Some DQ System Changes (items added/removed)



  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Everyone's still missing the post i quoted like on page 69 or 70. Apparently the GLITCH was fixed before they even removed the medals! so......... b:puzzled

  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It wasn't. I myself sold a couple medals two days before medals were removed.

    I still think that completely removing the medals was a bit overkill. But the medals were never intended to be traded in the first place, except for the few coming from TW.

    And besides, without medals there's no real reason to buy the chips and less of a demand to buy the rep so, I'm sure they'll find a way to bring them back asap.

    ok u sold a couple medals, or u put untradable ones on top of tradable ones to make them all tradable? Cause the quote i posted before mentioned somone BEFORE they were removed whining he couldnt' make the DQ ones tradable anymore.
  • Wunderkind - Dreamweaver
    Wunderkind - Dreamweaver Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Everyone's still missing the post i quoted like on page 69 or 70. Apparently the GLITCH was fixed before they even removed the medals! so......... b:puzzled

    No, it wasn't.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So frankie, any news? Many people wanted to get rank9 and it would be very unfair if only the richest people who bought a few months ago will be the only ones to have it.

    I am quite worried about this.

    Add: If medals of glory are never going to be available again, except by tw, tell us already please....
  • Jette - Dreamweaver
    Jette - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I dont believe somebody found a way to make it tradeable.

    It's not a trick. People were actually exploiting this. It was kept really quiet because it was an exploit but it really was happening. But I won't put it past PWE to use this to their benifit in the end by putting them in the cash shop.
  • Elemental_w - Heavens Tear
    Elemental_w - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So frankie, any news? Many people wanted to get rank9 and it would be very unfair if only the richest people who bought a few months ago will be the only ones to have it.

    I am quite worried about this.

    Add: If medals of glory are never going to be available again, except by tw, tell us already please....

    Rank 9 was ment to be something of great honor for those worthy, and that EARNED it. Not farmed DQ points and bought their way to supremacy on the battlefield.

    If you wanna be "godlike" then get R8 like all of you ALREADY HAVE (WHICH IS AMAZING BTW) Refine it and shard it with shards/gems. Or even better yet, get Nirvana gears.

    Thank you GM's for removing the Medals from DQ page, so the WHOLE SERVERS are not overpowered. b:thanks
  • Bosk - Sanctuary
    Bosk - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Everyone's still missing the post i quoted like on page 69 or 70. Apparently the GLITCH was fixed before they even removed the medals! so......... b:puzzled

    I did not cash in DP to get any medals, nor have I bought or sold any, but I think I know why someone told you the glitch was fixed. From reading this and other threads on the topic, what seems to happen is this (anyone who knows from experience feel free to correct me):

    Whenever a Medal is added to your bag, it will have a status of "Able to be Traded" or "Unable to be traded". If you ADD to a stack a Medals of the other status, it will change the new Medal to have the same status as the original stack.

    - Stack can be traded :: Add an untradeable Medal ==> Entire stack can be traded
    - Stack can NOT be traded :: Add a tradeable Medal ==> Entire stack cannot be traded

    Therefore, to exploit this, players got a tradable medal and added the untradeable medals to the tradeable stack. But some people had things happen the other way around, earning, trading or buying tradeable Medals that were added to untradeable Medals in their bag making all of the Medals untradeable.

    If this happened to you (or someone you knew) it is understandable that they would think the exploit has been fixed, when in fact nothing has changed, they just flipped Heads instead of Tails.

    Therefore, if you are going to buy any of the super inflated Medals available in Catshops today, make sure you do not have any untradable Medals in your bag (unless you plan to use them all for your current character) as doing so will make all of the Medals untradeable ... even the one you just bought. To keep the status, place any untradeable ones in your bank first before you buy more.

    Please Note: I am not telling anyone how to exploit this bug, but rather how to avoid being burned by it. Furthermore, if you wish to attempt to reverse the process to make your Medals tradeable, know that I have never done this, so if I have it wrong and you get burned, it's your own fault. This information is just to help people keep the two types of Medals separate, should they have a legitimate reason to do so (for example, buying a Medal for another person or character).

    If anyone knows if this bug was fixed in last night's maintenance, please let us know.

    Good Luck!
    Dante: "Cute is a relative term."
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Rank 9 was ment to be something of great honor for those worthy, and that EARNED it. Not farmed DQ points and bought their way to supremacy on the battlefield.

    If you wanna be "godlike" then get R8 like all of you ALREADY HAVE (WHICH IS AMAZING BTW) Refine it and shard it with shards/gems. Or even better yet, get Nirvana gears.

