BloodLust > Spectral > Rogaine + Kamisama = lololol?



  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    sorbik wrote: »

    **** it, its a tie. Both parties are ****ed up.

    +1...although thank you all for making me laugh during a slow day at work
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Too bad we have all the wrong classes with +12 in Essence. +12 barbs + BMs amazing in TW.

  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    michae_dark always talking high and mighty...b:chuckle

    you are not essence leader...
    you are not 105...
    you are not recording awesome pvp vids...
    you are neither making terrible ones...
    you did not drop a +10 lunar wand...
    you did not roll a sin just for the purpose of killing ichigo...
    you are not an infamous cashshopper...
    you are not from closed beta...
    you are not BALD...are you? b:mischievous

    face it you are nothing but a forum troll...just like us...b:kiss
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    michae_dark always talking high and mighty...b:chuckle

    you are not essence leader...
    you are not 105...
    you are not recording awesome pvp vids...
    you are neither making terrible ones...
    you did not drop a +10 lunar wand...
    you did not roll a sin just for the purpose of killing ichigo...
    you are not an infamous cashshopper...
    you are not from closed beta...
    you are not BALD...are you? b:mischievous

    face it you are nothing but a forum troll...just like us...b:kiss

    she make a good point there
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    sorbik wrote: »
    Kamisama after merge: Elayne has no hair.

    Essence: Stop making fun of Elayne's lack of hair. We used to be in the same guild, why are you doing this? What kind of people are you?


    Essence after (kamisama's) merge: Mikoto is a whale.

    Kamisama: Stop making fun of Mikoto. We used to be in the same guild, why are you doing this? What kind of people are you?

    Double standards? I dont even know whose at fault.

    **** it, its a tie. Both parties are ****ed up.

    i love this
    very funny
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    +1 Dthrum
    +1 Shinzoko
    12 vs 11

    dthrum is +11
    Youtube Channel:
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  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    if you ain't rollin archosaur like SG1OWNZ apparently just did, you mine as well not even play this game.

    no drama is worth the cost of our fun

    "Archosaur - where the underdogs actually win"
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    if you ain't rollin archosaur like SG1OWNZ apparently just did, you mine as well not even play this game.

    no drama is worth the cost of our fun

    "Archosaur - where the underdogs actually win"

    Lol I expected to be disappointed but this was actually pretty amusing.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    you are not essence leader...
    you are not 105...
    you are not recording awesome pvp vids...
    you are neither making terrible ones...
    you did not drop a +10 lunar wand...
    you did not roll a sin just for the purpose of killing ichigo...
    you are not an infamous cashshopper...
    you are not from closed beta...
    you are not BALD...are you? b:mischievous

    face it you are nothing but a forum troll...just like us...b:kiss


    Yep. b:surrender

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i just notice most essence that talk smack against kami or rogisama b:chuckle

    are ex bloodlust or ex spectral

    that got rolled by CQ

    who prolly think kami is still filled w/ ex CQ b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You're right, I lied.

    At the very beginning I didn't hate Essence. After two to three weeks they started getting annoying. After a month or two it started to become dislike. It only grew as time went by and others felt the same way.

    I'd also like to think I am still very chill. Only when I get annoyed by people who don't know anything and start spewing nonsense do I act out. Someone so arrogant of what their guild really does just makes me want to cry. Hell back when PC was in your guild, he KoSed any Kamisama freely and Elayne or anyone never did ****. He was one of the starting factors towards why the hate towards Essence started. Now that he is in Kamisama? Well I wouldn't say we invited someone we hate, we just invited someone that you couldn't control. We hated Essence for never doing anything about it, not PC for killing us.

    Oh and Amour, I never said your guild didn't help us some when we needed it. Getting people to come to war wasn't our problem anyways, it was our members getting recruited into your guild was the problem.

    You seemed reasonable, but with this quote... I bury all my neutral feeling towards you. You basically agreed to being a ****. Good job.
    Seems like people still care.

    ANYWAY why don't we all just take a step back and take in a little dose of reality. No guild is CQ,RageQuit or BloodLust or Axegang or UnLimited or GuardianZ. The 3 big guilds right now may have history rooted in other factions however that does not make them the guilds that started on this server. So lets just cut the "LOL RAGEconqGuardiSamav6.2" because really that is just demeaning to us all as if we as players on Lost City are unable to move forward, I like to think that we are not that ****.

