History doomed to repeat itself?



  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Drali....where are my pancakes? b:scorn

    the one I ate? o.o;
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • HazZzarD - Harshlands
    HazZzarD - Harshlands Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Didn't read the last 4 pages but please explain to me!
    Stacking Valhala with you is the right and smart thing but when Crimson/Kylin/Mayhem stacked Zulu it was such a despicable and pathetic thing to do?!? b:question
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Didn't read the last 4 pages but please explain to me!
    Stacking Valhala with you is the right and smart thing but when Crimson/Kylin/Mayhem stacked Zulu it was such a despicable and pathetic thing to do?!? b:question

    I wondered the same. Granted, I think Catalyst is gonna win when the two guilds meet (even willing to bet it will be a disappointing war, with a quicker victory than one would expect), but the way I see it:

    Helping Valhalla
    = server gets a couple territories that they're free to TW with without any interruption and thus TW lives on and people start to learn to fight battles for fun and not neccesarily for politics or for money, but PK continues to get a bunch of downs syndrome patients who somehow think that deploying seven r9 +12 players to go PK is a reasonable reaction to spotting a red named level 92 veno at west gate.

    Helping Catalyst
    = The map repeats itself and we see more face-rolled crystal sprints. The fun of TW dies. PK gets more diverse though. (hopefully) At any rate, if another guild started deploying too many people to PK, it sure as hell wouldn't be Catalyst, as most of them would be too busy AFKing at south, playing LoL and Minecraft and trolling each other.

    Fail to see how one of those is the obvious correct decision. Let's let Stalkers take the map for the lulz and see what happens.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Didn't read the last 4 pages but please explain to me!
    Stacking Valhala with you is the right and smart thing but when Crimson/Kylin/Mayhem stacked Zulu it was such a despicable and pathetic thing to do?!? b:question

    Why would you say it was the despicable thing to do? We had a couple months after kylin fell apart where we really wanted good TW's again. Once the server finally figured out they could stack us and have a chance at success we were happy. We even publicly announced that it took them long enough to figure it out. In my opinion defending 3 stack wars for 3 decent sized guilds is a true accomplishment in the game.

    Stacking wars is important. It's no secret that that is how the game is designed to prevent 1 guild from taking the map.

    @ Longknifes post: I have no idea what you're talking about...that makes no sense to me. How are we going to take the map with 30 well geared and 20 average to decently geared people? Lets do some math.

    50/ 3wars = 16 ppl per war.

    80 vs 16 = if we can win at those odds don't we deserve the map?

    Even if we get 80 people some day in the distant future - each war will be 80 vs 26.

    ******History can't repeat itself. In Zulu times there were 2 guilds with good gear. Now with rep sales, cheap +10 orbs, etc... EVERYONE is getting geared up. And every mentionable guild has a few exceptionally well geared people that prevent another guild from defending them with a squad or 2.

    At any rate, I knew no one would want to fight valhalla anyway...except for maybe kylin, because their core and I have talked about it before. I enjoy the discussion tho.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    @ Longknifes post: I have no idea what you're talking about...that makes no sense to me. How are we going to take the map with 30 well geared and 20 average to decently geared people? Lets do some math.

    You say that as if you're not recruiting. If you'd kept your non-recruiting policy, ok, but you're recruiting. And even if we're talking about you guys conquering lands god awful slow (only gaining a profit every third week, the other two weeks both gaining and losing a land so that it cancels out), my point was more that you guys wouldn't hesitate to take everything within your grasp whereas Valhalla clearly would not. Plus I mean, as I said in whatever post way back when, there's a reason people don't get the balls up to stack wars on big guilds: it's very risky move that only gives less than a 33% chance of paying off, effectively makes you an "enemy" of the powerful guild in question, and the fun factor of a stacked TW is rather low; you either get a free crystal sprint or the guild shows up to your war and gets rolled. I mean, your example of a triple stack has only happened once since the server reset, if I remember correct. Stalkers got it once, I believe. Such a stack requires luck in the sense that the server has to assign all three at the same time. Afterwards, even IF that happens, every guild that attacks you only has a one in three chance of being the guild that gets ignored. But wait, it usually doesn't depend on chance; it depends on power. Usually the strongest guild of the three is the one that gets the free crystal sprint. So the other two are essentially wasting their time and their reputation with the defending faction just so the stronger guild can have a VERY boring benefit that doesn't actually weaken the strongest guild in the slightest; they're still the strongest on the server and they're still only going to lose one territory a week, and even then they're unlikely to get discouraged, lose out on their territory count or disband, because they're regularly kicking the butts of the other two guilds. They still know how good they are and that their current guild has the best shot at taking the map. THIS is why no one stacks.

