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  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Then you would think that some with such experience would know phrases such as "Game is dead." is also like saying "fail much?"... grammatically incorrect but still those with common sense would know of the possible meanings.

    Not really. If you went ahead and asked everyone that says, "game is dead," they literally mean just that, "it's dead, it's ruined, gonna die," not just that it fails.

    They believe that [edit]since[/edit] pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population), the game will lose a lot of players, and eventually be forced to shut down the game prematurely.

    It's the same people that fail to realize that many still play this game, and enjoy it regardless of the changes. It's also the same people that come back to the game given time, or just say such on the forums and play the game anyway and do everything that they condemned on the forums themselves.
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    actually i havent forced my opinions on anyone. i was simply disagreeing with everyone saying "game is dead" and stating my reasons to why. however ppl like sun has went as far as insulting ppls intelligence and showing elitism because of a ****ing forum avatar at just about everyone who thinks its not dead.

    in his eyes the only ppl that think the game is fun are low lvls/idiots.

    also you serious about A.ion? all i said was "last i checked A.ion is growing in popularity" and i was done with the conversation after that. how is that "forcing" it on you? i would love for you to pull up that post about A.ion and point out how i was trying to win that argument or trying to force my opinion about it on you.

    I said that to emphasize your desperation. You made a statement of something you obviously knew nothing about for the sake of arguing. Tis all.
  • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
    Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    This is minor compared to what I have been dealing with B4 I came back to PW. Gravity ruined the guild war of theirs for the past two months. This is nothing compared to that. No one can even war now. Thats not even the worse thing they have done. So yes this is a minor **** up to me.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I said that to emphasize your desperation. You made a statement of something you obviously knew nothing about for the sake of arguing. Tis all.

    hmm and by you saying "A.ion is dead" you think you know more about it then me just because i said its actually growing and you dont agree with it? lawl

    you can say that all you want about a f2p game, but saying that about a p2p game? that would mean it would have to shut down completly. unlike f2p games, p2p games actually relies on the monthly sales provided by its playerbase. so if a p2p game dies it literally dies. shut down and everything.
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Not really. If you went ahead and asked everyone that says, "game is dead," they literally mean just that, "it's dead, it's ruined, gonna die," not just that it fails.

    They believe that pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population), the game will lose a lot of players, and eventually be forced to shut down the game prematurely.

    It's the same people that fail to realize that many still play this game, and enjoy it regardless of the changes. It's also the same people that come back to the game given time, or just say such on the forums and play the game anyway and do everything that they condemned on the forums themselves. Its a fact that PWE didn't listen. For example, one of the GMs stated that PWE is working to help balance out the economy. Why? Because they knew players would be unsatified with high gold prices. Now they make a U turn and decide "To hell with it! We saw that we pulled a ton of money from giving you guys packs so we're going to keep going in that direction! :D" tell me now that they listen to us.

    Do you even know how we were able to squeeze a response out of Frankie about TW bannings and Kanto's apology? There had to be mass spam on the forums because being decent about it at first did not work. Instead threads got locked and marked as spam. Frankie is a community manager so part of his job is to look at these forums, so there's no doubt he saw how upset people were about the incident before the forums went to hell.

    After everything I've seen happen to this game, at this point you have to be ignorant to deny the fact that PWE doesn't listen to their customers, but only to their wallets and higher-ups.
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    I have been playing this game since day 1 of Closed Beta, and was on MY-EN for over a year before that. I have 4 level 100 characters, of which only 1 was hypered from 90 to 100. (Yes, I have a lot of time to play). I've cash shopped a moderate amount, perhaps $500 from start to now.

    I looked at my Friends List today, and here is what I find: The "EpeenKids" section of my FL, consisting of 9 people, is dead. Good riddance, I think.
    Of the rest of my FL, which spans people from level 60 to 100, all of whom I have known for at least a year, all but 6 are still actively playing here.

    Besides PWI, I have 4 computers here on which I play around 5 other MMOs, at least a couple of hours a week actively on each. All the names mentioned in this thread so far, yep, I've played them. I have been playing online games since the days of MUDs and MOOs - some of my friends in PWI were not even born back then. So yeah, I'd have to say I have seen a lot of MMOs, F2P and P2P. Old-timers will even recognize "Prowler" from those other games.

    Conclusion: PWI is still the most enjoyable of all the games whose servers remain up. It isn't the most enjoyable game I have ever played, but those couple that fit that bill, folded as businesses within a year of going live.

