DQ Update! *Dragon Points*
SashaGray - Heavens Tear wrote: »the fact that anything at all was done is a step in the right direction.
Quite so, I agree.
Now if only they could work on the timing, as five months is just a little overdue.
"Too little, too late" is something this company does very well, both with it's game and with it's forum. I agree, seeing something done is good. Very good indeed. But how many people are honestly going to care nearly half a year later when they've had to get used to the change and now don't expect anything to happen?
For every step PWE takes forward, it has this bad habit of taking another two backwards.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I bet that you will get 1 Celstone of Earth after you have collected 10,000,000 dragon points, and you need to buy a shop item for 10 golds to unluck it b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
you post this after I sell off a bunch of themm... b:surrenderb:sad[SIGPIC]http://i53.tinypic.com/k9ymnq.gif[/SIGPIC]
♥♥♥ Teny0 -
those items better be dam goodb:angry and it should be changed to all DQ give some pointsb:angryCollector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle0
I love this idea, but not exactly for the same reason as some. Yes, it is awesome to finally be getting a result, but look at this from outside the DQ issue.
If this works, and the items are worth it, people will finally start grinding again, albeit for DQ instead of exp. Which not only means the map is being used again, but for those on a PvP server, or in PvP mode, there is now more options for open world PvP. Its not gonna make things exactly how they were before, but finally there is a chance that some of the old PvP may make a comeback if this system is worth the effort of grinding. b:beg[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric
~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye0 -
Knownase - Heavens Tear wrote: »Bet the DQ you get from grinding in Valley of Scarred won't give points. rofl....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
sounds pretty useless an with no further information there is nothing that can be discussed.0
i'm more curious to find out, what exactly were the "other ways to compensate" us?0
I want exclusive mounts and fashions that aren't in the boutique other than anniversary stuff. I hope that isn't too much to ask. But it probably is.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Nedira - Dreamweaver wrote: »I want exclusive mounts and fashions that aren't in the boutique other than anniversary stuff. I hope that isn't too much to ask. But it probably is.
What you want isn't necessarily comparable to what everybody else effected by this wants, so instead of trolling and making demands in such an infantile manner, why not actually make a coherent post, hm?
That and the fact available items have been stated to be useful items, and as pretty as mounts and fashion are, they're only eye candy and wouldn't be considered 'useful'. IJS[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
ViciousKev - Dreamweaver wrote: »sounds pretty useless an with no further information there is nothing that can be discussed.
If my hero can sell to NPC up to and more than 100 DQ per one day, then it can be useful for him.
But if "Dragon point" items will be same as reputation rewards (rings with useless crit+, etc.), then I will just sell them to NPC too.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »What you want isn't necessarily comparable to what everybody else effected by this wants, so instead of trolling and making demands in such an infantile manner, why not actually make a coherent post, hm?
That and the fact available items have been stated to be useful items, and as pretty as mounts and fashion are, they're only eye candy and wouldn't be considered 'useful'. IJS
Fashions and mounts are "useful" to me, so I still consider them a possibility.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tyvm Franky for the great news
Anyways guys be happy plz, even if you dont like the replacement that much, that they do an effort trying to fix what wasnt broken by them. From what i understood it wasnt their idea to lower DQ prices but it came from original PW. So at least this shows they do care and support usI can believe it isnt always easy fixing everything.
Looking forward to hear alot more about this new update[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Ty Silvychar b:thanks0 -
Nedira - Dreamweaver wrote: »Woh, why the hell are you getting so hostile over a simple comment? I just posted what I want, you don't need to get angry over it. I wasn't attacking anyone or starting anything, and your post really hurt my feelings. It's ironic that you called me infantile...
Fashions and mounts are "useful" to me, so I still consider them a possibility.
If you think that was me being "hostile" then you're clearly very new to these forums. That was me pointing out that:
1) what you want isn't comparable to what everybody else effected wants. Therefore, coming on here and making demands about what you and you only would like is infantile and practically trolling.
