TW Archive and Discussion Thread
HappysHAIL - Harshlands wrote: »Any and all calculations are done server side. . . not client side. As such, its impossible to affect any kind of "damage ****." Stop and consider for a moment. If something such as this were possible, do you not also think that a "hp" or "defense" **** would be possible as well? The possibilities are limitless. Its just not possible without being able to edit the server itself.
Now, what does happen, usually when they fail to restart the server, is things start to lag. Calcuations start getting slower. Natural ping latencies between computers and servers complicate things further. If a player hasnt loaded for you yet, you wont see any damage coming from him as your client doesnt know to record it (This is also why sin stealth doesnt load.) Its a problem with the incongruency between clientside notification and serverside damage. The server thinks, knows, calculates, that you're taking damage and dead. The client, however, will not report it as it doesnt know to do so.
So, push aside the hacking accusations, they're completley unfounded. I watched the AL v Kylin war via livestream and listened in vent and it was hilarious. There was a constant chrous of "LOL BM with P.marrow!" or "AA for sin" so often I assume they werent using stealth. I even noticed groups of DDs pushing down the middle of lanes (and dieing in groups to a single archer barraging). I noticed a certain BM every time someone targeted him was ... flying? AL members would push out and stand in the entrance way (while still sealed after dieing) to the base while Kylin was zhenning on the towers. EPs that try to metal mage. I think somoene told me every time AL was in Kylins base they were there without any support so.. if thats true its no surprise they'd get wiped pretty quickly.
I understand that there's faults on both sides, but its pretty sad that this degraded into a "LoL uR HaXXoR" and "I CrAI n RPoRT YEW" so quickly, rather than analyzing the obvious. Ignoring all the obvious playstyle and organiztional problems, Kylin has a lot more experience and (across the board) better gear than Afterlife. It doesnt matter how many r9 sins you have, they're worthless if everyone has bramble in TW. Im fairly certain Kylin archers outclass Afterlife by a long, long shot.. and the sad fact is, archers win pushes.
I sincerly hope that Afterlife isnt wholly represented by the temper tantrum crybaby antics we've seen in this thread. I have a handful of friends in there, and a handful of people Ive known quite a while, and cant believe they're prone to the diaper-filling temper tantrums that have been shown here.
mr hail i agree completely and have said so alot of times i do not beleive for a second that a **** for dmg is involved or even posible what i am saying is that accounts were shared in order to have more people not even quite sure who was running em but curses himself said that this was the case in a earlier post in kylin vrs vallhalla thread wich is what we are being told as well and now paimage would have you beleive this is not the case but his own member blew the whistle on him that is what any tickets that have been submitted are about if you need more members recruit dont cheat simple as that[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Oh wait, I found a picture that basically says "this is why you lost" to the same effect of a picture of a BM with physical marrow.
First person to spot the problem wins a Longknife gift basket in their mailbox:
They all run down the center getting killed in big bundles by ZHENS.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Curses entire post was a troll lol. Every catalyst member has their own alt in kylin. I hope you can give some real proof and not some SCREENSHOTS of characters ingame or a forum post, cuz they don't prove anything.Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands
Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".
b:laughb:laugh0 -
troll or not he said it hence thats what happend and all the other evidence proves it as well wich unfortunitly im not allowed to show here cus i sure would like to put you in your place lol miss crescendia[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0
HappysHAIL - Harshlands wrote: »Any and all calculations are done server side. . . not client side. As such, its impossible to affect any kind of "damage ****."
As for multiclienting TW: if your computer lags trying to play with one character in TW, imagine trying to get it to render all that multiple times. I really doubt you'd be able to accomplish anything even if it was playable, as TW is simply too fast-paced to give you time to alt-tab.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig by Bakura~0 -
I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling. I will refrain from trolling.0
i would sure like to put you in your place mister cimon oh wait you never go out of safezoneOriginally Posted by Curses - Harshlands
Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".
b:laughb:laugh0 -
A veno on our server onced used a damage glitch\****. he would always hit you for the exact same damage, every single hit. It wouldnt hit for anything cimon described though.0
Every post by every poster on this forum is a troll post, and everyone is trolling, except for possibly Longknife (All Germans are srs buisnezz, no exceptions except for when they wear lederhosen), so I dunno why ppl are wasting their time posting on these forums.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
Taishang - Harshlands wrote: »They all run down the center getting killed in big bundles by ZHENS.
