FC Glitch Update



  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »

    GM2: Is everyone's hair supposed to be pink?

    Of course it is! The patch is ready to go! b:chuckle
    karmelia wrote:
    Most of the original players of this version were playing on another engrish version run by a an asian company whose name included a geometric form.

    I tried checking out that version, but their gold prices make this version of the game seem like a f2p paradise. b:shutup
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Oooo! Somebody has sand in their vajayjay. Maybe you should try reading my post before activating fangirl mode.

    Playing the game first doesn't mean anything. I have done alpha and beta testing for several games. I have also played the hell out of those games after they were released and either reached the point where there was nothing left to do or I got bored. I am human. You're trying to say that the people that run this game can't do the same? LOL! I've seen it happen before with other games that weren't mediocre.

    You're obviously one of those fangirls that thinks this company is perfect. It will be hilarious when you wake up from your fantasy and see how everything really is.

    There are hardly any GMs that are active on HT. That is a fact. Seriously, all they do is spam random red text every now and then or spawn bosses outside Arch. They are hardly ever around when there is a problem or somebody needs help.

    I apologize for seeming fangirlish. I have an invested interest in this game well in PW itself and its success so if that makes me a fangirl. Okay, then I'm a fangirl someone's got to be right?
    It still doesn't negate the fact that you have no idea unless you work next to them in the next cubby what their job responsibilities are. Have you pray tell, worked in a Game such as this? Have you been a GM? Or a developer? How about a lawyer for the company? Or an investor? Or a Stockholder? Until you have been as the old saying goes walked in their shoes, never assume anything. And as far as mediocre games go, yep i played them all,beta tested most....and YET I am back at PW because there is at the end of the day no game like it...including pay to play games.This is after all a PERFECT WORLD!
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »
    This made my day. b:chuckle

    GM1: Is the patch ready to test?
    GM2: yep.

    *Loads patch in test server*

    GM1: Ok, looks like we can still fly/walk/buy packs and other boutique stuff, think it's ready to go public?

    GM2: Is everyone's hair supposed to be pink? And why do the sins have +999 att lv?
    GM1: Meh, we'll fix it later, just put it out it's almost quitting time[.
    GM2: Ok, ok, what do you want for dinner?
    GM1: Chinese.

    This made me LOL outloud. TY! And Good Night!

    PS... This was really worth the read!!!

    Originally Posted by Jadsia - Lost City
    I'M BACK!!!!

    Regarding the goon glitcher problem I had a serious issue with those demanding that PWE somehow put this genie back into the bottle. Or use some mystical orwellian overlord power to somehow close Pandora's box and undo all that has been the result of the glitch. I knew that even making such an attempt at this late date would in itself cause a catastrophic game changing scenerio that would have been worse than all the effects of the glitch itself. I support the decision PWE made to basically do nothing to the goon glitchers or the caster glitchers. Too much time has passed and the in-game entropy has already manifested long ago.

    While I understand how some are upset by the result of the glitch and PWE's reponse to it what 's done is done. Time to adapt to it and move on.

    The battle in my opinion all along was not to change what's happened in the past but should have been how to prevent, thwart, locate, discipline glitch abusers in the future in a timely manner. Changes in the way PWE communicates with the games' playerbase is essential for that among other things. If anything good can come from all this it's that. I wish ChaoticShelly and the others luck with their suggestions.

    Until the next great firestorms of QQ threads litter the forums with the white-hot burning emotions of anger and grief with the likes that overwhem tens of thousands of professional psycho therapists....ta ta.

    And this is where it should lay and rest!
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    In raging tides and archosaur servers is really simple!

    Ban all lvls 104 and 105 ;) yeah u can't perma ban them cause they are
    the bigger Cash shoppers and perma ban them means less money for PWE
    that's why they will never do that....so yeah just a 7 days ban.

    why not bring the glitch thing back so everyone can reach lvl 105 and then
    just get banned for 7 days ???.

    Just ridiculous PWE.

