Sign here if you still enjoy this game.



  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hey guys, i bet being a elitist douch bag that nerd rages on the forums for every change he does not like because he thinks he is cool is fun huh?

    but of course if you dont like something why the **** should anyone else like it either huh? but thats the beauty of elitism. where being even 1 lvl lower then someone makes them a moron by default.

    Lmao, you sir don't know what you're talking about. If you even have a character level 100-105 then you would understand.

    1 level difference is a big deal, it is not the same 99 than 100.

    At 100 you get to go into nirvana, you get to deal with hardcore PK, you get to deal with 5 aps squads that will not take you in because your gear sucks. You get to deal with people that think the same things than you.

    Been there, get there, then talk (2nd time I say it.)

    You can't comment what endgame is if you're not even there. Sure you might have a different perspective if you're on your 90s, I had it too, once I hit 100, its a whole new **** experience.

    - No more fun bhs, all is rush rush rush, someone dies, they kick you out. You don't spend big bucks, you dont get into good squads.
    - You afk, they kick you out.
    - You want to nirvana, and spend hours looking for the last member (even asking for non aps classes, they just assume you want aps.)
    - 3-3 is impossible to do if you're not in a hardcore squad.
    - You get to deal with clawarchers which most likely will be a pain in the butt.

    And more and more and more~ be there then comment.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lmao, you sir don't know what you're talking about. If you even have a character level 100-105 then you would understand.

    1 level difference is a big deal, it is not the same 99 than 100.

    At 100 you get to go into nirvana, you get to deal with hardcore PK, you get to deal with 5 aps squads that will not take you in because your gear sucks. You get to deal with people that think the same things than you.

    Been there, get there, then talk (2nd time I say it.)

    You can't comment what endgame is if you're not even there. Sure you might have a different perspective if you're on your 90s, I had it too, once I hit 100, its a whole new **** experience.

    - No more fun bhs, all is rush rush rush, someone dies, they kick you out. You don't spend big bucks, you dont get into good squads.

    but i guess those level 100s dont mean **** to you since they ARE the level you ask for and still disagree with you. so instead you pick a argument with other ppl to boost your inflated ego because you have some kind of falsified point to prove.
    - You afk, they kick you out.
    - You want to nirvana, and spend hours looking for the last member (even asking for non aps classes, they just assume you want aps.)
    - 3-3 is impossible to do if you're not in a hardcore squad.

    And more and more and more~ be there then comment.

    hmm you know what i love about your ignorance? how you blatanly ignore all of the lvl 100+s that have signed this thread and commented how they still have fun with the game. the proof is right in front of your own face and you still ignore it just to argue a petty *** argument.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hmm you know what i love about your ignorance? how you blatanly ignore all of the lvl 100+s that have signed this thread and commented how they still have fun with the game. the proof is right in front of your own face and you still ignore it just to argue a petty *** argument.

    Lmfao b:laughb:laughb:laugh quote one that doesnt have a negative comment about PWI, look at the signatures as well, I gave 1/2 my signature because I like the game, yet i hate the administration.

    Do whatever you want, not trying to convince you to get out of the game, just stating what a ripoff of game this is, that is all b:bye
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lmao, you sir don't know what you're talking about. If you even have a character level 100-105 then you would understand.

    1 level difference is a big deal, it is not the same 99 than 100.

    At 100 you get to go into nirvana, you get to deal with hardcore PK, you get to deal with 5 aps squads that will not take you in because your gear sucks. You get to deal with people that think the same things than you.

    Been there, get there, then talk (2nd time I say it.) Translation: QQ

    You can't comment what endgame is if you're not even there. Sure you might have a different perspective if you're on your 90s, I had it too, once I hit 100, its a whole new **** experience. Translation: QQ

    - No more fun bhs, all is rush rush rush, someone dies, they kick you out. You don't spend big bucks, you dont get into good squads. Translation: QQ
    - You afk, they kick you out. Translation: QQ
    - You want to nirvana, and spend hours looking for the last member (even asking for non aps classes, they just assume you want aps.) Translation: QQ
    - 3-3 is impossible to do if you're not in a hardcore squad. Translation: QQ
    - You get to deal with clawarchers which most likely will be a pain in the butt.
    Translation: QQ
    And more and more and more~ be there then comment. Translation: Guess
    Honestly, that's what I just read there, Cue-Cue moar lolb:laugh
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Want me to point you in the right direction?

    Look all this and then comment what you saw:

    My point is, as I said. Even if you bought your rank gear, it will suck in few weeks.

    Just watch and learn~
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Honestly, that's what I just read there, Cue-Cue moar lolb:laugh

    Hahahahahaha you just proved my point. L.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Want me to point you in the right direction?