I do remember a seemingly long period of time where I stood at their gate, blindly tab-targetting and shooting whatever I could, and I kept thinking "Holy friggin' balls, how many are there in that freaking doorway...."IAGOREY
0 -
Burnout - Harshlands wrote: »Every post by every poster on this forum is a troll post, and everyone is trolling, except for possibly Longknife (All Germans are srs buisnezz, no exceptions except for when they wear lederhosen), so I dunno why ppl are wasting their time posting on these forums.
Finally someone who takes me seriously. b:coolIAGOREY
0 -
I post here during as cooldown before I **** your mom again.0
Ligeia - Harshlands wrote: »As for multiclienting TW: if your computer lags trying to play with one character in TW, imagine trying to get it to render all that multiple times. I really doubt you'd be able to accomplish anything even if it was playable, as TW is simply too fast-paced to give you time to alt-tab.
I am the only person that plays a tw in KY I multi client the entire guild whilst eating cheetos.0 -
Embustero - Harshlands wrote: »I am the only person that plays a tw in KY I multi client the entire guild whilst eating cheatos.
Quoted! Screenshotted! Ticket submitted! Lawyer called! Enjoy your ban! b:scorn
~Keripo[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Embustero - Harshlands wrote: »I am the only person that plays a tw in KY I multi client the entire guild whilst eating cheetos.
It ain't easy, being cheesy."WHOA, CALM DOWN HOLY JESUS **** NIPPLES IT'S JUST A GAME" - Longknife0 -
Embustero - Harshlands wrote: »I am the only person that plays a tw in KY I multi client the entire guild whilst eating cheetos.
Cheetoe's make you fat.0 -
Okopogo - Harshlands wrote: »Cheetoe's make you fat.
So does living in Canada.0 -
Noc - Harshlands wrote: »So does living in Canada.
wrong country b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
Xulin - Harshlands wrote: »If Kylin is such a nub faction and Afterlife lost to this nub faction what does make Afterlife? Garbage?
If Kylin is such a nub faction was it necessary to conspire with other guilds like Crimson to triple bid and even fake bid on Kylin?
Lol...yes afterlife is garbage! I mean..common...It's lead by RigaMortiZ. You were in Kylin TW's with him XuLin, you must have had a taste of how horrible he is at TW and TW strategy. I mean, Riga is a pretty nice guy, but he's got some kinda complex where he thinks he's pro at TW.
In Zulu we used to feed him strategy with a spoon in binds, then he'd repeat it in vent to everyone over his bind, so maybe some people from zulu think he was some kind of leader, i dunno. But he would even get the strategies wrong and impliment his own like "everybody in cata squad get on ur fly mounts cuz u take less damage". Or when we needed to beat Mayhem in a 6 minute window and do full push on B he was building towers instead of pushing...even though we told him we had to win the war in 6 minutes to move onto the crimson war...and instead of pushing with his cata...he built towers....and we actually ended up losing the war to crimson that day.
I mean, Afterlife prolly has the saddest origins of any guild. We didnt want riga in our new guild because he was so...we'll just say clueless and annoying that we convinced him to make his own guild so we wouldnt feel obligated to bring him to ours. Today I might even feel bad about it if it didnt feed his ego so much that he's thinking he's the greatest leader since captain planet.
But hey, atleast afterlife puts up more of a fight than props for that. But i mean, riga was running around his own base with catapult whacking my sin for 350 dmg which tells me he hasnt learned anything from Zulu and now there is no one above him telling him to stop being a dumbass and do the right thing. I remember sometimes in Zulu riga would say something to us in binds, like "we should do this..." and simaltaneously me nurfed iffy and acrelar would be like "NO, no no!" and the we'd tell him the right thing. And then the best part is he would repeat our plan to us and go.."Everyone okay with this plan?" like it was his idea XD.
And to XuLins last part of the post....I dont think Afterlife Valhalla or Crimson can ever complain about "wanting good wars" ever again since you're just stacking kylin for easy lands. after that stunt if there was any hesitance in my mind before about Catalyst taking the whole map, there is none now. Everyone is all the same and QQ or not Catalyst will take as many lands as possible, just like any other guild would ...clearly. Maybe Crimson is exempt for the ridicule as they were already attacking kylin each week.
