BloodLust > Spectral > Rogaine + Kamisama = lololol?



  • Ehee - Lost City
    Ehee - Lost City Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    WAI SO SERIOUSb:shocked
    me gush you.
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    We did it because Spectral had broke an unwritten agreement that we would try to manage fun TWs as long as we could. Taking advantage? Maybe giving them what they deserved. We did it out of anger and spite, because they were being jackasses. Did it further us? Yeah. Did we get free land? Yeah. Did our salary go up? Yeah. But I can honestly say it wouldn't have happened if Athran had just laid off Kami when their wars were 10-15 minutes and started attacking us again. But he went for easy land and was intent on wiping OUR ALLIES off the map. So we stepped in.

    Is that why you guys laid off FinalOath when you were getting, what, 5-10 minute wars? For the sake of map balance? Oh, wait, you didn't. You took their lands until they disbanded out of futility, and then you took those too.

    Please think before you try the "FinalOath was our KOS" explanation. Try to remember that Kamisama was on Spectral's KOS as well.

    Just admit that it was the same situation. The only thing Spectral did wrong was they failed where you succeeded.


    I don't care that you guys RPK. It bothers me that you deny it.

    I don't care that you guys wiped out Spectral and are working toward taking the map. It bothers me that you act like you're serving some higher purpose by doing so.

    I don't care that you drag mobs to people in CoA. It bothers me that you QQ and threaten KOS when other people do it to you.

    You guys obviously play the game very well, but you have some kind of subconscious need to be loved for it. Ironically, that's exactly why so many people hate you.
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    a few things have become so awesomely fun to point out and poke fun at in this thread now

    Essence and Kami finally both admit to Essence paying Kami salary. Elayne, Midnight and all the top officers all denied this fact. This still makes me lol that it was done. Isn't this against those dumb TW rules Kantorek posted a few months back that had everyone in an uproar?

    Essence kept Kami as an ally just to use them for their own purpose. There was NO agreement with Athran. Get over it. We all know there wasn't. Elayne is spewing rubbish to you all if you believe that ****. However, Essence used Kami to get Spectral off the map because with the disband of CQ there was no way any top guild at the time could withstand double attacks either way for 2 of the most powerful guilds on the server. Essence was very threatened by Spectral. All ex-Essence have said this. Keep Kami close and they will do your bidding and they did it wonderfully.

    Spectral was wiped off the map and Essence used the same lame excuse that "they still want fun tws" when come on, face it.. up until the merge TW was dead. They were finally able to attack kami using this excuse without having to say they were going for the map.

    It was bound to happen that Kami would eventually have enough and bite the hand that fed it. I think many of us voyeurs on the server were just watching and waiting for it to happen. Glad it finally did.

    Also, Essence does RPK... quite often. I have witnessed where NyKage, Susa and others attack or swat at other people just doiing their thing, they defend and then a mass Essence Zerg is called upon this group of people defending themselves to begin with. One of Essence's officers was in a guild's vent telling them that they shouldn't defend or fight back if Essence attacks them otherwise they will call kos. What? Do you really think the server is Essence's pinata who will stand around and get attacked without doing anything? Seriously. Someone needs to give Essence a big fat slice of humble pie. Cq did rpk but no where near the extent that Essence does. I'm not a fan of any large guild much, but I seriously hope Kami starts kicking some *** in TW. Getting word that Elayne is raging in vent after TW's makes for some good lols.

    Essence doesn't rpk? LOL what about the mass qq'ing for HOURS at the world boss event last week? Oh my god, it was hilarious!

    Essence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lolsEssence paying Kami salary= epic lols
    just cuz it needed to be repeated.
    Here we go again....
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Kay, I wasn't going to post until I saw that. Really, Haiz? That's a huge lie and you know it. ♥ Amour. You used to be so chill before all this **** went to your head. Wtf happened?

    You're right, I lied.

    At the very beginning I didn't hate Essence. After two to three weeks they started getting annoying. After a month or two it started to become dislike. It only grew as time went by and others felt the same way.

    I'd also like to think I am still very chill. Only when I get annoyed by people who don't know anything and start spewing nonsense do I act out. Someone so arrogant of what their guild really does just makes me want to cry. Hell back when PC was in your guild, he KoSed any Kamisama freely and Elayne or anyone never did ****. He was one of the starting factors towards why the hate towards Essence started. Now that he is in Kamisama? Well I wouldn't say we invited someone we hate, we just invited someone that you couldn't control. We hated Essence for never doing anything about it, not PC for killing us.

