Some DQ System Changes (items added/removed)



  • Shogum - Heavens Tear
    Shogum - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It is official. They continue killing dead game. Yes I do agree R8-9 is too easy obtainable and straight forward orientated to cash players. With, well now old, DQ System atleas small part was given to ppl who were playing this game. They were able to grind DQ points and sell DQ items wai higher price they could NPC them. About Medals making tradable from untradeble - DEVS u FAIL, tho even without that ppl were selling DQ items as replacement of DQ points. trading medals was just shorter version of that.

    And seriously why the F u think that saying that thing was mistake and just throwing it out will fix anything. it will just continue destroying. 1st if Your devs r so (I will stay silence on this point for 5min)........... and cant fix THAT small isue with medals swich from tradable to untradeble make all medals untradable and implement new tradable item in game which right click would activate Q with Medal of Glory reward, and make that item obtainable how now is Medal obtainable from owning territory.

    now about R9. if they think its too easy obtainable leave Medals alone raise rep or chips price. with your Rep sale 1st of all u made Chips worthless. since they cost next to nothing, acuring them from gameplay for R9 its not hard, its totaly IMPOSIBLE. if lvl100 player do have 2k of them from non cash playing its something called a lot, tho if we will compare to R9 how much u need them its about 1,3mil for R9 ring + weap. only this part alone makes R9 close to 100% CASH play gear.......

    BAH its enought..... there is only one thing to know.

    20-30% of decisions made my PWI company/ GM's/ DEV's whatever bigger or smaller steps getting this game more and more to DEATH.
  • Cutlspbm - Archosaur
    Cutlspbm - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well since they haven't changed anything in the dragon quest rewards. If they don't do anything to let people obtain the medals of Glory without cash shopping the people that spend 10-50 dollars a week will or have stopped buying Zen. They have made enough people mad and they will regret it.
  • damienthorn
    damienthorn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Ok now, every character with a full r9 set, should leave their current factions and band together under a new faction named "AreNine" or AaarNien" maybe "AhhrNign"? Then with a full 200 member faction of ppl with full r9 sets and the rest of your sevrer unable to get r9, u will take the entire tw map and don't ever have to charge zen again.

    Just live off the hundreds of mills given free every week from territories to + all your items to 12, when u get bored, just create a new char, rank 9 that from all the medals you have been getting from owning all the lands.....
    Rinse repeat.

    The rest of the populace on each server, just go about you're mortal lives and do not concern yourself with godly matters such as tw,pvp, or any non-pve related content. these are not for you.

    Welcome to P.W.I.
    Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't.b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Dezto - Harshlands
    Dezto - Harshlands Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wtf this has been unstickied already?

    *waits for it be moved The Lower Depths*
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Lets keep it bumped for posterity. So no one ever forgets. b:victory
    Some ****-ups can be tolerated, but then again there are just some that are kinda messed up.

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • wolfiest
    wolfiest Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    How about one of the gms tell us what the devs are doing to fix this problem.

    nothing has been said for over 20 pages Frankie Say something and stop avoiding the topic
  • _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver
    _Aubree__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you unsticky it, it will go away. It's just another one of those things we are not going to be getting any answers on. I have already given up on getting anymore r9 pieces. DQ is up but nothing good on there to get.
  • WenSon - Harshlands
    WenSon - Harshlands Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    didnt they say they add new rare stuff ? where is it ???????

    i think the developer will realize really quick, that with removing medals they killed their own chip sale

    alot of people will stop buying chips, when there is no chance to get medals for cheap

    if pwi gives the player a farmable part for r9, they would sell much more than they do right now ... i doubt they will make more profit with they few people that buy medals now than with the many that farm medals and buy chips
  • _Tsunami_ - Lost City
    _Tsunami_ - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think that they can do what they want an you know why? People who still play the game don't do it cuase they like the game, they do it cause the addiction.

    No matter what they do, these ppl will still play. I don't see much differece between a guy who sell drugs in a park and devs of this game now b:laugh

    Others will just quit, i'm planning to quit too, for the 3rd and last time. Just back to check the new expansion and got hooked in a new funny faction, but this update it's really too much, they don't deserve my time.

    Yes, reach r9 was really too easy to get, but it's not so hard to understand. Now there is really too much difference between ppl who has r9 and ppl who will never get it. They are god like players in game, in pvp you feel it too much.

    Want to make it fair? remove the r9 from that players and refound em in zhen + a very very good bonus (like 30% or 50%, if not 100%). some will quit anyway, but at least will take everyone on the same place, whit the same chances.

    Is this a dead game? i don't know, i just see always less ppl online, my old friends don't play anymore and i always see less cats in west acho, everyday, even if now 2 clients it's "legal".

    The new earthguard ppl are mostly alts, there really a slow amount of new players and on mmorpg monitors pwi has a really low rating.

    I don't give to this game more than 1 year, maybe a little more but still.

    really don't understand why ppl still charge zhens, addiction must be the answer, i don't see any other reason.

