History doomed to repeat itself?



  • RedBetty - Harshlands
    RedBetty - Harshlands Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    what she said :D
    still funny how catalyst keeps calling valhalla a money/cser faction while they dont even have 10 r9s anymore.
    how many are in catalyst? :)
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I experienced both from Valhalla


    Any guild that houses assassins and/or Kywe should expect their guildies to trash talk.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Umm...who are u and why are crying?

    Fragil = Lirali. Posting on level 1 alts is pro, ya.

    @Lira ~ I have seen a bunch of trash talk lately coming out of people like Taarloor, Kywe, MrsNosferatu, and Redwoodred so you can damn well forget arguing that Val doesn't trash talk at this point in time.

    I'm also going to believe Curses and the other members of Cata when they say they only had about 50-60 people on considering the guild itself only has, correct me if I'm wrong, about 70-80 actual people in it with the rest being alts? It's very hard to believe that all 70-80 of those people showed up to TW.

    Face it. Val got their *** handed to them because TW experience doesn't automatically translate over to knowing how to plan it, how to organize it, or how to lead it.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    @Lira ~ I have seen a bunch of trash talk lately coming out of people like Taarloor, Kywe, MrsNosferatu, and Redwoodred so you can damn well forget arguing that Val doesn't trash talk at this point in time.
    Yeah, kinda about them and few more


    Any guild that houses assassins and/or Kywe should expect their guildies to trash talk.

    I lol'ed
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Its not our fault valhalla cant hold onto their members. Like I said before, I welcome stack bids - gives us something to do and i personally have no problem with lots of guilds being on the map. If they stack us and earn their victories, then they deserve the land.

    @Petal (who ever that is):Lawlz at good guys and bad guys. Is pwi a comic book now? What fantasy world are u living in?

    @fragil (who ever that is): You're very good at counting...trolol 75 ppl. I like that ur life is busy enough that you have time to sit in front of my video and count the people in a tw. Just visualizing you doing that makes me laugh. Im not a student of the tw videos like you, but im pretty confident there isnt a single frame in the video with every member in the war, let alone 75 people in a frame. I guess pw is malfunctioning and the number on our guildlist is wrong.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    @Eoria - I always posted under this same name in any game, it isnt hard for anyone to know who it is really. Was it for you?

    @Curses - This my friend is all I have to say to you:

    So..anyone wanna stack Valala with us? or are we gonna let them take the map for free and let them pretend like they accomplished something. It took the server well over 6 months to realize that if they stacked Zulu they stood a chance. Are we gonna wait 'til valalala has the whole map...or maybe someone should be the catalyst and we can stand up to them now..

    But then you are prepared and admiting you want to take whole map a few posts after.
    Consistency is a beautiful wonderful thing.
  • _Althea_ - Harshlands
    _Althea_ - Harshlands Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Honey if you wanna say someone is crying dont point this direction.
    I am perfectly ok with us losing, and we were expecting it.
    We do not want glory over night like all that trash applying to Catalyst at the moment.

    I just don't want to read obscene lies about how many R9's we got when you got WAY more.
    About how you were 60 in TW when you had over 75 people at LEAST. Yes, I counted them all on the video made.
    If you want to have a nice discussion, please keep it real at least, its the minimum you can do.

    I appreciate you admiting your goal is to take full map, we are here to stop that from happening, for the server sake but for our sake as well. 5 minute TW's are fun for no one.

    I'm out of here, since I see no need to make you show your real face in here, you do that pretty well alone on the last posts.


    I think she's talkin' serious business. Lolz. To be honest, everything you're saying is just **** and nothing is there to actually back it up. Sure, you can say that you guys wish to FEND OFF DA EBIL DAT IS CATALYST. But seriously? Preach your "mission of righteousness" all you want - your guild, your members - everything that Valhalla is right now stands for nothing of what you say. Your members don't trash talk? Suuure, just look at Kywe in world chat. They don't trash talk at all. Nope. Nada. You're right! And yea, they don't PK lowbies...:) okay.

    Maybe before Bludd and the rest of the core or whatevertheheck start saying they're all for the good of the server, you should show it through your members. Get them under control, 'cause there are people out there that just make you guys look like trash. And THAT'S why nobody likes you.

