How's the Crimson vs Zulu going?



  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Meh, we had some fun yesterday longknife against you, and its not like we spam guild chat. Alot of us just sit in pk hotspots and call the other people in these hotspots if anything comes up. You can probably tell that you get "ganked" by the same people day in and day out

    Of course that's how it goes down. I can't imagine they really think they need backup for 2-3 people or something.

    The one way I don't understand Crimson is, if I'm at west and there's only one enemy and 8 allies, and people ask "hey any PK at west," my answer is "no." Or if I show up at such a fight, I get bored and leave.

    So wtf. xD I'd imagine it has something to do with them being allied with everyone under the god damn sun, and to that I'd say "It's an RPK guild, just shoot some Kylin/Wodan/Mayhem and the world won't end." But hey, it's their guild and their policies.

    But yeah, as I said my issue with the comment made in this thread is just that: an issue with the comment itself. Zulu is constantly accused of all sorts of things, often times with the accuser being guilty of the exact same thing. It's hypocritical, so why make the accusation? Gank us all you like (goes for anyone), but don't sit there and act like ganking is OUR PVP method; it's clearly not.
    As I said, never seen Crimson make claims that we're the ones ganking, so good for them. Seen many other major factions do it though...
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Is using my nix considered ganking?
    Cuz that's what someone pm'd me after pking them, saying, "NO FAIR, ITS 2 V 1. MOTHER ****** GANKER. YOU SUCK"
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    And Garaver, i dont mean to be rude but do you play on harshlands? I mean ive seen your sig used to say you where in KY but i mean have you played in the last 2-3 months?

    The server is basicly dead, you said *insert med size faction here* there is no med size faction not already TWing. Zulu and Crimson are proably the only 2 able to put 80 into a TW, Mayhem next at prob like 60? Woden got like maybe 40? KY can prob field about 30 people now if that. The only other faction of size is maybe Stalkers.

    After that most of the factions can only field maybe 3-4 squads, most of them 8/9x in +1/2 HH green gear.

    Hope they merge us with lost city....

    Sorry I took this long to reply, was kinda busy.

    Yes I do play HL, I'm a late night player 'cause of my job so that's probably why u don't see me and I changed my sig 'cause I got bored of the old 1.

    When I said *insert...etc.* is because after a 6 months absence, I come back and see r8s wherever I look, in any kind of guild, u say half hh90 green? well I see different, true the new r8s are mostly +3 ppl, so is no biggie, but at least is enough to consider their guilds medium sized. Now on the attendance, as I said to Acrelar, I had understood that Zulu was having a very low attendance, he said that it was not the case, and because I don't have a reason to doubt him I'll take it as true, idk how is the case on the other guilds, but u seem to know better than me or u are just making it up ( no offense ^_^) but once again, my main point is not the attendance itself, or the gears, or the guild drama, or the amount of bids, or any of the other examples, my main point was that there are many factors that can affect the outcome of a tw xD Jesus lol

    And u didn't do your comment in a rude way so be cool ^_^

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Three things:

    I joined at almost exactly the same time that Zulu was created. For what it's worth, I've never run into them acting as hardcore gankers. You know who I did run into that hardcore ganked? Evoke. They annoyed the snot outta me, cause they always shot at me and other lower levels while sucking up to people their own level, then the moment I even stood so much as a chance of killing my attacker, they'd swarm me. A level 7x fighting a 9x because the 9x forced the fight, and the moment the 7x showed decent resistance, they'd strike. It was pathetic and that's one reason I never thought about joining them. Zulu on the other hand? That was all Rome, Lolla, Liberty and Jlung running around on killing sprees. Never saw them swarming, personally. As for killing low levels while they train, I honestly couldn't give a damn. Not something I do and not something I concern myself with.

