How's the Crimson vs Zulu going?
woa thats a lot of QQb:cry*Faildom*
I don't need a Squad
Level a Venomancer to 90.
Aug 12, 20090 -
Noc - Harshlands wrote: »Or maybe it's just small guilds that would like to try a different aspect of the game for fun, anyone ever think of that? Unity has been around forever they probably just want to try something different.
Now I'm not ruling out that bids are made to change tw orders, but that doesn't mean everyone in this thread needs to be freaking out like every bid is a conspiracy.
Nikkus need ta take a step back and peep game ya heer me?
Think the guilds under question here are Riptide (a wizard solo'd this for us) and I THINK USA. I think they've bid on us before and were fake, but I could be mistaken. Guess Crimson will find out.
But yeah, there's plenty of hate in every direction. Useless to try and figure out who's behind the guilds. Starting hopeless witch hunts like that only serves to make people toss ridiculous accusations at each other and create an aggressive atmosphere.IAGOREY
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Tipsy, USA and Unity were around when I was still playing regularly 6+ months ago although I suspect Tipsy is some kinda alt guild. Never heard of Ripzone (or Riptide, wtfe).
Anyway... It's obvious none of those guilds could win against Zulu, but does that make it a fake bid? Not necessarily. They may have never stepped foot in a TW and want to see it, they may want some experience, they may want to get revenge by stacking wars on Zulu in hopes of them losing a land. None of that is new and none of it should be regarded as bannable or 'dirty playing' IMO. It's been done forever in this game. Stop acting all surprised, everyone.0 -
MindCrime - Harshlands wrote: »Tipsy, USA and Unity were around when I was still playing regularly 6+ months ago although I suspect Tipsy is some kinda alt guild. Never heard of Ripzone (or Riptide, wtfe).
Anyway... It's obvious none of those guilds could win against Zulu, but does that make it a fake bid? Not necessarily. They may have never stepped foot in a TW and want to see it, they may want some experience, they may want to get revenge by stacking wars on Zulu in hopes of them losing a land. None of that is new and none of it should be regarded as bannable or 'dirty playing' IMO. It's been done forever in this game. Stop acting all surprised, everyone.
tipsy = 168 members and 11 of them are above 90
USA = either 1 man guild or 33 with 1 above 60 (obviously a fake bid)
Unity = 198 members with about 150 above 90
ripzone = 3 members with non above 90
riptide = 25 members with non above 72
Anyways, the GMs/Mods or w/e posted a few months ago that they would be looking at all the TWs from now on and banning all bids that did not have a real chance of winning.
One thing I find strange though, I can't see why the GMs can't just remove the fake bids before the bids are shown. It's easy enough, they should have access to guild's info just like we do (core) and they must be able to see what guilds are bidding before it's shown for the normal user, so they should have no problem removing the bids.
My guess is that the GMs have given up on the game just like most of us and only log on when they are forced to (excessive QQing from tickets, etc).0 -
Yeah, now that I think about it, the USA guild I remember is on the MY PvP server. My bad.
Anyway...I miss our BH time, Cleon.0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Yeah and here's my point. It's a rumor that Zulu ganks. Why? Cause everything that was ever possibly negative about us, we're guild of, according to rumors.
Now tell me, why would the guild that's proven before that we can win 1v1 wars make fake bids upon ourselves? What the balls do we have to gain? Wouldn't the money bet just be wasted?
I'm not saying Crimson is behind the fake bids either; it could be freaking anyone on the server. It'd be nice if people stopped blindly accusing Zulu every time something goes missing or a gun is fired though.
Hey longknife... My keys went missing yesterday... YOU TOOK THEM DIDN'T YOU!!! DAMN DIRTY ZULU!!! b:angry DIIEEEEE!
U R teh devil'z zulu'z!!! We hatez yoouuuuzzzzzzzzzzzz! b:pleased
lolz. But seriosuly guys, I'm sorry for starting off this fake bid argument thing >.<
I was really just speculating/raging a little cus we stacked with some noob faction lol.
Izulu really.
You guys are sooo keeeeeeeeewwwwl with your lil blue and black colour theme and the whole "We're oh so dark and scary, the whole server hates us but it's totally not fair cus we just wana be loved deep down" thing going on b:cute blesh.0 -
uhmm this sounds like Real War i will return to Harshlands after allb:victory0
Tryagain - Harshlands wrote: »Seriously..whoever came up with this idea should be stabbed. Whoever came up with being non-RPK should also be stabbed. I don't know whether to blame the original carebears of the server, of if this stemmed from some previous server, but it's dumb.
