the PR end of it. That being said. If you're going to quit or already quit. GO AWAY. Stop coming back to bring negative feed back on something you DON'T EVEN PARTICIPATE IN ANYMORE and bragging about your new fanboy game that's a million times better.

    TL;DR format. There is none if you won't read it then continue living in ignorance.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Tremble, Sticks to his Guns on this subject, while you guys only WHINE about him constantly; You Guys are coming off as being the Better Examples of ATTENTION *****!! Then he's ever been by far..... Or don't you realize the concept yet, that by trying to Outshout Others. Its you who ends up becoming what You Accuse Others of Being??????

    Ask him. He doesn't play the game anymore. There are several games I don't play anymore - some of them for similar "Developers/game company doesn't give a damn" reasons, some because the game is boring, some because there is no where else to go in the game.

    I don't spend my time on their forums, continuing my complaint, to an audience that obviously won't listen to my concerns. If they did listen to my concerns, I wouldn't be gone. Most of us don't do this because most of us know when to climb down off the lumber and get on with our lives.

    The audience he has in this forum are people who still play the game - therefore obviously the issues he has with the "system" aren't enough to make the rest of us quit. And he's well aware of this. He knows that the audience for his complaints is made up of people who don't have the same disdain for PWI as he does - if they did, they wouldn't be playing the game anymore, and wouldn't be reading all his threads.

    What other reason can you have for staying in the forum of a game you don't play anymore, and spend time trying to convince people who demonstrably will not listen to you to do things differently? To convince people who you no longer play with to leave, when they apparently aren't as tore up about the issue as you are?

    I can't imagine why.

    \waits patiently for the raft of insults and self righteousness
    \\'cause it's all about the soapbox, and not about any of us
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ask him. He doesn't play the game anymore. There are several games I don't play anymore - some of them for similar "Developers/game company doesn't give a damn" reasons, some because the game is boring, some because there is no where else to go in the game.

    (I already knew that (As do many others) Trem... Made it well known to many of us long ago! That he was gonna fly off to 'greener pastures' to {2wG} as soon as it came online...)

    I don't spend my time on their forums, continuing my complaint, to an audience that obviously won't listen to my concerns. If they did listen to my concerns, I wouldn't be gone. Most of us don't do this because most of us know when to climb down off the lumber and get on with our lives.

    The audience he has in this forum are people who still play the game - therefore obviously the issues he has with the "system" aren't enough to make the rest of us quit. And he's well aware of this. He knows that the audience for his complaints is made up of people who don't have the same disdain for PWI as he does - if they did, they wouldn't be playing the game anymore, and wouldn't be reading all his threads.


    Theres just as many people who've left the game {Trolling the forums 'now a days'} as they're are people who've remained playing it........ How else has this thread lived for so long if not for them?

    Ps: I've never heard Trem even once! Try to personally Convince {Anyone} let alone {Everyone else!!} To Quit the Game, just because he did so! (He like many of us (including myself) kept this thread open, to keep {PWE} Honest! about their promises (Thats why he keeps quoting them with their own 'Officially Posted' Promises) all the time........

    And PPs: I still play the game (Part time) myself; and I never once got bugged by Trem (even once) to totally quit, even though he knew my opinions on {PWEs} Unmitigated F!^p's & BS_b:fatb!!!! Were just as severe as his! (And the reason why he never posted me to say I should quit, was really quite simple... He knew that those who would quit the game would quit on their own (Times & Terms); as they got bored of the constant (Shafting & Snow job's) that {PWE's} been constantly Dishing....b:pleased

    The only 1's that I've been seeing on this thread 'Telling others too quit this game' are ALL the {ANTI-THREAD} QQr's! Who're Constantly (PO'd!) About this thread still being kept live by others "So they come on and harass those which even DaRe Hint! At daring to state their (displeasures) while still bothering to play this game."

    So they try and harass them into leaving this game aswell" so that they can then say that they quit aswell (and as such, have NO rights to say anything 'as a result' aswell???) "Look at the thread history of postings and you'll see what I mean..."

    What other reason can you have for staying in the forum of a game you don't play anymore, and spend time trying to convince people who demonstrably will not listen to you to do things differently? To convince people who you no longer play with to leave, when they apparently aren't as tore up about the issue as you are?

    1- For those who quit: Its a testament too what caused them too quit (pure and simple) They keep this live as a reminder to the {DEVs and ADMINs} of why they all left........