    PWI forums, on the other hand, are perhaps the least enjoyable: Even the PW.MS European server forums were never so full of bitter, manipulative, opinionated posters actively attempting to put the game and satisfied players down, before those servers shut down. It appears that every person with a e-penile inadequacy problem has landed up on these forums to achieve some personal goal by insisting that everyone else quit PWI.

    It would be terrific if everyone who insists that the game is dead, found it to be so for their accounts: "We are sorry, but your account is dead. Regards, PWI".

    I love this game, and am very happy to continue playing my 6 active characters, and perhaps 1 or 2 more when the new expansion arrives. I just hope I do not have to share server space with the haters who are trying to kill the game.
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010 Its a fact that PWE didn't listen. For example, one of the GMs stated that PWE is working to help balance out the economy. Why? Because they knew players would be unsatified with high gold prices. Now they make a U turn and decide "To hell with it! We saw that we pulled a ton of money from giving you guys packs so we're going to keep going in that direction! :D" tell me now that they listen to us.

    Do you even know how we were able to squeeze a response out of Frankie about TW bannings and Kanto's apology? There had to be mass spam on the forums because being decent about it at first did not work. Instead threads got locked and marked as spam. Frankie is a community manager so part of his job is to look at these forums, so there's no doubt he saw how upset people were about the incident before the forums went to hell.

    After everything I've seen happen to this game, at this point you have to be ignorant to deny the fact that PWE doesn't listen to their customers, but only to their wallets and higher-ups.

    or they can just ignore you altogether and just start issuing out bans and locking threads. this is a forum after all and on a forum you have no rights. they could have easily not responded at all because they have no obligation to respon to something the DEVELOPERS and not themselves did. so in reality your anger should be directed at the devs and not the GMs. a GM has no control over what the devs put into THERE game.

    a GM can only discuss concerns that the players have to the devs. if the devs say "no" to it then its out of there hands and there is nothing more they can do.
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    or they can just ignore you altogether and just start issuing out bans and locking threads. this is a forum after all and on a forum you have no rights. they could have easily not responded at all because they have no obligation to respon to something the DEVELOPERS and not themselves did. so in reality your anger should be directed at the devs and not the GMs. a GM has no control over what the devs put into THERE game.

    a GM can only discuss concerns that the players have to the devs. if the devs say "no" to it then its out of there hands and there is nothing more they can do.

    *sigh* Did you not read my whole post? They did ignore us altogether before. The forums went to hell because of it. Links of gore and **** was posted everywhere and made a few well known forum goers even quit looking at the forums because of it. So yeah taking the "ignoring the players altogether" plan did not work out well for them. If they're all about keeping their business then why would they be so stupid as to make the same mistake again? Would you want the forum of your business to be flooded with those kind of links and people constantly making spam accounts? Do you honestly think that would be good for your business?

    Reading would do you some good.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010 Its a fact that PWE didn't listen. For example, one of the GMs stated that PWE is working to help balance out the economy. Why? Because they knew players would be unsatified with high gold prices. Now they make a U turn and decide "To hell with it! We saw that we pulled a ton of money from giving you guys packs so we're going to keep going in that direction! :D" tell me now that they listen to us.

    Do you even know how we were able to squeeze a response out of Frankie about TW bannings and Kanto's apology? There had to be mass spam on the forums because being decent about it at first did not work. Instead threads got locked and marked as spam. Frankie is a community manager so part of his job is to look at these forums, so there's no doubt he saw how upset people were about the incident before the forums went to hell.

    After everything I've seen happen to this game, at this point you have to be ignorant to deny the fact that PWE doesn't listen to their customers, but only to their wallets and higher-ups.

    That's what I'm telling you.

    I never said they are listening to us, just pointing out it's ridiculous to spam the forums with "game is going to die" because they're apparently they refuse to listen to their customers. They keep stating it as a fact, like they're the only people playing this game, and since they're leaving, the game is ending.

    Like it's really going to make a huge difference that what, a hundred people are "quitting" because pwe refused to listen to their ideas when a thousand others continue playing.

    He did see the forums go nuts, even worse than it is now. Well, I still see a lot of people playing and enjoying themselves in game. TW changes right? I still see the same people TWing every weekend.

    At this point, if you really think that people don't know that PWE is trying to make money, then yeah, that's ignorant. It's just that some don't care, or they do and chose to remain calm and not let it bring them down.