    Oh and Amour, I never said your guild didn't help us some when we needed it. Getting people to come to war wasn't our problem anyways, it was our members getting recruited into your guild was the problem.
  • trevtimusprime
    trevtimusprime Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This all sounds wildly amusing, I need to log in and scan world chat.
    CB-Phase 1-4
    I am Snorlax and I will block your path.

    DestroyTokyo- Voted best WereBeast on PWI Lost City server <3
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited November 2010
  • RobertDutu - Lost City
    RobertDutu - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    b:shocked many large hams in this thread. someone add dramatic music and we could make an oscar winning movie out of this b:chuckle
    I am Jack's raging bile duct.
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I feel like all the drama would make for some really fun wars D:
    Almost makes we want to play again...
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    b:shocked many large hams in this thread. someone add dramatic music and we could make an oscar winning movie out of this b:chuckle

    This is but a glimpse of what lost city was in the past.
    But why all of a sudden instead of your allies we're the worst people to ever exist and you feel the need to make fun of Elayne?

    I think the forums do a really good(bad?) job of exaggerating people's opinions. In-game the "hate" I've seen between Essence and Kami is usually "gf" or something that isn't so spiteful. Obviously there are d-bags in every guild but in my personal opinion the ones in Essence have too much of a voice. A lot of kami still like a ton of essence members, me included, but I'm sure we all will become more hostile in the coming months and there is little to prevent this. Too many emotions in game and from the looks of this community we will never have a friendly top two guilds which I think actually does wonders for this game.

    As for people making fun of Elayne, from my perspective a lot of CQ members never liked Elayne all that much. There wasn't any hate for him or anything massive like that or people would actually have been aware of it/actual drama. It was a lot more subtle and the people that disliked him usually kept it to themselves. The Elayne jokes are obviously just a method to entice flaming. Just like every other major guild leader has faced, for most it wasn't personal but you guys kinda took the bait and made it too easy for them. As far as I know Elayne couldn't give two ****s about it but (not trying to start anything here) a lot of Essence members really jumped to defend Elayne. Honestly, if you were going to attack the integrity of a guild where would you start besides the leader? Btw, my signature is a real "have we gone too far?" I'm not here to take shots at Elayne no matter what I think of him.

    Anyways I look forward to the occasional pvp with or without the drama. <3
  • SilverMinx - Lost City
    SilverMinx - Lost City Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    GOOD GAWD people! Put the past behind you, it doesn't matter anymore...


    Why can't we spare the name calling and just be thankfull that TW will be exciting and challenging for a while? Isn't that what really matters?

    I know it is so very hard for some, I exert tremendous effort to not spew what I think of some players (not always successful - especially when I'm PMS'ing) but I try to remember what my Mamma taught me...

    If you can't say anything nice THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!

  • Asiris - Lost City
    Asiris - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    [/QUOTE]Also, if I need to remind you again, I was in those wars where Essence was crystal walking. I played any available war I could, I've been on werefoxes and EPs for your guild, as was Pippins, and we fought Spectral for 1-3 hour wars WITH you. So you can step off your pedestal, I was there too.[/QUOTE]

    what a coincadinkb:chuckle
  • Asiris - Lost City
    Asiris - Lost City Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Also, if I need to remind you again, I was in those wars where Essence was crystal walking. I played any available war I could, I've been on werefoxes and EPs for your guild, as was Pippins, and we fought Spectral for 1-3 hour wars WITH you. So you can step off your pedestal, I was there too.[/QUOTE]

    what a coincadinkb:chuckle[/QUOTE]

  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    GOOD GAWD people! Put the past behind you, it doesn't matter anymore...


    ...No. This is exactly what makes a crappy game like PW fun. It gives really great incentive to play. <3 drama


    34 posts ftw? b:chuckle

    BTW: I haven't seen a thread so funny in years, specially in the Lost City section. Yes, I don't like essence at all for their big arrogance.
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Sadly this would be a 15+ page thread already 2 years ago.

    Too bad no one gives two ****s about this game. b:sad

    Seems like people still care.

    ANYWAY why don't we all just take a step back and take in a little dose of reality. No guild is CQ,RageQuit or BloodLust or Axegang or UnLimited or GuardianZ. The 3 big guilds right now may have history rooted in other factions however that does not make them the guilds that started on this server. So lets just cut the "LOL RAGEconqGuardiSamav6.2" because really that is just demeaning to us all as if we as players on Lost City are unable to move forward, I like to think that we are not that ****.