JESUS THANK YOU, i still dont seem to understand why ppl use the words rpk or non rpk...its a pvp server or go and post screen shots EL OH EL ! The server is pvp enabled if you do not want to be killed go join a PVE SERVER there are plenty of them.0 -
JESUS THANK YOU, i still dont seem to understand why ppl use the words rpk or non rpk...its a pvp server or go and post screen shots EL OH EL ! The server is pvp enabled if you do not want to be killed go join a PVE SERVER there are plenty of them.
It's because there will always be people who take the game waaaay too seriously and view PKing as "evil." They want to play the game as the heroic knight in shining armor who defends the weak from the powerful evil enemy and gets BJs from all the womenz because everybody loves them and worships them for their good deeds and awsumness.
The reality is that it's just a game. :U
I remember another MMO I used to play where the punishments for going red name were RIDICULOUS. One death meant you could drop everything you owned and you were forbidden from entering any town: doing so meant guards would attack you and you'd risk dropping stuff. Very few people actually went red, and those that did were hunted ferociously. I chose to hunt red names cause wtf, that was the smart side to play, and after a while I grew to despise my fellow white name PK hunters. They were nothing but greedy a-holes who were looking to cash out on the stupidity of the red name players, all the while constantly telling themselves that the red name was evil for, essentially....playing the game and that they themselves were the good guy "becuz mai name iz white."
I seriously wonder: people who don't RPK, if you play the board game "Sorry!" and you roll the dice so that you land on an opponents piece and send it back to the beginning, do you sincerely apologize and ask everyone if you can have a do-over roll so you can give your victim another chance? It's a god damn game...IAGOREY
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on subject of thread the weekend was alotta fun zulu did win all there wars but crimson went 1hr 10 minutes and was 30 sec from killin there crystal.great move sending def and atck all at once for last push.see you next week.
on your last post the eveil of the red hunters in other game you spoke thats how alotta rpkrs are veiewed here.yes is a game but the loose of exspensive items can be very deprimental to some.
have a friend his 10 yr old son plays has alotta fun pvp'n thought was the kewl thing to do its a pvp server right what your supposed to do,spent his allowance bought a tome with sl on dropped it.Now hes 10 he cant just get another.seen my son drop his TT axes white from a rpk and person said they would send them to him well hole other story he didnt get back.Part of the game dont QQ beginning of zulu as a 6x cleric zulu guy one shottted me over and over doin my quest (nothing personal just we have to make our quota he says) what game is there in one shotting a lowbie.none just hoping they drop something.
Well im not a kid and actualy first rpg ived played had no idea of the pvp server just had lowest ping time so started wasnt exspecting to play for 2 years .But I spend a fortune on sccrolls and just deal with the pvp when not farming to make the ungodley amounts needed to make just a single improvement ill go to the pvp area's ,enjoy the hell outa a good 1v1 but it so so rare to actualy get,me and riga went 10 minutes one day then some sin jumped in.had a good 1v1 with killer just starting and a 7k hit from a archer kiled that.yesterday so many would jump at me 3-4 guilds and few unguilded.Hey still makes me feel decent they feel thhat so many needed for a cleric lol.
The point of this rant none realy just my opinion.some rpk for fun some hunt lowbies in hope they drop.some love 1v1 others just want to gank and call fail.but for me win or lose long as not a one shot ill enjoy the game and have fun,make friends and continue to try and improve.Tho as the r9 heavy cs'rs become more prevelant not much a chance against them but that was same with the ojority of those same players prior to them goin r9 they had the best gear and high refines anyway.
Looking forward to next weeks TW lets hope the fake bids arent there and see how it ends or loose thats alotta fun also.0 -
jamminjimmy wrote: »on subject of thread the weekend was alotta fun zulu did win all there wars but crimson went 1hr 10 minutes and was 30 sec from killin there crystal.great move sending def and atck all at once for last push.see you next week.
on your last post the eveil of the red hunters in other game you spoke thats how alotta rpkrs are veiewed here.yes is a game but the loose of exspensive items can be very deprimental to some.
have a friend his 10 yr old son plays has alotta fun pvp'n thought was the kewl thing to do its a pvp server right what your supposed to do,spent his allowance bought a tome with sl on dropped it.Now hes 10 he cant just get another.seen my son drop his TT axes white from a rpk and person said they would send them to him well hole other story he didnt get back.Part of the game dont QQ beginning of zulu as a 6x cleric zulu guy one shottted me over and over doin my quest (nothing personal just we have to make our quota he says) what game is there in one shotting a lowbie.none just hoping they drop something.