    Look all this and then comment what you saw:

    My point is, as I said. Even if you bought your rank gear, it will suck in few weeks.

    Just watch and learn~

    umm ok? thats usually how gear works in a MMO like this one. you buy gear now and in a few months new gear will come out to make previous gear obsolete. thats the risk you take when playing games like these, so what is your point? or did you forget what happened to some TT gear once nirvana came out?

    i have no idea how you think other f2p games are any diffrent then this one. all f2p games with a CASH SHOP will milk you for all the money you got in order for u to get decently good at the game in terms of gear and equipment. there all the same ffs and i seriously suggest you play a few of them for a decent amount of time to learn that.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Whatever you say Mr. Michael_Dark.

    So tell me, what do you have to look forward to or have fun doing in PWI that doesn't involve sitting around an afk spot and chatting?

    One thing I still do find really enjoyable is doing full rebirth runs.

    After 500+ Nirvana and 500+ 3-3 runs... having done enough FBs to get 15k reputation (yes, I have 15k rep that was not purchased or farmed)... what else is enjoyable that hasn't been done to death?

    Let's see, I still enjoy TW. I still enjoy Celestial Tiger. I enjoy PK Tourney. Maybe I should do DT as I've never actually finished the Chiwen quest. Hmm... what else does that really leave to do?

    There aren't any worthy long term goals.

    So basically, the game is dead. I won't spend any more money here... and that's one thing I don't really have an issue for, I don't mind spending money on my entertainment... however PWI has given me all the reasons to NOT spend money anymore. So the game is dead and as soon as something better comes along, I won't have many reservations to leave.

    So their actions have really done so much to spur someone who was once a moderately heavy casual cash shopper to someone who just refuses to pay.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hahahahahaha you just proved my point. L.
    Ooooooh, I get it, those were all the complaints of others and none of that was from you, meaning you love endgame then, lol silly meb:victory
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So tell me, what do you have to look forward to or have fun doing in PWI that doesn't involve sitting around an afk spot and chatting?

    One thing I still do find really enjoyable is doing full rebirth runs.

    After 500+ Nirvana and 500+ 3-3 runs... having done enough FBs to get 15k reputation (yes, I have 15k rep that was not purchased or farmed)... what else is enjoyable that hasn't been done to death?

    Let's see, I still enjoy TW. I still enjoy Celestial Tiger. I enjoy PK Tourney. Maybe I should do DT as I've never actually finished the Chiwen quest. Hmm... what else does that really leave to do?

    There aren't any worthy long term goals.

    So basically, the game is dead. I won't spend any more money here... and that's one thing I don't really have an issue for, I don't mind spending money on my entertainment... however PWI has given me all the reasons to NOT spend money anymore. So the game is dead and as soon as something better comes along, I won't have many reservations to leave.

    So their actions have really done so much to spur someone who was once a moderately heavy casual cash shopper to someone who just refuses to pay.

    huh? like i said thats what happens in any MMO that has a lvl cap... once you reach that lvl cap there is not much u can do except pvp/farm/merchant/etc over and over again untill the next expansion comes with new content. and i dare you to find a f2p MMO that does not have that same flow of "lvl up lvl up hit lvl cap and pvp/farm/merchant till u drop dead"

    the "long term goals" come in once the games expansions start coming in to add more content and in some cases increase lvl caps. unless you think the earthguard expansion will be the very last expansion PWI will have then there is no reason to say that PWI has no long term goals...
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    umm ok? thats usually how gear works in a MMO like this one. you buy gear now and in a few months new gear will come out to make previous gear obsolete. thats the risk you take when playing games like these, so what is your point? or did you forget what happened to some TT gear once nirvana came out?

    i have no idea how you think other f2p games are any diffrent then this one. all f2p games with a CASH SHOP will milk you for all the money you got in order for u to get decently good at the game in terms of gear and equipment. there all the same ffs and i seriously suggest you play a few of them for a decent amount of time to learn that.

    You do know you need TT gear to get nirvana gear correct? or even lunar? So it was not like this bs.

    You need 100 uncannies for 1 piece of nirvana plus your tt99 piece. For weapon you need tt99 weapon + 100 raptures. Do you know how much coin that was? Now add the +12 refines some people got?

    To just "hey, guess what, throw that hard worked gear into the garbage can because you can now buy your gear for 7x bucks! :D aint that awesum!!!???"

    Good story but did not convince me.

