Please welcome our new forum mods!



  • Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:sweat This is far from the truth Hope -.-

    Spoons we all know was a GREAT GM, but to start this, not fair.

    Rose, I look up to you.
    But at times, I have to disagree.

    What is fair then?
    Is it fair to take away the things we have grown used to without warning?
    Is it fair to ban people for voicing out their opinions?

    Is it honestly fair?

    I don't know anymore.
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Stellar member of the community right there, ijs.

    So far they are closing some threads tat IF they knew the community they would know that they should be kept open.

    These new mod's need more time to learn THIS forum...not just others...but so far...
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Stellar member of the community right there, ijs.

    lol I hope grim doesn't get to serious with modding and stuff. He was more fun as a forum spammer b:surrenderb:sad

    Frankie please I am completely serious, in that case please tell me what did happen to spoons.
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So far they are closing some threads tat IF they knew the community they would know that they should be kept open.

    These new mod's need more time to learn THIS forum...not just others...but so far...

    Yes I've noticed that already =/

    Well we'll c how it goes

    edit: Sorry for double post, figured I'd be ninja'd
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Rose, I look up to you.
    But at times, I have to disagree.

    What is fair then?
    Is it fair to take away the things we have grown used to without warning?
    Is it fair to ban people for voicing out their opinions?

    Is it honestly fair?

    I don't know anymore.

    Things like this happen in all tings and you cannot always expect an answer. Spoon's just set the bar VERY high for any other GM.

    You will not get an answer on the Spoon's thing...better to let things be.

    Trust me on this...
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mhmm we'll never know.

    Then what is true Frankie??

    We never got a warning Spoons was leaving.
    He didn't even say good bye.
    Nobody has told us a thing of what happened to Spoons.

    I'm honestly sick of people who cover up lies after lies.

    Frankie, you're great and all.
    Seriously, I wouldn't take your job ever.

    But honestly, don't we deserve the truth at times like these too?
    how the heck do you even know what could've gone on? what if he quit in a mad rage over something that didnt go his way? what if he was whisked away by another company and he took off in a disgraceful manner (you know some of our GMs came staight from other games, orinj is a good example of one -_-; xarfox too, cept his game died first lol)

    quite frankly, what happened is none of the players business regardless of how honorably or dishonorably discharged.

    rather than be rude to frankie for no stupid reason, quit jumpin down his throat. i hated our previous CM, hate him like a cleric hates bosses that cancel BB (to prevent from saying extremely bad words here.) im glad he's gone, its been 9 months get the hell over it. leave frankie alone, s/he is a plenty good CM.

    back on topic...

    welcome to the gauntlet ladies and gents, or whatever gender you may be. may your welcome be err welcoming lol. and welcome to the family.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So far they are closing some threads that IF they knew the community they would know that they should be kept open.

    These new mod's need more time to learn THIS forum...not just others...but so far...

    This is also true.

    So far, the first few official actions (and I assume they were made by our moderators and not by Frankie) have been less then impressive, and I still have major concerns.

    But there's not been anything outrageous yet. Maybe we will get lucky.
  • Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    There are reason's for everything.

    As sad as it is Spoon's is no longer a GM and it suc's but to start up with all of this again is just not right...

    maybe its not right, but its a lesson

    This is why the community is so volatile these days because all we know is lies, if we were told the truth on many of the things we wouldn't have a reason to bring things up later or make stuff up
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    =( me sorries

    iz okay =]

    On topic:

    To cover up one lie means you have to lie again, and to cover up that lie you'll need an even bigger lie until you have finally convinced yourself that the lies you tell everyone else are the truth. At that point you will become PWE.
  • Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    There are reason's for everything.

    As sad as it is Spoon's is no longer a GM and it suc's but to start up with all of this again is just not right...

    I'm not saying we should bring Spoons back as a GM and kick Frankie at all.
    I'm not saying that at all.

    I'm just saying that we should have a right to know things.

    The reason to know things is why its in the United States Constitution.
    Its so we're not idiots and don't know whats going on.
    Thats why there is such thing as free speech and all.

    I just don't get why we're not being told anything anymore.
    Is it that hard to tell us a week before something happens?
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    already PM'd Frankie about the Mod moving a thread that wasnt suppose to be moved.......are u surprised I have yet to get a answer? Still waiting for a question I asked about TW months ago...........
  • Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    No wonder everything is full of bugs then if you hide them in the closet ............ Next to the skeletons, spoons, ani packs and business sense.