    Second, the Zulu of then and the Zulu of now are not the same Zulu. You're basically taking your "revenge" out on the new generation of PKers, which never did any of this **** you claim happened. Hell, three of the four names I just listed above don't even play anymore. The other is often my only partner as the two of us fight severely outnumbered odds. With this same damn logic, I could justify ganking the balls out of Crimson until 2012, regardless of how much they and/or their members may change within that time; I mean look, they're clearly ganking, and an eye for an eye...

    Third, there's a difference between the gank of yesterday and the gank of today. A gank back then meant 5v1. Those were the numbers Evoke would gank me with, those were the numbers I'd see Zulu gank Kylin with and those were the numbers Kylin would gank me with when I joined. The thing is though, can you really blame any of the three? No, no you can't. Those forms of "ganks" only arised because one guild happened to have more people who wanted to PK than the other guild. Yeah it sucks for the outnumbered guild, but it's also just bum luck. No reason to get mad at the other guild for having four more willing PKers.
    In fairness, this WAS one of the reasons I never called for backup when I joined Zulu, cause yes, we always had plenty of willing PKers. I'd be outnumbered 4 to 1, but I knew that if I said anything, I could always expect Zulu to have 6-11 willing PKers, which was hard for other guilds to match. That or someone like Jlung would show up, and no one wanted to deal with him.
    This though? The ganking seen today? This isn't 4v1 or 7v4. 1v12 isn't flippin' coincidence, especially when 4 of them show up AFTER 8 have already successfully ganked that one player. I have no idea WHY Crimson always calls that many people or how the hell they have fun when they fight battles where "OMG I GOT A HIT OFF THAT TIME!11!!" is actually a big accomplishment. I just know that I've run into ganking odds that seemed absolutely insane more than a couple times. Besides that, Zulu actually GOT BORED and left. One could normally argue "they're just calling for backup to counter the backup you might be calling." Yeah, that would make sense, if they didn't damn well known that it's a god damn miracle for more than 2 people to show up as back-up, let alone a single person. Another big issue Zulu had as back-up back when I joined is that they'd win 2-3 attacks and then leave. Was annoying for me, cause they'd royally tick everyone off at my PK spot and leave, but that's a lot more comfortable for opponents. Crimson? Crimson will wait all flippin' day.
    At any rate, it's for those reasons that I always wanna call bull**** when people try to name Zulu gankers, or try to justify their own ganking with supposed ganking that happened almost a year ago. That last quote especially, since it implies Zulu "ganks" in TW.
    If anyone, anyone at all has a right to be annoyed with Zulu and call them gankers, it's probably Kylin, since the supposed ganking would've gone on as Zulu and Kylin were beginning to face off. Kylin's dead now though, so I really have to ask why the hell these dudes who bring 21 people to fight two or three asswipes keep using this same stereotype that's, these days, very outdated. God forbid we recognize and acknowledge changes in the community....

    hehe longknife dont assume just because i am not under the same name that i dont play anymore b:cute
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sorry I took this long to reply, was kinda busy.

    Yes I do play HL, I'm a late night player 'cause of my job so that's probably why u don't see me and I changed my sig 'cause I got bored of the old 1.

    When I said *insert...etc.* is because after a 6 months absence, I come back and see r8s wherever I look, in any kind of guild, u say half hh90 green? well I see different, true the new r8s are mostly +3 ppl, so is no biggie, but at least is enough to consider their guilds medium sized. Now on the attendance, as I said to Acrelar, I had understood that Zulu was having a very low attendance, he said that it was not the case, and because I don't have a reason to doubt him I'll take it as true, idk how is the case on the other guilds, but u seem to know better than me or u are just making it up ( no offense ^_^) but once again, my main point is not the attendance itself, or the gears, or the guild drama, or the amount of bids, or any of the other examples, my main point was that there are many factors that can affect the outcome of a tw xD Jesus lol

    And u didn't do your comment in a rude way so be cool ^_^
    It would be smart to doubt him. It's a common strategy for an army to make themselves seem bigger then they actually are.
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    hehe longknife dont assume just because i am not under the same name that i dont play anymore b:cute

    Ew it's you...
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    what emo said, we still got a lot of learning to do. I hope the fake bids this week wont be too bad b:surrender

    This weeks bids on Zulu... Mayhem, Unity, Wodan, Crimson, Stalkers, Watchers, Tipsy, Valhalla, Pilipinas, Ripzone.