    LOL @ playing more games, I'm sure I've been on gaming more time than you, I cannot say the names because then they'd have a reason to ban me~

    A game is supposed to end at some point, where you dominate, but this game passed that line and will continue doing it for i dont know how long. Level cap was 105, best gear you could get is rank gear, now you can get it and guess what, in few weeks you will have to put that into the garbage because new levels, instances and gear will be available, making it a snow ball rolling all the way down~ taking everyone with it.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You do know you need TT gear to get nirvana gear correct? or even lunar? So it was not like this bs.

    You need 100 uncannies for 1 piece of nirvana plus your tt99 piece. For weapon you need tt99 weapon + 100 raptures. Do you know how much coin that was? Now add the +12 refines some people got?

    To just "hey, guess what, throw that hard worked gear into the garbage can because you can now buy your gear for 7x bucks! :D aint that awesum!!!???"

    Good story but did not convince me.

    LOL @ playing more games, I'm sure I've been on gaming more time than you, I cannot say the names because then they'd have a reason to ban me~

    this probally gonna seem like a troll but, not that hard to farm nirvy with a bunch of 5.0 players.

    and cant say the names cuz they will ban u? broski idk if u have noticed but me as well as a bunch of other ppl have mentioned the names to other MMOs yet without fear of repercussion. and none of us are banned yet. not denying that u played alot of games, but not mentioning there names in fear of ban is a weak reason.

    also this game is still better then most games in terms of how getting equipment. in some games the most rare armor/weapons in the game drop from normal grinding monsters or boss monsters that can easily be farmed in a few days. farm those monsters/bosses for a few days and gratz, u have the best armor/weapon/jewlery in the game.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    this probally gonna seem like a troll but, not that hard to farm nirvy with a bunch of 5.0 players.

    and cant say the names cuz they will ban u? broski idk if u have noticed but me as well as a bunch of other ppl have mentioned the names to other MMOs yet without fear of repercussion. and none of us are banned yet. not denying that u played alot of games, but not mentioning there names in fear of ban is a weak reason.

    Lol if a mod allows me to I will pop up a list of over 50 games. b:chuckle

    Note what you said, 5.0 players.

    Try getting that without cash shopping b:laughb:laugh and again the QQ about casters, venos left behind, clawarchers wanna be bms, sins trying to tank everything and dieing, barbs with claws, blah blah blah. Same bs over and over lol.

    Now I know it was not that hard and it was possible for everyone to get this gear sooner or later, but rank gear? that was pretty hardcore to get. And now its just a lol on the face.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol if a mod allows me to I will pop up a list of over 50 games. b:chuckle

    Note what you said, 5.0 players.

    Try getting than without cash shopping b:laughb:laugh

    kita got to 105 and 5.0 completely without CSing. and there are MANY other players that have gotten 5.0 WITHOUT the help of CS. they got it completly FREE. but what amzes me about some of those players is that despite the fact they got it for free without spending a dime in CS they still complain about ppl that have to spend 72 real life dollars to get that gear.

    if i got something for free i dont give a **** how long it took, it was free and i didnt have to spend a penny to get it. and in that case your hard work paid off big time.

    now spending close to 1k-2k usd in the CS to get something? well thats just plain retardation and you deserve to get ripped off. sry but spending that much money to get a single set of armor? ya, **** that. the ammount of **** i can get with 2k usd is alot more worth it then a set of armor that is not even all that great for some classes. they are blatantly getting ripped off and gladly accepting to get ripped off just for E-penor status.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kita got to 105 and 5.0 completely without CSing. and there are MANY other players that have gotten 5.0 WITHOUT the help of CS. they got it completly FREE. but what amzes me about some of those players is that despite the fact they got it for free without spending a dime in CS they still complain about ppl that have to spend 72 real life dollars to get that gear.

    if i got something for free i dont give a **** how long it took, it was free and i didnt have to spend a penny to get it. and in that case your hard work paid off big time.

    Until PW nerfs 5.0 aps, then it will be, again, a lol on the face. And it has been announced, just gotta wait for that nerdrage all over again.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    huh? like i said thats what happens in any MMO that has a lvl cap... once you reach that lvl cap there is not much u can do except pvp/farm/merchant/etc over and over again untill the next expansion comes with new content. and i dare you to find a f2p MMO that does not have that same flow of "lvl up lvl up hit lvl cap and pvp/farm/merchant till u drop dead"

    the "long term goals" come in once the games expansions start coming in to add more content and in some cases increase lvl caps. unless you think the earthguard expansion will be the very last expansion PWI will have then there is no reason to say that PWI has no long term goals...

    You're the guy who said you can grind to level 105 in 5-6 months. You certainly don't know anything about this game. Your observations and comments are just ignorant.

