Let's talk FC glitch (read first)



  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    There's probably about 10 more this last week alone on HT.

    Can almost construe any "FF 100+" as a dragon glitch squad, especially this one particular sin on HT that always is paying BM's and Barbs 500k+ to come with him and mentions being a the "3rd boss". Being this sin has everything DOT and +12 it's certainly not to solo FF.

    What's funny is this frankie makes this announcement of how it's illegal and bannable but when they finally fix the broken rankings they're gonna see like 5-10 pages of level 105's out of the blue. This is, to me, one of the single biggest PWI fails I've seen yet, and there are manyto choose from.


    Yet frankie stands idly by..
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • ArchAngeLi - Harshlands
    ArchAngeLi - Harshlands Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I really would like some serious statement or pronunciation from GMs about this, banning people would be not practicall at all, and legitimizing what once was an exploit would be damaging too... but something has to be done. I see lots of people going to 105 in days, literally, yet some of us are kinda taking it easy. Should we all "somehow" get to 105 in days too and not expect consequences too? or do I have to charge a few thousand dollars to get that priviledge?

    mmm thats the only concern, not really askin for anyone to be banned, just to solve this issue.
  • KagamineRin_ - Sanctuary
    KagamineRin_ - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You can't stop someone from doing something they enjoy doing. Banning mass amounts of their core players is just not in PWEs interest considering how few of them are left.

    There really isn't much difference between 103 and 105 so it isn't a big deal anyway.
  • OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear
    OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Hey if they fix it, they fix it. It'll be one of the few things they fixed. Knowing their rep tho it's not gonna be fixed. If you really wanna get technical about it then let's go back to the programmers and testers. It would be the programmer's fault for letting something like this slide and testers fault for not noticing it. Player's just discovered it and are using it to their advantage. It's also safe to say that anyone can do it so it's not like it's catering to certain people in game. It's a mistake by the Game Company therefor it's up to them to let it go, or resolve it. Either way it goes I don't believe anyone should be banned for a mistake made by the company.
  • Labamba - Lost City
    Labamba - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For those that know this glitch it's game-breaking, there is no chance hat it will be fixed within the next few days, so the damage is done, (or will be VERY soon).

    This completely breaks TW, as it was meant to be a test of skill, not who can hit 105 first.

    What does everyone thing they are going to do to fix this, and balance the levels again? Or is it going to be "Oh well, don't use it, and deal with the consequences of those that did find and use it"

    This post does not break ANY of the ToS, or community rules, so I would hope that it does not get locked, I would like some opinions from players and/or the GMs.

    my prediction: GM's wont do sht about it.. as long as they're getting money from the ppl hyper leveling their chars (no matter how theyre doing it) why would they wanna fix it. lb:angry
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ahh yes and I'm sure you're so noble as you never done a single glitch before? Get over it honestly. I'm sure you've done the Metal glitch or some other one. By what you're saying, the GM's should "Punish" people for using these......do you really think they have the time to punish each and every individual whose done these things? No they don't, they are people just like you and me and not some superhuman being that can monitor EVERYONE. Also if they do bring punishment on some and not others......bit unfair to the ones who got the punishment while others didn't.

    It was solution here. Very simple. They should disconnect this instance immediately and wait for fix.
    Now is too late.
    So here is the question. What is this all game about? I have hard feeling is about the money NOTHING else.
    Of course money is important. But to be so greedy as PWI is, is also not good. I wish them bankruptcy then they maybe will learn how to manage MMO.
  • OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear
    OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It was solution here. Very simple. They should disconnect this instance immediately and wait for fix.
    Now is too late.
    So here is the question. What is this all game about? I have hard feeling is about the money NOTHING else.
    Of course money is important. But to be so greedy as PWI is, is also not good. I wish them bankruptcy then they maybe will learn how to manage MMO.

    Disconnect the instance and you hear mass complaints about that haha.

    What is this game about? Well let's start here.....PWE is a Business.....to them it's not a game it's a job, any business number one priority is making money and satisfying is customers. The customers in this case would be the individuals spending money into the game. Most of which use/have used the glitch. I'm sure they are happy right now and PWE is still making money.

    If you worked at a Hospital as a Doctor would you kick people out for pointing out your tie isn't on correctly?
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Disconnect the instance and you hear mass complaints about that haha.

    What is this game about? Well let's start here.....PWE is a Business.....to them it's not a game it's a job, any business number one priority is making money and satisfying is customers. The customers in this case would be the individuals spending money into the game. Most of which use/have used the glitch. I'm sure they are happy right now and PWE is still making money.