    Yo boss! I just hit 104 2 weeks ago, do i get banned? b:shocked
    Don't F. with me, I F. back ;)
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Yo boss! I just hit 104 2 weeks ago, do i get banned? b:shocked

    YES! b:angry
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    karmelia wrote: »
    Chinese players. As for the original staff who created Perfect World (the game), they left for greener pastures.

    Some of us played this game even before PWI existed. Most of the original players of this version were playing on another engrish version run by a an asian company whose name included a geometric form.

    I played this game even before Xarfox and Orinj were hired by PWI... At that time they were working for another company on a game involving having fun while flying, iirc.

    Seeing the numerous bugs that appeared over time, I would dare to say : no one. They probably test the patch to see if the server still run after applying it, and that's it.

    Actually the original dev(elopment) team was fired. I hear (rumor has it) they've been replaced with either college students or recent college grads (ofc they can be paid less) =\ Which would also explain why R/T was 'game breaking' -- it actually explains everything from "packs" to the T/B race (and later to come the E/G) being "op" (or at the very least, WAY DIFFERENT than the original races/classes) b:angry to the 5.0 APS problem (yes, I know 5.0 has always been the hard 'cap', but it wasn't until 'recent' "gear" has made a 'constant' 5.0 aps possible; so yes, this new dev team is also TRASHING the game)! b:angry

    Regardless of whether they were fired or quit though, one thing is not disputable, and that is that there IS indeed a NEW / DIFFERENT development 'crew' than who originally designed the game. I also would not doubt that 'rumor' I heard about the current dev team being college students (or recent college grads). Surely the company is happier making more profits since they're cutting smaller pay checks to their employees.

    It does NOT help that it certainly appears PWE (here in the US) is following suit in the same practices. They have a big fat F rating with the BBB, which is where I also found that they list PWE as only having 110 employees. SURELY, 110 employees is NOT enough considering how many products (games) they have [and then of course how many servers]! Well, I'm sure it IS enough, just enough, to make all of their 110 pockets pretty fat; but it shows in their lack of customer service b:angry This is mainly backed up by the pure fact alone (not to mention the other things/reasons) that one can purchase Rank 9 gear in the cash shop. From what I hear in other versions of the game, they have not (yet?) tarnished the game by having these 'game breaking' items available in the cash shop. A game like this should NEVER have gears (especially like that) in the cash shop. So, again, them boys (n girls) over at PWE, all 110 of them are only concerned with making their pockets fat. Which my logic denotes that if they sacrificed a little of their pockets fat-ness and hired on a GOOD department full of customer service reps, they would actually do more business therefore actually making even MORE money... But, greedy people are greedy, and probably would construe that as too much of a risk ("well if it doesn't work that way then we'll just make less money because that's more paychecks to pay out")... I guess greedy really does mean greedy since PWRD has made 1.08 BILLION dollars since '08. Don't believe me (I didn't believe it either), THIS WILL REALLY BOGGLE YOUR MIND. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure that's all versions of PW combined (that's not JUST PWE), but still, four years and 1.08 BILLION dollars =O I would certainly think things would be MUCH better than what they are! Considering they are making pretty much around 200~400 MILLION every year!

    So I have also come to terms with how things work as far as 'having to wait on China' for any and everything. I have even come to terms with the fact that many things probably never will be fixed. Namely, "rubber-banding"; because my guess (having I.T. background) would be that they would have to re-write the entire engine to fix that (one little problem) so ~ yea, just not going to happen. As annoying as it may be or get, it is really a small tiny tiny small minuscule fish in a HUGE ocean!