    This game used to have long term goals. It doesn't. It's been redesigned to milk every last penny of a player from 1-99 and then just tosses them away and forgets about them.

    You certainly appear to be one of the nub generation that I speak of.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ZeverEdge - Lost City
    ZeverEdge - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kita got to 105 and 5.0 completely without CSing. and there are MANY other players that have gotten 5.0 WITHOUT the help of CS. they got it completly FREE. but what amzes me about some of those players is that despite the fact they got it for free without spending a dime in CS they still complain about ppl that have to spend 72 real life dollars to get that gear.

    if i got something for free i dont give a **** how long it took, it was free and i didnt have to spend a penny to get it. and in that case your hard work paid off big time.

    now spending close to 1k-2k usd in the CS to get something? well thats just plain retardation and you deserve to get ripped off. sry but spending that much money to get a single set of armor? ya, **** that. the ammount of **** i can get with 2k usd is alot more worth it then a set of armor that is not even all that great for some classes. they are blatantly getting ripped off and gladly accepting to get ripped off just for E-penor status.
    Thank you Tsu, 'cause sometimes pointing out the truth to hurt ignorant people is a great necessity sometimes (if not most times). Honestly, he doesn't have anything to defend himself against these facts, 'cause he only sees this game in one part of the spectrum. If you're gonna drive yourself to complete ruin, please do so quietly so that the rest of can continue to enjoy the game in peaceb:surrender
    if i got something for free i dont give a **** how long it took, it was free and i didnt have to spend a penny to get it. and in that case your hard work paid off big time.
    Just had to copy this part out to emphasize it in 2 words: A-MENb:thanks
    PWI Haters: the game dead yet?b:question

    PWI Community: Pretty much, West Arch is still the laggiest place.

    PWI Economy: Agreed, and there is still active gold tradingb:surrender

    Hooray for death of PWI!!!b:kissb:victory
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You're the guy who said you can grind to level 105 in 5-6 months. You certainly don't know anything about this game. Your observations and comments are just ignorant.

    This game used to have long term goals. It doesn't. It's been redesigned to milk every last penny of a player from 1-99 and then just tosses them away and forgets about them.

    You certainly appear to be one of the nub generation that I speak of.

    grinding to 105 has nothing to do with what i said but i love how you back tracked to that argument again and how much you are ignorant to your own ignorance.

    you say this game does not have long term goals but you fail to acknowledge any future expansions and the things that might come from those expansions. as long as this game stays open there will always be added content for it. so for you to say there is no long term goals for this game is pretty stupid.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    now spending close to 1k-2k usd in the CS to get something? well thats just plain retardation and you deserve to get ripped off. sry but spending that much money to get a single set of armor? ya, **** that. the ammount of **** i can get with 2k usd is alot more worth it then a set of armor that is not even all that great for some classes. they are blatantly getting ripped off and gladly accepting to get ripped off just for E-penor status.

    This is what Im talking about its not even funny how they rip people off, its just disgusting.

    I heard someone sold his car to get a weapon... **** people...

    Seriously, this is not a game anymore...
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    grinding to 105 has nothing to do with what i said but i love how you back tracked to that argument again and how much you are ignorant to your own ignorance.

    you say this game does not have long term goals but you fail to acknowledge any future expansions and the things that might come from those expansions. as long as this game stays open there will always be added content for it. so for you to say there is no long term goals for this game is pretty stupid.

    I think you took a fall from the stupid tree.

    Grinding to 105 in 6 months has everything to do to show how little you actually know and how worthless most of your comments are.

    It's not that there weren't any long term goals, it's that all of the long term goals have been removed.

    You sure think you know this game well for only having played it a few months. You're a joke. Like I said before yulk 2.0.

    Your comments have no worth.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    This is what Im talking about its not even funny how they rip people off, its just disgusting.

    I heard someone sold his car to get a weapon... **** people...

    Seriously, this is not a game anymore...

    a game will always be a game. going as far as selling a car to get something? ****. spending perhaps 1 or 2 years playing the game you like to farm for that same item AND still have your car? thumbs up to u.

    the latter of which adds fun to the game for ppl that love difficulty and farming for things that will pay off in the end. the reward and satisfaction and releif that you get after your hard work is not something that can be described easily and is very rewarding. and knowing that you got that item for FREE only adds to that. the former is just for ppl that want to get there **** sucked as fast as they can by being the first to have a warsoul.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    grinding to 105 has nothing to do with what i said but i love how you back tracked to that argument again and how much you are ignorant to your own ignorance.

    you say this game does not have long term goals but you fail to acknowledge any future expansions and the things that might come from those expansions. as long as this game stays open there will always be added content for it. so for you to say there is no long term goals for this game is pretty stupid.