    Maybe you think history won't repeat itself and that people will learn to stack wars, but I beg to differ. We've essentially got 6-7 major guilds (as in none of the others barely flippin' matter when it comes to stacks) on the map with only 2-3 that would have a personal beef against Catalyst and basically zero with a beef against Valhalla (unless someone finally gets up with their PK style). And do you really think all 6-7 of those guilds will still have power or influence in 5 months time? Hell no, 3-4 of them are gonna get their asses handed to them and they'll stop TWing so much or people will just jump ship to one of the more successful guilds. Crimson has already allied everyone and their ****ing mother in preparation for the day when all the r9s start jumping ship. Sound familiar?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Even IF that top-level faction lose 1 defending war (in a stacked TW, and that is very unlikely to happen due to unpredictable TW scheduling, proved in the recent history) - it can surely win any attacking war - thus keeping the number of conquered territories over the weeks.

    So, in order to really GET some territories from a very strong faction - you need a faction stronger than them, to FIRST WIN the ATTACKING war, THEN WIN the DEFENDING war AND then WIN ANOTHER ATTACKING war the next week !

    You all know it was impossible for any other guild except Zulu. That's why NO faction, nor any stacked TW schedule could take Zulus' land in the history. Not even in theory.

    ~ ~ ~

    And, yeah ... As mentioned before: everyone wanted to join Zulu at some point, and it was like 95+ % of top-geared people were trying to get in, so Zulu just became more stronger, and other guilds became weaker and weaker.

    Funny thing is: most usually in their applications (as the reason for join) people stated that they want to join Zulu because of TWs. b:chuckle

    I don't blame Zulu. As mentioned before: it's a win or lose game; with all means legit.
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you seem pretty confident in your ability to predict the future. You do realize you're not actually a psychic in real life, right?

    If you read my post I didn't deny we were recruiting. I said that even if eventually we had 80 people there are still plenty of guilds that can split us in 3 and put 80 of their own members in a TW. I am not attempting to predict the future. All I am doing is present possible scenarios to creative active and competitive TW's, stimulate guild relations and have some fun. Maybe some guilds find it fun to take the easy lands then wait to be wiped off by the powerful guilds, idk.

    I'm happy you think we will win 50 vs 80 valhalla....if we even have 50...our signup would say otherwise. But by all rights valhalla should still be able to beat us. 80 well geared people is difficult to defend... especially when you cant even put a barb and cleric in each of your squads and you're missing several key people that we rely on. If we defend valhalla with 6 catas somehow, it would be pretty amazing. Im excited to give it a try.

    We're very selective in our recruiting. We're not adding people just because they will help us win TW's...we made that mistake in Zulu. We will not be able to put 80 people in a TW for some time. So I dont know how, in todays status of the server, you can call a guild with 50 people a super power. With so many well geared people, we probably couldnt even defend 2 stacked wars.

    You act like if we beat valhalla, they simply disappear. Valhalla is going to be our enemy on the map for a long time. We probably couldnt even defend Valhalla and a small guild like your own. As long as Valhalla is around, there will always be a counter for our guild...But as I see it right now, if we are unable to beat valhalla 1 v 1, there is nothing to stop them from taking w/e they want.

    You can use ur powers of foresight and i'll just keep looking at the current status of the server and rely on what facts I see right now.
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You dont deserve the map, why wont you understand?
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    you seem pretty confident in your ability to predict the future. You do realize you're not actually a psychic in real life, right?

    If you read my post I didn't deny we were recruiting. I said that even if eventually we had 80 people there are still plenty of guilds that can split us in 3 and put 80 of their own members in a TW. I am not attempting to predict the future. All I am doing is present possible scenarios to creative active and competitive TW's, stimulate guild relations and have some fun. Maybe some guilds find it fun to take the easy lands then wait to be wiped off by the powerful guilds, idk.

    I'm happy you think we will win 50 vs 80 valhalla....if we even have 50...our signup would say otherwise. But by all rights valhalla should still be able to beat us. 80 well geared people is difficult to defend... especially when you cant even put a barb and cleric in each of your squads and you're missing several key people that we rely on. If we defend valhalla with 6 catas somehow, it would be pretty amazing. Im excited to give it a try.