    Essence has gotten to where it is by good tactical positioning. Did we use Kami? Well I would say that Kami and Essences relationship was much like that of a wife with an abusive husband. We slapped you around and called you names, we drank and stayed out all night, we never called you and when we came home from work and our dinner wasnt ready we blackened your eyes. However that isnt to say we didnt love you, we often appologised and gave you money to go pretty yourself up, but in the end it all became to much and you left us to become a strong independant woman. However like a woman who leaves an abusive man, you know deep down you are damaged goods and nothing without us. Thus butthurt.

    @Llama For a dead game you seem to care a lot. I know it is hard letting go, it is ok bra, the days of raiding your kids college funds to +gear and searching down the back of your sofa for change to get some packs can become a distant memory if you let them. You dont need to send your wife searching deep into the darkest recesses of the pockets of your Walmart double wide blue jeans just to compete with Elaynes gear, or have overweight girls farm you HH100 weapons. It is ok, let it go.

    @ Haiz and Mikoto I'm pretty sure Amour was always quite a popular member of Conqueror during his time there, he has that "*** charm" that people gravitate towards. Amour was also a factor in helping around in both Kami and CQ, going to your wars, helping your players and probably does a lot more than he actually is given credit for. Infact every guild i have been in with Amour he does a lot and often doesnt get the credit he deserves for it. I think you guys forget that you were only a small part of CQ as well, and lets face it Mikoto only sat around on the forums and Hitlered it up when people left (she was busy getting her jellyrolls knocked around by Fiery, nice sloppy seconds Haiz LOLDATMAYOGONEOFFSON?) and well Haiz you sat around feeling superior to everyone else and generally pretending to be a somebody on teh interwebs, lets get real, you are a skinny asian kid who plays mmos and plows a fat white chick. Who do you think you are? It is almost like you think you are there is a man....HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NECK MUSCLES?

    anyway in summary, you are tools.

    ALSO: Sorbik is the biggest tool on this forum, if half of all your hate was directed towards his pretentious posts the world would be a better place.
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Trappe's useful for something b:dirtyb:dirty
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • StarCraftEmo - Lost City
    StarCraftEmo - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Seems like people still care.

    Essence has gotten to where it is by good tactical positioning. Did we use Kami? Well I would say that Kami and Essences relationship was much like that of a wife with an abusive husband. We slapped you around and called you names, we drank and stayed out all night, we never called you and when we came home from work and our dinner wasnt ready we blackened your eyes. However that isnt to say we didnt love you, we often appologised and gave you money to go pretty yourself up, but in the end it all became to much and you left us to become a strong independant woman. However like a woman who leaves an abusive man, you know deep down you are damaged goods and nothing without us. Thus butthurt.

    See man i am feeling that! i care less for the pwi drama but my baby mama is a wh*re.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Obviously there are d-bags in every guild but in my personal opinion the ones in Essence have too much of a voice.

    You actually want to start that? The only thing I hated about the trash talk back in the day was baseless personal insults people thought were somehow relevant. It's okay trappe, the more you put others down the better you look! Someones been taking anonymity 101.
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You actually want to start that? The only thing I hated about the trash talk back in the day was baseless personal insults people thought were somehow relevant. It's okay trappe, the more you put others down the better you look! Someones been taking anonymity 101.

    These insults arent baseless. It is well documented that Llama is unemployed and wears double wide blue jeans. Haiz is a skinny asian boy who plays mmos and tries to have a badass attitude (but he aint no Bruce Lee)....FACT! Mikoto is a forum **** and is comprised mainly of old sausage skins and cream cheese. I don't do baseless insults. Much like the bashing they do of Elayne, he is balding....yes indeed he is that insult is not baseless, does that make him any less of a person? No it does not. Does the fact Haiz is an internet badass or Mikoto is a whale whom has been around the aquarium a few times make them bad people? No it doesnt, Does Llama raiding his kids for zen make him less of a person? well maybe O.o
  • AngelVeno - Lost City
    AngelVeno - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Forum drama :o
  • Dractonis - Lost City
    Dractonis - Lost City Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Forum drama :o

    Grats on first post b:pleased
  • Snoozer - Lost City
    Snoozer - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can someone remind me which guild is safing the server now? I lost track b:surrender
  • StarCraftEmo - Lost City
    StarCraftEmo - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can someone remind me which guild is safing the server now? I lost track b:surrender