    It's simple. A lot of people like to rage, but most are too attached to the game to leave. They keep posting their raging thoughts with comments like, "I know they won't listen to us anyway," so what's the point? Why waste time?
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So much backtracking. Sheesh. b:shocked

    I'm going to point out one thing and then I'm done with this thread entirely. b:surrender

    You said "They believe that pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population)" correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean that PWI does listen to their players? O.o
  • Belgarath - Heavens Tear
    Belgarath - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    I thoroughly enjoy this game, after having played actively from the launch of the server.

    If some are of the opinion this game is dead, perhaps the quality of the servers will improve with their leaving.

    Oddly enough, of my chock-full FL, only three or so are actually unhappy with the game and might leave. Lots of activity across the mid-level quest areas when I was flying around to help some friends last evening, lots of BHs being called on the platform even now. If this is how a "game is dead" MMO looks, I must say I love it!
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *sigh* Did you not read my whole post? They did ignore us altogether before. The forums went to hell because of it. Links of gore and **** was posted everywhere and made a few well known forum goers even quit looking at the forums because of it. So yeah taking the "ignoring the players altogether" plan did not work out well for them. If they're all about keeping their business then why would they be so stupid as to make the same mistake again? Would you want the forum of your business to be flooded with those kind of links and people constantly making spam accounts? Do you honestly think that would be good for your business?

    Reading would do you some good.

    No, I wouldn't want my forums to be flooded with such links.

    Then again, it's impossible to know that immature people will be visiting my forums. I don't know why they didn't delete those posts right away (maybe they were sleeping?) but maybe it was for the best. If they kept locking and deleting those posts, there would have be multiple more asking why they were doing it.

    It's not our place to call them stupid on how they want to run their business. We can have our opinions, of course, but it is their business. They provide a service, if you don't like it, you move on, or stick with it anyway. There's really no need for insulting and spamming.

    This has been a trend that has repeating, and the results are there. People still play, so they must be doing something right.
    So much backtracking. Sheesh. b:shocked

    I'm going to point out one thing and then I'm done with this thread entirely. b:surrender

    You said "They believe that pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population)" correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean that PWI does listen to their players? O.o

    Oops, excuse me, I should have added in a "since" before the "pwi didn't listen to them. b:laugh Typing too fast
    They believe that [edit]since[/edit] pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population), the game will lose a lot of players, and eventually be forced to shut down the game prematurely.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Yeah, I just though it'd be nice to put it that way :)b:laughb:laugh
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *sigh* Did you not read my whole post? They did ignore us altogether before. The forums went to hell because of it. Links of gore and **** was posted everywhere and made a few well known forum goers even quit looking at the forums because of it. So yeah taking the "ignoring the players altogether" plan did not work out well for them. If they're all about keeping their business then why would they be so stupid as to make the same mistake again? Would you want the forum of your business to be flooded with those kind of links and people constantly making spam accounts? Do you honestly think that would be good for your business?

    Reading would do you some good.

    posting **** and gore on a weekend where the GMs are off and not on office hours and you expect them to somehow magically see that? came monday morning all that **** was gone and every single person involved in it was banned.

    you must not know much about that situation. and no they didnt ignore you altogether. no matter how long it took to reply (because it was a weekend after all FFS) they still answered and responded. they did not have to do that at all.

    it seems you do not know the definition of "ignore" either.
  • Darth_Puggy - Archosaur
    Darth_Puggy - Archosaur Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I love this game. It's good fun. My max character level has only been mid-70's so far because I keep making alts because I like to play.
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Nice post and agreed.


    I very much do enjoy the game and well aware of what are the options available at endgame even before the sales, etc. When i compare this game to my previous one, it does have less options but probably the best communities ever (which is why am still here)

    IMO these sales, pack sales, etc are just options being given by PWE to players who like to buy through the game. You may not approve but then again each person has the freedom to choose how they wish to play the game.

    I do not like pvp in any game as it is usually participated by players who have something to prove to others in an online game or showoff how good their gears are.

    Even now with these sales, its not like you cannot farm your gear. You very well can. If you truly have your own goals, it shouldnt bother you how someone else reaches it. Your goals are for satisfying yourself and not for satisfying others. I will a game as long as I have friends there (irrespective of features, sales, cash shop, etc)

    Funny how people fail to see that this is one of the few games which lets you officially trade coins for gold. In most of the other games, you either charge RL money or buy the items it from other players...thats it.

    @For the highly dissatisfied players and who claim the game is dead

    If you no longer enjoy the game, why are you still here? Friends? take them with you. Why do you care so much about a company?