    2- To those of us who haven't Quit Entirely: Its so the {DEVs & ADMINs} can see how few of us bothered to stay even (part time) we already know that they won't ever (Own up) to they're 'Official promises' to the games 'Gaming Populace' as any Gaming Company only uses {MMOs} that are this old as (Cash Cows) anyways (until they finally die out) so they can use that money on other projects, that are newer to their line up....

    3- For those Players who are also just starting to realize whats happened to this game: This thread is still here for them to be able to (not only) read up on; but also still have the chance to post their own thoughts on (Thanks to us Keeping it Alive) {Without it being {Locked & Depthed} as a Necro}; Which {PWE} would be all to happy! To see happen to it, (If only the rest of us had let it happen like they had wanted it too....LoLOLLOLoL)__b:pleased

    I can't imagine why.

    \waits patiently for the raft of insults and self righteousness
    \\'cause it's all about the soapbox, and not about any of us

    That is Why People like 'Tremble and Myself & all the Others!' have kept this thread open.....

    So that everyone, can still come here to post on this thread (Whenever they feel need too) so that they can make their thoughts heard here 'Even Yours' rather then see this thread get Officially Depthed, Long Lost & Forgotten by {PWE}.....

    We Don't want too see them sweep this under the rug (Like they did the SP~Debacle)

    Because this 1 was 'Far Worse' then just a mere 'Denial of a gaming dungeon area' or A Mere Single {ToS} Violation occurance....

    This one is, for if any other reason the 1 that 'Completely imbalanced' and 'Ruined the Gaming balance' by removing players & they're characters; from the general progression of leveling in the game in a (Normal way) And once you take away so many of the (lower lv characters) from the gaming progression; even the (Truly New) Players, will begin to grow dispondent and 'Quit the game' once they see how dead the 'Begginers Areas' have become, because of this imbalance and without a newer player base too replace the old blood as it leaves (This game will no longer be Maintainable (And will only end up Dying out in Short Order! Anyway ya look at it) sadly...b:surrender

  • Umikaa - Sanctuary
    Umikaa - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I love this thread, cuz if I see it at the top, I know General must be full of **** today and move on to the other categories b:victory
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Sorry guys, I've been busy with work and getting classes situated for fall.
    definition of an Attention *****:

    1) Person who feels the need to have all eyes on them, via online message boards. An Attention ***** will write things about how their health or families health in an attempt for sympathy. They will also go to extremes to promote themselves via threads on message boards to get people to choose sides over another person.

    2) Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it. The type of attention (negative or positive) does not matter.

    Change the health part in #1 to "PWE doesn't do ...." and thats you in a nut shell.

    You really are hopeless.

    Personal attacks aren't allowed on the forums.

    1.) I don't need "eyes on me" to bring merit to my posts. If you re-read the nearly 1.5k posts I have mostly only in the sub-section of this message board titled "General Discussion", you will understand that all my points are valid in their own way, and I'm in no shape/form looking for attention by people on an online video game message board.

    2.) Why would I de-grade myself and do anything for attention? I can't remember a single time I've ever needed attention so much, that I've halted all my morals, stopped thinking of myself as high-and-mighty, and began posting anything and everything for attention.

    Your are allowed your opinion, but to state I'm hopeless when you know now ~5% of me, from posts I make on a video game message board, I'd say you are the one judging people incorrectly and with bias.

    Guys stop fighting. Just leave game as I did. I found peace and satisfy in my new game. Is not perfect world but it's still amazing. And every few days coming new patches with detailed reports. Game is going to be better every day, because dev. really care. I don't have to care about CS shoppers, unpunished glitchers, unbalanced economy and unbalanced PVE,PVP etc, etc. There is so many better games nowadays. So stop fighting and leave for better games.

    I couldn't agree more. There are better games than PWE-hosted ones, nowadays. I myself have been having a blast in the latest beta weekend of mine. :)

    Yet you still take time to come back here and tell us to leave. Take your own advice and go away. It's not the duty of any nay'sayer to tell us how messed up things are. If you don't like things here, just leave. In the end you're just trying to ruin things for other people as a result of your own personal unhappiness.