    Thank you GM's for removing the Medals from DQ page, so the WHOLE SERVERS are not overpowered. b:thanks

    yep, more people you can compare to.
    but do not put your hope up, medal will be in cs soon.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Rank 9 was ment to be something of great honor for those worthy, and that EARNED it. Not farmed DQ points and bought their way to supremacy on the battlefield.

    If you wanna be "godlike" then get R8 like all of you ALREADY HAVE (WHICH IS AMAZING BTW) Refine it and shard it with shards/gems. Or even better yet, get Nirvana gears.

    Thank you GM's for removing the Medals from DQ page, so the WHOLE SERVERS are not overpowered. b:thanks

    1: Rank8 is nothing compared to rank9.

    2: My server has a lot of rank9s alredy. It's unfair that they are the only ones who can get it. Specially because most of these rank9 are in the same faction. So the rank9 will get more medals (although they will be few actually).

    3: Hard work is hard work. I don't know why are u saying that the people who farmed dqs are not worth to have their rank9.

    4. So what if the "servers are overpowered." At least everyone would be overpowered, and it would be fair game. Except you I guess....
  • djtoratoratora
    djtoratoratora Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Can Everybody posting after me write :

  • Elesir - Heavens Tear
    Elesir - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    can Everybody Posting After Me Write :

    gms Give Us Answers!!now!!!!

    give Us Some Answers!!!!
  • LadyMaraJade - Sanctuary
    LadyMaraJade - Sanctuary Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:angry they unsticked this posted watch it slowly go b:bye like all the others did b:cry FFS GM this means alot to your player base otherwise your just showing your player base that you dont Give a Bloody Damn

    hangon thats right you dont and this post will just disapper like the rest slowly
  • Elesir - Heavens Tear
    Elesir - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Can Everybody posting after me write :


    You know... I bet the GMs and all those devs and middle management at PWI don't see why we're raging about this issue. It's actually very simple. People put real money and time into a game hoping to get a certain item (in this case medals and R9 gear) by removing them from DQ list the company has done virtually the same as false advertising. It may not be a legally punishable move but in fact it is the same. Promising something and not delivering or delivering something else. When you trick your clients you will lose them and you will lose face with the rest of the world. This is going to be a black mark on PWI's reputation on any gaming forum.
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What bothers me the most is the fact that I had DQ waiting to be turned in to get medals. -.- So not only got screwed over, I could have gotten more Rank 9 Parts if they had at least said something about the medals being removed...

    I'm still waiting to see what the hell they are gonna do so that I can start buying chip packs.

    So where are our answers as to what to expect from medals?
  • chipboy
    chipboy Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think we need to get the thread to 108 pages so Frankie responds again
  • Templar - Sanctuary
    Templar - Sanctuary Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    give Us Some Answers!!!!

    give Us Some Answers!!!! b:pleased
  • Nyxyo - Harshlands
    Nyxyo - Harshlands Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    oh come on guys this is all about money... they don't like ppl farm medals or buy for 7mil one when they can charge 25 gold so easy.....bug what bug...i admit buy few medal.. but i also farmed few but i also BOUGHT DQ FROM STALLS... where is the bug here?

    i was really surprised medal weren't in shop already this last sale...but i bet you anything that by "general demand" medal will be in shop for 25 gold...wait...maybe 20 gold?!

    what really really is not fair to many ppl had dq points for 10-20 medals ...after so many hours of grind and now they got nothing...they should send medals to this ppl at least they one who hurt most in all this affairb:shutup
  • StormDragoon - Sanctuary
    StormDragoon - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Free bump b:avoid
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You know... I bet the GMs and all those devs and middle management at PWI don't see why we're raging about this issue. It's actually very simple. People put real money and time into a game hoping to get a certain item (in this case medals and R9 gear) by removing them from DQ list the company has done virtually the same as false advertising. It may not be a legally punishable move but in fact it is the same. Promising something and not delivering or delivering something else. When you trick your clients you will lose them and you will lose face with the rest of the world. This is going to be a black mark on PWI's reputation on any gaming forum.

    In the United States of America it is legally punishable to falsely advertise a product and not deliver it.

    In this case Perfect World advertised the Mysterious Chips as a way to obtain the Rank 9 gear which legally means they're obliged to provide said gear upon the purchase of said product.

    The only thing is nobody really wants to waste the time and money bringing a lawsuit against Perfect World Entertainment. However, should someone actually do so, they would have a strong argument and position for financial compensation for an undelivered product falsely advertised.

    Unless perfect world changes the advertisement it is illegally selling customers undelivered goods - at least as far as US consumer protection laws are concerned.