2) as such, mounts and fashion are not useful, short of the mounts letting you get from A to B quicker. And just because you may find fashion useful somehow it, once again, does not mean everybody else does. The point here is that fashion and mounts have no real use, not even in comparison to Hypers or Oracles, and thus they are highly unlikely to end up as rewards for Dragon Points.
Also, getting butthurt and feeling insulted because somebody tells you that what you want doesn't really have a place in here when the discussion is generally aimed at want people want as a whole for their compensation and what this Dragon Market may offer to everybody is very much infantile.
Making a formal response in a post explaining why a statement had no relevance and didn't add to the discussion is not infantile, you just said it was because it apparently hurt your feelings.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
So far, this just looks like a weak excuse to further push the Core Connect system rather than actually reimburse us for getting the shaft on DQ prices.
AND trying to not impact the economy pretty much sucks too because everyone knows that if you want to fix the economy, remove the damn packs FOR GOOD.
We won't even discuss how much you shafted all the non-cash shoppers by reducing the return from DQ items and increasing the cost of pots and other items purchased from NPC's. (oh wait... maybe we should discuss that.) Nah they don't listen. They just try to make new promotions for people to spend money on that will further **** up the economy for individuals that still try to actually play for free.0 -
Tiageos - Sanctuary wrote: »AND trying to not impact the economy pretty much sucks too because everyone knows that if you want to fix the economy, remove the damn packs FOR GOOD.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
At this point most servers have a stable economy that has adjusted to packs. Is it an economy people like? No, so of course they say they want it "fixed". But in terms of stability, the current economy is very much stable, and at this point removing packs would destabilise the entire thing and break the economy, not fix it.
It would then take a further couple of months for the economy to get back to a decent state of sorts, and while some prices you would consider "fixed" you would then whine that other prices have been "broken".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »If you think that was me being "hostile" then you're clearly very new to these forums. That was me pointing out that:Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »1) what you want isn't comparable to what everybody else effected wants. Therefore, coming on here and making demands about what you and you only would like is infantile and practically trolling.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »2) as such, mounts and fashion are not useful, short of the mounts letting you get from A to B quicker. And just because you may find fashion useful somehow it, once again, does not mean everybody else does. The point here is that fashion and mounts have no real use, not even in comparison to Hypers or Oracles, and thus they are highly unlikely to end up as rewards for Dragon Points.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Also, getting butthurt and feeling insulted because somebody tells you that what you want doesn't really have a place in here when the discussion is generally aimed at want people want as a whole for their compensation and what this Dragon Market may offer to everybody is very much infantile.
I'll post my opinions about PWI on this board. Don't like it? Tough.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Making a formal response in a post explaining why a statement had no relevance and didn't add to the discussion is not infantile, you just said it was because it apparently hurt your feelings.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tiageos - Sanctuary wrote: »So far, this just looks like a weak excuse to further push the Core Connect system rather than actually reimburse us for getting the shaft on DQ prices.
AND trying to not impact the economy pretty much sucks too because everyone knows that if you want to fix the economy, remove the damn packs FOR GOOD.
We won't even discuss how much you shafted all the non-cash shoppers by reducing the return from DQ items and increasing the cost of pots and other items purchased from NPC's. (oh wait... maybe we should discuss that.) Nah they don't listen. They just try to make new promotions for people to spend money on that will further **** up the economy for individuals that still try to actually play for free.
Remove packs for good & in a week there will be a bunch of QQ that this is pwi's plot of making more ppl cashshop since now all the cheap necesery items such as hp/mp food, shards, & also hype, skills, ets are expensive again.
Don't really grind on DQ for $ o.o but curious to see what kind of rewards you can get.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nedira - Dreamweaver wrote: »It don't matter if I'm "new" or not. You were rude and had no right talking to me that way.
No, I was not rude, and you are free to ask a number of players who have spoken to me before. They know exactly when I am rude, and when I am not. That first post in response to you was blunt honesty.
Speaking of which, if you will talk about me being rude, why don't you look back at your first post. "I want THIS and THIS if it's not too much trouble (oh but I bet it is)." You were quite rude yourself in your first post. If you don't want others to be rude to you, then may I suggest you start being a little nicer.No one was making demands though.