    I think the game needs to be saved not the server. b:cry
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Can someone remind me which guild is safing the server now? I lost track b:surrender

    The server is safeded. Now, the war is to see who will dominate the safeded server.
  • StarCraftEmo - Lost City
    StarCraftEmo - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The server is safeded. Now, the war is to see who will dominate the safeded server.

    b:laughb:laughb:laugh I spit my coffee out on that one!
  • sorbik
    sorbik Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ALSO: Sorbik is the biggest tool on this forum, if half of all your hate was directed towards his pretentious posts the world would be a better place.

    Its definitely a talent. And a bad habit.

    But your hate is warranted. I hate everyone who does what I do...

    (This is actually one of the few posts ive ever written that is NOT meant to make people insecure/mad/whatever other affect I have on others... If you still get that vibe, I guess im just damn good)
  • trevtimusprime
    trevtimusprime Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I find Sorbik amusing.

    CB-Phase 1-4
    I am Snorlax and I will block your path.

    DestroyTokyo- Voted best WereBeast on PWI Lost City server <3
  • sorbik
    sorbik Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    But why all of a sudden instead of your allies we're the worst people to ever exist and you feel the need to make fun of Elayne? Rogaine was a guild that's name's whole purpose was to harass Elayne

    PS - Elayne has zero reaction to hair jokes, you guys just make yourselves look stupid.

    PPS - I'm not laying blame to all of Kami, nor is this a personal attack on you Haiz. They know who they are, and they're idiots lol.

    Okay im gonna be serious here. And I'm not being biased amour you know me better than that. I'm not on anyones side but my own and I call it based on how my narcissistic self sees it.

    When you were in ragequit you told some hair jokes. But you stopped when you joined CQ. Same with Trappe and whoever else.

    When wolfmanjack died people ridiculed it, but those very same people would never do it if they were in spectral at the time.

    While mystic was leader everyone loved him, as soon as he left he was the worst leader in history. (Replace mystic with column and statement holds true again)

    The point is, people talk based on their guild tags. I dont know what inherent compulsion people have that makes them want to adopt a guilds ideal and defend it. What I mean is, people formulate their opinions based around their guild, when their opinions should be formulated based around themselves.

    And everyone is victim to it. Peoples opinions change as soon as a different tag appears on their head. Well, maybe not their actual opinions, but their voiced opinion for sure.

    What are the solutions?

    Everyone could actually do the smart thing and think for themselves before talking **** and advocating for something that they THINK they believe is right, based on what seems right as a member of a certain guild.

    Thats unlikely.

    The other solution is just to not care. Don't make a big deal of your enemy "switching moral sides." You did it. Im pretty sure everyone has done it. Its a given, a law of nature. I dont even know if you can call it hypocrisy at this point, this phenomenon scopes beyond that.

    As an addendum id like to point out that Im one of the few whose opinions have remained consistent throughout these past years of change. Ive never poked fun of someones real life on this game, ive always despised CQ-esque ideals, no matter what game i meet Haiz in hes always been a chump, I've always liked RQ-esque ideals (need I remind you of my post even BEFORE i was in RQ?), ive never been afraid to speak my methodically insane opinions, and I do what I do because i sincerely believe e-personas are (in general) the meanest people on earth.
  • sorbik
    sorbik Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Online communities are so dysfunctional that I think everyone should just assume anarchy.

    That way words would hurt less and we'd get more meaningless banter, which is a pleasure to read, but is sort of upsetting when I see people get invested over it.

    Yeah, I'm capable of sympathy, among other things.

    For instance, everytime I make a post on here I'm a little disappointed in myself.
  • Mikoto - Lost City
    Mikoto - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @ Haiz and Mikoto I'm pretty sure Amour was always quite a popular member of Conqueror during his time there, he has that "*** charm" that people gravitate towards. Amour was also a factor in helping around in both Kami and CQ, going to your wars, helping your players and probably does a lot more than he actually is given credit for. Infact every guild i have been in with Amour he does a lot and often doesnt get the credit he deserves for it. I think you guys forget that you were only a small part of CQ as well, and lets face it Mikoto only sat around on the forums and Hitlered it up when people left (she was busy getting her jellyrolls knocked around by Fiery, nice sloppy seconds Haiz LOLDATMAYOGONEOFFSON?) and well Haiz you sat around feeling superior to everyone else and generally pretending to be a somebody on teh interwebs, lets get real, you are a skinny asian kid who plays mmos and plows a fat white chick. Who do you think you are? It is almost like you think you are there is a man....HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NECK MUSCLES