    Actually, nobody really likes people who can one shot them for 2x their HP. I'm just sayin'! You're the righteous knights here to slay the demented, twisted R9 Catalysts that botted their way up to the top. At least Catalyst is saying they'd want to take the map. Newsflash: AfterLife wants the map, too. I think it's the goal of every guild that is serious (except Valhalla luuuuuuulz) to take the map. Maybe I'll get Vindicate to take ova da map 2.b:cute I don't care if Catalyst takes the map, honestly. At least I know they deserve it, because they're damn good at TW and everyone knows that, where as Valhalla knows how to rush lane B and wait at p6, ectect. I think I would rather have a faction that knows what they're doing take the map..opposed to watching a faction that has no idea how to TW take a few cities and PITIFULLY leave the rest for the other guilds. :)

    Kay so on your botting comment..

    The last time I checked, and correct me if I'm wrong, you can't bot a knack for playing a game. Actually...I don't think you can bot skill. Am I wrong? Maybe they've devised a new TW-bot. I dunno, clearly I'm not up with the times. Valhalla wants to save PWI Harshlands with their PW-MY ways...but how can they do that if they can't even defend themselves?

    Face it, Valhalla players know nothing about their classes - they have the gear, and trust me 'honey' I was in Valhalla BEFORE it was even Valhalla, and I saw it grow to what it is now. It's a bunch of people that cashshopped their gear, level'd in FC and have no idea how to group PVP and work in a TW. Just like Eo said. Organizing TW, leading it and actually knowing what to do in it and how to execute that role are two completely different things. Or would that be four? Oh man..

    Okay, this is so long, I'll try to wrap it up. Being in CrimsonJr, I know fersure that Catalyst is probably telling the truth (did you really sit and count them all? Get off your chair and sit up, mah gawd guuuuurl!) because members who are in CrimsonJr were like, "Ohs noes we can't skip the TW 'cause like noooobody is going!" So how can a guild of 70-80 mains possibly have EVERYONE on for that night? Most likely can't.

    Why are my posts always so grossly long? Nobody is gonna read that. =.=
  • mation85
    mation85 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Kinda seems curses attempt at public relations was a fail? It also seems based on the posts that he has a serious memory problem? If you delete everyone elses posts and just read curses it actually looks like he is arguing with himself lol, as his opinion varies to opposite extremes from post to post.
  • Fragil - Harshlands
    Fragil - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes I do like to pay attention to what was done in TW's if I got the time for it.
    We live and we learn, or you instantly forget what you do and dont want to learn from your own mistakes?

    You want to support Catalyst Althea? Go ahead.

    Everyone has that choice, afteral we're not asking or telling anyone what to do to their guilds.

    You do your thing, we do our thing.

    We'll see how map turns out in a few months.

    I'm gonna take myself out of the forums again, it isnt healthy.

    Peace. o/
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes I do like to pay attention to what was done in TW's if I got the time for it.
    We live and we learn, or you instantly forget what you do and dont want to learn from your own mistakes?

    You want to support Catalyst Althea? Go ahead.

    Everyone has that choice, afteral we're not asking or telling anyone what to do to their guilds.

    You do your thing, we do our thing.

    We'll see how map turns out in a few months.

    I'm gonna take myself out of the forums again, it isnt healthy.

    Peace. o/

    This is probably the smartest thing you have said so far. No congratulations for you though...
  • _Althea_ - Harshlands
    _Althea_ - Harshlands Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    I'm gonna take myself out of the forums again, it isnt healthy.

    Peace. o/

    b:bye Serious business isn't healthy.
  • Player_two - Harshlands
    Player_two - Harshlands Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    such srs business.....when did we move away from gaming.
    b:shocked oh noes was walking and forgot to breath
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Dis is PWI. Dis b serious business mang.
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I guess my original post is void. I already said we over estimated valhalla. I thought MY pro's would bring something new, and crazy that just makes little old harshlands look like scrubs into TW. But I think its kinda how like Lost City thinks their all pros. I thought at least the ex zulu and ex kylin would be doing their jobs correctly. I thought that a 20 person advantage would have been enough for them to at least win with 6 catas. So I guess we dont need anyones help. It's still a relevant post to the status of the server. If not for catalyst to stop valhalla, they would have walked all over the map unchallenged because the server is too afraid to do anything. I'm sure we've taken that role now, and Im sure people will stack us. We will be attempting to take valhalla off the map before we attack anyone else because right now they will provide the most fun tw's for us. If we get stacked I think valhalla should be jealous. Defending stack wars is testing the true potential of your guild and I can promise you Catalyst is not looking for the easy road to victory. We're looking for active, competitive and fun TW's. It takes extreme amounts of organization, coordination and skill to win stack wars and I look forward to the challenge and testing the true potential of our 60 people.