"I want" is making a demand. So yes, by saying "I want fashion and mounts" you made a demand. There was no "I would like to see please" but only "I want this if you can even manage it (and you probably can't)"Well that's just your opinion.
And the opinion of plenty other people on the game. Feel free to ask. While fashion is pretty, is has NO use. It does not increase your HP, it does not add to your defence, it does not act as a piece of gear or a weapon, it does not change or impact gameplay in any way short of changing your appearance. No, it is not useful.
Mounts have one use: get you from point A to point B faster. In terms of grinding however, they have no use.
If you are trying to pretend that fashion is useful at all, and that mounts are useful beyond faster transportation and therefore easier retrieval of herbs or retreat from monsters provided you don't get knocked, you are fooling nobody.Yes, my input and comments do have a place, as this is a public forum. And what's infantile is not tolerating someone else's comment about a game.
I'll post my opinions about PWI on this board. Don't like it? Tough.
The same goes for my opinions about PWI, as well as other comments other users make. Don't like me responding to you the way I do? Tough. Don't post then.
This goes both ways.What's infantile is saying it in a hostile and insulting manner. You have no respect for your fellow players. Yes, it hurt me deeply in fact, but that's beside the point. You have no right to insult me or anyone else for stating anything about this game, period.
Calling the tone of your first post was not hostile or insulting, it was honest. You have no respect yourself, as you blatantly insulted the GMs in your little demanding first place insinuating they wouldn't be bothered to put what you want in the game and that you didn't like it. And not only were you disrespectful, you then became a hypocrite the instant you thought somebody was attacking you, when all I ever told you was that your demands were not the same as the demands of everybody else and as such had very little point in this thread - a point I have since elaborated on because I have clearly stated how mounts and fashion are not useful.
You are being butthurt. You claim I hurt your feelings because you felt I was being rude, yet you clearly meant to belittle somebody in your first post. You are a hypocrite and you are precisely being infantile when you sit here pointing fingers and crying about how insulted you were when you just did exactly the same thing to somebody else.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VlLKASS - Sanctuary wrote: »Remove packs for good & in a week there will be a bunch of QQ that this is pwi's plot of making more ppl cashshop since now all the cheap necesery items such as hp/mp food, shards, & also hype, skills, ets are expensive again.
So true.
I think almost everyone has become accustomed to 10k tokens and how cheap it's made everything. BH wines are cheaper and so are minable crafting mats too. Mid mats were almost at 10k ea before packs came out.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
It's great that we're finally getting something back, but I do have a few questions/pointers.
Getting an answer on all of them might be a bit too much to expect, especially since it's still in development, but here goes anyway:
1. Will this system really be failproof when launched? Redeeming items from the site has been less than optimal before (anniversary items, jones blessings).
I know this is a rather redundant question because the answer will ofcourse be yes, if I get one. Still, food for thought.
2. The redeemable items might be untradeable, but DQ's are. If the items have any practical use (mounts/charms/Gs etc.) then selling DQ's to players might prove profitable for once, unless DQ's will be untradeable too.
3. Will the overall value of Dragon Points exactly make up for the 20% that's been cut from the NPC value?
4. Will Dragon Points be stored on your account or character? For example: I sell some DQ items on an alt. Will I be able to use those points on another character?
5. Will the redeemed items be account stashable?
6. Will most items require a bucketload of points? I can imagine if basically anything useful in the boutique were added, it would take about 100 (guardian scrolls) to even 2000 (platinum charm) level 8X DQ's in a very rough estimate (if question 3 proves to be true).
And that's about all I could think of b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »No, I was not rude, and you are free to ask a number of players who have spoken to me before. They know exactly when I am rude, and when I am not. That first post in response to you was blunt honesty.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Speaking of which, if you will talk about me being rude, why don't you look back at your first post. "I want THIS and THIS if it's not too much trouble (oh but I bet it is)." You were quite rude yourself in your first post. If you don't want others to be rude to you, then may I suggest you start being a little nicer.