    Unity, Watchers, Tipsy and Ripzone... Nice fake bidding there guys.

    So mayhem are stacked with 2 fake bids, stalkers and wodan stack with one fake thrown in. Valhalla are on their own, Crimson are stacked with pilipinas and one fake. May as well be on their own too >.>
    Effective strategy, it's worked to prevent any decent stacks/competative tw. Still, I'd like to see the faction which takes HL's whole map to do so without basically cheating/hiding from competative stacks. Which I think you're more than capable of doing. So why cheapen yourselves with fake bids? Unless this wasn't some kind of ellective zulu decision and you just happen to have a lot of members deciding to fake bid you for whatever reason.

    Though USA are still bidding crimson I see... So zulu aren't the only ones fake bidding b:chuckle
    and that one worked too... Now zulus attack is 1v1 so at least crimson should turn up this time. lolz.

    2. We might have low attendence, but low attendence is enough to fight off anyone that is not those 3 (mayhem, wodan, crimson) at the same day. And if we do have good attendence, we'll even beat those 3 together. In order for us to lose 2 lands there have to be 6 semi-strong guilds stacked 3 each on one out of those 3 days, so that we'll lose at least one land. However, there are no 6 guilds on this server that are strong enough for this to my knowledge.

    Valhalla, stalkers and kylin if they ever start bidding again. I think may be enough to take you on with low attendance. So any three out of crimson, valhalla, mayhem, wodan, stalkers and kylin could probabley manage it. If all six managed to stack 3 a day one weekend it would be interesting to see if you'd lose more land than you gain. Though thats highly unlikely, and even then a good attendance from you guys or if those factions aren't as strong as I think they may be, Zulu would still win. So unlikely, but i think it's possible for you to lose multiple lands in a single weekend.
    I'm pretty certain a lot of zulu think this is possible too... Or you wouldn't have so much fake bidding.

    Well, good luck Zulu, good luck everyone else. No competition for zulu for this week, but let's hope there's less fake bidding next time and we can enjoy a competative weekend. But hey I'll still have some fun getting rolled by you guys tomorrow I'm sure, lolz.
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This weeks bids on Zulu... Mayhem, Unity, Wodan, Crimson, Stalkers, Watchers, Tipsy, Valhalla, Pilipinas, Ripzone.

    Unity, Watchers, Tipsy and Ripzone... Nice fake bidding there guys.

    Effective strategy, it's worked to prevent any decent stacks/competative tw. Still, I'd like to see the faction which takes HL's whole map to do so without basically cheating/hiding from competative stacks.

    I can't speak for all of Zulu but I can speak for the core people that have been there from the very start of Zulu and we never fakebid. The one person that did it once was Ultimate and he fakebid on Kylin to make it look like they're getting attacked by more guilds so that more guildleaders would man up to attack them. That's what I think some of these guilds are trying, so if you want to point fingers at the fakebidders, go to those that are against Zulu.

    I bet that if there wasnt ~6 factions already bidding on us, some of these real factions wouldn't even consider attacking us.
    Point is, I don't think it's Zulu doing the fakebids especially since I've never heard of any of those factions before or know anyone in Zulu that is affiliated to them. It's a little cocky to assume that Zulu is the one fakebidding itself if you have no information or proof, don't you think?
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Though USA are still bidding crimson I see... So zulu aren't the only ones fake bidding b:chuckle

    I can go on record that Crimson hierarchy does not do fake bids nor will we tolerate. We like to play the game clean and for what it is which is a competitive mmorpg.

    No idea about the USA faction as I have never seen a single member from it personally.