    Just. Go. Away. b:kiss

    I, just as everyone else, have full rights to access, post, view, etc on this open message board. It even validates my points more, when I state that even though I've quit this game for quite some time, I still played it for 3 1/2 years daily for about 6-7 hours per day. You have access to this open message board, as do I.
    What part of PWE is just a distributing company don't people understand. The reason it took so long was because it doesn't affect the Chinese version AT ALL. That is where the Devs who make the PATCHES work. They saw it as a low priority at the time and put it at the bottom of their "to-do" list as they had more important issues to deal with(still have to deal with) including the vast amount of veno bots in their servers. (Which is why the Sin Morai skill Spoils of War and Shadow Sight were made) To steal the DQ stacks from the bots. and try to help reduce the botting. And by the time they realized that the goon glitch was being blown out of proportion with the vast amount of players hitting 105 and others making money leveling others to 105 they quickly made a "fix" to send the PWE staff that (In their minds) was the easiest solution to the problem.

    The program they have to monitor EXP gain for players (to watch out for botting / excessively high gain) is so inaccurate and unable to pick out individual sources of exp they couldn't permanently ban the players because of the few "innocent" who may have been caught in it too. (Example lets say you had 50 BH EXP orbs saved up on for one of your alts who just hit 70. That's 33mil exp gained in less then a few minutes.) That would be picked up by the program and you would've been banned for it. Now is that fair to them? No not even.

    Now for the people sating their precious "whatever the hell game they play now" is so amazing that they get updates all the time. That's because they play the ORIGINAL GAME that the Devs / GMs can immediately take action on. Where as our version is slightly different then the Chinese version as well as language/communication/etc makes things take longer. It's like renting a apartment or house. If the owner lives close they can fix it rather quickly. Where as if they live in another state it may take more time for them to look at it and get it fixed. People are too narrow minded. Now yes it is not fair for the people who did goon glitch to 105 with no real punishment.

    The PWE staffing couldn't exactly do more, however I think they could've done more on the PR end of it. That being said. If you're going to quit or already quit. GO AWAY. Stop coming back to bring negative feed back on something you DON'T EVEN PARTICIPATE IN ANYMORE and bragging about your new fanboy game that's a million times better.

    TL;DR format. There is none if you won't read it then continue living in ignorance.

    Just because I don't play the game seriously anymore, and have quit - doesn't make my points any less valid. What happens if I said, oh hey - I play the game 20 hours a day... Does that make my points more valid? I mean, really. I've played the game 3 1/2 years, and since a month after beta. I have end-game gear +10 2nd stage Nirvana that I farmed, and two level 100s before hypers even came out. I have barely cash shopped anything besides some fash. I'm not even remotely bragging (oh God, I see the "oh look, he's bragging" posts already coming). I'm simply stating I'm not new. I have a right to this open message board. I have a right to post on the open message board of the game I quit. Why do I do it? It passes time, when I'm bored or on break at work. I do it, because I like message boards. I do it to see people I knew. The reasoning behind it doesn't matter. The fact is, I have a right to post negative or whatever I want on these forums, as long as they abide by the ToS. Last time I heard, "QQ"ing about the goon glitch, lack of support for the game, etc was very in-line with this message board's ToS.
    Ask him. He doesn't play the game anymore. There are several games I don't play anymore - some of them for similar "Developers/game company doesn't give a damn" reasons, some because the game is boring, some because there is no where else to go in the game.

    I don't spend my time on their forums, continuing my complaint, to an audience that obviously won't listen to my concerns. If they did listen to my concerns, I wouldn't be gone. Most of us don't do this because most of us know when to climb down off the lumber and get on with our lives.

    The audience he has in this forum are people who still play the game - therefore obviously the issues he has with the "system" aren't enough to make the rest of us quit. And he's well aware of this. He knows that the audience for his complaints is made up of people who don't have the same disdain for PWI as he does - if they did, they wouldn't be playing the game anymore, and wouldn't be reading all his threads.

    What other reason can you have for staying in the forum of a game you don't play anymore, and spend time trying to convince people who demonstrably will not listen to you to do things differently? To convince people who you no longer play with to leave, when they apparently aren't as tore up about the issue as you are?

    I can't imagine why.

    \waits patiently for the raft of insults and self righteousness
    \\'cause it's all about the soapbox, and not about any of us

    Redface has pretty much attacked me every chance he's got since back in 2009. For whatever reasoning behind it, anyways - I take it as a grain of salt. I don't have some kind of mental issue, and I'm very stable. I'm a 21 year old college student, who works full time, has an associate degree and is working on a bachelors degree. I have a girlfriend, lots of friends I hang out with, etc. Posting on the forums is a way to pass the time. Just like playing video games, watching a movie, etc.