    If you worked at a Hospital as a Doctor would you kick people out for pointing out your tie isn't on correctly?
    Ok. They why PWI don't sell levels? And all stuff? It would good no? PWI would be happy and cashopper too. Why to level? Every1 would just buy level and gear that's all. And why we have some rules? ToS etc? And how can they ban people? When they don't ban itself for job they NOT doing properly? Why I should accept ban as a player when I broke the rule if they don't punish other people for cheating? Why should I be banned and not them? Since this point if they want justice for every1 they cannot ban anybody. Or is there justice just for some1 and for some1 not? Really "nice" game attitude.
  • OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear
    OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    PWI does sell lvls, wth you think a Hyper Exp Stone is? Hello People do buy their lvls and Gear....have you been living under a rock?

    Yes yes if you break a rule you suffer a punishment as a reaction. However in this case it's magnitude will be to high. Here I'll use an analogy here to. You're a cop on a high which speed limit is 60 MPH. There's 20 Cars going 80 MPH. Can you stop them all, or why even bother stopping 1? They are in order and nothing bad is happening.

    Don't get started about "Justice" Everyone's view on Justice is different. No it's not fair that 1 person gets punished while others go unscathed. I believe I've mentioned that at some point already. That's why you let them all be on their merry way and let it go. ^^Read above analogy.

    Again, if it's fixed....it's fixed. There's nothing anyone can do about it then. I say instead of complaining about it, why not try and I dunno......use it to your advantage while you can? Then again from what I'm reading about what you post your Pride of being tight to the rules won't allow you to do that.......and that is why the good always get stepped on.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Its funny, and sad to see these lvl 105s running around in the PWIC event, with a GM moderating as well.

    So really............nothing goes off for the GMs?

    Overall, guys, its obviously safe to glitch run FC. GMs won't do anything. You can be cheating right in front of the ppl that run PW, and they won't react, unless its money-based. b:cute
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i have a friend that is lvl 102, 0%, 2 days ago........

    today !!! with frost glitch... he lvled to 104.

    so if u do the math....... he leveled from 102 to 104 in 2 days. i wont say his name... i dont want GMs to ban him.

    heres the thing. he leveled with frost glitch. leveling from 102 to 104 need at least 15 days. not 2 days.

    and what does GMs do to prevent people from exploiting this glitch and became overpowered in game? they make policies of temporary ban. those who does frost glitch and are being reported WITH A PROOF will be banned..... temporary, probably 3 days or just 1 day.

    so what does that mean? it means that if u exploit this glitch, you will NOT be banned as long as no one reports you. and even if the person wants to report you, he needs proof, which is hard to get. you can only get a screenshot of this person when you go into frost with him. and since you are exploiting this glitch too, will you even report this person and got your self banned as well? NO!!!

    this concluded that if someone do this glitch, the probability of getting banned is LOW !!! and even the 'support/ticketing' section is crippled, it takes such a long time to find it. people will give up trying to report someone because the website design is crippled.

    instead of enforcing ban rules, why dont you make a maintenance? u should of fix is quickly the minute someone reported this. do you know this frost glitch can be dont infinite amount of times? people can lvl from 1 to 105 in one day!

    but now it is already too late, in my server people had leveled so may times overnight. soon everyone will be 105. this game is spoilt and GMs are incompetent and only wanted to leech our money, they dont care about the server.

    this server has too many high levels, people get good gears and levels too easily. this is like a communist government, everyone is becoming more and more similar. poorer people will like it. but richer people wont, i am one of them. poor people can now get gears n levels as good as ours without making effort as much as us.

    think about how Kitamura and Rinc leveled, they worked their butt off for 105. and normal people who cant even run frost solo can now get 105 easily.

    this game is spoilt, i am seriously leaving. this is my final forum thread. bye
  • OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear
    OnbinKarite - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    but 1 thing I must ask "and what does GMs do to prevent people from exploiting this glitch and became overpowered in game?"

    How are they becoming overpowered exactly? 102-104 (in this case) is 10 stat points.....10....that's it....Aside from the Sin's benefit of stealth lvl...how is that so OP?
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I thought you quit.....b:puzzled b:bye
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    lol @ people with absolutely no moral compass who don't grasp what's wrong with this picture...just lol.

    lol @ people who think online gaming has something to do with a moral compass... just lol.
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    tl;dr. go QQ in the main thread about this, new ones aren't necessary.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    this is like a communist government, everyone is becoming more and more similar. poorer people will like it. but richer people wont, i am one of them. poor people can now get

    Rich/poor shouldn't have anything to do with an MMO. ijs
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oh, I didn't realise stealthing through FF was fair to every other class. Moron OP is moron, but everyone already knows that.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If Kita is pissed he can post himself, he doesn't need you to be his mouthpiece.
    this server has too many high levels, people get good gears and levels too easily. this is like a communist government, everyone is becoming more and more similar. poorer people will like it. but richer people wont, i am one of them. poor people can now get gears n levels as good as ours without making effort as much as us.