    If I'm not mistaken the mods made some thread about faction sizes being considered when there are bids against larger factions to determine fake bidding? Not sure what happened to that plan :S
    Now zulus attack is 1v1 so at least crimson should turn up this time. lolz.

    Yes we will. Win or lose we booze.
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Durrrrrrr. 1v1 TW isn't competitive, gotta make it 3vs1 for it to be competitive! Maybe if we played LoL or minecraft while TWing it would even the odds.
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Durrrrrrr. 1v1 TW isn't competitive, gotta make it 3vs1 for it to be competitive! Maybe if we played LoL or >minecraft while TWing it would even the odds.

    I knew Zulu was autistic.
    Currently playing : |||| Waiting for:
    Allods |||||| G.W.2
    Bloodline Champions
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If I'm not mistaken the mods made some thread about faction sizes being considered when there are bids against larger factions to determine fake bidding? Not sure what happened to that plan :S

    Probably cancelled cause they realized cutting all packs prizes by 50% is the way to go.
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Fair enough, if you guys say you aren't fake bidding I believe you. But the fake bids on your territories have certainly benefited both the factions holding the territories. Therefore it's natural to assume that the people making these bids are trying to benefit who they are bidding on. Especially when you consider that last week crimson no showed zulu due to stacking, and zulu lost a territory due to stacking. Then the next weekend you both have favourable stacks due to fake bids. This appears to be very suspiciouse, and I won't be the only person to initially think you bid yourselves to avoid stacking.

    Though I didn't think that the core zulu members were the ones fake bidding as I've always seen you as the sort to enjoy more competition and not do things like fake bidding, I assumed the bids were coming from zulu members, as the only faction these bids are benefiting is zulu. I appologise for jumping to that conclusion as it is possible that other factions fake bid you in an attempt to disorganise your defence or make it look like you're getting more people biding you. If people did do that they need to stop because they're actually doing you a favour. Though it really is more likely that the bids are coming from within zulu when you consider your loss last weekend, the fact that you would have benefited from fake bidding then to disrupt stacking, and are benefiting from fake bidding this weekend.

    And yeh bloop its true, 1v1 against you isn't competative >.< sad but true. Of course that's not zulu's fault and I wasn't trying to say that you have any obligation to make things more competaive. That's the rest of harshlands job not yours. I was just trying to point out to people that fake bidding isn't a good idea and shouldn't be done. The only people you're helping by bidding zulu are zulu and they really don't need the help, they can win without it. So whether it's zulu members fake bidding themselves to avoid stacking or other people fake bidding zulu for whatever reason lets just stop the damn fake bidding b:cry I wanna stack with 2 good factions so I can out number them 3-1 and gank bloop lots n lots b:victory
  • Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would have to dicount Watchers as a potentail fake bid as I got my butt kicked all over hell today while trying to farm herbs by one of thier archrers. I didnt check their gear but I would have to think its a high refine R8 or R9 as they hit me allmost as hard as banzzok does.
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Unity, Watchers, Tipsy and Ripzone

    Unity is a legitimate guild, I've run FC with several members.

    Watchers, idk.

    Tipsy, I honestly have never even heard of.

    Ripzone pops up at SZ from time to time, I think their bid may be legit as well.

    Here's the thing: for every idiot spamming "everyone bid zulu gogogogo," your odds for an overwhelming stack plummet. If you really wanted to win TW, you'd tell the rest of the server to go die so you guys could orchestrate an effective attack.

    But hey, I guess you TW like you PvP: No strategy, overwhelming numbers!

  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Durrrrrrr. 1v1 TW isn't competitive, gotta make it 3vs1 for it to be competitive! Maybe if we played LoL or minecraft while TWing it would even the odds.
    Minecraft is awesome. Especially on peaceful mode :3
  • Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Watchers is reformed Dragon7, so legit too.

    Pilipinas always attacked Crimson before, but now Zulu? Strange.

    Who is Tipsy and Ripzone? Noone known. If someone put his alts to Ripzone not mean bid is legit.