  • Dartwave - Sanctuary
    Dartwave - Sanctuary Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Want to make it fair? remove the r9 from that players and refound em in zhen + a very very good bonus (like 30% or 50%, if not 100%). some will quit anyway, but at least will take everyone on the same place, whit the same chances.

    Hard to do this man ... and refoundment is impossible...
    only thing to do is put the medals back in dqrewards page... and no one will quit
  • almaris
    almaris Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As everyone here, I was very disappointed becouse of medals' removing from dqrevards... I ve accumulated more then 240000 dqpoints - all for these medals.. b:cry
    As I see u removed this item not only couse of glitch.. but also couse of it became too easy to get.. Ppl are protesting - it looks like u ve played a trick with all us.. Honestly i ll be more then happy if u turn them back in dq list) But i see only one way.. DQ items should lost its points' worth once being traded or sent to other player.. So only that player who loot this dq can get points 4 it.. And noone ll be able to buy those dqpoints..

    P.S. Hope u understand my poor english b:surrender
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Gold is still moving very slowly compared to other rank sales in Auction House in Sanctuary...

    Kind of shows how this has affected the game.
  • Leprechaundh - Sanctuary
    Leprechaundh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Oh, great. The only thing I spend money on was 10 bucks of gold every rep sale, and now you's completely ***** my chances of ever having my investment pay off. Congratulations, f*cktards, you just lost a costumer. There's no way any sane person would buy anything from you, because you have proven to do nothing but scam us out of money and time. Not quitting, just going to use your resources without paying you for any of it.

  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    no matter how hard you all cry and threaten to quit, you won't quit. You will all still be here next week
  • Dangler - Lost City
    Dangler - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    gutted that the medals no longer available through DQ but is there no way they could be put into the event boutique and use the sage/demon cards to procure them that way?? (might have already been mentioned earlier but couldnt be bothered to read all 50+ pages) surely that way they can be readily available to those that have either saved up the dq or want to go for rank 9 gear??
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have to admit i enjoy killing time playing pwi, but due to the recent decision to remove MoGs frm DQ points reward i am no longer spending a single dime on this game or any of the games frm this company (pwe). Say what you want, that im QQ'ing over nothing, but thats not the case, just like hundreds of the previous posts i too have 145k DQ points that i worked my butt off to acquire, waiting to cash in for MoGs during a chips sale... now i basically feel very cheated, and disappointed....and will feel even more so when PWI puts MoGs in the boutique. What am i suppose to do with my damn DQ points now? There is nothing there that i want.

    I have decided to no longer spend as well. I twould be differant if there was more in game stuff to farm/hunt/play with that would justify even having armor in the first place.

    Not spending no more money cuz pretty much whole point of game now is stand around arch flaming kitty shop owners, because no matter how many dq's you collect you will never be able to buy there over priced chit.

    No sense in spending money to ...well do nothing.
  • _Tsunami_ - Lost City
    _Tsunami_ - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Oh, great. The only thing I spend money on was 10 bucks of gold every rep sale, and now you's completely ***** my chances of ever having my investment pay off. Congratulations, f*cktards, you just lost a costumer. There's no way any sane person would buy anything from you, because you have proven to do nothing but scam us out of money and time. Not quitting, just going to use your resources without paying you for any of it.


    The funny thing is that u are paying: you don't give your money, you pay whit your time. Let me explain better: as free player you are "needed" to make feel better who actually pay. They feel better than you, they are able to do what u can't and other players say "omg you are so cool!!!". If they can't reach you they just charge more until they can.

    Is not the special sale that make ppl cash shop, is the costant wish to be the winner of a race that take you only to a dead end.

    If you really want to "hurt" the company you have to quit, cash shoppers and addicted will move too when all servers will be empty = pwi company will close.

    Right know there is a sick system where the free player it's used, literally used: f2players here are like hamster in a wheel, they run and run but go nowhere.

    Once again, want to change something? Just quit and take your friends whit you. We can bet what you want, 1 month or 2 after the mass quit and the medals will back, like what is happned whit TW.

    Players has the power, they just don't realize it.
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    no matter how hard you all cry and threaten to quit, you won't quit. You will all still be here next week

    It's true some people won't quit. But new/mid-aged players will get discouraged and those are prone to quitting easier than old players, which of course those are the ones that would spend more gold than old players, therefore PWI loses money.

    And there is quite a good quantity of players either quitting or reducing their gameplay time overall which also means loss in money for PWI. Because thanks to the Auction House gold trading, even non zhenners can be zhenners indirectly.
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    FIX the ECONOMY..

    Fix it or i'm writting 2 bad reviews a day at the internet gaming rankings/reviews.

    Had enough of this bs. played this game 2 years and invested alot of time and money<well not alot couple hundred bucks> to have you sit there and not even have the respect to advise us on whats going on. the game has became all but unplayable. The economy is in shambles and people are bored stupid.

    FIX IT
    I dont' give a chit about the medals just make somthing worth doing in the game TT is Dead niverana is a Joke. Crafting normal stuff is .. don't even get me started..I don't have the money to sit in arch and open $3,000 worth of packs.

    yeah yeah big scary man gonna write bad reviews.. but I will.. and i'm sure others will to while there looking for there next MMO to play.