Sure I would like those things, but I was simply making a comment about it, not a demand. Think before you flame someone, not everyone low-level is a greedy noob.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »"I want" is making a demand. So yes, by saying "I want fashion and mounts" you made a demand. There was no "I would like to see please" but only "I want this if you can even manage it (and you probably can't)"Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »And the opinion of plenty other people on the game. Feel free to ask. While fashion is pretty, is has NO use. It does not increase your HP, it does not add to your defence, it does not act as a piece of gear or a weapon, it does not change or impact gameplay in any way short of changing your appearance. No, it is not useful.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Mounts have one use: get you from point A to point B faster. In terms of grinding however, they have no use.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »If you are trying to pretend that fashion is useful at all, and that mounts are useful beyond faster transportation and therefore easier retrieval of herbs or retreat from monsters provided you don't get knocked, you are fooling nobody.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »The same goes for my opinions about PWI, as well as other comments other users make. Don't like me responding to you the way I do? Tough. Don't post then.
This goes both ways.
I will respond to comments made toward me, plain and simple.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Calling the tone of your first post was not hostile or insulting, it was honest. You have no respect yourself, as you blatantly insulted the GMs in your little demanding first place insinuating they wouldn't be bothered to put what you want in the game and that you didn't like it. And not only were you disrespectful, you then became a hypocrite the instant you thought somebody was attacking you, when all I ever told you was that your demands were not the same as the demands of everybody else and as such had very little point in this thread - a point I have since elaborated on because I have clearly stated how mounts and fashion are not useful.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »You are being butthurt. You claim I hurt your feelings because you felt I was being rude, yet you clearly meant to belittle somebody in your first post. You are a hypocrite and you are precisely being infantile when you sit here pointing fingers and crying about how insulted you were when you just did exactly the same thing to somebody else.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ok then...
I am just gonna say that I really look forward to updates on the progress of this exciting new feature, and I truly hope it lives up to the 5+ month wait![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(Signature credit to NowItsAwn)
Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory0 -
Nedira - Dreamweaver wrote: »Yes, you was rude, and you are continuing to be rude by arguing about it.
You're also still arguing about it. If you were really as "not rude" as you're trying to pretend to be, you would have matured up and walked away. As such, you're still here arguing too. Hypocrite much?Yes, I was really demanding that PWE give me what I wanted, regardless of what everyone else would want. /sarcasm
Sure I would like those things, but I was simply making a comment about it, not a demand. Think before you flame someone, not everyone low-level is a greedy noob.
Then word your post better next time. Because I'm willing to bet that a majority of other posters saw your post the same way I did: a whiny "I want" post rounded off with a biting comment towards the GMs about how they, in effect, "can't be bothered".
Why don't you think before you post something? Then you save everybody a headache.You're taking what I said out of context...
No, I'm taking it exactly as I saw it. Don't like it? Watch how you word your posts next time, or hell, maybe actually add something constructive.Again, it's your opinion. So what if others share the opinion?
It's still a use. Just because something makes you stronger don't mean it can't be counted as useful. Some, like yourself, value gear and getting stronger, some of us do not. You'll need to learn to live with it instead of trying to get everyone to act as if only your playing style matters.
No, it's not a use.
Something "useful" in this game is something that helps your gameplay. Pots are useful because they regenerate HP and MP faster, can offer stun immunity and other things. Genies are useful because they give you extra skills to make you invulnerable for a period, debuff an enemy or buff yourself. Armour is useful because it adds to your defences and gives you better survivability.
You are arguing semantics here and failing badly. When somebody says an item is "useful" it means the item helps them in their gameplay, be it because it helps them survive or helps them kill enemies faster or helps them, I don't know, detect a hidden item. Fashion is not useful. End of discussion. Period. Fashion has no use inside this game. It is eye candy.
Stop trying to say it has a use because you make yourself look like an idiot, and I would like to think you have brains somewhere. Again. Fashion has no use whatsoever when it comes to gameplay.