    But when it came to this 'problem' in FCC, the proper response (especially since the game is developed and therefore "fixed" in Beijing) would have been to completely shut down the instance/cave until something could have been done about it from the dev team over in Beijing. "Oh, but people would have cried their eyes out and maybe even quit because of that" -- to that I say "good riddance" and "don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya"! One thing we as players have to realize is they may NEED to do things we may not like from time to time, but sometimes they DO HAVE to be done. The thing the COMPANY needs to bear in mind (is the same exact thing) that they CANNOT make everyone happy, and some of the PROPER things to do may indeed make some people mad, may even make some people quit. But it is (and in this case WOULD HAVE been) more important to do what is right for the company, the product, the legitimate product end users, and the longevity of all of the above. Even if it included shutting down the whole game (if it was that serious, not in this case obviously). Which I really do not think they would do, because it's very apparent they're greedy and going by the mindset of not wanting to lose anyone. Frankie admitted that, saying something along the lines of not wanting to ban (specific to this FCC incident) a 'vast majority' of the games population. Sadly, even that would have been the right step (ofc so long as there was ANY PROOF the person had violated a rule or the ToS). Surely someone who broke a rule or the ToS could not be mad at the company for reprimanding you for breaking something you had agreed to in order to use their product, and if they were ~ **** 'em it's actually misguided anger when they should be angry at themselves. Perfect example: If you're driving along with a buddy, as you approach a stop sign you do not see any cops (or other cars for that matter) - so you decide to roll the stop sign instead of actually stop. Well, surprise there was a cop hiding behind a bush or something that you didn't see, pulls your *** over and gives you a ticket for blowing the stop sign. POP QUIZ, Would you never drive again because he gave you a ticket for blowing a stop sign??? Well, according to PWE's logic you would never operate a car again (they're afraid you'll quit cash shopping and or playing if they actually punish you, even though you SHOULD be). Now, pop quiz number two, can you really be mad AT the cop that he gave you the ticket? I mean, you really did blow the stop sign, he's just doing his job; you should be angry at yourself. Well in my sad excuse of an example by PWE's logic because SO many people blew that stop sign, the cop isn't even going to bother handing out tickets (and is afraid if he does those people will never drive again)!!! To end this correlation example, what do you think is going to happen to that officer, and the entire station for that matter? He's going to lose his job, and the entire station is going to shut down ~ because he's too chicken **** to do his job. "Oh, but I promise I'll start handing out tickets" ~~ guess what, by that point in time it's too late, cuz all the cars blowing that stop sign are already under the impression you're not going to pull them over, so even when you do they're just gonna kinda laugh at you and keep driving along. Next thing you know you're gonna have all kinds of people going "hey, I can do whatever I want" next thing you know all kinds of people will be blowing stop signs and causing collisions. All the 'innocent' people will be staying the hell off the road because they know it's a dangerous place (with all sorts of people blowing stop signs and whatnot), maybe they'll even take a train or something. Next thing you know, before you know it, you wont see anyone on the road, because all the innocents are in their house or on a train, and all the free-goers have already collided with each other (so now they're all on foot ROFL)...

    I also know some of you out there who seem to DISLIKE ANY real life => video game comparisons. While I obviously know the difference between RL and a game, this seems to be the only way you can make some people understand your point. My overall point is the trashing of this wonderful game, from the new development team all the way down to PWE... Although PWE seems to be doing the heaviest damage (I am not 'current' on other versions/regions of PW either). It is quite sad when you've been playing since PW_MY (like myself)...

    I personally do believe one of the biggest things that would NEED to be done to even possibly save the game is build customer service (since it sucks so bad right now). If it is true (what the BBB says) about PWE only having 110 employees, that, in my opinion, isn't even enough for JUST the customer service department (let alone other departments)... Given my own personal experience, and knowledge in customer service I would guess they should probably have about 20 people PER game minimum, x 13 games = they should have a minimum of 260 employees in customer service alone!

    Of course they also need to start making decisions based more on the long term opposed to short term 'for the moment'. Although "In the heat of the moment" (like in the case of when this FCC glitch first came up) they need to be able to make the proper decisions and FAST, WITHOUT DELAY!

    All this is even hoping that it is still salvageable. I am certainly taking a 'vacation' from the game right now out of anger, disgust, 'protest', and whatever other reasons I can dream up. (If I don't hear anything about them 'changing their tune' though whenever I'm ready to come back, I may very well never come back =\) b:surrender
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    hmmm im pritty shure u didnt fix the glitch just lovered the exp from it so it still sucks fix it so we can finaly do Frost to end .......
  • Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    1-u didnt remove any1 from rankings

    2-u only should have to bring it back so all players can use that exploit, end of history.
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Actually Goons was probably the best Instance this game has to offer.. You should prolly bring it back and let everyone farm it atleast it was a bit challenging and fun, and not a Aps dominating instance. Would be something worthwhile to do in this game i guess,,
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Clearly you all don't play enough to notice GM's online. Or you haven't figured out when the times they might be on. Regardless WHO THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK PLAYED THIS GAME FIRST???? Who do you think BETA tests the things that come down from the China game? REALLLLLY????? I just simply can't abide by the sheer nonsense of these posts. There are GM's in game, you just haven't been privy to know when they are on. BTW I didn't know they had to tell you when they are working? And again its the dev's who make changes not the flipping GM's FFS. Just WOW! Really WOW!