    Have a nice !@#$ day.
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Right know there is a sick system where the free player it's used, literally used: f2players here are like hamster in a wheel, they run and run but go nowhere.


    You hit the nail RIGHT on the head with that one. it couldnt' be said any better. but let me expand on that.

    IF you spend less then 50$ a month you are in the same social bracket as the Free players not only are Free players scum on pwi's shoes but the Minor Cash shoppers are also. Do like me no longer bother to INSULT the gods with your megar donation.
  • venodevil
    venodevil Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have been working hard to get my rank to 300,000, which it now is.
    Been opening packs for a month to get General Summer tokens. Manually I might add. Have been farming and gathering DQ items to turn in towards the Medals of glory. I have spent a good amount of money buying rep & chip packs b:angry
    Now you remove them from the rewards page and apparently the only way to get them now is TW?
    Thats BS. I am in a small faction (Great one at that) that does not go TW.
    So get screwed again as usual! Thank you very much PWI dev's b:angry
  • YFFI - Dreamweaver
    YFFI - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    what about non TW players to make the medels impossable to get is totaly unfare for those of us who fought to get 300000 rep and the required chips i want a refund of my time spent farming to get them so what a scam so i can kiss my rank 9 gear good by hope i can sell my chips to some faction building a worthless base whats the point b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • fuqthegovt
    fuqthegovt Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    no matter how hard you all cry and threaten to quit, you won't quit. You will all still be here next week

    Actually I've already uninstalled the game on all the pc's in the house to remove the temptation. Turbine has been on my boycotte list for 6 years now (and only wasted $120 on them, not $800+), looks like PWE is as well. And anytime I'm tempted to dl this **** again I'll just get the fake pwi version (where r9 is only 100m per piece, not $1100 rl $)and read the latest ways people are getting fvcked here.
  • YFFI - Dreamweaver
    YFFI - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    im not going to quit over this but im not spending any more of my cash i belive thats the way to hurt PWI they hurt us we need to hurt them STOP BUYING GOLD b:infuriatedb:angryb:spit
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's true some people won't quit. But new/mid-aged players will get discouraged and those are prone to quitting easier than old players, which of course those are the ones that would spend more gold than old players, therefore PWI loses money.

    And there is quite a good quantity of players either quitting or reducing their gameplay time overall which also means loss in money for PWI. Because thanks to the Auction House gold trading, even non zhenners can be zhenners indirectly.

    people have been on about quitting since many changes were implemented into the game

    -DQ nerf
    -10* orbs in Boutique
    -TW mirage pay

    and many more

    Everyone says the same **** about "half of your player base will quit and your income will be reduced, or im going to stop charging zen and i know a lot of other people are", but at the end of the day; those people still play the game and PWE is still here going strong.

    Nothing will ever change, PWE change something > People rage > People get over it > PWE lives on

    just seen this so many times every time PWE changes something over the time ive been here (since the game went open beta)

    sorry =\
  • _Tsunami_ - Lost City
    _Tsunami_ - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just quit, it's the ONLY way to hurt the company.

    I'll explain whit this exemple: today i finally got the r8. Bought whit the cash i got from farming/merchant, the badges was from a guy who cash shopped for me. Was indirect, but we can say "i cash shopped", my actions gave $$$ to pwi entertaiment.

    This can be expanded to everything: from the continue requests of tokens (wines, shards,etc) to all the special sales items, one of the moments where f2p ppl find it's better to buy because cost less. An item don't come from nowhere, if you buy a dragon orb that mean another player used his visa card to buy it.

    This move the economy and the only way to block it it's stop buying things, so stop playing at all.

    Even if you don't cash shop but still play you'll make pwi entertaiment earn cash, once again it's a wheel, the ONLY way to stop it it's to move to another place.

    Give me one week to enjoy a little my new r8 and i'll move too b:chuckle

    I'm really sick of this company, i regret the time wasted here and i regret the moment i choosed to come back "just to try".

    This time will be the last.
  • VonSabrewulf - Harshlands
    VonSabrewulf - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    el o el the massive crying is funny, when is PWI going to learn that Americans dont like to be ****ed with. I guess its fine in PWI: Chine but not over here b:chuckle
  • chipboy
    chipboy Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    We should still get an update on what is happening
  • magiczny
    magiczny Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If those two ultra rare items turn out to be
    -scroll of tome
    -+12 orb
    then Im fine with it ;)
  • fuqthegovt
    fuqthegovt Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    chipboy wrote: »
    We should still get an update on what is happening

    Nothing is happening, there's your update. At least not at any speed. It took 8 months to compensate for the dq nerf, it will take that long for this. Hence why this thread has been unstickied. I find it laughable that people expected the dq page to be changed after 1 week/maintainence. Since pwi (unlike fake servers) kisses the **** of china any idea they have has to be approved by them. That alone probably takes 3-6 months. By then I will have long lost interest and played maybe 6-8 rpg's since I've already sworn off all mmo's (till one comes out where we actually own the stuff we pay for in the tos) after this round of bullshyt.
This discussion has been closed.