    We're very selective in our recruiting. We're not adding people just because they will help us win TW's...we made that mistake in Zulu. We will not be able to put 80 people in a TW for some time. So I dont know how, in todays status of the server, you can call a guild with 50 people a super power. With so many well geared people, we probably couldnt even defend 2 stacked wars.

    You act like if we beat valhalla, they simply disappear. Valhalla is going to be our enemy on the map for a long time. We probably couldnt even defend Valhalla and a small guild like your own. As long as Valhalla is around, there will always be a counter for our guild...But as I see it right now, if we are unable to beat valhalla 1 v 1, there is nothing to stop them from taking w/e they want.

    You can use ur powers of foresight and i'll just keep looking at the current status of the server and rely on what facts I see right now.

    Reading that entire post did nothing but make me think "why is my interpretation of the current state of things referred to as coo-coo psychic BS but yours is considered being a realist?"

    Seriously wtf lolz. There's a reason it's called your opinion and my opinion. But whatever, guess I can add on...

    Nah but I was curious about how many you guys actually have, cause I'd never bothered to count or pay attention to it. During your AL war I did a head-count and got 56. I have my reasons as to why I think you guys will win but Idunno, I'd rather not say them. You're right though, they will have the advantage considering it's 6 catas vs your four. If anything causes Catalyst to lose this week's war, I think it'll be that. plus I heard you guys recently lost your pr0 scout or something. Could be tough.
    You guys should totally bid on them back just so we can see how much impact the 6 catas have. I know you guys want to, anyways. :P

    And yeah, I do think that if you guys were to thrash Valhalla, they'd simply disappear. Not right away of course (it'd take quite a while), but I think things would only go downhill from there. Once you start losing, people do start jumping ship and other guilds do start stacking you. That's not to say that I think EVERY guild would react like this, but with Valhalla, I do. Though again, I'd rather not say why. It's just one of those things where I think if every person in this room said exactly what their opinion was and what strengths and weaknesses they recognize in the two guilds, then both guilds would have time to react to those and the result would change. I kinda wanna see how good my judgement is. Just kind of like gambling, cept without the actual money involved since I'm poor as dirt, lulz.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You're absolutely entitled to your opinion. That's what I want to see in this thread is everyone's opinion...except taarloor, he doesnt add anything to any discussion.

    I have no idea if Barba is going to bid on Valhalla or not, i normally leave the bidding up to him.

    I have a lot of confidence in our guild. I definitely think we stand a decent chance, depending on how many members we have. The problem with our small guild is that nearly everyone is considered a key member, and missing even 5-8 people is a huge hit to our chances.

    You're right about stacking..there are costs and risks and chances associated with that. In my opinion the time to stack is when you chose taking your chances over having no chance at all.

    Im curious, that if we hypothetically beat valhalla with their 6 catas, if they would try to bid on us again, or if they would change course to get easier lands. Maybe they wont even bid on us this week, guess we'll find out later tonight. We're all hoping they do, because we want some actionnnn.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Im curious, that if we hypothetically beat valhalla with their 6 catas, if they would try to bid on us again, or if they would change course to get easier lands. Maybe they wont even bid on us this week, guess we'll find out later tonight. We're all hoping they do, because we want some actionnnn.

    I'm willing to bet they would probably bid on you....but as far as it goes thus far...Valhalla's movements have been rather...puzzling. They haven't bidded or been bid upon in the last few weeks, which makes me rather curious to see what they're up to...

    This week will hopefully be more productive on all fronts.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You're absolutely entitled to your opinion. That's what I want to see in this thread is everyone's opinion...except taarloor, he doesnt add anything to any discussion.

    I have no idea if Barba is going to bid on Valhalla or not, i normally leave the bidding up to him.

    I have a lot of confidence in our guild. I definitely think we stand a decent chance, depending on how many members we have. The problem with our small guild is that nearly everyone is considered a key member, and missing even 5-8 people is a huge hit to our chances.

    You're right about stacking..there are costs and risks and chances associated with that. In my opinion the time to stack is when you chose taking your chances over having no chance at all.

    Im curious, that if we hypothetically beat valhalla with their 6 catas, if they would try to bid on us again, or if they would change course to get easier lands. Maybe they wont even bid on us this week, guess we'll find out later tonight. We're all hoping they do, because we want some actionnnn.