    I think a lot of us have more experience with GM in game than you do. GM are supposed to bop in and out where ever they want. Not pop into my SoT instance, ask why they are there, finally remember why they are there, then also ask how to get back out. This last part means they don't play the game. Everyone who plays knows if you fall off the edge of SoT you go back to start and can leave portal. I have in the last 3+ years of playing seen and interacted with quite a few GM's.

    I have no doubt the old GM's such as spoons have played the game extensively. This new bunch, nope. I have had many laughs at how incompetent the GM's here are. One afk'd on my catshop for over 3 hours and no one could buy from me. Or how about the drunk GM in WC who was also spawning random bosses on people?

    I have not bashed anyone in this thread. I just stating my experiences. As for testing of new patches, I assure you more than enough have been put into the game that had a lot of bad bugs in it. Player who play the game made threads reporting them and GM's had to follow up from what we the players told them. They do not play the game.
  • Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Clearly you all don't play enough to notice GM's online. Or you haven't figured out when the times they might be on. Regardless WHO THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK PLAYED THIS GAME FIRST???? Who do you think BETA tests the things that come down from the China game? REALLLLLY????? I just simply can't abide by the sheer nonsense of these posts. There are GM's in game, you just haven't been privy to know when they are on. BTW I didn't know they had to tell you when they are working? And again its the dev's who make changes not the flipping GM's FFS. Just WOW! Really WOW!

    Figured it out ? What is there to figure out? -their never on. and when they are they dont care and only pissfart around the way -they- like to.

    Next to that, "Privy" ? if you mean privileged, at the moment such a such hardly comes close to a priviledge, it should be something that is a well known fact. Period.

    which brings me to the last part of this suck-up **** of text.
    -all- business bodies have Work hours (which are well known, or publicly displayed), or is your mothers basement too secluded you forgot about that?

    I just simply can abide by your sheer incapabality to comprehend the fact that GM's, beside cashing in their checks at the end of the week, are supposed to relay between the the playerbase expience = game and china. IF, and that is a very big IF, they actually tested these darned golly good patches, which you so holy believe in do you seriously think that with every patch we would have to make a "what's not in the patch notes" thread?

    Just WOW! Really WOW!

    B| Idiot...
    All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <-- <3 mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing. :3

    Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
    "Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
    "ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Actually Goons was probably the best Instance this game has to offer.. You should prolly bring it back and let everyone farm it atleast it was a bit challenging and fun, and not a Aps dominating instance. Would be something worthwhile to do in this game i guess,,

    ^ this. if you are not going to punish the people who already used it, bringing it back would at least even it up for the "honest" players.
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ^ this. if you are not going to punish the people who already used it, bringing it back would at least even it up for the "honest" players.

    I agree. And bringing it back would also stop punishing the innocent people that just want to do full FF runs.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT? pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=760842
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bring glitch back.
  • Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Just make Kun Kun give 100k of xp everytime you kill it b:victory

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    As far as the ban being removed ,does this go for the rankings page aswell .I still see the same people on th lvl rankings that i know goonz glitched to 105 . Whatta crock
  • Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They only banned/removed the people who started the glitching in September. Anyone who did prior pretty much got "off the hook" as they didn't go back far enough to see everyone doing it. Those people that were banned/removed are still removed. I'd give some examples of people I know who are removed but that's against policy to name and shame.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Next to that, "Privy" ? if you mean privileged, at the moment such a such hardly comes close to a priviledge, it should be something that is a well known fact. Period.
    Have you seen what happens when people find out there's a GM in game? People lose their minds, and I bet they get spammed with pm's about everything from "when's the next 'x' sale?" to "i just wanna chat with a GM." Nothing wrong with wanting to do this, but if they're in game trying to do work, such as restoring items to someone who lost everything after being **** ("****")? It could probably be quite the hinderance if they're getting PM spammed while trying to talk to the player they're working with.

    which brings me to the last part of this suck-up **** of text.
    -all- business bodies have Work hours (which are well known, or publicly displayed), or is your mothers basement too secluded you forgot about that?