    ^Yeah... I don't know...Frankie didn't deny this....b:surrender
  • Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I remember when spoons first took over, he locked some stuff in the harshlands forums that people didn't feel needed to be locked. We all gave him **** for it, but he eventually won us over.

    FrankieRaye's had more than enough time to prove himself anything other than a detriment to this community, and he's failed.

    Kantorek and Sangodoc are really the only staff members I respect any more.
  • Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    leave frankie alone, s/he is a plenty good CM.

    You wanted to be a mod and you didn't even know Frankie is a guy..? WTG b:surrender
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anywho - bookmark to the forums deleted, as it's clear the company doesn't care about them any more.

    I'll likely keep playing PWI till PWE kills the game, but there's no reason to make these forums a regular stop anymore. Fire the only good mod you had, and hire 2 people who don't play and one of the biggest laughingstocks of the forum . . . I'm glad I was ready to refuse the offer even before Frankie realized I wasn't a PWE kiss-up.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    lol I hope grim doesn't get to serious with modding and stuff. He was more fun as a forum spammer b:surrenderb:sad

    Frankie please I am completely serious, in that case please tell me what did happen to spoons.

    solar, I am completely serious as well, and I can't disclose these matters because it would be a breach of another person's privacy for me to do so.
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anywho - bookmark to the forums deleted, as it's clear the company doesn't care about them any more.

    I'll likely keep playing PWI till PWE kills the game, but there's no reason to make these forums a regular stop anymore. Fire the only good mod you had, and hire 2 people who don't play and one of the biggest laughingstocks of the forum . . . I'm glad I was ready to refuse the offer even before Frankie realized I wasn't a PWE kiss-up.

    I'm going to miss your presence on here Ted.

    That's two down.

    I'm really hoping it's not going to be a hat trick.


    Frankie, you never did answer my question several pages back.

    Reds has been saying much the same thing I have. In fact, several people have. Why is it, out of all these people, you saw fit to only tell me to be quiet, and why is it out of all these people it was only I was told that "if I didn't have anything nice to say I shouldn't say anything at all"?

    I'd appreciate an answer at this point, and I'm sure the curious people would, too.
  • Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I remember when spoons first took over, he locked some stuff in the harshlands forums that people didn't feel needed to be locked. We all gave him **** for it, but he eventually won us over.

    FrankieRaye's had more than enough time to prove himself anything other than a detriment to this community, and he's failed.

    Kantorek and Sangodoc are really the only staff members I respect any more.

    I respected Kanto till he said what he said in the TW bidding Rules thread. look it upb:bye
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I remember when spoons first took over, he locked some stuff in the harshlands forums that people didn't feel needed to be locked. We all gave him **** for it, but he eventually won us over.

    FrankieRaye's had more than enough time to prove himself anything other than a detriment to this community, and he's failed.

    Kantorek and Sangodoc are really the only staff members I respect any more.

    No offense here frankie, you do an excellent job, but I have to agree.
    You haven't managed to win people over like some of the previous GM's, and that is a fact.

    I think the community as a whole would appreciate it if you would take into consideration the player's ideas and points of views before you make major edits to the game.

    But my opinion of kanto was also somewhat ruined when I read the TW thread
  • Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Joining the fray a little late, but oh well:

    Airyll, I just want to give a big +111111111 to your post earlier in which you stated that you wouldn't become a mod due to past flames/heated debates/outspokenness. Not that I'm totally against you or anything-I just thought it admirable for you to recognise that that is not the qualities one looks for in a mod.

    And that's what I think is confusing people here...lots of posts saying Hamsta for mod etc. etc, when his only redeeming quality (in terms of mod-ness) is that we know he's active due to post count. This is why I disapprove of some of our most well known forumgoers becoming mods; I think it's usually done for all the wrong reasons. Having a reputation already is nice and all, but as others have said, Ary, Andracil, Hawk, all our other older mods had no reputations prior to their appointments. I disapproved of Konari becoming mod because I felt it was done merely because of his supposed "activity"...yet he was essentially a spammer. And look what happened- he didn't do much once he actually got the position, and then vanished off the face of the earth.

    We need all the outspoken voices already here to keep doing what they do best: give their detailed feedback and opinions and humour to threads, things that mods can't really do as much.

    That being said, it's not a terrible thing to have unknowns as long as they quickly prove themselves. I've been in the shadows for a terribly long time (look at my post count and join date, pretty low compared to some), but I've still been around for most of the major events on the forum and know what's going on. So I will suspend judgment on the new ones because this could be the case for them too. But they should act ASAP; I feel like the community is very quick to get outraged these days...