Anyways, regardless of what riga has tried to say about me being as useless in TW as tiits on a bull, i know he's a nice guy to his members and stuff...i just think he doesnt have half a clue when it comes to TWs. I mean, they guilt ahnkrah to come back and teach their barbs how to pull....which i think is a good idea, but im also thinking...isnt the leader of their guild and cata teams a barb? and self proclaimed greatest gift to catapulling.0 -
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »he's the greatest leader since captain planet.b:bye0
*Eating another bowl of pop corn*
Velkran.0 -
Curses - Harshlands wrote: »Lol...yes afterlife is garbage! I mean..common...It's lead by RigaMortiZ. You were in Kylin TW's with him XuLin, you must have had a taste of how horrible he is at TW and TW strategy. I mean, Riga is a pretty nice guy, but he's got some kinda complex where he thinks he's pro at TW.
In Zulu we used to feed him strategy with a spoon in binds, then he'd repeat it in vent to everyone over his bind, so maybe some people from zulu think he was some kind of leader, i dunno. But he would even get the strategies wrong and impliment his own like "everybody in cata squad get on ur fly mounts cuz u take less damage". Or when we needed to beat Mayhem in a 6 minute window and do full push on B he was building towers instead of pushing...even though we told him we had to win the war in 6 minutes to move onto the crimson war...and instead of pushing with his cata...he built towers....and we actually ended up losing the war to crimson that day.
I mean, Afterlife prolly has the saddest origins of any guild. We didnt want riga in our new guild because he was so...we'll just say clueless and annoying that we convinced him to make his own guild so we wouldnt feel obligated to bring him to ours. Today I might even feel bad about it if it didnt feed his ego so much that he's thinking he's the greatest leader since captain planet.
But hey, atleast afterlife puts up more of a fight than props for that. But i mean, riga was running around his own base with catapult whacking my sin for 350 dmg which tells me he hasnt learned anything from Zulu and now there is no one above him telling him to stop being a dumbass and do the right thing. I remember sometimes in Zulu riga would say something to us in binds, like "we should do this..." and simaltaneously me nurfed iffy and acrelar would be like "NO, no no!" and the we'd tell him the right thing. And then the best part is he would repeat our plan to us and go.."Everyone okay with this plan?" like it was his idea XD.
And to XuLins last part of the post....I dont think Afterlife Valhalla or Crimson can ever complain about "wanting good wars" ever again since you're just stacking kylin for easy lands. after that stunt if there was any hesitance in my mind before about Catalyst taking the whole map, there is none now. Everyone is all the same and QQ or not Catalyst will take as many lands as possible, just like any other guild would ...clearly. Maybe Crimson is exempt for the ridicule as they were already attacking kylin each week.
Anyways, regardless of what riga has tried to say about me being as useless in TW as tiits on a bull, i know he's a nice guy to his members and stuff...i just think he doesnt have half a clue when it comes to TWs. I mean, they guilt ahnkrah to come back and teach their barbs how to pull....which i think is a good idea, but im also thinking...isnt the leader of their guild and cata teams a barb? and self proclaimed greatest gift to catapulling.
tl:dr shorten prease[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Cimon u for real? KuiXing, or however your name is, u for real? I mean all the comments of the afterlife members are!!!! omg all that for real??!!!
Lol guys, I thought I saw butt hurt in my days but I u proof me wrong, now I think I can tell stories to my grand children, around a fire on how butt hurt really looks like.
All u had to say was "GG, was fun" and move on with your life, but u preferred the way of the dumbass.
I now call on the server to do a server facepalm!!!, my will shall be done![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
-Former member of Kylin
-Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
I think the faceplam they deserve is like this Oko:[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
-Former member of Kylin
-Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
old meme.0
MrHanky - Harshlands wrote: »lol curses watched capt planetb:laugh
better recognize0 -
cpt planet was after my time
i remeber seeing one day and was like wtf
i grew up on tom&jerry, woody woodpecker, transformers, gi joe and of course smurfs
cant forget good ole scooby dooby doooooooooo
and scrappy toob:bye0 -
I am now wearing lederhosen, talking in a german accent, and eating cheetos while doing the lederhosen dance and watching captain planet reruns on TBS, all at the same time. Also I'm doing this at 5 AM in the morning.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0
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