    I just simply can abide by your sheer incapabality to comprehend the fact that GM's, beside cashing in their checks at the end of the week, are supposed to relay between the the playerbase expience = game and china. This is simply not true at all. Their job has nothing to do with talking to china. If anyone is communicating things back to China, it's going to be people higher up than the GMs. Go read the job description. IF, and that is a very big IF, they actually tested these darned golly good patches, which you so holy believe in do you seriously think that with every patch we would have to make a "what's not in the patch notes" thread?

    Just WOW! Really WOW!

    B| Idiot...Was that really necessary?

    Replies in blue.

    Seriously, I hope the GMs don't see any of these posts because after seeing how much bile everyone is spewing I wouldn't want to interact with players at all. So either they aren't seeing this, or see it and can look past it to the players who have better things to do than spit acid.

    FURTHER, imo this thread is just spinning its wheels. The official position of PWI has been stated- what's done is done and like Frankie said we need to learn from this experience and move on. All this thread does is keep bile in the belly of the community. Leave it open for the rest of the week, then close it down- we need to move on. Dwelling on past injuries isn't healthy.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Seriously, I hope the GMs don't see any of these posts because after seeing how much bile everyone is spewing I wouldn't want to interact with players at all. So either they aren't seeing this, or see it and can look past it to the players who have better things to do than spit acid.

    FURTHER, imo this thread is just spinning its wheels. The official position of PWI has been stated- what's done is done and like Frankie said we need to learn from this experience and move on. All this thread does is keep bile in the belly of the community. Leave it open for the rest of the week, then close it down- we need to move on. Dwelling on past injuries isn't healthy.

    If the GM's did their job in the first place we wouldn't have any bile or acid to spit b:surrender As far as the thread 'spinning it's wheels' I've said that before too, but nobody seems to care, apparently including GM's, CM's, MOD's, the "player-base", you name it...
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Leave it open for the rest of the week, then close it down- we need to move on. Dwelling on past injuries isn't healthy.

    If you honestly believe that closing down the thread will force forum members to "move on," you must be very very new here. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Replies in blue.

    Seriously, I hope the GMs don't see any of these posts because after seeing how much bile everyone is spewing I wouldn't want to interact with players at all. So either they aren't seeing this, or see it and can look past it to the players who have better things to do than spit acid.

    FURTHER, imo this thread is just spinning its wheels. The official position of PWI has been stated- what's done is done and like Frankie said we need to learn from this experience and move on. All this thread does is keep bile in the belly of the community. Leave it open for the rest of the week, then close it down- we need to move on. Dwelling on past injuries isn't healthy.

    Trust me...over the past 3-4 years, the GM's of this company have done more than enough to **** the players over and over, they deserve the 'bile'.

    Maybe if they stepped into the game more often, moderated it and showed more involvement, they wouldn't get spammed as much? PWE is a multi 100-million dollar company, I'm sure they can afford for this game to be ran properly with adequate support.

    Oh, and maybe more than one CM would help too. It is a large community, and Moderators can only do so much - since they aren't on the payroll.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm not even gonna try to read all 108+ pages, but of all the issues throughout the years, nothing exemplifies the mismanagement of the game like this. Rather than sticking to their guns and taking a real stance, they backpeddle for whatever real reason (e.g. workload).

    This is not an entity, be it person or otherwise, that I have faith in to effectively manage the game anymore. PWE, you have many other competitors running the same game as you, yet provide a much more enjoyable playing experience and without the incompetencies you regularly exhibit. I can't help but feel the disconnect from the community, the lack of integrity, and the carelessness for the game.