And when Frankie said "useful items", Frankie meant items useful to gameplay.It don't go both ways when your comment is directed to me personally. My original comment wasn't directed toward anyone. There's a fine difference.
It does go both ways. You are sitting here arguing with me and acting as if I should stop responding, and as if you can do no wrong. You made a comment that many could perceive to be rude, even though you say it wasn't.
YET! When I tell you I was not being rude, you continue to insist I was.
See the pattern?
I say you were rude, you say I've misunderstood you and holy **** you've not been rude.
You say I'm rude, I say I wasn't and you sit here like a vegetable arguing that I clearly was and how dare I and whatever else.
I say you're sitting here arguing with me, and if you just accept the fact that what I said has been truth (fashion has no purpose and beyond faster travel, mounts serve no real purpose either) then we could both move on.
You sit there and say I'm blatantly arguing with you and continue to suggest I am entirely wrong and that I should just go away.
It does go both ways. You shove me, I shove you, and so on and so forth.The GMs don't give the updates to PWI, the developers do. The GMs are just messengers. Even if the context of my post was meant to be insulting, which mind you it wasn't, the developers are not here to get offended in the first place.
That hasn't stopped a great number of people insulting the GMs before. You're a new person to these forums, I have never seen you post before, and as such your post came off as blatantly rude and quite bitter at the end. I point this out to you and of course you have to come back insist you weren't being rude.And you are not only misunderstanding me, but also attacking me ignorantly. I am certainly not the butthurt infantile one in this conversation.
You clearly are butthurt because you're trying to pretend fashion has uses. It doesn't. You clearly are butthurt because you're the only person of the two of us saying how your poor feelings were hurt.
You're also a huge hypocrite because you tell me I should stop arguing, yet you continue to do so, and you accuse me of misunderstanding your intentions when I accuse you of being rude but you refuse to accept that my first response to you was not rude, either.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ladies! err...Women! err...Girls! Chill out! Is this really the place to air your personal grievances?? Take it to private messages...Please?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(Signature credit to NowItsAwn)
Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory0 -
KrittyCat - Dreamweaver wrote: »Ladies! err...Women! err...Girls! Chill out! Is this really the place to air your personal grievances?? Take it to private messages...Please?
No personal grievances on this side of the ball court.
Merely stating the argument that fashion has absolutely no in game use when it actually comes to game play; it is eye candy. On that note, mounts are exactly the same. They get you from point A to B faster, and if that's what this fish arguing with me really cared about, then s/he wouldn't be asking for new and special mounts to be put into the Dragon Market, would they?
Mounts are eye candy. Their usefulness stops at being able to make you travel faster and even then, in terms of game play, their usage is limited because you can't even use them in dungeons. One use, and if it was the use of the mount this person really cared about they wouldn't be asking for unique and individual LOOKING mounts to appear. They want new mounts not for their use but for the eye candy factor.
I am arguing the point that the items that are redeemable have been stated to be useful. Thus, we can rule out fashion and, most likely, mounts as well. Making their little "I want fashion and mounts" post as about as irrelevant as you can get, and it added nothing to the conversation.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Will this new update also come with lowered DQ items drop rate?
Why are only certain DQ items gonna give dragon points? Why not all? Don't you think that could make certain places flooded with people while other places not?
How fast or how often will be the amount of aquired dragon points in game updated on your site? I think that's separated from the game right?0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »You're also still arguing about it. If you were really as "not rude" as you're trying to pretend to be, you would have matured up and walked away. As such, you're still here arguing too. Hypocrite much?Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Then word your post better next time. Because I'm willing to bet that a majority of other posters saw your post the same way I did: a whiny "I want" post rounded off with a biting comment towards the GMs about how they, in effect, "can't be bothered".
Why don't you think before you post something? Then you save everybody a headache.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »No, I'm taking it exactly as I saw it. Don't like it? Watch how you word your posts next time, or hell, maybe actually add something constructive.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »No, it's not a use.