    I guess not everyone knows this, but we've extended offers to share the map which were basically thrown back in our faces, so I dont feel bad that our goal is now the whole map. We even offered to split the map 50/50 with crimson. I know we'll become the bad guys now. For some reason people in this game need someone to wear the black hat. We're rpk because in a game that already has a lack of pvp, we choose not to limit ourselves even more and try to find some sort of enjoyment out of a broken game. If we were a guild that didnt attack anyone in world pvp and fought for justice and the over all good of the server to share the map as one big happy family...I think the game would be pretty damn boring....errr even more boring than it already is. But hey..we've been the evil villains before, and we're prepared to wear that hat again, if thats what people need to convince themselves of just because we're a strong group of people.

    Im over 150 posts now! im starting to feel like a troll and since ive said everything that needed to be said we wont tire out the issue anymore :D. I dont play the game much now except for TW and pvp tourny. So I hope valhalla can collect themselves and provide us with some more fun wars...or we can get some good stack wars going as well. Good luck to valhalla, and I hope that the rest of the server gets off their butts and takes advantage of the 2 powerhouses being pre-occupied with each other.
  • Elednor - Harshlands
    Elednor - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    About how you were 60 in TW when you had over 75 people at LEAST. Yes, I counted them all on the video made.

    *Cough* http://tinypic.com/r/x26uyg/7 *cough*

    Thats online, there are a number of shop alts in guild and people logged on AFK who where at work / out. So yeah, pretty easy too assume 55-60 in the instance.
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    *Cough* http://tinypic.com/r/x26uyg/7 *cough*

    Thats online, there are a number of shop alts in guild and people logged on AFK who where at work / out. So yeah, pretty easy too assume 55-60 in the instance.

    Bump (even tho its already the last post)
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The amount of R9's in Catalyst TWs is very impressive, having 20 less people is irrelevant when 80% of your team is close to full +10 or better and maybe 20% of our team are around full +10. The real difference however is the organisation and class selection Catalyst has made sure to get right in creating this guild.

    Valhalla is looking forward to weekly battles against Catalyst, I dont think at this stage we will consider fighting anyone else, even if it costs us alot of land, we want the best TW available and we want to improve, so we'll be seeing alot of Catalyst over the next few months b:victory

    GG Catalyst, even though i never intend to get along with you guys, you're impressive botters..... errr, players. b:chuckle
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The amount of R9's in Catalyst TWs is very impressive, having 20 less people is irrelevant when 80% of your team is close to full +10 or better and maybe 20% of our team are around full +10. The real difference however is the organisation and class selection Catalyst has made sure to get right in creating this guild.

    Valhalla is looking forward to weekly battles against Catalyst, I dont think at this stage we will consider fighting anyone else, even if it costs us alot of land, we want the best TW available and we want to improve, so we'll be seeing alot of Catalyst over the next few months b:victory

    GG Catalyst, even though i never intend to get along with you guys, you're impressive botters..... errr, players. b:chuckle

    The funny part is that you, yourself think you will improve. G_G.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    GG Catalyst, even though i never intend to get along with you guys, you're impressive botters..... errr, players. b:chuckle

    Guys, he made a funny.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Catalyst you should just give up, it's random scrubs posting with <100 post counts vs Taarloor with 400+. Oko is the only one who might be able to stand up to Taarloor's massive post count, but even then it's 200 to 400.

    It's hopeless.

    Also, +1 to my post count.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My post count has +12 r9 bow.

    See what I did there?
  • zbzkda
    zbzkda Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Can someone explain to me why people think that Catalyst owes them loyalty or TW land tribute in some way? Catalyst is a faction in the game for their own reasons with their own goals, completely dissociated from <whatever-faction-you're-currently-in>, and they really have no reason to care about you.

    RPK is not a sin, and PKing lowbies is not "wrong" and working hard at farming gear and closely working together to win TW and take land and escape the money trap in the game is not an evil.

    People are angry that Catalyst wants to earn more land? Really? Is that your business? IF you think it affects you, why not try to stop them? People will do what is best for them, and not what's best for you. Catalyst owes you no TW royalties, and they don't have to "share" with the rest of the server. If you want TW booty, go make a faction and take what they have from them. The pervading thing is,

    "Valhala are noble because they claim that they will not consume the map, and Zulu is terrible because they will seize all the lands and make it frustrating for me to get anything."