    I am off to greener pastures when the playing field is balanced and competition is high and lively, with active and visible management. You, PWE, are the unfortunate undoing of this once amazingly fun game.


    P.S. Tell your corporate marketing dept to respond to inquires. That is, if you even have one.

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  • Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I apologize for seeming fangirlish. I have an invested interest in this game well in PW itself and its success so if that makes me a fangirl. Okay, then I'm a fangirl someone's got to be right?
    It still doesn't negate the fact that you have no idea unless you work next to them in the next cubby what their job responsibilities are. Have you pray tell, worked in a Game such as this? Have you been a GM? Or a developer? How about a lawyer for the company? Or an investor? Or a Stockholder? Until you have been as the old saying goes walked in their shoes, never assume anything.

    "The role of a gamemaster in an online game is to enforce the game's rules and provide general customer service. Also, unlike gamemasters in traditional role-playing games, gamemasters for online games in some cases are paid employees."

    That's common knowledge. As for working at a game company... nope, but I have made enough friends and acquaintances that work in the industry to know who typically does what. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out anyway.

    Then again, I guess you are way more credible since you e-hump the GMs and forum mods. Classy! ;)
    And as far as mediocre games go, yep i played them all,beta tested most....and YET I am back at PW because there is at the end of the day no game like it...including pay to play games.This is after all a PERFECT WORLD!

    PWI is the mediocre game I was referring to. The fact that you think it's unique sort of proves you have little or no experience with other MMORPGs. I can't think of any game that has truly tried to break the mold except Sraw Dliug 2. PWI is far from perfect or unique.

    1) Create a character.
    2) Buy a pretty dress from the cash shop.
    3) Take a quest.
    4) Buy experience aids from the cash shop.
    5) Kill several mobs for step 3.
    6) Buy another pretty dress from the cash shop.
    7) Repeat 3-6 until you reach the level cap.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Frankie said we need to learn from this experience

    Yes, WE learned that next time an exploit can be abused, we must use it as much as we can.

    I would like to know what PWI learned from this tho..... So far we only got some **** talk from Frankie.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    karmelia wrote: »
    Yes, WE learned that next time an exploit can be abused, we must use it as much as we can.

    I would like to know what PWI learned from this tho..... So far we only got some **** talk from Frankie.

    Agreed. I don't play anymore, but I highly recommend to every1 use glitches as much as they can.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I can't think of any game that has truly tried to break the mold except Sraw Dliug 2.

    Not only that, but I must add: Ever since I saw the barbarian statue that PWE had, and occasionally 'gave away', I REALLY wanted one! I even attempted to contact them inquiring if there was any way I could even PURCHASE one. Well, almost needless to say, I did not even get a response (let alone the "NO" that I am now sure it is/would have been).

    I checked out this 'mold breaker' you mention, and one of the FIRST things I noticed was that they have an AWESOME statue that is being offered with their collectors edition. Almost needless to say, as soon as I saw it I wanted it. Even more needless to say, I took a trip down to my local video game retailer and pre-ordered and pre-paid for it so that I will now have a kick **** statue to put on my desk b:laugh

    EAT THAT PWE b:angry
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I must also honestly say, that the statue I will be getting looks much better than the barb one from PW anyway:


    Look at that beauty! Not only that, but from what I hear (read), and SEE, they're all hand-crafted and hand-painted! Which of course in this day and age is rare when companies can reduce costs by having them mass 'stamped' by machines!

    So, oh ya, needless to say, "I'm all about it"!

    Like I said in another post somewhere in this thread "PWE NEEDS TO TAKE SOME NOTES"!
  • Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    PWE, you have many other competitors running the same game as you, yet provide a much more enjoyable playing experience and without the incompetencies you regularly exhibit

    A private server I play gets around 1000 users constantly per day. I know another one gets double that. And that's just 2 out of god knows how many. It might not seem much to PWE's supposed half a million players or whatever it is, but they need to ask themselves why other companies are booming and growing everyday, and there is nothing but discontent on these forums.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Well it was up for 1 week and has now been unstickied. I guess thats that!
  • Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Stop bumping it so the QQ goes away >_>. Tired of looking at it >:|
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
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