Something "useful" in this game is something that helps your gameplay. Pots are useful because they regenerate HP and MP faster, can offer stun immunity and other things. Genies are useful because they give you extra skills to make you invulnerable for a period, debuff an enemy or buff yourself. Armour is useful because it adds to your defences and gives you better survivability.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »You are arguing semantics here and failing badly. When somebody says an item is "useful" it means the item helps them in their gameplay, be it because it helps them survive or helps them kill enemies faster or helps them, I don't know, detect a hidden item. Fashion is not useful. End of discussion. Period. Fashion has no use inside this game. It is eye candy.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »Stop trying to say it has a use because you make yourself look like an idiot, and I would like to think you have brains somewhere. Again. Fashion has no use whatsoever when it comes to gameplay.
And when Frankie said "useful items", Frankie meant items useful to gameplay.
Gameplay isn't the only important feature of PWI. Live with it.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »It does go both ways. You are sitting here arguing with me and acting as if I should stop responding, and as if you can do no wrong. You made a comment that many could perceive to be rude, even though you say it wasn't.
YET! When I tell you I was not being rude, you continue to insist I was.
See the pattern?
I say you were rude, you say I've misunderstood you and holy **** you've not been rude.
You say I'm rude, I say I wasn't and you sit here like a vegetable arguing that I clearly was and how dare I and whatever else.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »I say you're sitting here arguing with me, and if you just accept the fact that what I said has been truth (fashion has no purpose and beyond faster travel, mounts serve no real purpose either) then we could both move on.
You sit there and say I'm blatantly arguing with you and continue to suggest I am entirely wrong and that I should just go away.
It does go both ways. You shove me, I shove you, and so on and so forth.
I'm not telling you to go away though, don't misunderstand.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »That hasn't stopped a great number of people insulting the GMs before. You're a new person to these forums, I have never seen you post before, and as such your post came off as blatantly rude and quite bitter at the end. I point this out to you and of course you have to come back insist you weren't being rude.
And for what it's worth, I would not have retaliated as I did if you weren't so hostile in your first response to me.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »You clearly are butthurt because you're trying to pretend fashion has uses. It doesn't. You clearly are butthurt because you're the only person of the two of us saying how your poor feelings were hurt.
Whether you'd like to admit to it or not, fashion has a major use here in PWI.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »You're also a huge hypocrite because you tell me I should stop arguing, yet you continue to do so, and you accuse me of misunderstanding your intentions when I accuse you of being rude but you refuse to accept that my first response to you was not rude, either.KrittyCat - Dreamweaver wrote: »Ladies! err...Women! err...Girls! Chill out! Is this really the place to air your personal grievances?? Take it to private messages...Please?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
my only concern with the new DQ system is that it only allpys to CERTAIN DQ<<fail.
all dq was nerfed. And what happens if the dq that drops from xxx monster isnt on list,
which for example element lights, they are the only dq that drops from certain mobs that i kill to make my daily expenses. What happens if its not on the list? am i really suppose to go grind mag mobs on my bm to get the dq required for the points? cuz that would mean i have to go out of my way, consume more hp pots thus driving my profit margin down. This fix is sounds rather fail unless they implement ALL dq to the list, then maybe maybe i would say congrats to PWE. But untill then its jus another fail fix, like the rest of thier ideas.
Nerfing TW was suppose to help econom. - hasnt help 1 bit, TW died
Nerfing DQ was suppose to help economy - didnt, all u got was poor classes(unless they cs)
Nerfing TT was suppsse to help economy - didnt made it harder for average players to get thier gear, now they ether cs it or go w/o
as pointed out above if pwi does what they normally do, it will jus lead to making u cs more. I realise there is a business side to the game. but believe it or not it is the FREE TO PLAY PLAYERS that keep this game alive. 1 cser wont buy gold or cash shop items from another cser unless its 1 a highly sought after item, 2 in between paydays and they need a charm. Who u think buys the gold? ppl who grind all day and merchant what they can to make money. To me this sounds like another band-aid fix to a very simple problem0 -
babybattersplater wrote: »my only concern with the new DQ system is that it only allpys to CERTAIN DQ<<fail.
all dq was nerfed. And what happens if the dq that drops from xxx monster isnt on list,[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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