    If you havent moved still enjoy being here (for one reason or the other)
    If you have move on...I really dont see how these sales even bother you (unless you have a mental disorder or some deep urge to be concerned about something that doesnt affect you)
  • Lanyiara - Harshlands
    Lanyiara - Harshlands Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Im looking forward to having my R8 sin complete her 95% crit goals.

    Stll gotta farm lotsa gears, wep and chest aint enough P:
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    4.2billion xp to reach level 105.
    7,776,000 seconds in 3 months (~90 days).

    4,200,000/7,776,000 = 540 xp/second

    540 xp points/second with no hyper. How? That is like... a mob per second. For THREE MONTHS.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • NaaMachine - Lost City
    NaaMachine - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I enjoy the game well enough. I don't CS. (defeats the "free" in free to play). And I like to grind (ever since FF1, Hydlide, Zelda, etc.).

    The only time I begin to have less fun in the game is when I spend too much time reading the forums. I am what would be called a lowbie. i have an 81Barb and a 24Cleric. Once i stop having fun with this game, I will find something else to play. Easy. Also I have noticed that the only people to say the game is dead is... people in the forums, and the occasional 100+ pker that I QQ to. lol. In game I very rarely hear people say anything about the game being dead. And for the ones that are, I usually B/L them. No sense in letting them ruin the game for me.

    So... Too me. It isn't PWE the makes the game less fun. It's all the raging people in the forums (and of course that random pker... who is playing the game anyway).

    From what people tell me about what this game was like a year or two ago, I would have liked it better... All the grinding to lvl, make coin, buy skills. had to have been nice (I've only been playing since August of 2010). To me the higher lvls are a bit too accessible, but that just means this game won't last as long for me. No big deal. After all, I haven't spent anything on it.

    Am Kinda curious though (This is my first MMO since Federation (was text based, no graphics) on AOhelL in the mid 90s), if this game will last longer for me than Fallout 3. I played Fallout 3 daily for about 10 months, getting everything, playing as both male and female, as very good, good, neutral, evil, very evil, and then modding the **** out of it. So wondering if this glorified chat room will be able to hold my attention for that long. b:laugh

    My two (or three) cents.
    Should be required reading.
  • TrueMercy - Harshlands
    TrueMercy - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    4.2billion xp to reach level 105.
    7,776,000 seconds in 3 months (~90 days).

    4,200,000/7,776,000 = 540 xp/second

    540 xp points/second with no hyper. How? That is like... a mob per second. For THREE MONTHS.


    Mhm. I went to Heaven and killed a lvl 100 mob, gave me about 600exp, flying mob will give 900exp. With Training Esoterica it will be 1350exp~ per mob.
    If you kill 4 mobs per minute (which would be good since they had no jones blessings) and grind 18 hours per day, that's 5,8mil exp per day.

    1 month from Lvl 1 to 100, that means you have 60days to get 3960mil exp.

    3960mil / 5,8mil = About 680 days, if you kill 4 mobs per minute, 18 hours every day + Training Esoterica.

    Tsubakey, how? How did they level to 105 within 3 months? And no silly excuses please. b:surrender
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I am not a Lowbie, nor can I afford thousands of dollars to refine or participate in pvp. I still like PWI, the economy sucks because of the players. The GM's and Devs can do whatever they want to the game, but it's up to us to use it how we see fit. Do we want to destroy the economy? Nope, but we did it anyway by overpricing all our **** and raising gold prices out of greed...

    +1, QFT. *signs*
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Faldina - Archosaur
    Faldina - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Though I might not be a high level like in my 90's at all, I don't mind having something other then going to work and playing on my 360 when I get some free time when I get home..
    Still love the old classes and looking forward to try the new ones.b:bye
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Mhm. I went to Heaven and killed a lvl 100 mob, gave me about 600exp, flying mob will give 900exp. With Training Esoterica it will be 1350exp~ per mob.
    If you kill 4 mobs per minute (which would be good since they had no jones blessings) and grind 18 hours per day, that's 5,8mil exp per day.

    1 month from Lvl 1 to 100, that means you have 60days to get 3960mil exp.

    3960mil / 5,8mil = About 680 days, if you kill 4 mobs per minute, 18 hours every day + Training Esoterica.

    Tsubakey, how? How did they level to 105 within 3 months? And no silly excuses please. b:surrender

    going off of what frankie said about the china servers and 105.