    Essence has gotten to where it is by good tactical positioning. Did we use Kami? Well I would say that Kami and Essences relationship was much like that of a wife with an abusive husband. We slapped you around and called you names, we drank and stayed out all night, we never called you and when we came home from work and our dinner wasnt ready we blackened your eyes. However that isnt to say we didnt love you, we often appologised and gave you money to go pretty yourself up, but in the end it all became to much and you left us to become a strong independant woman. However like a woman who leaves an abusive man, you know deep down you are damaged goods and nothing without us. Thus butthurt.

    @Llama For a dead game you seem to care a lot. I know it is hard letting go, it is ok bra, the days of raiding your kids college funds to +gear and searching down the back of your sofa for change to get some packs can become a distant memory if you let them. You dont need to send your wife searching deep into the darkest recesses of the pockets of your Walmart double wide blue jeans just to compete with Elaynes gear, or have overweight girls farm you HH100 weapons. It is ok, let it go.

    @ Haiz and Mikoto I'm pretty sure Amour was always quite a popular member of Conqueror during his time there, he has that "*** charm" that people gravitate towards. Amour was also a factor in helping around in both Kami and CQ, going to your wars, helping your players and probably does a lot more than he actually is given credit for. Infact every guild i have been in with Amour he does a lot and often doesnt get the credit he deserves for it. I think you guys forget that you were only a small part of CQ as well, and lets face it Mikoto only sat around on the forums and Hitlered it up when people left (she was busy getting her jellyrolls knocked around by Fiery, nice sloppy seconds Haiz LOLDATMAYOGONEOFFSON?) and well Haiz you sat around feeling superior to everyone else and generally pretending to be a somebody on teh interwebs, lets get real, you are a skinny asian kid who plays mmos and plows a fat white chick. Who do you think you are? It is almost like you think you are there is a man....HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NECK MUSCLES?

    anyway in summary, you are tools.

    ALSO: Sorbik is the biggest tool on this forum, if half of all your hate was directed towards his pretentious posts the world would be a better place.

    Good one, it's LaTrappe after all...
    I made guides, I won the wiki contest! Stop making fun of Mikoto, I won the wiki contest! My3- incher is more than enough to satisfy my whale girlfriend, I won the wiki contest! Check out my videos! Did I mention that I won the wiki contest?

    This made me laugh most out of the whole thread.b:victory
  • Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    I mean I hate everyone +12 cash shop no skill
    noob hairy losers have you no honor.

    Man I'm funny.

    Also I pretype sentences in notepad and
    line break them all.

    Man I'm funny.
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    if you ain't rollin archosaur like SG1OWNZ apparently just did, you mine as well not even play this game.

    no drama is worth the cost of our fun

    "Archosaur - where the underdogs actually win"

    Sorry bro, you have nothing on pnut.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    LOL EssencDown lost 2 lands!

    LOLULOST2LANDS! b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Essence - 37 lands
    Kamisama - 8 lands
    ThaClick - 1 land

    ~Carpe Diem~
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    People actually started to fight back on this server?

    .....And won?

    Well color me ****ing surprised.
    CB-Phase 1-4
    I am Snorlax and I will block your path.

    DestroyTokyo- Voted best WereBeast on PWI Lost City server <3
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    People actually started to fight back on this server?

    .....And won?

    Well color me ****ing surprised.

    Yep! Seems like Kami + Rogaine + Knights = a fair fight for Essence. lol

    Was a great fight though. Finally something worth playing for! b:pleased
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    People actually started to fight back on this server?

    .....And won?

    Well color me ****ing surprised.

    I'm sure if Pandora was here to see the day he'd cry.

    I was gonna fraps this war but after the start it seemed like it might've been a 20 minute war. Too bad I forgot to turn it on afterwords. Even if I did though the video would've been full of me getting ***** by assassins the whole time.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Even if I did though the video would've been full of me getting ***** by assassins the whole time.

    In that new game PWE has that I won't mention.... Sins are severely underpowered.

    I guess they did that to make up for the Sins in pwi :3

    @ Michael
    Every big guild eventually has to deal with triple attacks.