Well im not a kid and actualy first rpg ived played had no idea of the pvp server just had lowest ping time so started wasnt exspecting to play for 2 years .But I spend a fortune on sccrolls and just deal with the pvp when not farming to make the ungodley amounts needed to make just a single improvement ill go to the pvp area's ,enjoy the hell outa a good 1v1 but it so so rare to actualy get,me and riga went 10 minutes one day then some sin jumped in.had a good 1v1 with killer just starting and a 7k hit from a archer kiled that.yesterday so many would jump at me 3-4 guilds and few unguilded.Hey still makes me feel decent they feel thhat so many needed for a cleric lol.
The point of this rant none realy just my opinion.some rpk for fun some hunt lowbies in hope they drop.some love 1v1 others just want to gank and call fail.but for me win or lose long as not a one shot ill enjoy the game and have fun,make friends and continue to try and improve.Tho as the r9 heavy cs'rs become more prevelant not much a chance against them but that was same with the ojority of those same players prior to them goin r9 they had the best gear and high refines anyway.
Looking forward to next weeks TW lets hope the fake bids arent there and see how it ends or loose thats alotta fun also.
Lol our crystal was at what like 80-90% when the TW ended and then everyone just stopped attacking your catas. Crimson was not even close to winning anything. Also, way to make it last an hour by turtling in your base on an attack war the whole time. But hey whatever makes you feel better. Fake bids? we were the ones who had to defend 2 other lands + Crimson. Did not bother to read the rest because it was prlly just as stupid.0 -
My god can your head get any bigger never said we was close. just went as long as we did even said great job.our crystal was only down by 3 mil when you came in last time.Insainly azz holes cant even have a conversation and say it was fun with out some dumbazz comment like that.All i know is victory and ur crystal was dead 30 sec later still was a loss.
Yeah pilapanas and unity omg you want to use that, first was beat before we even started second was done as we started.But what ever makes you feel better.But be a betting man you would call TL and omerta fails if it is said we defended 3 lands day before.
Complain noone can last more then 20 minutes then if someone does it, well we let you lol.
Bottom line zulu has the best geared and best TW exsperinaced players in the game,anyone 1v1 is like an ice cube surviving in hell, but its still fun and we will still try.Make a mistake and yes we will win like we did in getting ether last week.
Longknife you wonder why zulu so hated its the arragent azzholes like this,o yeah i rember iffy one shotting me as a lvl3x lol dont hold a grudge but still is what they is.0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »It's because there will always be people who take the game waaaay too seriously and view PKing as "evil." They want to play the game as the heroic knight in shining armor who defends the weak from the powerful evil enemy and gets BJs from all the womenz because everybody loves them and worships them for their good deeds and awsumness.
The reality is that it's just a game. :U
I remember another MMO I used to play where the punishments for going red name were RIDICULOUS. One death meant you could drop everything you owned and you were forbidden from entering any town: doing so meant guards would attack you and you'd risk dropping stuff. Very few people actually went red, and those that did were hunted ferociously. I chose to hunt red names cause wtf, that was the smart side to play, and after a while I grew to despise my fellow white name PK hunters. They were nothing but greedy a-holes who were looking to cash out on the stupidity of the red name players, all the while constantly telling themselves that the red name was evil for, essentially....playing the game and that they themselves were the good guy "becuz mai name iz white."
I seriously wonder: people who don't RPK, if you play the board game "Sorry!" and you roll the dice so that you land on an opponents piece and send it back to the beginning, do you sincerely apologize and ask everyone if you can have a do-over roll so you can give your victim another chance? It's a god damn game...Formerly LadyTsukiyo: Nab cleric, and Harshlands biggest loudmouth. Annoying the living **** out of people, Self-Proclaimed Queen of Sarcasm and One-liners circa 1990.
Died as a cleric, reincarnated into a mystic.0 -
Yeah Crimson is so undergeared compared to Zulu
Crimson: Banz, Kaly, MrsNos, Teisha, wolfo and some other high refined rank 8s
Zulu: HellzDemon and some other high refined rank 8s
Look at your crystal and look at my chat window. The message saying that our crystal is at 67% isnt even there yet but hey we almost lost.
I didnt say the 3 wars were hard I just said why is Crimson crying about stacked bids or fake bids it when it didnt affect them at all.0 -
Iamiffy - Harshlands wrote: »Yeah Crimson is so undergeared compared to Zulu
Crimson: Banz, Kaly, MrsNos, Teisha, wolfo and some other high refined rank 8s
Zulu: HellzDemon and some other high refined rank 8s
Look at your crystal and look at my chat window. The message saying that our crystal is at 67% isnt even there yet but hey we almost lost.