    Hey guys,

    I know a lot of you are shocked about the recent General Summer's Sale items and their pricing. PWI has been out for 2+ years now, and even finding someone in full Rank 8 is still very rare, let alone Rank 9. Under the original conditions, even one player on a server obtaining a rank 9 ring would have been next to impossible, considering the amount of rep, chips, and Medals of Glory necessary. Remember, these original conditions were created by developers from a different country and different gaming culture--one where it is commonplace and even expected to play for eight hours a day, every day--a place where level 105 was achieved within three months of its release.

    just because you think its impossible doesnt mean its impossible for others.
  • Tjikkie - Raging Tide
    Tjikkie - Raging Tide Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    lookin forward to the new race, but still love the old ones
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    They believe that since pwi didn't listen to them, the customers (and lol they really think they represent the majority of the player population), the game will lose a lot of players, and eventually be forced to shut down the game prematurely.

    It's the same people that fail to realize that many still play this game, and enjoy it regardless of the changes. It's also the same people that come back to the game given time, or just say such on the forums and play the game anyway and do everything that they condemned on the forums themselves.

    I couldn't have say it better!, and this is why I find all those ragequitters so ridiculous and stupid!. Sorry for the sincerity ppl, but me, if I were you, I would be ashamed of letting everyone in forum know that I'm that ridiculous -.-' . Seriously, just leave the game and play something elese, and if one day you happen to feel like comming back, you won't have to hear others saying "hey, but didn't you hate this game with all your forces?" or something like that.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    lookin forward to the new race, but still love the old ones

    Same here! :D I'll still being a proud tideborn assassin though u_u
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • TrueMercy - Harshlands
    TrueMercy - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    going off of what frankie said about the china servers and 105.

    just because you think its impossible doesnt mean its impossible for others.

    Everyone with common sense thinks it is impossible.
    And you believe everything a GM/Mod tells you?
    You keep quoting frankie but you don't have an explanation?
    If your maths teacher tells you 5+4 is 10 even though your calculator says 9, do you still believe him?

    Let's be unrealistic and say you gain 2k exp per mob, 8k per minute and you grind 24hours non stop like a bot, that's 11,5mil exp per day.
    Then you still need 338 days!
    Start thinking.... they didn't have hyper exp 2-3 months after game release, did they?
    Even if chinese players grind alot more than we do, there is no way they get to 105 within 3 months with pure grinding xD
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Everyone with common sense thinks it is impossible.
    And you believe everything a GM/Mod tells you?
    You keep quoting frankie but you don't have an explanation?
    If your maths teacher tells you 5+4 is 10 even though your calculator says 9, do you still believe him?

    Let's be unrealistic and say you gain 2k exp per mob, 8k per minute and you grind 24hours non stop like a bot, that's 11,5mil exp per day.
    Then you still need 338 days!
    Start thinking.... they didn't have hyper exp 2-3 months after game release, did they?
    Even if chinese players grind alot more than we do, there is no way they get to 105 within 3 months with pure grinding xD

    first of all where are you getting your numbers? i hope its not out the ***. and 2ndly, who in there right mind would grind solely on mobs?

    also i do not know how long china had hypers, but i do know they had them alot longer then we did.

    also im not saying i beleive everything a GM says, but when it comes to information like that you cant just call "BS" especially if you do not work for the company itself. they have a clue and you do not.

    either way you cant deny how many lvl 105s are on the china server right now. and how long has the game been out for over there? so even if 105 is not possible in under 3 months what point are you trying to prove exactly? that im wrong and your right? GG. 105 is still possible to acheive in under a year as proof with kitamura who managed to get multiple chars lvl 100 AND get a sin to 105.
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i wish everyone who still enjoy the game to set up some goal (lets leave 1m gold and totally messed up gear/mat economy aside).

    meet some friends and work for some goal together (not sure what u gonna do since spending time in instances is pointless). work for your goal for months and when you finally reach it, enjoy it for week or two because pwe will make it worthless.

    inb4 hippies 'why so srs bro? vel - enjoy yur game by not playing it'

    this is game, which you play. when you play baseball, you want to have fun and maybe -you know- win? or do you just run around and chit chat about fashion with everyone?

    if you enjoy game like that, then there is something better for you, it s bit old and graphics arent so good, but at least it wont dc's and bug crash: pwi 0.5

    and 'bout economy, and 'players fault'.. thats devs who devaulate 'goods' worth in game - players can just respond to it.. gee


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Izintaba - Raging Tide
    Izintaba - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
This discussion has been closed.