    Explain how poorer people will get gears as good as rich people without making effort as much as richer people. If anything, you're one of the poor farmers IIRC. Wait no, you sell FCC all day long.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • O_O - Lothranis
    O_O - Lothranis Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2011
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    think about how Kitamura and Rinc leveled, they worked their butt off for 105. and normal people who cant even run frost solo can now get 105 easily.

    Think about those who spend 100s of runs in tt to get the gold mats for tt99, and then they became easy to get with tokens and chip pack sales.

    Think about those who spend ages (or lots of cash) to get to rank 8, and then it became basic cheap lvl100 stuff at a 95% discount for 1/2 weeks every 2 months.

    It always goes like that, but what is the reason now to get to 105? Nobody cares wether you're lvl100, 101, 102, 103, 104 or 105 anyway, it's just a few stat points. While for Kitamura or Rinc everyone (besides a few jealous haters that are now probably using glitch to lvl) was like "wow! good job". Now lvl105s pop out every hour, and ppl will just think "oh, another glitch addict that wants to look pro". Most of them, at least on sanc, are ppl with epic gear in the major tw factions of our server. Those few stat points won't make them more powerfull or better then they already were.

    Yeah it's lame to lvl that fast to 105, but who cares. I'm just not doing it myself: I don't need lvl 105 to look pro b:laugh
  • jaxaether
    jaxaether Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lol @ people who think online gaming has something to do with a moral compass... just lol.

    some people carry one with them wherever they go. some people wouldn't know one if it dropped on their thick skulls.
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    How many times have you quit now? Just shut up and leave already. You're even more annoying than Yulk. Im ashamed to even be from the same server as you.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • DarkExorcist - Dreamweaver
    DarkExorcist - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You guys all sound like a-holes trying to find fault in what other people say. The point the OP is making is that FC glitch should be removed in whatever way possible, and that should take priority. Whether it has a huge impact on the game or not, it's still a glitch, and is against the ToS. An example needs to be made that if you exploit a glitch, you will get punished.

    Now don't tell me it doesn't matter because the game is already messed up. I enjoy the game, and i want it to last for as long as possible. If PWI has a growing community filled with people posting above me, then **** me.

    EDIT: I apologise to some people who posted before me. I just re-read some of the comments, and a number of them should not be subjected to what I have said.
  • Aeyisha - Lost City
    Aeyisha - Lost City Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Finally, you're gone.
    Where wizards pull catas and barbs are nearly extinct...
  • mecatl33
    mecatl33 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I agree with the OP and DarkExorcist. NOW FIX THE GLITCH! b:bye
  • Kremia - Lost City
    Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    omg Lingzi dont leave! T___T
    i enjoy when u make ppl get mad on wc
    yes, this glitch is a problem and is a shame gm's cant fix it or at least make something to prevent it, i last half year to make my poor 87 lvls with only bhs and quests and now ppl reach me in 1 day with only pay some mils to high lvls
  • StormChimera - Lost City
    StormChimera - Lost City Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You guys all sound like a-holes trying to find fault in what other people say. The point the OP is making is that FC glitch should be removed in whatever way possible, and that should take priority. Whether it has a huge impact on the game or not, it's still a glitch, and is against the ToS. An example needs to be made that if you exploit a glitch, you will get punished.

    Now don't tell me it doesn't matter because the game is already messed up. I enjoy the game, and i want it to last for as long as possible. If PWI has a growing community filled with people posting above me, then **** me.

    EDIT: I apologise to some people who posted before me. I just re-read some of the comments, and a number of them should not be subjected to what I have said.

    in all fairness you probably don't know OP to well. This is just another rant and rave attention ***** post by Lingzi for the week. last time it was about how people in her faction dislike her.

    She always threatens to quit but never does, its all for attention
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If the OP posted on a different char, this thread would be 100% different ijs.

    EDIT: WTF? This thread was merged into the FC glitch thread.


    It used to be about Lingzi having a friend who went from 103-105 in 2 days.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
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  • _Nei_ - Sanctuary
    _Nei_ - Sanctuary Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not to need to disconnect the instance they should make a new FC mode lv100 to 105 where all the mobs groups are changed for goons and problem solved.

    This glitch has beeing there ALWAYS............
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    How many times have you quit now? Just shut up and leave already. You're even more annoying than Yulk. Im ashamed to even be from the same server as you.

    Your well-considered arguments have moved me, almost to tears. The beauty of your eloquence shall never leave me. I have been swayed this day, and never again shall I doubt your every word, your flawless logic, and your unflinching clarity. Thank you, kind sir, both for your words of wisdom and guidance and for the respectable opinions and observations you've shared with us.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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