I didnt say the 3 wars were hard I just said why is Crimson crying about stacked bids or fake bids it when it didnt affect them at all.
Did you use your level 1 bow that TW?0 -
Iamiffy - Harshlands wrote: »Yeah Crimson is so undergeared compared to Zulu
Crimson: Banz, Kaly, MrsNos, Teisha, wolfo and some other high refined rank 8s
Zulu: HellzDemon and some other high refined rank 8s
Look at your crystal and look at my chat window. The message saying that our crystal is at 67% isnt even there yet but hey we almost lost.
I didnt say the 3 wars were hard I just said why is Crimson crying about stacked bids or fake bids it when it didnt affect them at all.
And ya, your crystal was destroyed 10 seconds before leaving the instance after war. We had less than 30% left when the war ended.
Great job to both sides, was great fun. That last push you guys made was scary as hell though >_>[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
It's what happens when you let a defense push all the way up to your gate. I think Longknife mentioned near the end that your catas either went back to base to defend or looked like they were lost and had no idea what they were doing. Your catas are still too slow to get organized and you don't seem to send enough support for us to send our entire defense back to base or intercept your catas.60 / 250.0
Bloop - Harshlands wrote: »It's what happens when you let a defense push all the way up to your gate. I think Longknife mentioned near the end that your catas either went back to base to defend or looked like they were lost and had no idea what they were doing. Your catas are still too slow to get organized and you don't seem to send enough support for us to send our entire defense back to base or intercept your catas.
Nah, that was after the first push into their base. Their catas were super flippin' confused, like they were trying to decide if they should help on defense or keep going. They ended up standing idle on B for the duration of the entire attack, lulz.
EDIT: Also Crimson had our crystal down by 25% as the war ENDED, not down to 25% as the war ended.
I have nothing better to do than pay attention to stuff like this the entire TW, so trust me on this. b:coolIAGOREY
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Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Nah, that was after the first push into their base. Their catas were super flippin' confused, like they were trying to decide if they should help on defense or keep going. They ended up standing idle on B for the duration of the entire attack, lulz.
EDIT: Also Crimson had our crystal down by 25% as the war ENDED, not down to 25% as the war ended.
I have nothing better to do than pay attention to stuff like this the entire TW, so trust me on this. b:cool
I saw you pass by on the way to the base, but the lag was so freaken bad, I chased you for 2 seconds, and said, "**** it." >_> Went for Elednor instead<3
And w/e % it was at, it was destroyed about 10-15 seconds before we were tele'd out lol. 50 seconds late b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
50 seconds of our defense team not attacking anyone lol.
your catas would not have lived if the war wasnt over0 -
Iamiffy - Harshlands wrote: »50 seconds of our defense team not attacking anyone lol.
your catas would not have lived if the war wasnt over[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VenomousEmo - Harshlands wrote: »I saw you pass by on the way to the base, but the lag was so freaken bad, I chased you for 2 seconds, and said, "**** it." >_> Went for Elednor instead<3
And w/e % it was at, it was destroyed about 10-15 seconds before we were tele'd out lol. 50 seconds late b:surrender
People always shoot at me as I pass by.
Dey see me rollin', dey hatin'. b:coolIAGOREY
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Just gona say it was good fun, had such a laugh kicking *** with my squad.
1 hour war > 20 min war
Keep it up crimson, i want good fights every week.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VenomousEmo - Harshlands wrote: »And w/e % it was at, it was destroyed about 10-15 seconds before we were tele'd out lol. 50 seconds late b:surrenderIamiffy - Harshlands wrote: »50 seconds of our defense team not attacking anyone lol.
your catas would not have lived if the war wasnt over
ya, we were basically just doing ***** after Crim crystal was dead. After I died bc of doing this...
I was in base watchin Crimson do harm to an undefended crystal. Pop corn was nice.
It definitely kept me busy though, it was fun, but it really felt like an attack war.0 -
Tunnel Snakes Rule!!!I
0 -
*Not letting Longkinife have the last word on the thread* xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
-Former member of Kylin
-Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
Garaver - Harshlands wrote: »*Not letting Longkinife have the last word on the thread* xD
**** pls.
This thread will just come back to life after this week's TWs are done.IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »**** pls.
This thread will just come back to life after this week's TWs are done.
So? doesn't affect what I said xD
-Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
-Former member of Kylin
-Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte0 -
very well played out war crimson i applaud you guys now lets see more this week please
i miss the 1hour+ warsb:cuteb:kissb:thanksb:victory
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Wow im to lazy to go and read all of that. So zulu fails crimson is ok.Fail troll of harshlands0
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