    I'd assume they'd attack again. I mean, they'd really have no choice other than to learn how to beat you guys if you actively pursued them. Or they could change course, snatch Archo and Ether, then come back.

    On another note, why ARE you bringing up alliances for this week and basically requesting an ally and/or mentioning that you're looking for one? I mean, as far as I know, both Catalyst and Valhalla are looking forward to this fight (beats having a damn crystal sprint), and I'm pretty sure a lot of other guilds are interested in the outcome of this fight as well. I mean, I have no personal interest in the outcome myself (I stand to gain or lose nothing, regardless of the outcome), but I'm still curious to see the outcome and see if I was right about how it will go. Either one of you getting help this week would kinda ruin the fun of that AND I doubt anyone would interfere with this week in the first place because they WANT to know the outcome without any interference; guilds who enjoy having manly parts down their throats wanna watch this to see whose part tastes better and people like me wanna see this out of pure curiousity. Infact, anyone who bids on either one of you this week can jump out a window, as far as I'm concerned.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm willing to bet they would probably bid on you....but as far as it goes thus far...Valhalla's movements have been rather...puzzling.


    Puzzled by a faction going for cities.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The original post is more so a rhetorical troll of the server. I don't even think most of the guild leaders read the officials. I'm aware no one wants to fight Valhalla. And the troll is that no one wants to do anything exciting on the server and I'm perfectly aware of this. Our group of people have pretty much been the only ones making bold moves for a long time now. The topic is just interesting to discuss.

    Yes I am excited for a 1 v 1 war. But does the server find much excitement in there being only 2 guilds that are impacting the map.....again? You dont have to be an exceptionally well geared "strong" faction to be a factor on the tw map. Mayhem proved this while stacking on zulu. They went from non factor to factor. The more guilds that are interacting, whether it be waring or allying together for wars, the more factors there will be on the map and the more exciting it will be.

    In another game I played...there were RPK guilds, and then there was an alliance of the "anti" guilds. RPK guilds were alone and warred everyone, and anti guilds only fought the PVP guilds. This scenario is closely related to pw, but it doesn't reflect on the TW map really. I guess I;m forgetting that guilds like Kylin and Omerta are also RPK now... i think?
    Either way, if people don't want to ally with us, or with valhalla they could be making tw alliances to get rid of the rpk factions... but they don't. Something is more important to them than the fun of an active map. Whether it be taking the safe road and getting w/e money u can get while u can, or fear of making more enemies, etc.
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Curses, what you feel now is the approx same thing we felt back-then in Kylin, when we had Zulu approaching the map - like a giant unstoppable tsunami (similar to Valhalla now).

    Of course - we were all nervous about what Zulu will do, how will it go, will we be stronger than them. Somewhere deep inside - we all thought we're more experienced than Zulu, have better geared folks & etc.

    Likewise: this is the critical moment for Catalyst, too. The history might repeat, as you said before. But unfortunately - bad surprises might struck you in waves ! I'm not wishing you that.

    You could also WIN the 1st TW against Valhalla (like Kylin won first TWs against Zulu); somehow things got worse for Kylin afterwards (long story). BUT IF you lose - things will dramatically get worse for Catalyst !

    You might stall like a roller-coaster: 1 TW lost; drama; people lost ... next TW lost; drama again; more people lost ... and after those first few waves - it's over.

    And the most trustworthy and loyal people - leave the first ._.

    So, yeah, this might be an EPIC moment for both of your factions. The clash of the titans with the utmost unpredictable outcome. Good luck both of you! b:victory
  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Curses, what you feel now is the approx same thing we felt back-then in Kylin, when we had Zulu approaching the map - like a giant unstoppable tsunami (similar to Valhalla now).

    Of course - we were all nervous about what Zulu will do, how will it go, will we be stronger than them. Somewhere deep inside - we all thought we're more experienced than Zulu, have better geared folks & etc.

    Likewise: this is the critical moment for Catalyst, too. The history might repeat, as you said before. But unfortunately - bad surprises might struck you in waves ! I'm not wishing you that.

    You could also WIN the 1st TW against Valhalla (like Kylin won first TWs against Zulu); somehow things got worse for Kylin afterwards (long story). BUT IF you lose - things will dramatically get worse for Catalyst !

    You might stall like a roller-coaster: 1 TW lost; drama; people lost ... next TW lost; drama again; more people lost ... and after those first few waves - it's over.