    > Though USA are still bidding crimson I see... So zulu aren't the only ones fake bidding
    USA did bid on Zulu before, not on Crimson. Probably now they try to cleanup.

    But... i'm almost sure GM's no care about it. It's easy to say "fake bids is prohibited" but hard to control it. So, go go fake bids b:sad
  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    OH! And reporting PK incidents?! b:laugh so funny. I mean, go to Crimson or KY forums and look at the PK reporting pages. Lots of SS and QQ right? 95% of the SS are at west gate right? So the player who killed and the one who died where both there to PvP....So what are you all moaning about?! Press the res button and go fight back, not the SS button... Half this game is played on forums now xD

    Seriously..whoever came up with this idea should be stabbed. Whoever came up with being non-RPK should also be stabbed. I don't know whether to blame the original carebears of the server, of if this stemmed from some previous server, but it's dumb.
  • Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Good grief@ the walls of text.

    This server is dead for many reasons. Zulu is only partly to blame and then only in an indirect way. It's PWE and the players on this server that caused the death of HL. What did you expect when you all flocked to the Zulu bandwagon? What did you think would happen to PvP and TW? DER. You killed an already fading server. Grats.
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The only fake bids are USA and Ripzone. As for who owns them, I'll leave that for you guys to figure out as I'm not particularly interested. Although the rumor does go that USA is an alt guild of Zulu's. That's just a rumor though.

    TIPSY has advertised on WC a lot for members over the past couple months. They're not fake.

    But enough talk. Stop ******** and lets fight to the bitter end. b:cute

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This weeks bids on Zulu... Mayhem, Unity, Wodan, Crimson, Stalkers, Watchers, Tipsy, Valhalla, Pilipinas, Ripzone.

    Unity, Watchers, Tipsy and Ripzone... Nice fake bidding there guys.

    So mayhem are stacked with 2 fake bids, stalkers and wodan stack with one fake thrown in. Valhalla are on their own, Crimson are stacked with pilipinas and one fake. May as well be on their own too >.>
    Effective strategy, it's worked to prevent any decent stacks/competative tw. Still, I'd like to see the faction which takes HL's whole map to do so without basically cheating/hiding from competative stacks. Which I think you're more than capable of doing. So why cheapen yourselves with fake bids? Unless this wasn't some kind of ellective zulu decision and you just happen to have a lot of members deciding to fake bid you for whatever reason. Though USA are still bidding crimson I see... So zulu aren't the only ones fake bidding b:chuckle
    and that one worked too... Now zulus attack is 1v1 so at least crimson should turn up this time. lolz.

    2. We might have low attendence, but low attendence is enough to fight off anyone that is not those 3 (mayhem, wodan, crimson) at the same day. And if we do have good attendence, we'll even beat those 3 together. In order for us to lose 2 lands there have to be 6 semi-strong guilds stacked 3 each on one out of those 3 days, so that we'll lose at least one land. However, there are no 6 guilds on this server that are strong enough for this to my knowledge.

    Valhalla, stalkers and kylin if they ever start bidding again. I think may be enough to take you on with low attendance. So any three out of crimson, valhalla, mayhem, wodan, stalkers and kylin could probabley manage it.

    Head to Crimson forum and sees Director of Vanhalla been up there posting their since Oct., and you see Vanhalla bein pretty tight wit mains and alts in both legions, and a fews up in Zulu. So if you asks me, Crimson, Vanhalla , Mayhem all working together to thin Zulu's all allying up like such. Kinda seems hardish to reason out why Director of Vanhalla been up there posting for so long and explain out how some alts are in Crimson and yeah, a few in Kylin. But what eva'
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Oh yeh I didn't realise that watchers are dragon7 reformed until today b:chuckle sorry for thinking you were a fake bid :P
    I still haven't heard of tipsy though. Ripzone, usa and unity are all fake imo. Even though unity is a real faction, they have like 20 people and all low lvl. My faction I use for housing my alts has 30 or so active members but if I used it to bid on someone it would still be a fake bid xD
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Head to Crimson forum and sees Director of Vanhalla been up there posting their since Oct., and you see Vanhalla bein pretty tight wit mains and alts in both legions, and a fews up in Zulu. So if you asks me, Crimson, Vanhalla , Mayhem all working together to thin Zulu's all allying up like such. Kinda seems hardish to reason out why Director of Vanhalla been up there posting for so long and explain out how some alts are in Crimson and yeah, a few in Kylin. But what eva'