    Can't recall where I said anything about Amour, but alright o.O? I don't think I've ever really said anything negative about him if at all. Once I stated in GC that I never cared for Elayne as a war leader and thought Arravis did a far better job in my opinion , then Amour was the one to PM me saying he didn't like me anymore so okay. I'm indifferent towards most people. So unless I misread I was quoting a quote in response to a statement about Essence, where all I stated was that there was a number of people who didn't like Essence from the start. That's a guild, not a specific individual.

    You sound pretty upset that your forum account was deleted. Shh, it's gonna be okay.

    Someone doesn't like my guild, quick think of personal insults to throw at people I know next to nothing about! b:laugh
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    These insults arent baseless. It is well documented that Llama is unemployed and wears double wide blue jeans. Haiz is a skinny asian boy who plays mmos and tries to have a badass attitude (but he aint no Bruce Lee)....FACT! Mikoto is a forum **** and is comprised mainly of old sausage skins and cream cheese. I don't do baseless insults. Much like the bashing they do of Elayne, he is balding....yes indeed he is that insult is not baseless, does that make him any less of a person? No it does not. Does the fact Haiz is an internet badass or Mikoto is a whale whom has been around the aquarium a few times make them bad people? No it doesnt, Does Llama raiding his kids for zen make him less of a person? well maybe O.o

    Wow, at least with Elayne we actually have pictures showing he is bald. Most of your insults are about personal life matters that in no way can be shown by a picture. I am skinny, and I like to eat. I'm half asian but most of the time I'm just white. Its nice to know that people label me as a bad ***, or trying to be one at the least. As for that, I really don't care how people have perceived me. I'm playing games to have fun, and I'll do and say what I think and if that makes me a bad *** than I suppose that I am. Since I am that skinny *** asian though, I always like to think of myself as smart. Since I can actually articulate my arguments and words, it makes me seem like that much more of a bad *** just because I'm smarter than you because I can get across points without having to use insults. In fact since it seems that you know so much about me, it only proves my e-fame that I am more e-famous than you. Because quite frankly, I know nothing about you besides you married Amour for a little while.

    I don't have to pretend to be anyone either. I don't go out looking for fans and try to be famous. I made videos of TW, and wrote guides. You do know that my wizard guide won the wiki contest, right? It is not my fault that people PMed me all the time asking for mage help or telling me that my videos rocked and they watched them all the time. I didn't ask them to do that, I'm sorry? Whatever fame I have is purely from the people. I stopped posting my videos after around the fourth one on the forums and I still got thousands of views with out me ever doing a single thing besides uploading it. All I was doing is help people see what large, competitive TW was like, and help them play their mage better. Sorry I didn't obtain my e-fame through means of spamming world chat or RPKing everything that moved or other various means.

    As for Mikoto, if all your information is coming from Fiery which I wouldn't doubt it, you are just talking to a butthurt skinny asian who is really messed up in the head now. If you are calling me a skinny asian, well she must be skinny too. Mikoto isn't larger than me, and she's nowhere near fat. I think I would know this because I'm lucky enough to get to hold her all the time.b:cute Her job was to control the forums, and so she did her job. I don't know why it is a bad thing when she kept the forums clean and no one ever doubted that she did her job right.

    I don't know why you keep thinking we're insulting Amour either, more baseless insults I suppose though. Just so you know, Mikoto and I were always large part of CQ. Most people think Midnight did all the work back then, but Midnight didn't run 2-3 and 3-1 all by himself. Midnight did get all the credit, which is well deserved because he did do the most. I can guarantee you though that Mikoto and I both pulled more weight than most of the CQ members did. Hell, when Mikoto left temporarily I was voted for Director over Midnight because I did do quite a bit. :3 That's just more about my e-fame though, I shouldn't talk about other games where my guides have been accepted onto the official sites or where people have asked me to use my guide on their site. I could literally go on all day, because I am a skinny asian when it comes to MMOs and I do play them well.

    Most people who know me know how large my ego can get if you feed it. Its a game? I win nothing in real life? I could care less. I can talk about my accomplishments for a while in real life too if I wanted. We're in a game though, and there's very high chance that my real life will never concern you.
This discussion has been closed.