    And the most trustworthy and loyal people - leave the first ._.

    So, yeah, this might be an EPIC moment for both of your factions. The clash of the titans with the utmost unpredictable outcome. Good luck both of you! b:victory

    mm i disagree with most of that. We aren't feeling anything in the lines of...fear...or anxiety about valhalla. We are perfectly prepared to be wiped off the map. 95% of our members have been a solid core group of people who have been loyal to each other for a long time, so catalyst is in no danger of people leaving. maybe newer people that we have added would leave, not sure. But im confident that we have 40 or more people who wouldnt even be playing the game if we all didnt play the game together. I think this is a large part of the reason we've had success in the past.

    If valhalla takes us off the map, we find a new place to make camp on the map, its not a big deal. This thread is not a cry for help, and Im sorry if anyone mistook it for that. I was interested to see if people are okay with valhalla being unchallenged and if anyone will be making any bold moves, whether it be allying with us, any other sort of action that dramatically impacts the course of valhallas walk to the finish line.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    So, yeah, this might be an EPIC moment for both of your factions. The clash of the titans with the utmost unpredictable outcome. Good luck both of you! b:victory

    CrimsonJr's eventually gonna wipe the floor with both of them, ijs...
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm willing to bet they would probably bid on you....but as far as it goes thus far...Valhalla's movements have been rather...puzzling. They haven't bidded or been bid upon in the last few weeks, which makes me rather curious to see what they're up to...

    Val has bid every week since reset and has obtained land every week since reset. As for the plan, it as Bludd posted earlier in the thread: obtain all major cities and split the map into sections.

    In any case, there are a few factors to definitely consider for both guilds here. Cata excels at TW and organization, but they need their important players on and will definitely not have full 80 at this point in time. Val will definitely field 80 people including most of their key members, but, well, they're pretty disorganized. To be quite honest, it's something of a battle of brains vs. brawn. Make of that what you will.

    @ChuckyNorris ~ I don't really have the authority to say this, but it seems to me that Cata most definitely would not fall apart upon repeated defeat in TW. If anything were to cause that, I'm under the impression that it would likely be general growing disinterest in the game and the decision to finally quit. Val, on the otherhand...

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I really don't care about either Catalyst or Valhalla, I pretend they're playing a completely different game.

    I just want Crimson to stop kissing *** and fight their own battles for once.
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    mm i disagree with most of that. We aren't feeling anything in the lines of...fear...or anxiety about valhalla. We are perfectly prepared to be wiped off the map. 95% of our members have been a solid core group of people who have been loyal to each other for a long time, so catalyst is in no danger of people leaving.

    I hope the odds turn out the way you said.

    You remember Kylin's core/distinguished officers/VIPs?

    Some said they would literally sink with the ship if needed (i.e. Applequest swore his PWI life to serve Kylin; on WC). Some said that even if they quit - they will come back and help Kylin defend 1K if Zulu attacks (BigDin). We all know Din ended up helping Zulu defeat Kylin. Then thailer & many others ...

    I don't blame them, but I just say - things often turn out the way we don't want/expect to, so: "never say never" (Justin Bieber). b:thanks
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Val has bid every week since reset and has obtained land every week since reset. As for the plan, it as Bludd posted earlier in the thread: obtain all major cities and split the map into sections.

    In any case, there are a few factors to definitely consider for both guilds here. Cata excels at TW and organization, but they need their important players on and will definitely not have full 80 at this point in time. Val will definitely field 80 people including most of their key members, but, well, they're pretty disorganized. To be quite honest, it's something of a battle of brains vs. brawn. Make of that what you will.

    @ChuckyNorris ~ I don't really have the authority to say this, but it seems to me that Cata most definitely would not fall apart upon repeated defeat in TW. If anything were to cause that, I'm under the impression that it would likely be general growing disinterest in the game and the decision to finally quit. Val, on the otherhand...

    Now shutup and save info for after the battle. b:shutup
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    @ChuckyNorris ~ I don't really have the authority to say this, but it seems to me that Cata most definitely would not fall apart upon repeated defeat in TW. If anything were to cause that, I'm under the impression that it would likely be general growing disinterest in the game and the decision to finally quit. Val, on the otherhand...

    You might be right. I was just pointing out the similarities and possible scenario in view of Kylin's past, but it might not be the case with Catalyst.