    What the **** is this? The main core of Valhalla has no alts in any guilds other than the guild we originally formed as: Jihad. Mika has really only posted on other forums to keep us off KOS with other guilds as far as I know...which is pretty much moot now since we switched to RPK.

    Also...we have no alliances with anyone.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What the **** is this? The main core of Valhalla has no alts in any guilds other than the guild we originally formed as: Jihad. Mika has really only posted on other forums to keep us off KOS with other guilds as far as I know...which is pretty much moot now since we switched to RPK.

    Also...we have no alliances with anyone.

    Dont feed the troll b:infuriatedb:sweat
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dont feed the troll b:infuriatedb:sweat

    Okay I hear.
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Things might actually get interesting when Vanilla gets enough R9 to just 20man all of Zulu or something. I'm assuming Banzcock and MrsNos will be joining Vanilla shortly after Crimson is wiped off the map. Although I'm pretty sure their main goal is to just pack as much R9 as possible in these upcoming 40VS40 TW's, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Things might actually get interesting when Vanilla gets enough R9 to just 20man all of Zulu or something. I'm assuming Banzcock and MrsNos will be joining Vanilla shortly after Crimson is wiped off the map. Although I'm pretty sure their main goal is to just pack as much R9 as possible in these upcoming 40VS40 TW's, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    I wouldn't be too sure of that. A full r9 guild is pretty much pointless besides having the fame of being herp derp OP geared.
    And I'd wait for the next few weeks before you start assuming things like Crimson being wiped off the map. Anything can happen in just a matter of days. b:thanks
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Although the rumor does go that USA is an alt guild of Zulu's. That's just a rumor though.

    Yeah and here's my point. It's a rumor that Zulu ganks. Why? Cause everything that was ever possibly negative about us, we're guild of, according to rumors.

    Now tell me, why would the guild that's proven before that we can win 1v1 wars make fake bids upon ourselves? What the balls do we have to gain? Wouldn't the money bet just be wasted?

    I'm not saying Crimson is behind the fake bids either; it could be freaking anyone on the server. It'd be nice if people stopped blindly accusing Zulu every time something goes missing or a gun is fired though.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah and here's my point. It's a rumor that Zulu ganks. Why? Cause everything that was ever possibly negative about us, we're guild of, according to rumors.

    Now tell me, why would the guild that's proven before that we can win 1v1 wars make fake bids upon ourselves? What the balls do we have to gain? Wouldn't the money bet just be wasted?

    I'm not saying Crimson is behind the fake bids either; it could be freaking anyone on the server. It'd be nice if people stopped blindly accusing Zulu every time something goes missing or a gun is fired though.

    Pretty much.

    At this point in time, it's not really known who exactly owns those two factions. Blaming the fake bids on Zulu, Crimson, your mom, your mom's mom, some stupid rumor you heard, etc. isn't gonna do a damn thing though.

    If people are really concerned about the fake-bidding, they'll shut up and go send a ticket in so the GMs can investigate. Frankly, I don't care. Fake-bidding is a part of TW as far as I'm concerned.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Or maybe it's just small guilds that would like to try a different aspect of the game for fun, anyone ever think of that? Unity has been around forever they probably just want to try something different.

    Now I'm not ruling out that bids are made to change tw orders, but that doesn't mean everyone in this thread needs to be freaking out like every bid is a conspiracy.

    Nikkus need ta take a step back and peep game ya heer me?


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