    In short if PW wants to run this sale legally they must remove all relationships between Rank/General Summer and Mysterious Chips in the advertisement. In short, customers cannot be under the pretense that purchasing mysterious chips allows them to make rank gear from the advertisement.
  • Vanguard____ - Sanctuary
    Vanguard____ - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    medal removedb:laugh
  • ashleymarieply08
    ashleymarieply08 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just what is your intent on these medals of Glory?....worked my butt of to collect DQ so eventually some day could get some rank 9 gear and be competitive against the factions that are heavily populated with rank 9 gear now.
    Will they ever be for sale in boutique?
    Why not fix it so they are untradable like add a patch not like you dont have the expertise to do something like this.
    Very Very unhappy person atm.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just what is your intent on these medals of Glory?....worked my butt of to collect DQ so eventually some day could get some rank 9 gear and be competitive against the factions that are heavily populated with rank 9 gear now.
    Will they ever be for sale in boutique?
    Why not fix it so they are untradable like add a patch not like you dont have the expertise to do something like this.
    Very Very unhappy person atm.

    The issue here is that originally it was this way and adding medals to your dq acquired ones would cause them all to become untradeable. In modifying this it made the reverse effect occur. Instead of just classifying them as 2 separate item stacks with different Id's they took a short cut and got burned.

    The medals will be in the botique as all things come to be, have patience. There will likely not be a "compensation" for this, it's sad, it's upsetting, but that is the way it is. If you feel cheated, play something else that's actually worth the time.

    I'll say it again this is more like a facebook game intended to keep you busy till you find something else to do. If you're not okay with that, move on before you dig your own ditch.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Irdis - Sanctuary
    Irdis - Sanctuary Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    :o now its not a sticky thread anymore
  • BiRD - Dreamweaver
    BiRD - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have to admit i enjoy killing time playing pwi, but due to the recent decision to remove MoGs frm DQ points reward i am no longer spending a single dime on this game or any of the games frm this company (pwe). Say what you want, that im QQ'ing over nothing, but thats not the case, just like hundreds of the previous posts i too have 145k DQ points that i worked my butt off to acquire, waiting to cash in for MoGs during a chips sale... now i basically feel very cheated, and disappointed....and will feel even more so when PWI puts MoGs in the boutique. What am i suppose to do with my damn DQ points now? There is nothing there that i want.
  • Cutlspbm - Archosaur
    Cutlspbm - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have to admit i enjoy killing time playing pwi, but due to the recent decision to remove MoGs frm DQ points reward i am no longer spending a single dime on this game or any of the games frm this company (pwe). Say what you want, that im QQ'ing over nothing, but thats not the case, just like hundreds of the previous posts i too have 145k DQ points that i worked my butt off to acquire, waiting to cash in for MoGs during a chips sale... now i basically feel very cheated, and disappointed....and will feel even more so when PWI puts MoGs in the boutique. What am i suppose to do with my damn DQ points now? There is nothing there that i want.

    I am doing the same thing this game's company isn't getting anymore of my money. Maybe their stock will start dropping because of their actions this month.
  • Zudy - Dreamweaver
    Zudy - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    not sticky? thats a sign? want us to forget about the damn medals already dont u.... b:angry
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And the thread is becoming a thorn in the eyes of management I see..

    I lol'ed a little. Typical.
    Off to the lower depths with your complaints/suggestions etc.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This has been unstickied. I guess this means there is nothing to do about te medals. Maybe I should quit soon...
  • Shogum - Heavens Tear
    Shogum - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It is official. They continue killing dead game. Yes I do agree R8-9 is too easy obtainable and straight forward orientated to cash players. With, well now old, DQ System atleas small part was given to ppl who were playing this game. They were able to grind DQ points and sell DQ items wai higher price they could NPC them. About Medals making tradable from untradeble - DEVS u FAIL, tho even without that ppl were selling DQ items as replacement of DQ points. trading medals was just shorter version of that.

    And seriously why the F u think that saying that thing was mistake and just throwing it out will fix anything. it will just continue destroying. 1st if Your devs r so (I will stay silence on this point for 5min)........... and cant fis THAT small isue with medals swich from tradable to untradeble make all medals tradable and implement new tradable item in game which right click would activate Q with Medal of Glory reward, and make that item obtainable how now is Medal obtainable from owning territory.

    now about R9. if they think its too easy obtainable leave Medals alone raise rep or chips price. with your Rep sale 1st of all u made Chips worthless. since they cost next to nothing, acuring them from gameplay for R9 its not hard, its totaly IMPOSIBLE. if lvl100 player do have 2k of them from non cash playing its something called a lot, tho if we will compare to R9 how much u need them its about 1,3mil for R9 ring + weap. only this part alone makes R9 close to 100% CASH play gear.......

    BAH its enought..... there is only one thing to know.
  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This has been unstickied. I guess this means there is nothing to do about te medals. Maybe I should quit soon...

    Can I has your sig? b:avoid
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
This discussion has been closed.