    I've never once tried to convince anyone to quit the game. I don't really care if everyone quit, or didn't. Why would I? What would everyone quitting or going against the company possibly do for me? Give me some power trip or something?
    seitori wrote: »
    That is Why People like 'Tremble and Myself & all the Others!' have kept this thread open.....

    So that everyone, can still come here to post on this thread (Whenever they feel need too) so that they can make their thoughts heard here 'Even Yours' rather then see this thread get Officially Depthed, Long Lost & Forgotten by {PWE}.....

    We Don't want too see them sweep this under the rug (Like they did the SP~Debacle)

    Because this 1 was 'Far Worse' then just a mere 'Denial of a gaming dungeon area' or A Mere Single {ToS} Violation occurance....

    This one is, for if any other reason the 1 that 'Completely imbalanced' and 'Ruined the Gaming balance' by removing players & they're characters; from the general progression of leveling in the game in a (Normal way) And once you take away so many of the (lower lv characters) from the gaming progression; even the (Truly New) Players, will begin to grow dispondent and 'Quit the game' once they see how dead the 'Begginers Areas' have become, because of this imbalance and without a newer player base too replace the old blood as it leaves (This game will no longer be Maintainable (And will only end up Dying out in Short Order! Anyway ya look at it) sadly...b:surrender

    Agreed in every possible aspect. It's almost as if you are reading my mind, lol. :)
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    | Holy what a long post lol
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    | Holy what a long post lol

    I've been known to post much longer, but frankly I just don't have the time as of present. The days off that I get, I spend getting prepared for the fall semester, and moving into a new apartment in less than a month and a half.
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've been known to post much longer, but frankly I just don't have the time as of present. The days off that I get, I spend getting prepared for the fall semester, and moving into a new apartment in less than a month and a half.

    I would have read it all but im lying in bed watching tv and well meh :p
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
  • SoulRequiem - Sanctuary
    SoulRequiem - Sanctuary Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I bet that in a year PW will be still here and alive,and you all people will keep saying the game is diying -- ho wait,this already happened,how much years ago people started to say that the game is dead / dying / QQ?

    How many more years have to pass until these people will realize it, I wonder....

    Off course now some pseudo-genious will tell me how wrong Iam without explaining how wrong HE was a year and more ago from saying the same thing he's saying today.
    WTB>More Fash
    Currently Want-to-buy list>>(W=White;B=Black;A=Any color)
    ((W. Steampunk Top \\ W. Aegan Dress \\ W. Road Warrior Vest and Shorts \\ W. Cougar Top \\ W. Barfighter Top \\B. Chipao \\ Trading B. Shinobi Set to White \\ B. Bowknot Top \\ W. Porcelian Dress \\ B. Leopard Boots \\W. Corsair Dress \\ B. Debutante Dress \\ W. Sunshine Blouse \\ W. Tiger Lily Dress \\ W. Stardust Dress \\ \\ Red Bikini Bottom \\ W. Crown Princess Dress))
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    why. why is this thread still going.

    This is like an old farm animal that had to be shot, except it wasn't dead when they buried it, and now it's wallowing in some ditch flailing whatever appendages still function after suffering massive that head trauma.

    Someone should close it, put it out of it's misery.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    Originally Posted by Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Sorry guys, I've been busy with work and getting classes situated for fall.

    To be honest I think a majority of us enjoy when your not posting your usual tripe.

    Personal attacks aren't allowed on the forums.

    Hey look at that someone who refuses to follow the ToS is now using it to defend himself. lol

    *I have never gone against the ToS on the forums. The time I was banned, it was a power-hungry PWE staff member who pulled the trigger, for me stating a fact. Through tickets they falsely banned me in-game, then banned my BM's account on the forums. Another major reason I tell everyone to not use the joke of a ticketing system. But no, I really stick to the ToS. Oh, right... Naming my "game" that I went to, would be going against the ToS. I guess I'm a real bad guy. Puts me on the level of personal attacks, easily.

    1.) I don't need "eyes on me" to bring merit to my posts. If you re-read the nearly 1.5k posts I have mostly only in the sub-section of this message board titled "General Discussion", you will understand that all my points are valid in their own way, and I'm in no shape/form looking for attention by people on an online video game message board.