    And I agree on the last sentence simply because of Valhalla's "easy come" invitation policy that logically must end with "easy go" assumption to form the well known: "easy come - easy go" proverb.

    And some people just consider factions like a taxi. They jump in, make a few rounds and leave as per own preference with no reason. Valhalla has more than enough of such people (some already left, like BanZzoK). :/

    But, yeah, be very afraid of the tunnel snakes (or funnel cakes) because they don't hesitate! And if CrimsonJr gets to attack with 8 catas - one of them will be lead by meh, in squad with epic blue names: SuraPro, DumbleDork, MsShopALot and Rezzetta! And you all know where it leads! b:victory
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You might be right. I was just pointing out the similarities and possible scenario in view of Kylin's past, but it might not be the case with Catalyst.

    And I agree on the last sentence simply because of Valhalla's "easy come" invitation policy that logically must end with "easy go" assumption to form the well known: "easy come - easy go" proverb.

    And some people just consider factions like a taxi. They jump in, make a few rounds and leave as per own preference with no reason. Valhalla has more than enough of such people (some already left, like BanZzoK). :/

    But, yeah, be very afraid of the tunnel snakes (or funnel cakes) because they don't hesitate! And if CrimsonJr gets to attack with 8 catas - one of them will be lead by meh, in squad with epic blue names: SuraPro, DumbleDork, MsShopALot and Rezzetta! And you all know where it leads! b:victory

    Hey give me some credit, I've been a pr0 cata Psy up until now.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hey give me some credit, I've been a pr0 cata Psy up until now.

    You sure have! And I think your like the only psy cata puller on the server? Not even letsdance pulls a cata? b:victory

    Longknife, your an inspiration! b:thanks
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You sure have! And I think your like the only psy cata puller on the server? Not even letsdance pulls a cata? b:victory

    Longknife, your an inspiration! b:thanks


    I pulled cata DIRECTLY TO LETSDANCES FACE and we wuz all lyk "LETS GO ****" and we did it. Was awsum. b:cool
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ChuckyNorris - Harshlands
    ChuckyNorris - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    You made her dance with the devil on the pale moonlight! b:mischievous
  • VonSabrewulf - Harshlands
    VonSabrewulf - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i hate when people make comparisons between Valhalla and Catalyst and say that Valhalla has the OP cash-shoppers, Have you guys even seen the gear that people in catalyst have? Aside from a few anomalies most of their members are +10 rank 9/8. I asked once a member of Catalyst what they were recruiting gear wise, he just told me rank 9 or gtfo b:shocked . So lets not say that Catalyst doest have their OP cash-shoppers/well-geared people. Lets face it 80% of the game is gear, and 20% is strategy/experience. Lets see which faction has a better 20% Valhalla or Catalyst.
  • Crescendia - Harshlands
    Crescendia - Harshlands Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i hate when people make comparisons between Valhalla and Catalyst and say that Valhalla has the OP cash-shoppers, Have you guys even seen the gear that people in catalyst have? Aside from a few anomalies most of their members are +10 rank 9/8. I asked once a member of Catalyst what they were recruiting gear wise, he just told me rank 9 or gtfo b:shocked . So lets not say that Catalyst doest have their OP cash-shoppers/well-geared people. Lets face it 80% of the game is gear, and 20% is strategy/experience. Lets see which faction has a better 20% Valhalla or Catalyst.

    Pretty sure u got trolled when he/she said r9 or gtfo b:chuckle
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Curses - Harshlands
    Curses - Harshlands Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i hate when people make comparisons between Valhalla and Catalyst and say that Valhalla has the OP cash-shoppers, Have you guys even seen the gear that people in catalyst have? Aside from a few anomalies most of their members are +10 rank 9/8. I asked once a member of Catalyst what they were recruiting gear wise, he just told me rank 9 or gtfo b:shocked . So lets not say that Catalyst doest have their OP cash-shoppers/well-geared people. Lets face it 80% of the game is gear, and 20% is strategy/experience. Lets see which faction has a better 20% Valhalla or Catalyst.

    Does anyone say they have all the OP cash shoppers? I think we're all clear on what factions have what gear. Lots of people now have good gear without cash shopping as well. All we're doing is talking numbers...80 vs 40-50.

    Our recruitment standards are clear, +12 r9 or gtfo. trolol
  • Elednor - Harshlands
    Elednor - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    R9orGTFO was my suggestion when thinking of the name for what is now Catalyst b:chuckle