    I don't recall seeing you before until all this rank 8 flaming started. My troll alt alert is going off like crazy.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I don't recall seeing you before until all this rank 8 flaming started. My troll alt alert is going off like crazy.

    im actually rarely on the forums. i come out when big situations like these arise. i was actually happily lurking the forums for earthguard information when this **** happened. so i had to join in. i was here when during the "fallen heroes" phase to.

    btw, your sig is hot.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    kita got to 105 and 5.0 completely without CSing. and there are MANY other players that have gotten 5.0 WITHOUT the help of CS. they got it completly FREE.

    Also, this is an invalid comment. You don't even know why.

    FD has been on PWI since it opened, farms non-stop... 6-8 hours a day... for the last 2+ years. When he rolled Kitamura he had at the very least 3 billion coins already saved up, not to mention hundreds of millions in assets.

    So basically when he made Kitamura, he already had $30,000-$40,000 of in-game assets, some of which he used to create the character.

    Using him as an example of how someone can hit 105 quickly is pretty ignorant. He's had 2.5 years of preparation.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Also, this is an invalid comment. You don't even know why.

    FD has been on PWI since it opened, farms non-stop... 6-8 hours a day... for the last 2+ years. When he rolled Kitamura he had at the very least 3 billion coins already saved up, not to mention hundreds of millions in assets.

    So basically when he made Kitamura, he already had $30,000-$40,000 of in-game assets, some of which he used to create the character.

    Using him as an example of how someone can hit 105 quickly is pretty ignorant. He's had 2.5 years of preparation.


    lol really? holly **** man. you are so full of **** that its not even funny. you seriously gonna go with that excuse?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    lol really? holly **** man. you are so full of **** that its not even funny. you seriously gonna go with that excuse?

    What are you talking about yulk?

    If you spent 20k on a sin you could get to 105 as quick as he did running hyper frost 3-6 hours a day. He didn't need to spend a real life cent because he already had all the coin he would ever need.

    Kitamura is FD's alt sin. FD had at least 3 billion coin saved up before Tideborn came out.

    Hell, he made over 1bn just farming card bosses during the last 2x event.

    So, stop talking about stuff you don't even have any clue about. It shows just how stupid you really sound to the people who know better.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    What are you talking about yulk?

    If you spent 20k on a sin you could get to 105 as quick as he did running hyper frost 3-6 hours a day. He didn't need to spend a real life cent because he already had all the coin he would ever need.

    Kitamura is FD's alt sin. FD had at least 3 billion coin saved up before Tideborn came out.

    Hell, he made over 1bn just farming card bosses during the last 2x event.

    So, stop talking about stuff you don't even have any clue about. It shows just how stupid you really sound to the people who know better.

    like i said, you are so full of **** that its not even funny. to say he only reach 105 so fast because of his past successes is one of the most ignorant excuses i have heard for a argument as of late.

    its the fact that it can be done period that im talking about. he got to 105 on his sin in a decent ammount of time without spending a dime on CS, and you are going to say the only way it was possible was because of the 2.5 years he spent playing this game as a legit excuse? how many ppl have been playing this game that long and dont have anywhere near the success he has had?

    if you really are going to use that excuse then the majority of players on PWI that have multiple lvl 100s and played as long and farmed as much as he are able to get to 105 just as fast as he did which only proves my damn point. oh and lets not forget the combined exp of all of those lvl 100+ alts.

    also, i love how you pull numbers out your *** just to make yourself sound like you have a clue. again. full. of. ****.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    *rantings of a child*

    You just keep yapping about things you have no clue about.

    My point is, you have nothing valid to say. You're just a troll. And, a bad one at that.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You just keep yapping about things you have no clue about.

    My point is, you have nothing valid to say. You're just a troll. And, a bad one at that.

    thats hilarious coming from the biggest troll known on the forums and that is also ignorant of his own ignorance. must be nice to live in the world that you live in huh Micheal? you must have had a sad childhood because every single post i see from you you are calling someone a idiot/moron/stupid/other 3rd grade insult.

    if you take a look at your own posts you will see that your own petty insults make you look like a 5 year old.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    thats hilarious coming from the biggest troll known on the forums and that is also ignorant of his own ignorance. must be nice to live in the world that you live in huh Micheal? you must have had a sad childhood because every single post i see from you you are calling someone a idiot/moron/stupid/other 3rd grade insult.

    if you take a look at your own posts you will see that your own pet insults make you look like a 5 year old.

    I'm quite the intelligent 5 year old then. At least I'm not as ignorant as you. b:pleased
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
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