    2.) Why would I de-grade myself and do anything for attention? I can't remember a single time I've ever needed attention so much, that I've halted all my morals, stopped thinking of myself as high-and-mighty, and began posting anything and everything for attention.

    Your are allowed your opinion, but to state I'm hopeless when you know now ~5% of me, from posts I make on a video game message board, I'd say you are the one judging people incorrectly and with bias.

    That not my opinion it's the definition of a attention ***** and how you fit that description. Think of it more as education since you didn't seem to understand that the way you act fits that almost perfectly. As far that 5% you show of yourself on the forums heres a life lession for you, Perception is everything. If you present yourself as a whiny child people are going to judge you as such.

    *That is your opinion. You can't surely define someone on an open message board, writing posts about various topics, as a attention *****. By that logic, I'm also eating a mammoth. I mean, the logic is so out there. You clearly have only read posts of mine in maybe a few threads, and picked out a few words I say. If I was looking for attention, I'd troll the forums. I'd get banned daily, make a new account, hop on multiple dynamic IPs, etc. But alas, I haven't done any of that.

    The 5% I show on the forums, is about a video game, a community of players, and a company. How does all of that possibly make my personality? If you define a personality as text-based on a forums, then okay!

    I couldn't agree more. There are better games than PWE-hosted ones, nowadays. I myself have been having a blast in the latest beta weekend of mine. :)

    yes, yes we all know how much you dislike anything PWE. It's a shame that none of these games are as good as what PWE has to offer since you obviously can not remove yourself from a PWE forum. Even though you have been banned more than once and still can't get the message.

    *I can remove myself from PWE-forums. There has been times I don't most for months. There was a time I stopped posting for over a year and a half. That's ~500 days. I choose to make posts, I choose to be here. Again, with the banning thing... I don't know how many times I have stated the reason I was banned has nothing to do with my personal character, but a mere corrupt game company.

    I, just as everyone else, have full rights to access, post, view, etc on this open message board. It even validates my points more, when I state that even though I've quit this game for quite some time, I still played it for 3 1/2 years daily for about 6-7 hours per day. You have access to this open message board, as do I.

    First of all PWE does not HAVE to allow you do anything. They have every right to censor THEIR website and remove things they do not want on their site. Same way a church website has the Right to remove things that go against their beliefs. Sorry buddy but freedom of speech is not a RIGHT in this instance. You should be greatful that PWE is nice enough to let you stay around, I know plenty of places that would have IP banned you for half the stunts you pulled.

    *Sure they have the rights to do that. It doesn't stop the fact that this is an open message board. Anyone, as long as they can read English and have some form of electronic device that can connect to the Internet, may register and make posts here. I'm not grateful for PWE not banning me off of the forums. It would only further my views on the company, really. I give my opinions, and they ban me? Lol. As for stunts I've pulled? Who do you think I am, a criminal? Lmao, really? I've done nothing wrong, according to what I see dating back to late 2008. A multitude of posts describing my opinions on the video game, via the open message board is pulling stunts? You can even check my YouTube page and see that I've been making PWI TW videos for a very long time. I have videos showing my Barb back to when I was level 30 in 2008. I don't remember doing anything like pulling "stunts".

    Just because I don't play the game seriously anymore, and have quit - doesn't make my points any less valid. What happens if I said, oh hey - I play the game 20 hours a day... Does that make my points more valid? I mean, really. I've played the game 3 1/2 years, and since a month after beta. I have end-game gear +10 2nd stage Nirvana that I farmed, and two level 100s before hypers even came out. I have barely cash shopped anything besides some fash. I'm not even remotely bragging (oh God, I see the "oh look, he's bragging" posts already coming). I'm simply stating I'm not new. I have a right to this open message board. I have a right to post on the open message board of the game I quit. Why do I do it? It passes time, when I'm bored or on break at work. I do it, because I like message boards. I do it to see people I knew. The reasoning behind it doesn't matter. The fact is, I have a right to post negative or whatever I want on these forums, as long as they abide by the ToS. Last time I heard, "QQ"ing about the goon glitch, lack of support for the game, etc was very in-line with this message board's ToS.

    Yes quiting the game and no longer playing does make your opinion invalid, why you ask? Because you have no clue what is going on in game or the changes they are making. Just because you read the forums and see someone complaining does not mean that feeling is shared by the entire community and frankly your the one whos complaining the loudest. Using the excuse to stay in touch with friends is just lame. I have never seen any of your treads acknowledging you even have friends.