    Assuming Valhala had an 80% ownership of the landscape, and they left say, 5 lands open for use by other factions (to do what with, I have no idea), obviously some strong faction will eventually grab those scrap lands (lol) and then in the end nobody will bid anyway...

    Then that faction which has been allowed to hold several of Valhala's unwanted territories will feel stupid, and realize that they look dumb acting pro while eating from Valhala's "kind" hand, and begin to attack Valhala. Valhala will (obviously) crush that, and who knows, they may decide that the other faction is no longer "worthy" to hold "their" lands, so they'll boot them? And then Valhala becomes some sort of TW regulatory body?


    Don't be stupid. Take it to its conclusion: the TW system is a way to help factions earn money. The more lands you own = more weekly income. Go and take as many lands as you can and take the "almost complete" status to a full win. Doing anything else will just end up being stupid eventually. Again, no faction owes you anything if you're not in that faction...

    @Valhala: Take the map, or just keep up the "We're not here to be evil" **** and leave the lands open for some other faction to take over and build up with, then they'll use the weekly income to gear up cata barbs and start mopping you off the map, then you'll have no land at all. You don't play Mario Kart and stop just before the finish line. The same way in this video game you're expected to be the "winner" and finish up your win :/

    And if you take over the map then...LOL guess what? The PWI officials just might reset it! So wow, you would have got a much better reputation ("Valhala held the whole map at once time, you know"), and more money so your members could get better gear (Benefits??!!), and then guess what?? After the map reset some some members will leave and start their own factions (Hell no!!) and with the competence they learned from their stay with you, they'll raise up a new set of TW guilds (holy shet!!!).
    I seriously wonder: people who don't RPK, if you play the board game "Sorry!" and you roll the dice so that you land on an opponents piece and send it back to the beginning, do you sincerely apologize and ask everyone if you can have a do-over roll so you can give your victim another chance? It's a god damn game..

  • Irae - Harshlands
    Irae - Harshlands Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think we can all agree that the real loser here is the archer who sharded all ambers and +10'd an FC fist
  • Mofo - Harshlands
    Mofo - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lets make this a QQ thread and get it locked cos this thread is quite pointless and will soon burst in flames

    QQ i farmed r9 bow
    QQ i have +6 armor
    QQ i want medals back b:cryb:cry
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I agree with zkdaf, and It basically comes down to the motives/preference of the group gathered around the faction.

    As this game has no goals but the ones set by yourselves - some people tend to set their own objectives:

    - Some people think that the most important objective is completing all the quests.
    - Some tend to think that the most important objective is leveling as much as possible (there are lv 103 people that still do world quests every day, ijs).
    - Some think that farming as many coins as possible - wins them the game.
    - Some think killing as many people as possible - makes them the winners.


    And everything is legit!

    Zulu (*Catalyst) just tend to fulfill their objectives (winning the map, winning the coins involved) as easy as possible. They don't really care for the TW fun (even if they claim otherwise) - it's just a step towards the goal no matter if it's a 5 min rush down the B lane, or 3hrs war.

    Valhalla, on the other hand, might have a different objective in mind (as Bludd/urDian stating here) - but they are not really focused on whatever that is (imo).

    ~ ~ ~

    Zulu (*Catalyst) was always organised; in everything; starting from the in-faction gear farming - to TWs.

    Valhalla was never organised in anything within the faction, so one can't expect they would be different in a TW (I hope they are different nowadays, tbh). When I had my alt there for a while - it was just a group of random on-line people.
  • Closat - Heavens Tear
    Closat - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    stop talking about valhalla like they are trying to save the server by not taking the hole map...

    if they leave 5-8 lands up for grabs those lands will be controled by noob guilds, therefor other noob guilds will bid on those lands instead of on valhalla's lands...

    its just a cheap and easy way to be sure u dont get ***** over by stacked wars

    the real people who arent afraid of stacked wars and TW in general will always take the hole map... cuz it simply make things harder
  • Okopogo - Harshlands
    Okopogo - Harshlands Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Zulu (*Catalyst) just tend to fulfill their objectives (winning the map, winning the coins involved) as easy as possible. They don't really care for the TW fun (even if they claim otherwise) - it's just a step towards the goal no matter if it's a 5 min rush down the B lane, or 3hrs war.

    Is this another one of your strong opinions, in which I submit the wrath of my hardcore opinion, you'll cry again?