    Now it's just a question if you can fend them off and finish off the map.
    CB-Phase 1-4
    I am Snorlax and I will block your path.

    DestroyTokyo- Voted best WereBeast on PWI Lost City server <3
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I'm sure if Pandora was here to see the day he'd cry.

    I was gonna fraps this war but after the start it seemed like it might've been a 20 minute war. Too bad I forgot to turn it on afterwords. Even if I did though the video would've been full of me getting ***** by assassins the whole time.

    I recorded alot of it.. but 90% of my footage is me being perma dead. So annoying because I'm trying to record with this free **** and it keeps on stopping every 10 mins and whenever the 10 min mark comes up.. this STUPID popup tabs me out telling me if I want it to stop annoying me I gotta pay $$. Oh well, was a fun war.. finally gives me the motivation to work for my gear again. /outgeared
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yep! Seems like Kami + Rogaine + Knights = a fair fight for Essence. lol

    Was a great fight though. Finally something worth playing for! b:pleased

    LOL why is that you still look at it as 3 v 1?

    sure maybe people finally got smart and decided to join forces instead of still allowing the past to prevent them from fielding a strong TW squad.

    but in the end it is still just 80 against 80 in TW.

    so who really cares if Kamisama (or any guild for that matter) , accepted or recruited some of the better players still interested in fighting Essence in TW.

    you can't tell me that Essence is still the same guild today then when they first formed after the map reset. they (like Kamisama has done recently) , recruited smart and worked hard to become the guild they are today.

    all that really needs to be said is that maybe this will bring back a bit of the competitive edge to the game that has been lacking for a long time now.

    maybe, hopefully, we will start to see some of the other guilds bidding for land and maybe make things interesting again.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @ Michael
    Every big guild eventually has to deal with triple attacks.

    Now it's just a question if you can fend them off and finish off the map.

    Well, like I said.... win or lose, there's something finally worth playing for.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In that new game PWE has that I won't mention.... Sins are severely underpowered.

    I guess they did that to make up for the Sins in pwi :3

    I kinda enjoy the other unmentioned game PWE has more than PWI. Much less laggier that is fo sho.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    In that new game PWE has that I won't mention.... Sins are severely underpowered.

    I guess they did that to make up for the Sins in pwi :3

    @ Michael
    Every big guild eventually has to deal with triple attacks.

    Now it's just a question if you can fend them off and finish off the map.

    I would not say they are underpowered but they are brought down to the lvl of everyone else in pvp(except warriors). Finally something good the developers did.

    Also all this sign of cheering I see on WC for kami + gank is probably not for the love of kami but for the hate of essence and their non-rpk guild posers.

    ps. keep up the drama guys b:laugh
  • Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I wish RT's TWs were this much fun D:

    Tired of rolling ppl in 5 minuts while they go "HAHAHAHA JOKES ON YOU! YOU DONT GET TO KILL US BECAUSE WE DONT SHOW UP"
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yep! Seems like Kami + Rogaine + Knights = a fair fight for Essence. lol

    Was a great fight though. Finally something worth playing for! b:pleased

    I don't know if I should facepalm or take that statement as a compliment.

    3 people leave Knights for Territory War fun and it's a merge. b:sweat
    I am a noob. <3
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I don't know if I should facepalm or take that statement as a compliment.

    3 people leave Knights for Territory War fun and it's a merge. b:sweat

    b:surrender There only 3 Knights in Kami.. Yeah.. and 2 of them are Ex-Essence so I guess Essence Merge to Kami too b:shutup

    EDIT: Also one of the Knights hasn't even Attended to TW since joining so really you have only seen me and my wife x__x;;; wtf
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I don't know if I should facepalm or take that statement as a compliment.

    3 people leave Knights for Territory War fun and it's a merge. b:sweat

    Well, when you see the leader of one faction go into a stronger one?

    And it's altogether possible Kami would only want those 3 members from Knights. b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Well, when you see the leader of one faction go into a stronger one?

    And it's altogether possible Kami would only want those 3 members from Knights. b:chuckle

    I know leaders that leave and go to stronger ones just for TW practice and to learn how to do events. b:chuckle

    Yes, crappy veno, sage bm, and a baddie troll who everyone has blacklisted = Kami wants

    ( <3 )
    I am a noob. <3
This discussion has been closed.