    *Wrong. You don't think I can log in? I still log in weekly and do Cube, as I've stated for quite some time. I have a large amount of friends that update me each time I log in. I have about 30 buddies on Skype that keep me informed on game changes, TW, company issues, glitches, faction drama, etc. You act like I know nothing about the happenings in-game. As for you stating I don't have friends? LOL, really now? Yeah, I'm totally faking. Would you like me to take screenshots of my friend list via MSN/Skype/PWI accounts/Facebook, kind sir? You don't think some of those people would have any idea of what happens in-game? My own girlfriend plays the game, and keeps me updated on whats happening.

    Redface has pretty much attacked me every chance he's got since back in 2009. For whatever reasoning behind it, anyways - I take it as a grain of salt. I don't have some kind of mental issue, and I'm very stable. I'm a 21 year old college student, who works full time, has an associate degree and is working on a bachelors degree. I have a girlfriend, lots of friends I hang out with, etc. Posting on the forums is a way to pass the time. Just like playing video games, watching a movie, etc.

    I cant say i remember any of his post except the one you quoted and from what he is saying he is 100% dead on in describing your actions. Maybe you should spend more time with the things you consider accomplishments and less time in an enviroment that does not support you or encrouage you any.

    *Wrong. Your point in moot. You can't say anything about Redface, unless you have experienced his content attacks at you for multiple years over the forums. He only knows me well, because he played my server while I was active and saw me around. He pretty much has directly attacked me via the forums for quite some time. Stating his views on who I am, why I am, and what not. He's not dead on about anything, and what he says is pretty incorrect.

    I've never once tried to convince anyone to quit the game. I don't really care if everyone quit, or didn't. Why would I? What would everyone quitting or going against the company possibly do for me? Give me some power trip or something?

    Seriously??? So all those times you've talked about how great other games were and said how people should give up on PWE because they suck so bad, etc were not attempts to get people to leave PWE? My good are you really that oblivious to your actions and how they affect those around you? My god...

    *I never told anyone to give up and go play another game. Me stating that I went to another game and how cool it is, isn't the same as stating:
    "Come with me and play X video game."
    "You should quit this game, it sucks..."
    "The company sucks, so you should quit."

    I mean, where do you get this stuff from? I have the right to state if I dislike something about the company running this game, the game, the problems, etc. It's my opinion. If I state I'm leaving for another game, or playing another game - it's only wrong if I state the game name (according to the ToS), lol. Which, I think is silly. But I can understand from a company-POV.

    Agreed in every possible aspect. It's almost as if you are reading my mind, lol. :)

    /sigh (I honestly don't know why I keep responding to you.)

    Sometimes I wonder why people even respond, when they know it's just a matter of time before I give my whitty retort back. As long as I can find free time, we can do this for eons. I mean, clearly you don't agree with me. Clearly I don't agree with you. You degraded yourself to personally attack someone. I have not, and still keep my integrity.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    give it a rest already
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2012
  • NetLorD - Harshlands
    NetLorD - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    gratz to everyone who glytch their way to 105 **** all others you wont ever be 105 unless you dont have a life .
    also on my server i even know of ppl that offer power lvl service and they could take you to lvl 100 in 3 h by doing 1 h a day . They made alot of money 1 of thenm even made a rank 9 +10 alt whit the money he gained in less then a month.
    its probably 1 of the reaosn pvp on my server hes death you go out of safezone you get att either by high lvl sins or archers and even if they cant kill you they just go back into stealth so you cant really do anything.
    Anyone else playing Diablo 3 or League of Legends?b:laugh
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    gratz to everyone who glytch their way to 105 **** all others you wont ever be 105 unless you dont have a life .
    also on my server i even know of ppl that offer power lvl service and they could take you to lvl 100 in 3 h by doing 1 h a day . They made alot of money 1 of thenm even made a rank 9 +10 alt whit the money he gained in less then a month.
    its probably 1 of the reaosn pvp on my server hes death you go out of safezone you get att either by high lvl sins or archers and even if they cant kill you they just go back into stealth so you cant really do anything.
    Anyone else playing Diablo 3 or League of Legends?b:laugh

    Qq moar
    and if you think pvp on harshlands is bad try heavens tear
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
This discussion has been closed.