    Good luck.
  • Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anywho - bookmark to the forums deleted, as it's clear the company doesn't care about them any more.

    I'll likely keep playing PWI till PWE kills the game, but there's no reason to make these forums a regular stop anymore. Fire the only good mod you had, and hire 2 people who don't play and one of the biggest laughingstocks of the forum . . . I'm glad I was ready to refuse the offer even before Frankie realized I wasn't a PWE kiss-up.

    Who is going to answer meh questions and correct them now? b:cry
  • Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    solar, I am completely serious as well, and I can't disclose these matters because it would be a breach of another person's privacy for me to do so.

    Well, thats an answer.
    Don't see why it was that hard to say it but yeah.

    Frankie, I obviously don't know how you feel.
    You being the CM should know what works or not.
    I appreciate you doing all this for us.

    But the new forum mods?
    Back ground information before choosing please.
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And btw PM me and I will tell you exactly what happened to Spoons :3

    And no I didn't mean I'd never post again - just that I won't waste my time coming here on a regular basis. If they HAD to pick a poster on these forums, they couldn't have done a worse job to be mod . . . unless they considered Mysti . . . oh wait - they DID >:D
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anywho - bookmark to the forums deleted, as it's clear the company doesn't care about them any more.

    I'll likely keep playing PWI till PWE kills the game, but there's no reason to make these forums a regular stop anymore. Fire the only good mod you had, and hire 2 people who don't play and one of the biggest laughingstocks of the forum . . . I'm glad I was ready to refuse the offer even before Frankie realized I wasn't a PWE kiss-up.

    You say what i want to say. I didnt want to risk ban, or wait its usually warning first unless sending malware links xD.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Anywho - bookmark to the forums deleted, as it's clear the company doesn't care about them any more.

    I'll likely keep playing PWI till PWE kills the game, but there's no reason to make these forums a regular stop anymore. Fire the only good mod you had, and hire 2 people who don't play and one of the biggest laughingstocks of the forum . . . I'm glad I was ready to refuse the offer even before Frankie realized I wasn't a PWE kiss-up.

    We'll miss you ted.
    solar, I am completely serious as well, and I can't disclose these matters because it would be a breach of another person's privacy for me to do so.

  • Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    solar, I am completely serious as well, and I can't disclose these matters because it would be a breach of another person's privacy for me to do so.

    o.O ummmm we hear every day( well not every day) CEO blah blah resigns due to sex scandal. CEO resigns due to this scandal. No such thing anymore via the internet as a person's privacy b:surrender
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Right now, the new mods will be actively at work trying to find things to do. This is going to lead to immediate inconsistency and ****-mod-isms. After all, they want to look like they're doing something, it's going to take them a while to be able to make snap judgements on what should and shouldn't stay. So let them sink in for a week or so before we can really start seeing how they'll act. Right now, they have the new job feeling of 'having to impress' and it's surely not going to win anyone.

    They really need to just step back and watch... and only get involved if things are blatantly out of hand... Right now they're still enamoured with the enhanced 'thread tools' tab.

    The reason to know things is why its in the United States Constitution.
    Its so we're not idiots and don't know whats going on.
    Thats why there is such thing as free speech and all.

    I just don't get why we're not being told anything anymore.
    Is it that hard to tell us a week before something happens?

    There are no Constitutional rights here. This is not a democracy and you do not have a right to free speech here.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    There are no Constitutional rights here. This is not a democracy and you do not have a right to free speech here.

    That was just an example.

    I'm just saying that why can't we know things before it happens?
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm not saying we should bring Spoons back as a GM and kick Frankie at all.
    I'm not saying that at all.

    I'm just saying that we should have a right to know things.

    The reason to know things is why its in the United States Constitution.
    Its so we're not idiots and don't know whats going on.
    Thats why there is such thing as free speech and all.

    I just don't get why we're not being told anything anymore.
    Is it that hard to tell us a week before something happens?

    You do not have the right to know if it does breach the privacy of another and in this case it would most definitely do so.

    I would drop this one is not worth it for the info and overall...ijs
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    are no Constitutional rights here. This is not a democracy and you do not have a right to free speech here.

    Oh Michael, this has been made quite obvious.

    I think that was just used as an example. If anybody was honestly foolish enough to think they had the real right of free speech here, I would point them in the direction of several banned, or possibly going-to-be-banned members.
This discussion has been closed.