    You're very wrong. We want to have fun TW's. Do you think that anybody on this server likes 5 min crystal rushes? Uhh, No? Moron, we play for the fun of the game, and we want 3 hour wars, Win or lose.
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Is this another one of your strong opinions, in which I submit the wrath of my hardcore opinion, you'll cry again?

    Okopogo, I never cry - because I can't lose anything. As said before: I'm just a spectator in this freak show, and I personally don't care if Catalyst wins the map, nor I care if Valhalla does the same.

    I just expect some culmination, climax or apogee to take place - more fun for me. Otherwise - it's just like watching a boring hockey game. b:pleased

    ~ ~ ~

    Anyhow - my post was a summary of the viewpoints expressed from the relevant factors on both sides (and some of my conclusions marked with "ijs").

    If you read the original Curses post (his last one on this thread, before revising it) you would understand because he clearly stated that Zulu (*Catalyst) "won't hesitate to take the map again and get their territory rewards on a weekly basis."

    And it's legit, as said before. It's like being capable of farming Harpy Wraith. If you can do it - why the hell not?

    Now I see that he changed his opinion promising that: "Catalyst is not looking for the easy road to victory. We're looking for active, competitive and fun TW's."

    Dam me for not quoting the original posts, or archiving them for later use. I hate when this happens. Now I could just revise my previous post (the one you based your reply on), remove anything contradicting your viewpoints - and then add another post after yours stating: "I never said that." b:lipcurl

    But - it's not my call. If you guys wanna have 3hrs TWs - so be it. We'll see; because in the past you all remember how difficult it was for you taking the map. You never said: "oh, kay, Kylin can't defend for more than 4 mins so we won't attack them". Your motto was: "let's run over those chumps again and get their 150 mirages worth of territory".

    We'll see ... We'll see ... I just sat back, made some pop-corns and grabbed the bottle of soda, begging for some serious action/blood/sweat/pain/rage/incertitude/endeavor/oestrus and some nude women along the way. b:dirty
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    btw, it has to be a Canadian greeting - so "moron" to you, too.

    And don't just wait for me to post so you can jump-in with your gank-replies. Try reading others' posts, too. You might be surprised about things you discover there.

    ~ ~ ~

    So, bottom line: I could bet my left egg that Catalyst WILL take the map if capable, but we'll see. Longknife already explained all, so I could just quote him and sign underneath.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    @Petal (who ever that is):Lawlz at good guys and bad guys. Is pwi a comic book now? What fantasy world are u living in?

    Excuse me? Who's the one who started a thread that began like---
    So..anyone wanna stack Valala with us? or are we gonna let them take the map for free and let them pretend like they accomplished something. It took the server well over 6 months to realize that if they stacked Zulu they stood a chance. Are we gonna wait 'til valalala has the whole map...or maybe someone should be the catalyst and we can stand up to them now.

    I'm sorry, wasn't this you? Pretty sure this was you.

    It's kinda cute how you're playing a sort of reverse psychology thing on the server....
    "We should all gank Valhalla because they're so OP and they're a-gonna take the whole map! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG....Be the catalyst! We can stand up to them now!"

    When, ironically it's Catalyst who has more R9's and more former Zulu/Decent Crimson/Kylin players than (literally) any faction on the map....the irony is delicious.

    If everybody actually agreed to this, everybody would stack bids against Valhalla while Catalyst takes the land for their own. I think you're just trying to convince everybody to stack on them while they take the map from under our noses.
    Then, if (when) the Valhallas broke apart, they would scatter to different factions, just like Kingdom and Kylin did in Zulu times. Most of those higher geared people (like in the Zulu era) would go to the next strongest faction.

    Oh but WAIT, that's Catalyst!
    I C what u did there, Curses.

    I can at least respect Valhalla for wanting a map run that gives other factions a chance. When Valhalla gets wiped off the map, who is gonna have the power to stand up to Catalyst?
    But that's the whole point, isn't it? Nobody will. You will have the easiest map grab since...Zulu killed Kingdom and Kylin...if not easier.

    If you didn't want Crystal runs, or an easy map grab, you shouldn't have rebuilt Zulu. Don't even TRY defending that it's not...anybody with brains can see you've got the majority of factors in your faction. Denying it would just further shrink my already dwindling respect for you.

    I can at least respect Valhalla for giving other factions the opportunity to get land. I would rather see a "moderator" for TW than a dictator.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."